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/lit/ - Literature

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13836455 No.13836455 [Reply] [Original]

2019...I am forgotten.

>> No.13836463

Isn't the movie coming out next year?

>> No.13836474

Is this a good book ? Keeps getting memed

>> No.13836478
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>> No.13836484

It's still good, but nothing lasts forever. The book is for people who view themselves as very much part of the literary tradition rather than having any kind of wider appeal. It served it's purpose for the people who read it though.

>> No.13836485

oh god

>> No.13836489
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This was getting memed a lot earlier this year. Then the buzz just died

>> No.13836492

Agreed. It's just going to ham it up with the "Literature is my passion". It only works because it's so well written.

>> No.13836494

My mum bought it for me for Christmas years ago. It wasn’t a bad read but nothing really sticks to mind that much about it.

>> No.13836625

Please no

>> No.13836632

I hold out hope. Film4 is producing it and they tend to eschew cliche.

>> No.13836641

The normies are coming

>> No.13836670

People like it because they see themselves in the title character. It's a book about the medioricity of academic life. I've heard some describe it as the American version of Ivan Illych. Which is funny, since Ivan Illych doesn't get memed on here anywhere near as much as Stoner does.

>> No.13836851

what was the wife's fucking problem

>> No.13836854

She was a woman

>> No.13836929

Few remember it with any sharpness.

>> No.13836932

who's directing?

>> No.13836957

Casey Affleck I think

>> No.13836961

Really? Then there is hope

>> No.13836967

Joe Wright. Look at the tagline. "Everybody must get stoned."


>> No.13836982

Never mind he’s starring
>everybody must get stoned
What the fuck does this have to do with ANYTHING

>> No.13837008
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>mfw it's directed by the man who did this


>> No.13837011

>everybody must get stoned
Bob Dylan won a literature prize, right?

>> No.13837017
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What in the actual fuck

>> No.13837023

Bob Dylan’s dream is great

>> No.13837027

The good news is imdb used to show Joe Wright as the director but his name is no longer there.

>> No.13837029

So you're saying he was canned and is being replaced? How far into production are they? Have they even started?

>> No.13837035

Pre-production according to imdb, and they're no longer showing Casey Affleck either.

>> No.13837056

Kek and mgtowpilled

>> No.13837123

>that top comment

>> No.13837129

That’s weird because I think the movie was Casey Affleck’s idea

>> No.13837136

In Stoner threads, I normally see how people say the book(and the end of the book specifically) made them feel empty, but normally I get the opposite reaction, I have a sort of bittersweet happiness. I feel like the novel is sort of what maybe the stranger wanted to accomplish, in displaying an existential hero

>> No.13837143

It just made me really sad

>> No.13837165

He also directed Atonement which is a competent adaptation of a novel. But the weird thing is... he has another project for 2020 that isn't Stoner. Not sure if it fell through.

>> No.13837179

>Blumhouse is producing
yea it will be shit confirmed

>> No.13837187

what about it made you sad?

>> No.13837198

His life was shit and then he died

>> No.13837218


>> No.13837303

See, I don't really think his life was shit. I think the one thing that left me a little in the dark was, because the novel is relatively short, and we cover the whole of Stoner's life, we miss out a lot of the detail in it. That being said, the moments we do see have a stable theme that I think we can apply to his whole life.
Just because he isn't expressively joyful in any part of the book really, and experiences a great deal of sadness(his initial relationship with Edith, how Edith eventually loses her own shy sadness and becomes bitter and calculatingly mean towards him, and the lack of meaning his life appears to have outside of the noble goal of teaching others) doesn't mean he can't be, in a certain sort of way, happy. I myself know that often when I am saddest it only takes a single beautiful thing, to wrench me out of my sadness, and by way of contrast, the happiness is much sweeter. While Stoner experiences a lot of sadness, there are also very beautiful things, stoically beautiful is the best way I can describe them, and I think that despite his sadness, Stoner on his deathbed accepted his death and that life was the way it was, and for me that is, at least if not a happy, a beautiful ending.

>> No.13838659

Different anon here, but I agree with you. Books often have their protagonists go on to do great and wonderful things but Stoner was just a guy who became an academic and then died. It was all very ordinary, like what 99% of our lives will be. With that in mind his joys felt real because it felt like those joys could happen to me; and his antagonists (I can't remember who that asshole who wanted him fired was anymore) felt real too because I can think off many people in my life who are just that petty.

>> No.13838682

She got repeatedly raped by her husband

>> No.13838868

bought it in 2013 because everyone on /lit/ was ranting about it and I never read it lmao.

>> No.13838880

I didn't get why Sloane got so sad after the war.

>> No.13838932

this desu. your'e nnot alone

>> No.13838940

Haven't read it but Butcher's Crossing is pretty good

>> No.13838968

Glad I got memed into this one desu

>> No.13839001

Babby's fist real book.
Not in a bad way, but /lit/ has discussed it to exhaustion over the years.

>> No.13839084

It really was just "an okay" book. I don't remember much but I genuinely empathized with his wife more than I should have lol

>> No.13839160

>what was the wife's fucking problem
Obviously mentally ill. Though a lot of it was caused by her parents, in and of herself she was emotionless, self-centered, and vindictive.
>confirmed it will be shit
How could it not? In today’s retarded climate an honest adaptation of the book would hugely fail. “Art house” films need to cater to shitswallowers like >>13838682. That means Edith, Lomax, and Walker will be turned into the heroes of the piece, and Stoner (cis normal white oppressor from the reactionary Midwest) will become the villain.

>> No.13839252

I don't know what's that movie about but I like this scene

>> No.13840176

literally the best novel of all time

>> No.13840350

Does anyone want yet another film about a white man being awful but it's okay because sometimes he's sad?

>> No.13840372


>> No.13840502

Better that than a white man portrayed as awful merely because he’s (a) white and (b) a man. The plethora of films portraying women and POCs as wonderful, brave, noble, etc. based only on their sex/skin color is getting more than a little tiresome.

>> No.13840541

stoner wasnt an awful person.

>> No.13840553

Fucking stop

>> No.13840556

Weak bait but I'm replying nonetheless.

>> No.13840565

Haha, liar.

>> No.13840664

>stoner wasnt an awful person
>abuses his students
>obnoxious to his colleagues
>exploits female students in order to chest on his wife

>> No.13840675

>That means Edith, Lomax, and Walker will be turned into the heroes of the piece, and Stoner (cis normal white oppressor from the reactionary Midwest) will become the villain.
yea, it's not going to happen like in the book.

>> No.13840691

1. You can't rape your wife, much less in you fucking honey moon
2. The student was a literal retard and a fraud protected by some form of nepotism.
3. He was a top lad with this friends.
4. That's based.

>> No.13840724

It was awkward virgin sex between two awkward young adults after they just got married. I dont get how it was rape

>> No.13840943

Going to be a bigger flop than the Goldfinch. The fact it's not produced by a24 or Annapurna is already a bad sign.

>> No.13840945

When you have sex with a woman but she didn't want to have sex with you, you raped her.

>> No.13840957

Film4 is producing... but also Blumhouse, so I don't know what to think.

>> No.13840966

Not if she's already your wife.

>> No.13840968

I’m honestly curious. Are you trolling, or fucked in the head?

>> No.13840979

Even if she's your wife. It's crazy I know

>> No.13840997

So he's not a rapist? He doesn't bully students etc? The book is a portrait of a monster, told in such a deadpan way most of the retards here don't realise.

>> No.13841017

Depends if you're an Americuck controlled by muh meme laws or an actual Man of Planet Earth.

>> No.13841030

>He doesn't bully students etc?
Not him but he literally doesn't. He's doing his job. That's how thesis expositions work. The judges ask you hard questions.

>> No.13841107

I love it and still do

>> No.13841184

I'm just reading this now, and the part where Walker bullshits through his seminar paper is too real.

>> No.13841287

That's why the surge in popularity. Bravo, Jews.

>> No.13841296

>da joos
It's been a popular book since the early 2010s.

>> No.13841300

that was actually badass

>> No.13841308

yeah in France, conveniently everybody picked it up just in time for the movie...

>> No.13841335

even before the movie announcement it was known in America. you can create any conspiracy you want about the jews but this is not one of them, faggot.

>> No.13841338

wait a minute...

>> No.13841357

No, he’s not a rapist. He had a reasonable expectation of sex on his wedding night and thereafter. If his wife didn’t want sex with him she shouldn’t have married him. That she did is tacit agreement by her to sex — this is part of the marriage contract. Nor did he bully his students. I take it you’re referring to Walker here, who was an obvious poser and plagiarist and should have been expelled from the school (and would have been except for the protection of Lomax).
>portrait of a monster
LOL, nonsense. You’re reading it through the smeared and dishonest lens of your political/social indoctrination. The retard here is you; you’re the one fucked in the head.

>> No.13841434

I liked this book. At first i thought it was kind of boring but after a little while i started to really enjoy it.

>> No.13843180
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Intimate, isn't it.

>> No.13843325

yeah it's really good. you can read it in an afternoon. get a comfy chair and get ready for some feels

>> No.13843328

this one was already a classic though

>> No.13843616

This is unironically all my political views in one video

>> No.13843669

Judd Apatow

>> No.13845117

That wojak is punching in front of the cover of The Stranger

>> No.13845332
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>he’s not a rapist. He had a reasonable expectation of sex on his wedding night and thereafter. If his wife didn’t want sex with him she shouldn’t have married him. That she did is tacit agreement by her to sex — this is part of the marriage contract

>> No.13846568

Why did the wife turn her daughter into a slut and then was surprised when she was pregnant

>> No.13846781

If ignorance is bliss you must be the happiest motherfucker on the planet.

>> No.13846866
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>doesn't understand what consent is
>calls others ignorant

>> No.13846869

I read that in his voice

>> No.13847050

>Doesn’t understand what marriage entails
>Thankfully will never reproduce

>> No.13847058

>marriage entails rape

>> No.13847151

Marriage entails sex, fool. Stoner had more than a reasonable expectation of sex when marrying Edith (failure to provide sex to your spouse was grounds for divorce back then, and still is). By marrying him Edith gave her agreement and consent to the marriage contract; Stoner was merely exercising his rights/responsibilities under the same. These are all facts; your puerile claims of “rape” are fantasies wholly woven from your ignorance of how the world and the law work.

BTW, screaming “rape” when no such thing has taken place is an affront to actual rape victims. Try to keep their real pain/suffering in mind before spewing whatever progressive trash bounces around inside your empty head.

>> No.13847781


a book about mediocre sad people living mediocre sad lives