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13843903 No.13843903 [Reply] [Original]

books on losing your faith?

>> No.13843911

Highschool is tough, huh op

>> No.13843921

I've read so many books about people finding faith, but I can't name any about losing it. It seems like an interesting topic for a book.

>> No.13843922

Top kek

>> No.13843926

The God Delusion.

>> No.13843929

probably Camus, Kafka or Beckett idk
Dostoevsky talk about losing faith but he always portrays it as a very negative thing and contrasts it with finding faith

>> No.13843930
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How about a book on gaining it

>> No.13843953

The Silmarillion

>> No.13843960 [SPOILER] 
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my diary desu tbrqhwy family

>> No.13843961

San Manuel Bueno, Mártir

>> No.13844013

If you’re ok with reading fiction, Night by Elie Wiesel

>> No.13844024

The scene with the mastubation machines really broke my immersion

>> No.13844025
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The Antichrist

>> No.13844295
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>> No.13844478

One does not lose Faith - one loses hope. Hope pertains to transient mundane wish; Faith pertains to constant vision, and knowledge, of eternity.

>> No.13844479

Dark night of the soul

>> No.13845577

God, How can you be real if mom keeps being a bitch and telling me to mow the lawn. If you were real you'd let me play fortnite and smoke weed all day!

>> No.13845602

Anything by Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Stirner

>> No.13845613
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>believing in things for which there's literally zero empirical evidence makes you a big boy adult

>> No.13845625


The empirical evidence for God is faith. But if you haven’t experienced faith then this won’t make sense.

>> No.13845629


No, that's merely insisting that a proposition is true without presenting any evidence for it

>> No.13845631

Jesus you killed him man

>> No.13845866


Again, the evidence is in faith itself. If you don’t have faith it won’t make sense, but people with it have made this fact known for centuries now.

“To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” - Thomas Aquinas

>> No.13845877


Based on that reasoning, that would also make Islam true

>> No.13845882

The Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man

>> No.13846035

oh nonono here comes the misinterpretation that Nietzsche was a pessimist

>> No.13846596


Lol I am Muslim so, yeah, it fully corroborates Islamic thought of faith. "Those whom Allah guides, none can misguide them, both those who He does not guide, none can guide them" (i am paraphrasing but this is the gist of the ayat)

>> No.13846738

"Don Manuel Bueno, Mártir", by Miguel de Unamuno. It's about a priest who loses his faith and struggles to regain it with no success. However, in order to maintain the high spirits of his simple and humble tiny town, he pretends to still believe for the sake of his people. The author went through a similar experience, so it is biographical and not entirely fictional.

>> No.13846820

There’s overwhelming evidence that the cognitive mechanisms that produce “faith” are epistemically unreliable.

>> No.13846989


Lol alright man idk what to tell ya

>> No.13847003

You mean nihilist?
Yeah, I hate that. He isn’t either.

>> No.13847099

Maybe Siddhartha?

>> No.13848383

Maybe try "The Power and the Glory" by Graham Greene

>> No.13848411
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I've tried to find a good book on this too but haven't had any success yet. But if you havent' seen it Ingmar Bergman's Winter Light is a compelling movie about a priest's crisis of faith.

>> No.13848448

"you have to believe in the magic trick for it to work"

>> No.13848459

That Aquinas quote follows the same tautological reasoning New Age gurus use to convince people of their woo-woo. Saying if you have faith no explanation is necessary is tantamount to saying if you have faith you have faith.

>> No.13848471

only worthwhile replies

>> No.13848583

based islam poster

>> No.13848703


Yes, that is the point. If you get it, you get it, if you don't, you don't. Faith transcends rationality.

>> No.13848827

How are you supposed to get it, though? I simply don't, hard as I try, despite having been raised a Christian.

>> No.13848854


Prayer. Pray humbly and sincerely and with time the Lord will make his presence known to you. Even if it seems illogical you have to pray. Pray with your heart, pray about anything but you really must pray. The prayer is the rope to God! The fact that you are even considering this is a very very good sign trust that. Read the scripture as well, Torah, Bible, or Quran. Obviously as a Muslim I rec the Quran but if you feel most comfortable with Christianity then just read it (please don't pray to Jesus or saints or anything like that though). But again, ignore what people drowned in philosophy and logic tell you on this matter. God is beyond that, just pray.

>> No.13848870


Oh and to elaborate on "if you are considering it its a good sign". One of my favorite sayings is "if you take one step towards God, He takes 10 steps towards you" and it's completely true. You may feel like you arent doing it right or not trying hard enough but believe, if you sincerely want faith and want to be closer with God, then it is not a matter of coincidence. If you feel that your soul longs for the Lord then it may be that He has a beautiful plan for you! Best wishes anon, may He bless you!

>> No.13848871

Thank you. As I'm already very familiar with the Bible, I'll try reading the Quran next.