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/lit/ - Literature

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13751840 No.13751840 [Reply] [Original]

Why would anyone read fiction when the entirety of cinema is available to explore?

>> No.13751848
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Why would anyone live when you could kill yourself?

>> No.13751850

Consistency is key!

>> No.13751877
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>Thinks cinema is better than literature

Yeah... I'm the retarded one. This is 4chan, seethe more

>> No.13751898

they have their strengths and weaknesses. see kubrick's lolita movie for the weaknesses

>> No.13751902

Weird choice. Gan Bi is as especially noted for his writing as for his filmmaking.

>> No.13751903

>60s hollywood
>fucking garbage

>> No.13751909

>still cartoonposting
Yeah... you're a fucking retard. I'm unsurprised since this is 4chan.

>> No.13751920

Correct. But in which medium has he been able to capture the sublime? In which medium has he been able to explore humanity with no pretense? It's an easy one!

>> No.13751938
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Literary fiction had it's time and place but any time spent in the here and now is for nothing more than historical interest. The last generation of great literary minds knew this and celebrated it. When will you wake up? This is an anonymous board, you have nothing to prove.

>> No.13752032
File: 64 KB, 259x400, delillo_NYT_1998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when he described an Eisenstein film at length? How he wishes he could spend time with cinema instead of wasting it with literary fiction. Poor Don.

>> No.13752054
File: 157 KB, 768x995, jamesjoyce_bereniceabbott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my! Hello James! Another dear friend and admirer of the cinema. If only you were born a few decades later, the restrictions of the written word wouldn't cause you so much frustration. Poor James.

>> No.13752064
File: 209 KB, 2048x1536, quentin-tarantino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

video is not cinema

>> No.13752070

Ok cryptkeeper wannabe nigger.

>> No.13752078

There hasn't been any film that's better than the book.

>> No.13752084

stop reading

>> No.13752086 [DELETED] 

More than 100 million people went to see Marvel superhero epic Avengers: Endgame in the theaters. Which recent book had as many readers?

>> No.13752102

>the entirety of cinema is available to explore
It's not. I cannot find Don Askarian's "Komitas" (1988) anywhere.

>> No.13752211
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>> No.13752230
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>> No.13752240
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Cinema can't top this

>> No.13752250

We're just talking about fiction here. Keep up retard.

>> No.13752258

I unironically just don’t like it. I read with my heart, not with my brain, and books seem to affect me more than cinema.

>> No.13752277

Much respect. Our lives and our mediums can coexist. When the cinema wins I will build libraries for you and your kin.

>> No.13752342

Why would anyone watch films when video games exist?

>> No.13752352

Video games are fucking awful.

>> No.13752366

t. boomer

>> No.13753681

video games are the most degenerate and worthless artistic medium, along with anime.

>> No.13753683

Because I like reading

>> No.13753688

Satantango is a way better film than book.

>> No.13753914

I have absolutely no idea where you're supposed to start with cinema and what is good vs bad film
Literature I see very clear progressions, movements, groups, authors referencing prior work and building off of it, I'm acquainted enough with all of this to pick up a book and tell you where it belongs and who influenced it and who it influenced in turn
I'm sure that progression is there in film but I have no idea how to start piecing it together

>> No.13753922
File: 720 KB, 2439x1084, fiction virgin chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading fiction

>> No.13753930

>tfw too lazy to play video games

>> No.13753934

start with Eriksson! he celebrates autism WITHOUT prettifying it

>> No.13754151
File: 343 KB, 720x592, 20190903_172332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the gents

>> No.13754336

I don't fucking know who those people are

>> No.13755163

Is Satantango the Ulysses or GR or whatever of cinema? I can't think of any other film that famous that's more of a norman-repellent

>> No.13755274

On a superficial level, sure. That, Shoah, Out 1, Evolution of a Fillipino Family, Napoleon, and the uncut Greed if that ever gets found.

>> No.13755314

some movies are good, but the number of movies is a tiny fraction of the number of books. it costs millions and millions to make movies. most books and stories will never be made into movies, even the ones that get optioned.

>> No.13755344

both are virgins with such shit taste

>> No.13755350

I like both. Fuck off.

>> No.13755356

But it's not just that it's long

>> No.13755370

Length and superficial "difficulty" are all Ulysses and Gravity's Rainbow have in common.

>> No.13755374
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All fiction is on "facts" as proposed by the author, but those very "facts" could be misunderstandings and misinterpretations. What makes it then any different from fiction, the content of which may or may not be descriptive of reality?

>> No.13755382

All non-fiction*

>> No.13755400

Please read a book.

>> No.13755435

But should it be nonfiction or fiction?

>> No.13755934

Can someone post a great book that couldn't be made into a better film?

>> No.13755947

>Quentin Tarantino not Stanley Kubrick

>> No.13755956

Ulysses, The Sound and the Fury, The Divine Comedy, Don Quixote, War and Peace, Gravity's Rainbow. Literally every great book ever. Even Kubrick said that great books don't necessarily make for good movies and he paid the price for breaking his own rule with Lolita (which is infinitely inferior to the novel).

>> No.13756008

Kubrick is a hack. Most of those books are shit. Anything could be made in a film with the right director.

>War and peace 1966

>> No.13756535

>Literature I see very clear progressions, movements, groups, authors referencing prior work and building off of it, I'm acquainted enough with all of this to pick up a book and tell you where it belongs and who influenced it and who it influenced in turn
And how exactly does this increase your pleasure in reading? It doesn't, unless you're reading for reasons that are dumb as fuck. But, like with literature, you can literally just take a book on film history and read it and there you have that overview, it's nothing special.

Any. Literal adaptations are barely watchable, and less literal ones are simply a separate work of art that doesn't care about being an adaptation anymore but being a good work of art by the standards of its art form.

>> No.13756555

>Any. Literal adaptations are barely watchable, and less literal ones are simply a separate work of art that doesn't care about being an adaptation anymore but being a good work of art by the standards of its art form.
I watched Kubrick once that means I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.13756694

nope, i've seen the films and read the books
books are way way more deep

>> No.13756811

>Why do you derive enjoyment from the significance of art? Lol it's all the same dude if you actually care about any of it you're just a pseud

>> No.13756815

i think videogames are the best medium for illustrating war.

>> No.13756819

To be fair, 4chan is an anime board dummy

>> No.13756842

Vidya is the least decadent medium because you at least have to git gud and be alert which implies more cognitive activity than 99% of movies and most literature too.

>> No.13756855

4chan is a site, not a board.

>> No.13756952


>> No.13757037

Unless AI comes up with a way to extract images directly from our brain into film, cinema will always be limited by the massive need of money to produce anything worthwhile.
Sure you can make some character studies with handy camera and a few lads but if your artistic vision entails something more exotic you need funding on a big scale.
Also it will never be the undiluted vision of one man.
Not saying that film is bad though. It's pretty amazing when all things come together.