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13842381 No.13842381[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I need any and all literature about pornography and its dangers. Any form really, whether fiction or non-fiction. I can’t take this anymore

>> No.13842387

You need a book to tell you how immensely bad pornography is?, yeah you’re retarded

>> No.13842389


what was i saying?

>> No.13842398

Does masterbating to videos of yourself master bating count as porn? I’ve never done this before I just wanted to respond. Hey. What’s up. My shirt is blue. That Tarantino movie was pretty cool

>> No.13842403

Stop blaming other things for your cowardice.

>> No.13842408

Yea you stop doing that thing
t. Perfection

>> No.13842463

Why do you need something written to tell you what to do and how to think? Try abstaining from pornography and seeing how you feel. Your question is solely concerned with how YOU feel. How could anyone other than yourself fix that? I just read the dumbass 'article' from your picture. An 'article' that takes the opposite stance would be equally as useless and equally as insulting to our collective intelligence.

My favorite quote from the article:

>Instead of accepting that our brains can’t deal with the future and switching the internet off, shouldn’t our response be to “rewire” our brains?

You can tell we are listening to a real genius. Masterful use of the rhetorical device.

>> No.13842479

Based, an absolute proof that the bitch that wrote it is a demon sent from the depths of hell.
>Watch more porn
Fuck that bitch straight to hell.

>> No.13842509

Why is /pol/ literally always right? I wish it wasn’t so

>> No.13842517

I will fix this problem

>> No.13842522
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>> No.13842578

>this magazine
demons from hell want you to cut your balls off

>> No.13842592

((( Eva Wiseman )))

>> No.13842601


>> No.13842610

Fuck the Coomer Mind Control System

>> No.13842615

any thinking person is anti-pornography

>> No.13842616

It's like these jews are trying to get shoahed now.

>> No.13842619

/pol/ is basically a more hysterical and modern version of that embarrassing and slightly creepy uncle that spends most of his time constructing covertly racist long rants about boomer politics.

He will also often turn out to be right, not because he's smart, but precisly because he's dumb and because the fact that, human being prone to taking the past of least resistance, being dumb is the most cost-efficient way to understand human behavior.

>> No.13842672


>> No.13842680
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Stop trying to distract from the fact that jews run the pornography business and push it on the goyim.

>> No.13842684

Never trust anything jews are willing to give you for free

>> No.13842689

intellectual post

>> No.13842708

You're so reddit it hurts.

>> No.13842728

That article is so fucking weird. "Yeah porn is ruining relationships and giving men premature ED, but we need more of it anyways 'cause we can't go backwards." It's basically an accelerationist argument.

>> No.13842731
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I need a book about how based pornography is.

>> No.13842906

Stop trying to apply rationality to it. Jews are in charge of white countries and trying to flood them with non-whites and pacify young white men with porn to make them less likely to rise up against the jewish power structure. That is all the jewish author cares about.

>> No.13842919

Well thats true. All you can do is not watch it personally, its never going away.

>> No.13842928

Porn is all I have. No one will ever be able to love me. No one.

>> No.13842933

It's the tactic admission by shitlibs that they were objectively wrong, as they are about pretty much everything, but that they've already ruined society and that admitting that they were wrong and trying to fix the problem they created would mean letting the Nazis win.

And that is what it means. They're right. If you admit the truth, the Fascists win.

>> No.13842934

I love you anon

>> No.13842937

This video is a work of art.

>> No.13842938

Not in the way I want and need, anon, but thanks

>> No.13842944

>Eva Wiseman

>> No.13842947
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The Coiled Serpent is less about pornography and more about ejaculation in general, but it’s great.

>> No.13842948

What distraction? I said your creepy dumb uncle was right. I'm a Jew and I run the pornograhy business with my cousins. You're so dumb even if I tell it to your face you will keep consuming.

>> No.13843133

Take it from me, dont do it.
t. I have been a cumbrain for 18 years

>> No.13843142


>> No.13843146

good bait

>> No.13843148

Oh yeah and imagine being locked up for a year, in a dormitory, and still whacking off by laying on your stomach and stroking your dick with 2 fingers, then cumming down your shorts before getting up for the day

>> No.13843166

Everything goes away eventually. Data is housed somewhere and where it's housed will not stay safe forever, certainly not if it's in the US

>> No.13843172

It's a Jew what do you expect?

>> No.13843206


Anon... thank you for sharing this. I have been desperately struggling with my addictions to marijuana and masturbation for years... and I am now going to read this, and, God willing (code for "if I develop discipline"), I will never return to my vicious, cyclical indulgences. I mean it when I say that I have been searching for a text such as the one you mentioned for a looong time - and here it is!
Fucking t h a n k y o u.

>> No.13843238
File: 127 KB, 720x600, E8733E24-EBE5-4398-B6BA-C6FF4F9BEC9C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eva Wiseman
Every time.

>> No.13843257

for me, the book has done wonders. I now fight sexual urges on the subconscious level. Even in my dreams, sexual images appear, but I fight them off and remain unaroused even into wakefulness.

>> No.13843330

Ironic for having the last name Wiseman she would have such stupid ideas

>> No.13843484

>I'm a Jew
We were made aware by the way you tried to distract attention away from your tribe.

>> No.13843492

I'm going on a picnic tomorrow. Can you guys make sure the weather is ok?

>> No.13843501

I stopped smoking weed and the first dream I had was a very lucid dream about being seduced by a red haired MILF in a broken down stone temple/aztec ziggurat and ended with her starting to bite me and eating chunks of my flesh. What does that mean?

>> No.13843580

That sounds incredible... I'm on Pt. 2 & proceeding. The text is very forward for its time, and its interdisciplinary references lend it great credence. Thanks again for sharing, and many blessings unto you in the event that we never again cross paths/posts. Stay strong and incessantly strive, my friend.

>> No.13843598

Your dreamy personification of sexual temptation literally eating you alive in a rudimentary place of worship.... so you feel consumed by your sexuality/reproductive drive/lust on a fundamental level, to the extent that not even the most ancient and sacred sites of man can keep the allure at bay... maybe? idk. stop smoking tho.

>> No.13843678

Nah dude, roll a joint and then come back to me with the real meaning

>> No.13843751
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So this is the power of the ultra instinct?!

>> No.13843758

THC impedes REM sleep & is selectively linked (correlatively) to early-onset schizophrenia and dementia--probably due to the abovementioned impeded restorative sleep cycles--, and I type this as a reluctant daily-smoker, but alrighty u do u

>> No.13843784

All of you are fucking demonic and it shows

>> No.13843805
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>> No.13843809


>> No.13843819
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>> No.13843868

Whats wrong with British last names?

>> No.13843883

>"i dont have sex tha..that makes me smarter!!!"

what ever you need to cope with being an incel...

>> No.13843894

What a roundabout way to agree that /pol/ is right about the Jews.

>> No.13843901

>In her book, Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion, Izabella St James, who was one of Hugh Hefner's former "official girlfriends", described sex with Hef. Hef, in his late 70s, would have sex twice a week, sometimes with four or more of his girlfriends at once, St James among them. He had novelty, variety, multiplicity and women willing to do what he pleased. At the end of the happy orgy, wrote St James, came "the grand finale: he masturbated while watching porn".
>Here, the man who could actually live out the ultimate porn fantasy, with real porn stars, instead turned from their real flesh and touch, to the image on the screen. Now, I ask you, "what is wrong with this picture?".
Jesus fucking CHRIST. What hope is there for any of us? Holy god.

>> No.13843928

Sounds like a western version of ME!ME!ME!

>> No.13844026

why does everyone blame the jews, but never blame capitalism or themselves for their problems?

>> No.13844033

I looked this up and no, I don't watch anime

>> No.13844043

Its a 5 minute music video that won an animation award and went really viral a couple years ago.
People were dissecting it like it was Eva

>> No.13844072

Jews run the porn industry and capitalism isn't some living systemic machine with a mind of its own, it produces results that benefit the people running the show, and those people are globalist jews.

>> No.13844079

Wiseman is an English surname you retarded schizos

>> No.13844089

Eva Wiseman is a jewess, shitbird. Everyone knows jews adopt variations of host surnames to more easily blend in and jew.

>> No.13844150


>> No.13844242
File: 26 KB, 347x499, 41D3 dvRL4L._SX345_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libido dominandi by E Michel Jones

>> No.13844249

>I don't have sex that takes me closer to God
Is the real reason not to be a degenerate

>> No.13844251

I can't even imagine having more pornography.

>> No.13844294


Eva Wiseman is a jew though.

>> No.13844656

is that china mieville?

>> No.13844728

Not saying anti-capitalism automatically means marxism but regardless, any time I've read a Marxist or listen to what they have to say they seem to be extremly liberal sexually, meaning they are okay with any sexual deviants and fetisches, polyamory and so on. I don't see why these people would then be against porn.

>> No.13844778

I only have sex that takes me closer to God. Which means i only make love to my 2d pony waifu.

>> No.13844800

books wont tell the truth about pron.
you need to go on google scholar or science direct if you're looking for facts.
If you want a fairy tale saying what you are already convinced of, then yes, go buy some dumb book

>> No.13844809

Can you give a TL:DR on what Science™ says?

>> No.13844819

Unexpected sensible and thoughtful post.