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13843242 No.13843242 [Reply] [Original]

I grew up a Catholic but lost my faith during my edgy teenage years. Recently I've been dealing with depression and I can't help but feel that I need to find God. One of the things that I struggle with is the existence of God itself. Any books that give a good argument for God and also, books that will help me find my faith in Catholicism and God again?
Bless you, frens.

>> No.13843246

My other question is what translation of St. Augustine's Confessions is the best, and what I should read (if I have to) before tackling Confessions.

>> No.13843249

He is so much closer than you think

>> No.13843255
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pic related but really you don't need proof

also: >>13836158

>> No.13843266

Literally me. I've found God ever since.

>> No.13843267

I've gradually been realizing the flaws in the "why suffering if god good" and "why gay people bad" arguments, so I feel like I'm open to change. Could you elaborate on why I dont need proof and how I should find Him without it?

>> No.13843272
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>> No.13843277

I'm glad that you found Him in your life. I'm working hard and hoping that I can regain my faith again.

>> No.13843281

would you say that this is a hard read? i dont have too much experience with philosophy but am eager to take the necessary steps in order to understand pic related book.

>> No.13843283

This >>13843255 is a good book. Aquinas' proofs in particular are very good. I believe Leibniz has a proof for God that's also good.

Also, /lit/ is not going to like me telling you this, but you might start looking up documented miracles confirmed by the Church. Stuff like Eucharistic miracles, Marian apparitions, healings, that sort of thing. If 'evidence' is what you seek, the Church likes to keep tabs on the good stuff.

>> No.13843289

Sure. Because Jesus didn't ask for you to analyze him or his commands, he asked for your faith and obedience.

>> No.13843290

Based Big Bibles Matthew Fox has very thoughtful words on this exact issue.

>My point is that the left has to open up. A lot of people in the left who are secular, if you will, they have not addressed what I would call their wounded religious child. A lot of the left that may have been Catholic, that may have been Jewish in their faith as children or something have been wounded by religion. A lot of people are wounded by religion. But if you’re going to be smart, you’re going to examine that. I’ll tell you, years ago I had a student in my program. And she came to me in October and she said, “I’m so frustrated. I thought this would be the most creative year of my life and I’m blocked. I can’t create anything.” I said, “Well, tell me a little about your life.” It turned out she was raised evangelical Baptist. She quit it all at 14 and went into the world. She became a feminist. She was a therapist and everything.

>I said, “Go back and write me a paper on what was good about being fundamentalist.” She said, “You’re kidding.” I said, “No.” She came back a few days later with a list: The music was good, the commitment to God was good, the teaching that you can experience God, and the community was good. All that was good. I said, “Great, now go on.” Then, she just utterly flourished. Utterly flourished. Became creative. When she graduated from our program, she went and was writing a weekly column in the San Francisco Chronicle on work and spirituality, great stuff. But notice, as a teenager, she left out of anger. Okay. But as an adult, she had to take a better look at that. There was something good there.

>And I think a lot of these leftists who are kind of trying to build the political system in a secular way have not done their examination of their own story. They should ask, “What was good about being a Jew? What was good about being a Catholic?”

>> No.13843293

no not really. The only difficulty is that there are many fragments, and some of the sections may seem like a string of short quotes. In these sections, you can’t just read at normal speed, but pause and think before you go on, because the adjacent fragments might not be that related

>> No.13843297

>believing in a sky fairy


>> No.13843299

Deuteronomy 4:29
>But from there you will seek the Lord your God and you will find him, if you search after him with all your heart and with all your soul.
Proverbs 8:17
>I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.
Jeremiah 29:13
>You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
Matthew 7:7-8
>Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.
Isaiah 55:6-7
>Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.
Lamentations 3:25
>The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.
James 4:8
>Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
2 Chronicles 7:14
>If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
Matthew 5:6
>Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

>> No.13843303

Thomas Merton brought be to God. Pick up any of his earlier writings like his memoir.

St Augustine - Confessions

James Keefe - How Not To Be Secular

Introduction fo Catholic Theology - Bsp Barron

Letters To A Young Catholic - George Weigel

The Rule of St Benedict

Anything by Emerson

Simone Weil - Gravity & Grace

>> No.13843306

*tips fedora*

>> No.13843311
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>Stuff like Eucharistic miracles, Marian apparitions, healings, that sort of thing. If 'evidence' is what you seek, the Church likes to keep tabs on the good stuff.
Non-christfag here who used to be obsessed with that stuff out of a desperate desire to believe. Pic is a book I read on Fatima, probably one of the better ones. I wish the event were more thoroughly sourced. It's a shame no seriously investigative books about it have, to my knowledge, been published. I entertained fanciful notions of doing something like that myself at same point. Still a fascinating event.

>> No.13843313


>> No.13843322

what would you say is a good bible version to purchase? i hear kjv a lot, but ive read on websites that kjv isnt ideal for a catholic. any recs? preferably amazon specific

>> No.13843324
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same here

age 13
>um fuck god lol no kings or gods

age 17
>space colonies will save us, thank u based Sagan

age 21
> who cares lol get laid, should I be a skinhead?

age 30
>Kyrie eléison, Christe eléison

>> No.13843340
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>the Bible isn't a book, religious books aren't books
the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.13843342

Go back reddit

>> No.13843351

Catholics use NAB or NASB in service. I like NRSV, it's not the prettiest but I feel it is the most accurate.

>> No.13843357

G.K. Chesterton's The Ball and the Cross, perhaps also his Orthodoxy.

>> No.13843358

Internet Christians are the new Reddit Atheists. You will cringe at this phase

>> No.13843364

>Christianity is a phase

>> No.13843380
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>> No.13843383

I have been wanting to read this myself, I know Dr. Carrier debunked most of it(link below), but I am still interested as I've heard good things about it.

>> No.13843424

what should i read before reading confessions? and is penguin version a good pick?

>> No.13843435

Nothing. Just read confessions. The penguin version is fine.

>> No.13843445

luv u anon. hope u have awesum week.

>> No.13843446

i thought the oxford v is better

>> No.13843495

Thomas Williams

>> No.13843508

Are you me?

>> No.13843509

There is no point in converting back since even if you do believe in God it would not mean that Christianity is the sensible solution to your problems, you're better off following something that isn't rooted in slave-morality, or better yet, go get some help

>> No.13843515

>Any books that give a good argument for God

>> No.13843582

Seriously? There is no phase after this one. Either you hold onto the cross or you fall off the cliff.
I mean look around you.

>> No.13843705
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Give Shia Islam a chance. Look into the lives of the 12 Imams, at the very least, they will make you a better Christian, and if not that, a better person.

>> No.13843714


>> No.13843717

I just don’t know if the west is ready for Islam, their hardly ready for their own Christ. I would love to see the Quran discussed more on /lit/

>> No.13843718
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And you'll find that he matches his high worlds with his high actions

>> No.13843746
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well I gave it a shot haha
It's the "you have to follow the laws of God" bit that they can't stand. Degenerates want to live their lives free to do whatever they please, relieving every urge that they feel with no attempt to control it. They've abandoned Christ.

>> No.13843754

>well I gave it a shot haha
yeah and you're cringe for it, you can't even say that without tacking on "haha" after

>> No.13843760

Relax buddy

>> No.13843772
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Books about Saints, or written by Saints

>> No.13843803

>that kjv isnt ideal for a catholic
kjv is pretty exclusively a Protestant thing. I've heard its generally the one fundamentalists obsess over (as in its the truestword of God, even over the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic), but my only irl reference is a Born-Again relative who swears by it.

official Catholic bibles or works will have "Nihil obstat" and "imprimatur" on the verso.

>> No.13843817

what made you lost your faith in the first place?

>> No.13843843
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not OP but: technology, mass media

>> No.13844083

Things went pretty badly and I became suicidal. Didn't know who or what to blame so I assumed that my suffering was an indication of the absence of a benevolent deity. It was a childish way of thinking and I see why a lot of people call atheism a phase.

>> No.13844233
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>mass media
huge problem. Ask Mel Gibson

pic related I guess.

>> No.13844255
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>implying being raised by technology from childhood through adolescence and young adulthood is not an alienating experience
just look at the average 4chan user for goodness sake

the up side is technology has allowed me to educate myself to the point of being well prepared for anything, matured me beyond the average normie, and personal initiative and fortitude has earned me an opportunity to prepare for even greater things.

>> No.13844262

>well prepared for anything

can you kill a chicken and cook it ? without looking an online tutorial.

>> No.13844268

easily. i haven't needed to, but sure i've dressed whole chickens before. cutting the throat isn't much more difficult. just turn them upside down in a cone and slice. then pluck.

>> No.13844276

I suggest Thomas Paine's "The Age of Reason"

>> No.13844284

friendly reminder that the more secular/non-religious a country is, the less crime and higher rates of happiness metrics it has

>> No.13844508

Have you been to Estonia you fucking retard

>> No.13844935
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>that gif
now I finally understand pic related

>> No.13844952


>> No.13845033

Read scholastic philosophy and apologetics. Faith and theology need not be contrary to reason but is above it as metaphysics is above science.

>> No.13845554

Forcing dogma on kids is a poor method of developping spiritual awareness and a relationship with the divine.
I was a fedora, then I read Kierkegaard, then did most of the drugs, I cut that shit out, now I'm Baptized and a content Lutheran.

>> No.13846543
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A good one against Christian pacifism. Removes all doubt

>> No.13846606

>I need to find God.
No, let God find you. Think of the parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Prodigal Son. Open your heart and let the Holy Spirit within. Go to mass and confession too.

>> No.13846769

*counts anal beads*

Reading Confessiones is the closest I got to finding my way back to the church, but I realised that I was just in awe of Augustine who is extremely based and had a huge brain.

>> No.13847078
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The Holy Bible, but a King James Version, not Douay Rheims or other cathlic versions. They have the same corruption that's present in NIV and other modern versions. Long story short, the work salvation doctrine is false, despite what you were taught.

>> No.13847167

you american cunt don't know Pascal ? one of the best christian philosopher ever and one of the best french writer

>> No.13847423

Pascal is trash

>> No.13847459

I don't read anything written by the french

>> No.13847733
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incorrect translations make me so mad

>> No.13847736
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>he buys into happiness metrics

>> No.13847763

>he discounts happiness metrics
it's because your country is trash, right?

>> No.13847780

>a good argument
Those exist, but you'll have to be prepared to lose.

>> No.13847789

Majority of any population is lower class. Lower class has low quality needs. Not so that they are ascetics, but in that they are extremely limited.
It's like asking Downs kids anything and treating their expression as the absolute state of the Universe.

>> No.13847895

>Lower class has low quality needs
>they are extremely limited
this is based on what? I think you'll find outside of druggie burnout types, the lower class is extremely similar to the higher class, just with less capital

>> No.13848035

>Not posting the Greek and Latin sources beside it

>> No.13848684

>the lower class is extremely similar to the higher class, just with less capital
Merchants are not upper class except in a society run by lower class ideals, such as envy (equality).

>> No.13848840

>Any books that give a good argument for God

There are books, but I suggest you pray earnestly, and ask God - or make a conditional prayer to a God that possibly exists - for the gift of faith. To be able to "see" the truth of his existence.

But do pray *earnestly". And repeatedly.
Consider getting down on your knees. You can do this in a private place, no one need know.

Trust in the goodness of God.

By praying you are *already* cooperating with God's grace.

Keep in mind: Mercy is a feature -- it's in His nature. He can't not be merciful.

Thus, throw - abandon - yourself on His mercy.

>and also, books that will help me find my faith in Catholicism and God again?

I highly recommend:

>A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken

>The Seven-Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton

Another book I strongly recommend is Spiritual Journeys edited by Robert Baram, a really first-rate collection of conversion stories. I've read many such collections, and this is one of the best and most interesting of the lot. It's got some great short memoirs of conversion experiences, from every walk of life.

Here is a link to the general Amazon listing for the book, which has an absurdly priced copy as the primary price:

And **here** is a link to reasonably priced used copies of the book:

Buy this book and read, fren.

>> No.13848847

Yes,you need to find God and you wont find him on 4chan

>> No.13848994

You’ll never get rid of the reddit association lol

>> No.13849077

It's been a phase for 2000 yrs buddy andbreligion in general much longer, fedorism if anything is the phase.

>> No.13849815

William James Varieties of Religious Experience.

>> No.13850734

are you using the terminology of class while not referring to financial status? also, which society are you referring to which is not run in large part on greed?

>> No.13850767

Read some William Lane Craig. His Evangelism is all about having actual reasonable arguments for believing God exists.