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13805009 No.13805009 [Reply] [Original]

God uses people as a means to an end. He contravenes the deontological ethic.

>> No.13805014

contravene this dubs fleshpuppet

>> No.13805018

im starting to think God is a metaphor and Jesus was just a very aware guy, but the Holy Spirit still seems absolutely real to me. What do you call this

>> No.13805021

Most theologies will grant free will to rational human beings (Kant does that too)

>> No.13805022

New Age

>> No.13805029


>> No.13805047

Unironic Spinozism

>> No.13805056

What end?

>> No.13805061

his own worship

>> No.13805075

Which benefits only humans

Allah: 1
Infidels: 0

>> No.13805082

Yeah, what a great benefit to me! I love singing the praises of some celestial faggot!

>> No.13805092

And how does hell benefit them? Because he also puts people in hell for, once again, his own vindication.

>> No.13805152

God isn't human though

>> No.13805167

And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

>> No.13805186

For justice

>> No.13805239

justice is an end too

>> No.13805242

A hint that you should reexamine your first two propositions.

>> No.13805248

Yes unless you're a humanist then deontological ethics generally posits it as such

>> No.13805324

>Muh calla dooty

>> No.13805698

but how do you believe

>> No.13805857

Faith is a gift from God. Open yourself up to it by performing the actions of faith: read the Bible, pray, attend a church. In particular I really must emphasize prayer. A two-second "hi God it's me Jimmy" won't get you anywhere. You have to put your back into it. But if you do, and you really put your heart into communication with the Divine, you'll reach Him.

>> No.13805866

Your mom contravenes the deontological ethic.

>> No.13805976

like repeat the our father on my knees and think about..think about what exactly?

>> No.13806214

No, don't repeat prayers. I mean get on your knees and pour your heart out to God. Talk to him. Share your feelings. Are you lonely? Depressed? Longing for faith but unable to find it? Whatever's on your mind, talk it through. Is there something you need? Ask him for it. Talk like you would with your father (assuming you have a good relationship with him). He is your Father, after all.

>> No.13806223

>tfw that's true

fuck, unironically good point OP. enjoy your 300 replies of people 5-30% understanding what you're saying and deciding to post anyway though

>> No.13806282

It’s actually the opposite: we use god as a mean to our ends

>> No.13806319

Unironically this. Worshipping God is the fulfillment of our nature. All we lack is in God not in any created thing

>> No.13806320

Based Pascal's gambler

>> No.13806324

People aren't sent to hell by God, people choose created things that are not God over Him and get in the afterlife exactly what they wanted.

>> No.13806336

>No, don't repeat prayers.
Yes You can repeat prayers. With full concentration on What You're saying. Saying the prayer, thinking the prayer, being IN the prayer. When you're good at this you can Talk to God.

>> No.13806398

I tried it. I dont really know, i guess it cleared my head and me feel calmer. Will keep trying I suppose.

>> No.13806579

Good. Keep trying--it takes a bit of practice.

>> No.13806689

It isn't the best course for someone who's trying to get in touch with God. Repeating prayers is good when you're already faithful, but pouring your heart is better, at least I think that way you are leaving a clearer path for God to enter into you

>> No.13806762

Pauline Materialism

>> No.13806801

Is there any chance you'll get to Heaven if you kill yourself?

>> No.13806804

You don't think that maybe you're taking the feeling of emotional catharsis, a healthy, normal phenomenon, and confusing it with a magical man in the sky talking to you?

If God exists I find it very unlikely that he pays much attention to us at all, as per the Book of Job.

>> No.13806842

But God pays a lot of attention to Job. That's the entire premise of the book, God points out to Satan how great Job is.