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13818831 No.13818831[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Was reading Baudrillard and then I was thinking about art and had this idea - if you compare Au Hasard Balthazar to Wild At Heart, both are opposites in their depiction of reality. Bresson hires non-actors and makes them re-read lines and tire them to make them lose any semblance of theatrics. Whereas Lynch obviously encourages it to create a totally surreal feeling. Lynch’s kind of purposeful parody of reality using surrealism to me seems more similar to Bresson’s pure realism than either of them do to a typical new Hollywood film. Bresson rejects the spectacle and Lynch parodies it. Does anyone know if this kind of idea is expanded on or talked about in any art/film theory? Or maybe you think this is retarded, either way I would like to read your thoughts on this. Thanks

>> No.13819381

>Au Hasard Balthazar
shit movie, who gives a literal fuck about some fucking donkey? holy fucking lord first and last Bresson movie I watched. Wild at Heart wasn't anything to write home about

>> No.13819500

uh yeah it's called shut the fuck up you fucking pseud lol

>> No.13819519

>Bresson hires non-actors and makes them re-read lines and tire them to make them lose any semblance of theatrics.
sounds like a cringe method. movies non-actors tend to suck major cock.

>> No.13819620

Who gives a shit about your retard opinion on a movie that no one asked you for?
very funny thanks
More cringe is faggot actors theatrically over acting in almost every TV show and Movie in existence

>> No.13819647

>More cringe is faggot actors theatrically over acting in almost every TV show and Movie in existence
No, that's based. I can do what non-actors do in my house. I can't do what Daniel Day-Lewis does.

>> No.13819670

Not everything is about you or your propensity to idolize faggot hollywood actors whose only skill is to pretend to be other people. You could do what Daniel Gay-Lewis does if you got off this website for once, stopped using words like 'based' and sucked off a few old jews

>> No.13819673

>whose only skill is to pretend to be other people.
At least they have a skill, unlike non-actors.

>> No.13819693

Again you seemed to be obsessed with idols or something because you're a gay retard. Who cares?

>> No.13819698

Literally who gives a shit about your pretentious donkey melodramas? Commit suicide, faggot. That's your fucking answer.

>> No.13819735

Lol what is Baudrillard doing posing like a mobster in this pic?

>> No.13819820

You seem upset.

>> No.13820012

Reading "art theory" is a huge waste of time, any artist who's anything will tell you this. Baudrillard has seemingly already given you all the tools you need to analyze cinema this way. Honestly, writing down that paragraph probably helped you more than reading an essay or whatever ever could. Explore the idea. Write.

>> No.13820022

>Was reading Baudrillard

stopped reading there

>> No.13820025

Interesting theory about art you have

>> No.13820029

The French have always wanted to be Italian

>> No.13820034
File: 153 KB, 1366x768, Just One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any artist who's anything will tell you this

>> No.13820036

Ezra Pound :)

>> No.13820054

What's he say?

>> No.13820083
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>> No.13820087

Probably right, I'm gonna read more philosophers that are considered important and enjoy more art rather than twist myself up into some 86 IQ sperg out.

>> No.13820090

So he wrote on art theory and you're using him as an example against studying art theory?
And I'm the brainlet...

>> No.13820177

Not against studying art theory, just against reading books labelled thusly.
BTW the funny cartoon man was supposed to be me, didn't mean to call you brainlet.

>> No.13820933
File: 39 KB, 423x650, 81B9789E-2DB7-45BE-B0EE-590FF70ED53F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ey Tone, dehz somethin i aints gettin ‘bout this. If the twin towers weren’t so good lookin hehe, would they haf got’n blown the fuck up? Im jus sayin Tone

>> No.13820941

[turning to another person]: you hear what i said? i said, "If the twin towers weren’t so good lookin hehe, would they haf got’n blown the fuck up?"

>> No.13820949

O madonn, not this shit again

>> No.13820974

Paulie is so cute. I love how he acts with his mother. I felt bad for him when Tony took down his painting and threw it in the trash.

>> No.13820985
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 662D3ED2-92C2-430B-8D53-D8972DB55A22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you, anon. But the way he acted with Chris out in he woods and later on when he’s in jail? Not cute