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13876570 No.13876570[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are American children only intelligent enough to speak one language?

>> No.13876580

Language acquisition is not a sign of intelligence. There are many bilingual persons with an IQ of 80 or less. Often, learning a second language is done out of economic nessicity and gain rather than any sort of true move toward wisdom. If you're going to learn another language, it must be Latin or Ancient Greek. Otherwise, it's just a useless vanity for conversing with cruel creatures.

>> No.13876593

This. Except the part about "it must be Latin or Ancient Greek."

>> No.13876594

>Euros think knowing their mother tongue + English is impressive

>> No.13876606

I never thought Europeans were stupid until I started browsing 4chan. It's like they are unable to notice basic cause & effect patterns and have no nuance to their thought.

>> No.13876649

Europeans seem perma-butthurt about being #2 to America so they take a lot of jabs at us. Sad!

>> No.13876655

ITT: Americans trying to cope lmao
A high class eurofag usually speaks at least german, english and french + his mother tongue and, due to cognates and latin has a basic understanding of written italian, protuguese, dutch, danish etc
this autistic swedish shill is more fluent IN OUR LANGUAGE than 56% of your population
american brainlets kekmao

>> No.13876654

Everyone here seems to blame an out-group for something

>> No.13876659

Europeans are way closer to each other so learning more languages is much more utilitarian inherently, but spanish is becoming arguably more important here better or for worse

>> No.13876663

German and Russian are based

>> No.13876667

Damn some actual truth dropped on you dum dums...

> it must be Latin or Ancient Greek. Otherwise, it's just a useless vanity for conversing with cruel creatures.

...Oh no, it's retarded.

>> No.13876671

Dutch and Danish are basically German and English fucking I took German and I can easily read Dutch because the root words and verbs are all pretty much the same. And there are so many Mexicans here that most of us have a basic understanding of Spanish enough to talk to the illegals

>> No.13876683

Because English is the modern Latin or French. Anyone who is worth a piss knows it.

>> No.13876689

>Often, learning a second language is done out of economic nessicity and gain rather than any sort of true move toward wisdom.
You're american, aren't you?

>> No.13876691

What is the worst sounding European language and why is it French?

>> No.13876692

>Americans being this delusional

No one thinks Americans are more superior, lol. You're the butt of jokes everywhere else.

>> No.13876694

>most of us have a basic understanding of Spanish enough to talk to the illegals
(X) Doubt

>> No.13876695

The average person in the UK can speak German, French, Dutch + one of their choice. You have no excuses

>> No.13876707

You just say "Mira, mira, limpiarte el bano." Or something like, "Trabaje tu, cinco dollars?"

>> No.13876715
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well they have the excuse that their eduational system is FUBAR, and they are delusional about americas fading relevancy.
Plus americans are almost all brainlets.

>> No.13876721

Lol no they can't. The average person in the UK can barely slur out English properly.

>> No.13876727

Yeah, but why would I when I already know English?

>> No.13876737

You've never been to the UK

>> No.13876739

t. someone who has never actually been to the UK
hahahaha holy shit I hope you don't sincerely believe this is the case

>> No.13876744

Why do people claim this when urban areas are incredibly diverse? Not all Americans were even born in the country

>> No.13876769
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>mfw my high school taught German.

>> No.13876770

>be me, on holiday in miami
>enter some bakery
>only spics work there
>wanna order food but noone there speaks english
>staffmember retreats to the kitchen to get the cook
>he's a spic too but talks rudimentary english

>every uber i took was a native spanish speakers (mostly from cuba)
>around maybe 15% of the people there actually speak correct english without stuttering, butchered pronounciations or spanish thrown in

so diverse, spanish and english natives who can't properly communicate with each other

i pity your whole retarded continent

>> No.13876787

>Go to a Spanish majority location
>Surprised when they speak Spanish
>Feel entitled enough to think that everyone should speak the only language you know

>> No.13876804

you are projecting, i'm european ^.^
last time i checked the national language in the USA was english.
your american reading comprehension really shows.

>> No.13876810

Imagine knowing less than 3 languages fluently
Americans literally have zero excuses

>> No.13876815

Keeping the populace dumb and proud is common defense mechanism of the ruling elites

>> No.13876823

Im not American

>> No.13876828

>Everything bad is capitalism
you are just as bad as /pol/ and their scapegoats and don't try to ">everything bad is /pol/" me

>> No.13876832
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Florida is our national joke state anon why on earth would you go to that God forsaken place

>> No.13876834

No, but the American bastardisation of capitalism is absolutely horrific.
Take a look at a decent country like Germany, Rhine capitalism is clearly the way to go

>> No.13876839

Yeah they should be able to speak both especially if they live in a country where both are very important now. Goes for the hwhites too

>> No.13876844

Thats generally how everyone else does it

>> No.13876846

The US doesn't have an official language, yuropoor.

>> No.13876851

She is unironically smarter than the average voting American citizen, which isn't exactly a compliment.

>> No.13876853

Actually with plural nouns you use fewer not less. So you should be saying fewer than three not less than three.

>> No.13876856
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The average person in the UK cant even speak english right

>> No.13876864

Why do you think I hate it so much? I’ve looked into it.
Pols scapegoat is to blame jews for the way capitalism does them wrong. Jews are in banking, jews are in politics. Big deal. Capitalism is in everything. It’s very nature is corruption.

>clearly being the winner of capitalism is the way to go

>> No.13876866

Imagine clinging to prescriptive grammar simply because you want to prove that "haha you made a mistake yuropoor" while ignoring the actual common usage

>> No.13876869

That's not a real rule. It's one of those prescriptions that has never matched actual usage, like saying you can't end a sentence with a preposition.

>> No.13876879

The common usage is annoying and sounds stupid.

>> No.13876880


>> No.13876888
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>> No.13876889
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Why is it every thread you slide your greasy pussy into you imediately default to blaming capitalism for for something? Its never even remotely close to the topic at hand. Do you have brain damage? Did a banker beat you? Did you lose an arguement with your dad?

>> No.13876895

I like living in skyscrapers (at least temporarily) and have been to NY, LA, and Vegas prior, was the next best option at the time.
not visiting your dystopian shithole ever again btw.
>american reading comprehension at it again xD
national =/= official

>> No.13876897

Our schools wait until you're like 14 years old to start teaching a language and the education basically consists of memorizing lists of words

>> No.13876903

Allee, tis wèr zunne over ut perd gestauwde méés. Good luck with reading Dutch.

>> No.13876967

American education at it once again
The question is: who to blame?

>> No.13876969

Butterfly, it is easier now than ever, under capitalism, to learn a new language. Anyone can go buy a textbook, download an app, find lectures on YouTube, or take a class. Anyone, all things being equal, could learn piano, violin, and at least two extra languages before they die. People just don’t want to. People are either too lazy or not intelligent enough or simply not interested. This has 0 to do with capitalism, since it is mostly capitalism that has opened the door for these sorts of opportunities.

>> No.13876979

Must be a flyover and southern thing, they taught spanish from first grade here in the northeast

>> No.13876985

>could learn piano, violin
No you couldn't
Anyone who unironically claims this has never played an instrument. You need a dedicated teacher or really good music school for this

>> No.13876999

>No you couldn't
speak for yourself, retard
you got all the teachers and literature you could ever need at your fingertipps.

>> No.13877007

Not true in the remotest. There are many people who are self taught in those instruments and some of them go on to be amazing musicians (Ryo Fukui, for example). The internet especially has opened up huge opportunities for anyone to learn if they really wanted to. The only reason for having a tutor or a music school is to provide you with discipline and structure.

>> No.13877034

>saxophonist Hidehiko Matsumoto who offered valuable encouragement and guidance
Also amazing musician ≠ amazing pianist
Lol all the literature in the world won't help you if you don't have any guidance.

>> No.13877053

>>when you don't have any guidance
>implying the literature itself isn't guidance
>implying there are no good piano players on the internet
>implying playing the fucking piano is rocket science
stay delusional brainlet

>> No.13877054

Why is it that you bring my genitalia in the actual topic at hand? This is the question asked and this IS the answer. Stop and think about it, Bucky.
I know what’s going on, I’m living in it, you NEET bastard.

It’s easy, but discouraged. It’s easy, if you have the time. These are two of the major reasons people usually only dabble in learning a second languages. It has everything to do with the culture that capitalism bred here.
It is as I’ve said. The ruling elites never encourage their populace to become too smart. The US just takes it to absurd lengths. This “lazy” country is one of the hardest working, but now getting massive layoffs, people in the world. The profits go right to the top

>> No.13877064

Better than just English though.

>> No.13877084

>At the age of 22 he began to teach himself piano and soon moved to Tokyo. Fukui met occasionally with saxophonist Hidehiko Matsumoto who offered valuable encouragement and guidance to the aspiring pianist. Nonetheless, Fukui was often disheartened, feeling as though he was not making significant improvement in his playing.[1]
I don’t think “occasionally meeting” with someone is the same as having a “dedicated tutor or great music school”. But I would argue further and say that it’s possible to teach yourself without any personal guidance at all. We literally have video series on YouTube and elsewhere done by professional piano tutors which cover everything that’s necessary. Then we have textbooks and apps dedicated to this. And also online forums/online tutors who will give you personal guidance if necessary. Any dedicated person can do this.

>> No.13877088

You're one of those inferiority complex euro's whos desperately fuming that his country of origin is irrelevant and your pathetic national language is dieing. Even more funny is that no one is trying to kill it, we are simply so much more powerful and internationally relevant that your language is dieing out of its sheer irrelevance! How cool is that!

>> No.13877114

Literally pretty much any randomly picked European country is more relevant historically than the USA in the grand scheme of things

>> No.13877124

That argument works only if you assume that the goals of your military and economic sector coincide with the ones of the general American population. They clearly don't.
To put it bluntly, the US is stronger, but American people are way more cucked than us, since they see very few benefits from their hegemonic power. Imagine being envious of people who cannot undergo through a medical emergency without going bankrupt. Imagine being jealous of people who have to go into crippling debt to get a decent education, lol. I might as well be envious of Russian people

>> No.13877133

This, it's the same mentality as with Russians actually.
"Lol, we so powerful, we had 1/5 of the land mass once, muh military might, muh nukes"
Still doesn't do shit for the average russki, same for the average murifat. Keep wagecucking while we have a relaxed work life balance and actually enjoy being here

>> No.13877135

Do you think that people would be more intelligent by just getting rid of capitalism?

>> No.13877139

The average Bong is a low class inbred retard who can't even speak the Queen's English, let alone another language.

>> No.13877160

not being trilingual at least is embarrassing

>> No.13877170

I actually am quadrilingual but I only count languages I'm actually fluent in so it's trilingual for me

>> No.13877188

You're such an NPC it's actually unbelievable. The meme was made specifically with you in mind; it had to be.

Answer me this then: why weren't people speaking 13 languages and playing all sorts of musical instruments in the USSR, and why are they still not doing that in Cuba and Vietnam?

>> No.13877202

Because those weren't/aren't communist countries, all of their modes of production were/are capitalist

>> No.13877215

>The USSR was capitalist
Can't tell who's worse for this board, the /pol/tards or the leftist ideologues

>> No.13877251

The United States is mostly isolated, only sharing its border with a spanish speaking nation, and another english speaking nation. Europe has many, many different languages that are often in contiguous countries, which necessitates that one be bilingual or more. The United States also has both the fortunate, and unfortunate, distinction of being the most powerful country with a language that is the current lingua franca, meaning that (for the US citizen) being bilingual is usually unnecessary since the onus is on other people to learn the language out of necessity.

>> No.13877327

I don't see how you could classify the USSR's economic as anything but capitalist, even if you analyze it through marxist theory (since they care about material conditions rather than mere ideology).
It's time for you to take the bordigapill

>> No.13877355

you're the NPC dogshit dumbfuck.
they still spoke more than 1 language and were definitely more cultured than the NPC failsons like you that inhabit the USA

>> No.13877356

If you can't at the bare minimum read English, German, French, Ancient Greek, and Latin, then you have no business being here.

>> No.13877361

why would they bother when everyone else learn theirs

>> No.13877372

you realize the center-right causes homosexuality

>> No.13877470

The average person in UK writes their native dialect phonetically on Facebook.

>> No.13877482
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Imagine if all US states had a different language

>> No.13877483

>implying everyone in the UK can even understand each other's english dialects

>> No.13877612

Generally, yeah. They’d certainly have enough time to pursue enlightening hobbies if they chose to.

I know a Russian woman who speaks four languages. They’re far better read than the US prison labor camp. Do you even know what noc stands for?

>> No.13877630

Hah! I live in Miami Dade. Most of the young people speak English fluently, it's the 30+ year olds who rarely speak English. Even if you know both English and Spanish, there's a large number of Haitians that you will be unable to communicate with.

>> No.13877660


I'm really comfortable listening to Americans speak and generally more attuned to their linguistic psyche as if they were my own and that's having lived in a bubble for expats during childhood. On the otherside, I'm more drawn towards Brits professionally. I think I'm best suited for western anglo saxon protestants.

>> No.13877667

Most euros aren't impressed by knowing two languages. Many euro countries have two or three official languages and very few countries teach English as the second European language to kids. In some parts of Switzerland, you have to speak four languages to just get by, and none of them are English.

>> No.13877670

>in the grand scheme of things
What a cope. In the past this is true, as America has only existed for about 250 years. How could America be relevant when it didn't exist at the time? What kind of insane expectations do you have? America must pull off great feats at a time when it didn't exist? Now that America is a superpower, your country is irrelevant. In the true grand scheme of things(the future, if you need it spelled out for you), your country will be irrelevant entirely.

>> No.13877686

>Can't tell who's worse for this board
It doesn't matter who is worst. They're both bad. They're both off-topic. Now tell them to go to >>>/pol/ and report them for off-topic derailing of language threads.

>> No.13877716


>> No.13877718
File: 8 KB, 251x201, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is so integral to global and internet culture that English is the free space on the language bingo card. You're just at a disadvantage if your only native language is English.

>> No.13877765

there's nothing more easy than to trigger americans who think they are better than everyone else lol.
this is why you're never taken seriously

>> No.13877797

Imagine if you didn't post that picture and you had normal fulfillable sexual fantasies

>> No.13877841

american ethnocentrism is literally pathological.
t. superior frenchman who lived amongst anglo filth

>> No.13877931

based retarded american cope

>> No.13877956
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>> No.13877979

The people who are at the most economic or social disadvantage are people who speak little to no English, which is still a large portion of the world.

>> No.13877988

Brits and americans think that because they can't do it. In most European countries it's normal to know 2, not uncommon to know 3, pretty uncommon or quite impressive to know 4

>> No.13878005


>> No.13878014

You don't have to go full Jezebel media on me. I'm just saying you get two languages if your of the economic class that is able to shitpost on 4chan and your first language is something other than English. I'm not talking about "disadvantage" in the general sense.

>> No.13878023

German university admission typically requires you to have studied two foreign language. But admittedly we are talking about basic level here, the required French as a third language I took was very basic.

>> No.13878024

Euros spend way more time thinking about this kind of shit than vice versa. Americans won't start laying into European culture and critiquing European foreign policy to their faces like Euros seem to feel entitled to do to Americans. I don't think it's so much Anti-American butthurt as the Old World's resentment of the New. I'm sure other nations held the same attitude to the French and British during their time of global dominance. But in my experience French and Spanish people are particularly bitter about Americans for whatever reason.

>> No.13878029

Gawker Media I mean

>> No.13878040

>and were definitely more cultured than the NPC failsons like you that inhabit the USA
In socialist Eastern Europe, it was quite common for universty professors to live next to simple workers. Simple street cleaners went to the theater and visited libraries.

That all changed with capitalism which provided less challenging entertainment.

>> No.13878098

I'm sure you'd be up in arms if European foreign policy affected US territory. I mean the banana wars were bad enough and those were just US interests in foreign countries, not US territory.

>> No.13878131

What has that got to do with anything? The argument was whether capitalism was the cause of people not knowing multiple languages and playing multiple instruments. I brought up the USSR to demonstrate that even in non-capitalist countries people were not much different in terms of education on these matters. People aren't going out of their way to learn languages and instruments because most of them aren't interested in such intellectual pursuits, regardless of what economic system they live under.

>> No.13878595

It has nothing to do with intelligence. My IQ is in the 90s and I speak three languages fluently.

>> No.13878603

Because ketchups is a vegetable
Also butthurt burger retards aplenty itt