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13798311 No.13798311 [Reply] [Original]

Why is reality so inferior to fiction ?

>> No.13798341

Because fiction is reality with all the shit that doesn't matter removed and the interesting life events of 100 real people crammed inside 1 fictional person.

>> No.13798357

I mena that you could live the most exciting life anyone has ever lived (Xtreme sport , become a double agent , president, fight in WW3) but it would still pale to millions of fictional adventures , you will never live in middle earth , you will never get superpowers and save the world So what's the point ?

>> No.13798362

There is none.

Every man worth his salt knows death is the best you can hope for.

>> No.13798374

So all we can do is imagine happiness while never attaining it , until eternal darkness kicks in ?

>> No.13798376


>> No.13798379


>Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will also regret that; hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the sum and substance of all philosophy.

>> No.13798386

No. growing up in this era, watching movies and playing games and consuming all kinds of entertainment before actually living warped your idea of what real life is. Stop consuming media and live your life as the protagonist.. You may not be a world savior but at least you'll stop posting such threads.

>> No.13798397


Because life imitates art

>> No.13798400

you are so stupid

>> No.13798410

it's not. the reality we're living in is the most information dense one that we can experience.
fiction, of all types, is nowhere near as dense as reality is when it comes to the sheer amount of information it takes to form it.

>> No.13798412


Have you read Wilde's "The soul of man under socialism"?

fiction isn't art

reality isn't life

>> No.13798417

have you read my book "youre so godamn dense"?

>> No.13798441


I'd rather be dense tham damned but since you're the author, do you claim omnipotence to insinuate a presupposition of having been read?

>> No.13798445

Even if i grew up and ancient Greek i would still look at awe at the gods, wonder what it would be like to live on mount Olympic and i would still think that none of my achievements will ever compare to those of Hercules

>> No.13798464

consult my book "ill beat you faggot 2" for the answer

>> No.13798466

Is it really?
I don't recall any fiction writers writing about a world war between countries that became cults for slavic workers and germanic people.
I also don't recall any fiction writer writing about a priest that started a cult moved to guinea and made everyone drink poisoned koolaid.
I could go on...
I think the 20th century will go down in history as the strangest time period.

>> No.13798469

ordinary people are stupid animals

>> No.13798487

Fiction creates a world where everything plays to what the author wants. Even the most soul crushing nihilistic fiction is superior to reality, as there is at least a reason (the author's sadism) as to why things are so terrible.

>> No.13798495

>as there is at least a reason (the author's sadism) as to why things are so terrible.
The same could be said about God.

>> No.13798511

But for most of us life isn't a sadistic struggle ,it's just one boring day after the other

>> No.13798530

Interesting take, well I guess there's a natural tendency for humans to look pursue as meaningful a life as possible, but then again its mostly a constructed lie we tell ourselves.. as we're mortals after all. Read the denial of death by becker for a deep take on the human condition (my opinion), in which he tells that basically we make up a ruse/story about our self importance and interesting things to do to cope with our mortal condition.

>> No.13798544

>Read about Europe of the 1850s-1950s with its charming locality and distinct culture
>visit said places today among hordes of instagramming tourists, anglo-Western culture everywhere
Truly a devastating feel

>> No.13798555

It adds up.

>> No.13798585
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>tfw you realize escapism is the ultimate pursuit in life

>> No.13798588

>just imagine this Pepe
That's actually great advice.

>> No.13798589

Don't worry, Dimensional Merge is upon us, brother.

>> No.13798598
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Your mind is poisoned. The brain did not evolve for ficticious stimulation, it evolved to guide you through the world and succeed. Loving fiction this much is similar to being a fat fuck who eats only sugar.
Embrace the real.

>> No.13798608
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Because of this very attitude. You and your kind cheapen the actual world in favor of a sweet little lie.
Congrats, fucker.

>> No.13798609

the new joker movie will unironically reinforce this principle guys, I highly recommend you guys watch it when it comes out

>> No.13798617

(Good) fiction actually speaks of a reality of a higher order than the reality which immediately surrounds you. Latter "reality" is inferior to the former in the same way the water at the bottom of the stream is inferior to the water at the source.

>> No.13798650

I used to think this.. But I realized its not. Having success in the real world gives a sense of fulfilment greater than any escapistic activity. Of course its much more costly in terms of effort.

>> No.13798660

Your pathetic pursuit of arbitrary goals like money and power is just as idiotic as fiction.

>> No.13798682

I guess it's natural for some people to live like they're the protagonists. However, when your abilities constantly disappoint you, never seem to improve, and you end up relegated to a life of utterly meaningless and miserable wage slavery, it is impossible to view yourself as an admirable protagonist. Personally, I've grown to think of myself as the comic relief idiot, at first it hurt, but now I've learned to laugh at myself.

>> No.13798695

Why? What is a better pursuit than money and power, and why is it better for me specifically?

>> No.13798706

Man, this reality sucks.

>> No.13798713

>visit luzerne, where my grandmother waited out world war 2
>chink boomers everywhere with dslrs
>gook runes etched on centuries old architecture

>> No.13798733


"Success" for itself is hollow and base. It speaks to no higher ideal. It's the hedonic treadmill. Now if you're working to embody or glorify an ideal, then you're onto something satisfying; but that's a form of escapism in my book -- using your imagination to embroider the world around you, laying over it a layer of sunlight. Religion, spirituality: tremendous escapist copes to enliven the world of forms and make it habitable. Have you ever seen those Augmented Reality goggles, like Microsoft is developing with their Hololens? That's the updated version.

If you aren't escaping from reality 24/7, are you really living, friend?

>> No.13798750

No higher ideal holds up to scrutiny. Where were the higher ideals when the cartel sicced their dogs to bite man's dick off and tear into the formed cavity? Nowhere. They were destroyed by a witless dog, the neurons that formed them fried by pain and death terror. The only truths in this life are our biological imperatives, and the best life would be get the most reward from them on average, be it from success in whatever form - money, sex, entertainment, intellectual exercise, or just plain old drugs, doesn't matter.

>> No.13798755


*to enliven the PHYSICAL world, not world of forms; my bad

>> No.13798765


Reality is FAR worse than fiction, so at least in horror it is unparalled.

Think of the thousands of kids annually raped and tortured and eaten in hollywood and switserland etc. By jews, royalty, and industry/media globo elites

>> No.13798769

Because it's immensely idiotic to think the greatest use of your time on earth is collecting the most mammoth pelts and becoming second under-chief of the tribe.
>What is a better pursuit than money and power
Pursuits in and of themselves are idiotic. If you want to read, then read. If you want to run, then run. If you want to fuck, then fuck. That's all power and money is, the ability to make other people do what you want, it's pathetic.

>> No.13798777


The ideal has nothing to do with reality, that's why it's an ideal and that's why it's an escapist cope. It speaks to the soul, not flesh. If it represented how things actually are, it wouldn't be an ideal; it'd be reality.

This is why fiction is so powerful. Your imagination can create worlds -- and moments -- worth living in that beat the pants off simple reality. Viewing life through a strictly materialist, nihilist lens is perhaps the most unfiltered way to see it, but good luck finding contentment or joy. Cioran was right -- and it didn't make him any less miserable.

Now let's pray, because the alternative is too terrible to entertain.

>> No.13798787

You seem underaged

>> No.13798812

>pursuit of arbitrary goals like money and power is just as idiotic as fiction
Narrator: "It was not."

>> No.13798818

>Because it's immensely idiotic to think the greatest use of your time on earth is collecting the most mammoth pelts and becoming second under-chief of the tribe.
What is a better use of my time, and why?

>That's all power and money is, the ability to make other people do what you want, it's pathetic.
Pathetic? So it's all about your ego then, same as any other want.

>> No.13798823

I know for a fact you're around 21 years old, probably younger. You wouldn't spout such simplistic, childish opinions with such conviction otherwise.

>> No.13798826

>What is a better use of my time, and why?
Whatever you honestly feel like doing, because anything else is a waste of your life.

No one honestly feels like they want money and power, they just trade those for what they really want. What do you really want?

>> No.13798827

You can't follow an ideal in irony, and if you truly believe it then it's a feeling of belief rather than a consideration of it as truth because it's obviously untrue. How is it possible then to believe what you know is false? The only true believers in religion I see are those who grew up and lived nothing but it. The moment they foster doubt all belief is gone and replaced by agonizing and meandering philosophizing.

>> No.13798830

If no one honestly wanted power then mankind would not exist.

>> No.13798847

Let me put it clearly then. Whatever philosophy you found to suit your happy little life just happened to be pursuit of ideals. Incidentally, I had the same philosophy when I myself was a sheltered adolescent. Live a life where you're constantly abused for your powerlessness and you will develop a philosophy that prioritizes a pursuit of power rather than ideals. It wasn't age or knowledge that changed my philosophy, but the circumstances of my life.

>> No.13798867

Explain yourself.

So you're just a child lashing out because you were picked on?

>> No.13798883

Yeah that's pretty much what I am. I can't really pursue an ideal while I'm being picked on, so I need to focus on getting power first.

>> No.13798886

fiction is literally real and I figuratively believe this

>> No.13798890

We currently live in hypereality. Which is like reality but worse.

>> No.13798909


From Reddit's lips to God's ears.

>> No.13798993


"Feeling of belief" is exactly right -- it hasn't a thing to do with empirical truth, and once you realize that, you're free to indulge without any dissonance, the same way you might revel in your "irrational" love of a sweetheart. Organized religion isn't my bag personally, because it relies on you believing foundational empirical truths (resurrections, miracles, etc.) that are impossible to prove, and that spoils their packaged ideals. In this way, "spiritual but not religious" is as much a valid path for happiness as it is a cliche.

If you can separate physical truth and spiritual ideal in your mind, there are no more barriers to surmount. I *feel* much better when I open my heart to whatever unknown, mysterious, beautiful energies there are in the universe and will my love towards them; I *feel* happier when I contemplate being connected to everything lovely. I don't need to rationally apprehend the material substance of this Great Other, whatever you want to call it -- in fact to do so would undermine it, as its power comes from its very unreality, the same way a story would not be a story were you to live it. The highest beauty is that which you cannot grasp. There is something profound about reaching your heart towards some higher intelligence, higher order -- I don't think it's a coincidence that spirituality is ubiquitous through the history of humanity. It's the ultimate cope, and at its best can make even the most humble, troublesome life worth living.

>> No.13799044

Fantasy reveals potential reality; Reality reveals actualized potentiality; thus, (ideal) fantasy impels reality. Reality becomes inferior, in excellence, to fantasy, when it is conflated with, and/or limited to, fatalism, and/or materialism.

>> No.13799070
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Fiction displays truth through imaginary events - we don't crave the events, but the truth

>> No.13799912

I assure you that daily life in the middle earth would be frustrating and even once you save the world boredom would ensue.
The pleasure is in the action and the delusion that your goal once accomplished will satisfy you.
Unironically read Schopenhauer.

>> No.13800074
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because you've been brainwashed into thinking that reality is something you observe, something you take as it is, rather than something you participate in and mold. we've become mere spectators. why does fiction seem so appealing? because most good fiction was written in a time when people could actually participate in life, history, reality, so the story reflects this. times when you could actually walk around a city or go on a *real* journey and not just a "drive" or a "flight." the towns were centralized like in pokemon for example. you know how they would always go from town to town on foot and they had to travel through a forest or something for a couple days to get there and they would have adventures and comfy campfires with brock cooking shit in a big pot? that shit actually existed (minus the pokemon obviously). now everything is highways and cars and the towns are just arbitrary lines that divide jurisdiction. and thats just the physical difference, not even the fact that you had ethnically pure countries where people were highly trusting and could actually talk to strangers and shit. its like its not even real life anymore. fiction is closer to how reality should be, how its always been, than the reality we're living in right now. we're living in the fiction, not the reality. we're living in a dystopian nightmare world that would disturb anyone born before 1900 to their bones if they knew how things were for us.

>> No.13800113

Because I'm in it.

>> No.13800174

It isn't. I don't think a lot of people get what a fucking miracle being alive is (ready for someone to interject saying b-b-but there's so much suffering in life!)

>> No.13800244


>> No.13800324

>the blessing of taking a shit

>> No.13800329

that's what your mom felt after giving birth to you

>> No.13800348

Don't project what your mommy felt on others

>> No.13800523

In the real world there is no happy ever after end screen , perhaps after aragorn saved middle earth he got bored and drank himself to depression

>> No.13800536

Think about what you posted. Someone made a throwaway joke that wasn't even really insulting you personally and you felt obliged to reply "no thats true of u not me." What's the point? Makes me feel sick to see a post like this. Waste of life.

>> No.13800565

How would that affect his tax policy?

>> No.13800583


Because reality doesn't include your precious fucking anime girls uguu~~~

>> No.13800590

Reality is more horrifying than the worst thing you can imagine.

>> No.13800712


>> No.13800752

Yeah after i wrote that , i realised that i sounded like George. But after i thought more about it i realised that it's outside of character for him.
Even if aargorn had nothing to do he will always be a good optimistic person and he will still find purpose in helping people even in the most trivial of things

>> No.13800759

That's definitely not true

>> No.13800765 [DELETED] 
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Because the Universe is infitely more creative than a single person, and brings things forth without effort and without thinking.

>> No.13800789
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The Universe is infinitely more creative than a single person, and brings things forth without effort and without thinking.

>> No.13800857
File: 46 KB, 283x475, C2462080-0C26-4F8B-8BAD-DDE7866B9BCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has the answer to your question

>> No.13800893

Can you summarize interesting points that he brings up.
It's a drag having to "look" for it

>> No.13800906
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based and redpilled

>> No.13800979

Abolition of Property in Land and Application of all Rents of Land to Public Purpose.

A Heavy Progressive or Graduated Income Tax.

Abolition of All Rights of Inheritance.

Confiscation of the Property of All Emigrants and Rebels.

Centralization of Credit in the Hands of the State, by Means of a National Bank with State Capital and an Exclusive Monopoly.

Centralization of the Means of Communication and Transport in the Hands of the State.

Extension of Factories and Instruments of Production Owned by the State, the Bringing Into Cultivation of Waste Lands, and the Improvement of the Soil Generally in Accordance with a Common Plan.

Equal Liability of All to Labor. Establishment of Industrial Armies, Especially for Agriculture.

Combination of Agriculture with Manufacturing Industries; Gradual Abolition of the Distinction Between Town and Country by a More Equable Distribution of the Population over the Country.

Free Education for All Children in Public Schools. Abolition of Children's Factory Labor in it's Present Form. Combination of Education with Industrial Production.

>> No.13800981

t. designated shooter
YOLO, OP. Live like you're doing. Carpe diem. Just do it
Also underaged

>> No.13801021
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>> No.13801678

Because fiction has to have sense or you don't buy it, because karma exist on it and because it has wish fulfilment.

>> No.13801818

You just have no imagination. Saged