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13831855 No.13831855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is finding people boring to talk to more and more a sign of intellectual development?

>> No.13831865

No it's a sign of depression and possible psychosis.
Have sex

>> No.13831866

It's a sign of the opposite, actually.

>> No.13831871

Can you elaborate or give an article or something? Im genuinely interested

>> No.13831872
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So, anon, wanna...'do it'?

>> No.13831896
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no, its actually cope

>> No.13831901

My GF is one of the only people I actually find interesting to talk to.

>> No.13831902

Maybe he's hanging around the wrong people.

>> No.13831906

I also enjoy talking to my Gay Friend

>> No.13831909

example: when I was 15 and thought clockwork orange was the best movie ever, i thought everyone was an idiot and couldnt care what they thought

today i am slightly less of an absolute retard and push myself to understand others perspectives and thus am interested in what people have to say

its not like youre gonna wake up tomorrow able to socialize but just find ways to be interested in others.
showing them genuine interest (it is indeed possible to generate interest if you scan through the things you can learn from someone, even someone who listens to miley cyrus and watches netflix has something to teach you) will cause them to appreciate you and soon the feeling of being appreciated will make you feel significant

tl;dr dont be some idiot misanthrope
read L’homme qui dort if you want some hyper kino whose own plot is the romanticization of misanthropy and where it can lead

t. recovering asshole killing off the rest of his baseless pride so as to actually grow intellectually

>> No.13831956

No, you're going insane anon

>> No.13831960

Well he is on (four)channel.

>> No.13831964

Lack of interest in human conversation is not so much a sign of intellectual growth as it is a sign of a lack of social skills or social awareness. This is not a good place to build a network of mutual friends.

Here, the brain's reward circuitry is used to compensate for the loss of social interaction — in this case, the inability to share your thoughts with others. Instead of rewarding you for sharing, the region of your brain responsible for empathy loses this function. This is called the "social-cognitive deficit" — and it's related to the inability to regulate one's emotions and respond to the emotions of others.

The idea is that social skills, both verbal and nonverbal, help us understand and control our emotions. And, they are highly correlated with life success. A successful speaker, for example, is more likely than a less successful one to be more skilled communicator and an expert communicator. The cognitive reward associated with these skills — empathy, self-awareness, and self-regulation — is what the reward circuitry is trying to compensate for. People who lack these core social skills are less likely to succeed at anything of value in life

>> No.13831982

No, it just means you're a cunt.

>> No.13832025

yeah thats gonna be a citation needed jack

>> No.13832427

jfl at the coping midwits in this thread
OP, there is nothing wrong with finding the vast majority of people boring, THEY ARE, theyre mindnumbing inane losers, even more so when you get to know them.
The solution is this:
Forget about them, stop caring about interactions with braindead npcs.
BUT, when/if you do meet someone who is genuinely intelligent, take the opportunity to speak to them beyond banal chatter, its refreshing in the sea of subhumans

>> No.13832438

If you were clever you'd analyze the things normies likes and try to find out about them to fit it.
For example, normies love sports.
They also love stories and jokes.
So you'd do things and have the capacity to be a good story teller and interesting person. Like climb a mountain or whatever.
And you'd do those things in a calculated way that would benefit you either sexually or financially.
Many successful american normies do this.
I couldn't go into detail because I'm not that clever.

>> No.13832442

My problem is that I find it hard to talk to people about things they are interested in

I only ever engage when its something I want to talk about

>> No.13832443

You just don't talk with the right people. I used to believe I was just a loner and that it was better for me to be by myself and that people just didn't understand that but it was all bullshit and coping. Since I started my PhD and got more social interaction and met interesting people my life has been 1000 times better and I wouldn't go back for a million euros.

>> No.13832445

Try to get into stuff that you think may interest other people so you have things in common to talk about and eventually do together. Don't force yourself to do things you absolutely hate, but there's so many things that you could find interesting and just never thought of doing before. Try them and I guarantee you will find something that sticks and becomes something you can share with other people. This will make social interaction more pleasurable and make you seek it out yourself. It's a virtuous circle that will lead you to enjoy social interaction more and have more interests and be happier.

It takes time to develop but if you keep at it, it will happen.

>> No.13832447

How do you find people interested in more than pop culture sludge? I have fun talking/joking around with my peers but you can't really discuss anything semi-seriously that i would actually be interested in. Hell i only come to /lit/ because i know no one who even reads, i can't even discuss pop junk with anyone.

>> No.13832449

LIsten to this anon, people, he knows what's up

>> No.13832457

thanks anon

>> No.13832463

its a sign of you being an asshole, work on your empathy

this post is me, talking to myself

>> No.13832464


This. It doesn't mean you are an asshole, just in the wrong crowd. Try to avoid being the smartest person in the room or you won't learn anything. Unless they are there to learn from you

>> No.13832471
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does anyone have any suggestions on this

i am so chronically contrarian and estranged from my peers from church that i dont know how to even start. everyone in the circle only does shit like... play volleyball and basketball, watch sports, play low-engagement card games like Rook, listen to top 40 hits.

im going fucking insane. i know it is prideful and unhealthy to look down on people so much and i am sorely alone for it, but no one wants me around at their gatherings even when i do try to fit in, i am like an alien to them. im not even trying to be smart or weird, im just the weird one to them.

>> No.13832477

>finding most people boring

You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about

>> No.13832719

No and No, average person you meet will be a literal NPC who wants to engage in small talk and have false identities/personalities. Also its just the wrong crowd but for many there is no crowd, you will find a real person time to time, needle in a haystack type. But for me im happier alone then with people anyways so it dose not bother me lol.

>> No.13832740


>> No.13832743

>it dose not bother me lol.
Has there been any greater lie on /lit/?

>> No.13832759

what's the point in talking

>> No.13833019

What does this have the do with finding THEM boring?

>> No.13833110

>im smarter than everyone else
OP get that phase out of your system as soon as possible.

>> No.13833125

When I'm tired I can barely find interest in certain conversations. Particularly if it's about classwork

>> No.13833182
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I used to be like that not long ago, sometimes still feel like that, but it's not a sign of intellectual development. It could be multiple things
>lack of social skills
There is not only one solution, but what worked for me was finding friends with similar interests. At first they seemed as boring and stupid as everybody else, but then I realized that they were very intelligent people and also wanted to have more "intelligent, deep, reflexive conversations".
Other thing, you need to read more fiction. Reading fiction has helped me to develop more empathy and it's easier for me to relate to people that otherwise I'd find uninteresting.
Also, remember that there is people that will find you boring, stupid and uninteresting aswell.

>> No.13833229

Blaide pascal said that the more intelligent one is, the more original he finds other people to be

>> No.13833235
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Don't listen to any of the bitter idiots in this thread.

Yes, a rejection of most of humanity is a sign of heightened intelligence. You're recognising they have nothing to offer you. This makes /lit/ mad because they all like to believe they're important and interesting. They're all hyper socialised so they take offense at the suggestion this is a sign of their low intelligence. /lit/ is good for sounding out your ideas, use them as tools to improve the robustness of your own beliefs. Don't take anything they have to say seriously though, none of them have anything worth hearing to say.

>> No.13833247

normalshits say the same thing over and over, like NPCs. and every one has the same thoughts as every other in their archetype.

why talk to people when you could read a book?

>> No.13833252

>Since I started my PhD I found interest in social interaction

Proving OPs point

>> No.13833303

Try appreciating the simple things in life more. Then maybe you will accept simpler people.
But also what the hell, all people are so complex and different from one another, the problem might be that you have a very narrow set of interests. Why not talk food, for example, with the local old lady? She might teach you a thing or two, even though she doesn't know literature.

>> No.13833353

>He can't start interesting conversations
you can try harder

>> No.13833373

Depends who those people are, and who you are. Sign of spiritual discernment? More likely. Ask pointed, simple (relevant) questions. You don't have to put on airs or fashion an elaborate mask/persona. Eventually you'll find some analogical bridge to carry the talking somewhere you'd prefer, even if they're a shaved gorilla.

>This is called the "social-cognitive deficit" — and it's related to the inability to regulate one's emotions and respond to the emotions of others.
Be a malleable palimpsest for others OP.

>work on your empathy
"Empathy" was plucked from actual Reader Digest-tier social research by Allen Dulles at the CIA for social engineering purposes where, for centuries of English, "compassion" and "sympathy" sufficed.

>This makes /lit/ mad because they all like to believe they're important and interesting.
No one in the end is interesting as ciphers of the human form; one ought to talk about one's self as little as possible in conversation.

>> No.13833406

No, people are becoming more and more boring with the development of technology. For an example: my dad sailed a ship to Italy when he was 7 while I was sitting in a classroom at the same age.

>> No.13833436
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this thread remind me the short story of john cheever "goodbye, my brother".
check it out.

the thread:
>you are stupid if you feel everyone is stupid. >you should be social as a pepsi.
>i am not pretending to be special anymore and im better now and mature as fuck
>advices to be social as you should be and you want to be in the deep.

>> No.13833484

What's the implication here?

>> No.13833496

the shallow dont understand he is shallow.

>> No.13833522


>> No.13833544

Doing a PhD males you shallow?

>> No.13833547

i wish this was true for me. she’s ok and she’s cute (to talk to and be with), but can’t deliver on a lot of deeper subjects

>> No.13833557

how old are you? i pretty much had the same maturation process that started around 19 and ended at 22

>> No.13833581

>Is finding people boring to talk to more and more a sign of intellectual development?
It's natural to find boring people boring, but you don't have to be talking about Foucault or Rimbaud to have a good conversation. If you're willing to learn about other people's interests you can find plenty of good conversation in day to day life.

>> No.13833586

She sounds like a good match anon

>> No.13833590

I’ve come to learn this too. I think many of us have spent so long immersed in fiction and all it’s grandiose ideas and romanticism that we’ve forgotten to appreciate the smaller, yet equally important things in life. When you want your life to be an epic like all the fictional characters or historical figures you look up to, you start to think completely normal things are a waste of time, when in reality they’re important for your emotional development and your ability to handle yourself in day to day life. It’s exactly the problem Raskolnikov had in C&P.

I’m starting to learn that no matter how educated I am, it means nothing if I’m either too emotionally retarded to bond with anyone or to put that knowledge to enrich people’s lives.

Always remember that there’s always someone out there who knows something that you don’t.

>> No.13833591


>> No.13833594

This, I've found the only exception is close-minded political junkies. Possibly because their identity becomes a movement, and if you understand the movement there isn't much left to understand about them as an individual.

>> No.13833596

This is good advice. It's a bad mistake to think that different = stupid.

>> No.13833599

no. the reality is that other people find you boring and don't want to make any effort to engage with you.
face it anon you're just a dick

>> No.13833603

are you literally 20 or something?
look at the bullshit you just typed it makes me recoil in horror honestly do you really believe you're feeling anything out of being appreciated?

>> No.13833613

>I've found the only exception is close-minded political junkies.
I remember being in debating society in college and some of the people there lived ridiculously small lives. If you weren't talking about their politics and agreeing with them on everything they would just look at you as if to say "Why the fuck are you talking to me?" I just can't imagine having no interests in anything outside of politics.

>> No.13833618

>bond with anyone or enrich people’s lives
what kind of ted talk are you trying to live?

>> No.13833633

how does reading fiction helps improving one's empathy?

>> No.13833638

>I only ever engage when its something I want to talk about
*something you're already familiar with

Remember that the more you listen, the more you learn.

>> No.13833664

There are others like you, you just need to work hard to find them. You could always start a new club based on something you're interested in, or at least try a few Meetup groups. Even if you find one likeminded person to be your friend it makes things a lot better.

It's probably a lot easier if you live in a densely populated area. If you live in some bumfuck hick town then you may be in trouble.

>> No.13833674
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No he isn't. Prove it. He could be anywhere right now and had abandoned the thread.


>> No.13833680

Real growth comes from within. Only you can control yourself. Take a step in the right direction. Listen. Then talk. Talk again. Now listen to the water. It is nice isn't it? Just like people. Join a group, do volunteer work. There are so many smiles to uncover, stories to share! Open up and smell the breeze. One step at a time. Everyone can be your teacher. Only you can unlock the vibrant you. Take initiative in a group conversation. When its silent, say what is on your mind!

>> No.13833682

Sincere question: are you happy?

>> No.13833688

I’m beginning to feel as though knowledge is redundant if it dies with you. If you can be some kind of inspiration to someone, you can create a legacy for yourself.

Still, the biggest struggle of trying to interact with people is when your interests are mostly things that are so niche and you aren’t too familiar with the big mainstream things everyone talks about. Even so, I’ve been surprised on some occasions by meeting someone into similar things.

>> No.13833692

>if you are not happy your life have no meaning.

>> No.13833707

>say its bad romanticize things, also say "you can create a legacy for yourself".

>> No.13833722

A legacy in the sense that you will be remembered for at least a little bit longer after you die.

It’s also not bad to romanticise things, it’s just unhealthy to let that be your only point of reference for reality.

>> No.13833733

>at least a little bit longer after you die.
like a "little bit longer" means something. that is your ego and your negation of death guiding your thoughts.

>> No.13833736

I think the better question is:

>Is social interaction inherently shallow?

>> No.13834743
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Don't listen to this foolhardy idiot who only seeks to reinforce his own beliefs. He'll never really grow as a person.

>> No.13834809

im grown inside as shaquille o´neal motherfucker. i can climb to the anchor of the sky. im grown inside bitches. now i see clear now i can clean my dishes, you are nothing you believin is false dunkin donuts. im now a 299 percent bright mind and soul. im the father you wish you had. dont look at my back.

>> No.13834869

Oh come on now, most people really are boring personalities with nothing interesting or new to say, dont fucking deny this.

>> No.13834906

>He'll never really grow as a person.
Personal growth is a myth.

>> No.13834935

Hurr durr self improvement is masturbation now self destruction

>> No.13834945

You can't refute it.

You will never change in any meaningful way, learn to accept yourself as you are instead of resenting it.

>> No.13834949

I like to ask people why they watch football because the people that do are never articulate enough to explain why they like it.

I think watching football is a pretty solid IQ test of people at or below the 50th percentile.

>> No.13834958

You should work out and learn an instrument. There is observable measurable growth in both.

>> No.13834964

I work out 3 times a week and play the piano, I'm under no delusions these are superficial changes and that I'm still the same man I was before I did these things.

>> No.13834979

who here doesn't get excited about the idea of talking to people?

I'm not elitist or anything but i just don't find conversations that important or excited

>> No.13834988

You just sound depressed. Learning new chords and how to use them, learning inversions, learning to write more complex progressions, running longer and faster, lifting more and more, expanding your vocal range are all pleasurable because of the improvement over time as well as the flow state.

>> No.13835050


>> No.13835052

>You just sound depressed
Well I'm not, so there. Stop deluding yourself, it's only going to bit you in the backside in the long run.
>all pleasurable because of the improvement over time as well as the flow state.
None of this proves the existence of real change. It's no different than masturbating, you're just using your mind to get off and develop a large ego due to the delusion you're becoming a better person.

>> No.13835063

Social interaction is crucial to humans, us being social animals. Depth and shallowness depend solely upon the actors in the interaction.

>> No.13835071

This is pure fucking cringe and I avoid using that word as much as I can. Holy shit, talk about such a damned repulsive post.

>> No.13835073

Define change, growth, and being. You sound like you are still at the existential apogee before you come back to living down here. You peek over the crest for a while before you realize that it does no good and come back to the concrete. You'll come back when you get bored.

>> No.13835094

Not gonna make it.

>> No.13835102

>Define change, growth, and being.
>You sound like
Stop telling me what I "sound" like and start responding to what I actually say. Fishing for weak spots will get you nowhere, this isn't about me this is about the topic of discussion.

>> No.13835107
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It depends.
Are you intelligent?
Then yes.
Then no.

>> No.13835109

You'll come back, sport. Going whoaaaaaaa only lasts so long.

>> No.13835213

It’s a sign of being up your own arsehole.

I used to think the same way as you until about the age of 20 when I started to realise I wasn’t a fucking genius.

>> No.13835230

Some of us are geniuses and don't gain anything from associating with the likes of you

>> No.13835237


>> No.13835278

So people actually believe they are a genius, because they are a shizoid recluse? I've been one for years and still believe myself to have an average intelligence(at best). How can I gain the arrogance necessary to fool myslef into believing I'm a genius?