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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 232 KB, 467x467, Christcuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13737152 No.13737152[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any literature that discusses why Catholics are sensitive to left-wing criticisms of religion?

>> No.13737157

this is an insane pic lmao

>> No.13737167

We are? First time hearing this.

>> No.13737171
File: 212 KB, 920x900, 1564282624584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13737181

Give an example.

>> No.13737182

A thread that asked for recommendations on left-wing literature that criticized religion was reported by angry christcucks. Note, that the thread didn't explicitly say Christianity but religion in general but the Christcucks seethed anyway.

>> No.13737186

most of the West is Christian so what did you expect? some Hindus reacting to this?

>> No.13737216

I expected civil conversation on what books were good or bad criticisms of religion from a left-wing perspective, instead my thread, which was for discussion, was considered wrongthink and got prunned. This isn't what 4chan is supposed to be. 4chan is a place where speech is free, and genuine inquiry can be had. I should be able to ask for criticisms of religion without having my thread deleted, I could understand the deletion if I was posting on a pro-religion site or a board for pro-religious views, but this board and site is neither. This is /lit/, a place for initiating discussion on literature and my post falls within the necessary requirements to pass as discussion of literature.

>> No.13737228

Christ died for your sins and this is how you repay Him? disgusting.

>> No.13737231

dude I got banned a few weeks ago for "participating in an offtopic thread", I didn't create the thread I just replied. wtf does that even mean.... 4chan is a shithole now.

>> No.13737239

It's because you used a deliberately offensive picture, you stupid kafir. You intentionally try to provoke anger then act surprised when it comes.

>> No.13737240

>banned a few weeks ago for "participating in an offtopic thread"
The fuck?

>> No.13737243
File: 882 KB, 1280x776, slave morality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but can you sauce the ass from last thread

>> No.13737244

The same goes for you. But, of course, you would never have posted this without a 'good' excuse for your own behavior. I wonder what hungry mouths crying out to be fed are left unattended so that you can type out God's name in the form of a capitalized pronoun. I wonder if they'll recognize you at the gate.

>> No.13737253
File: 128 KB, 679x960, 1558619331545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would suspect that its got to do with the fact the Catholicism is based on the love and the left on reason. The sensitive spot is catholics falling into the worldliness of distrust in love for the divine- which is the only real way to introduce the kingdom of god into the world.

Basically the catholics are impatient and the Left can play on this.

Idfk. What catholics are really concerned with the left anyway? Your faith is pretty weak imo if you give a fuck about the material world. God's got that shit covered so just open your heart to him and be humble.

The left will never be satisfied because they'll never see that the Kingdom of God is within. They only have the suffering of the world in their hearts and cant see the splendor of His gifts.

>> No.13737258

>because you used a deliberately offensive picture
...So, I have to carefully make sure a picture I use isn't offensive to you? Do I have to take everyone into consideration or just Christians? If just Christians, what makes you so special that images posted on this site have to be inoffensive to you and your ilk? This is 4chan, you're going to see upsetting shit, either get used to it or leave.

>> No.13737268

its not us you should be worried about.

>> No.13737289
File: 27 KB, 500x500, images (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't they just be sensitive to such criticisms because they have a mundane interpretation of the Kingdom? Like, such Catholics are worried because they suspect the church is failing in whatever ways? Instead of seeing the more transcendent side where, to paraphrase (and hit me up with the original please if you've got it), "whenever 2 or 3 of you shall gather with Me in your hearts, there the church is." And the whole kingdom of god is within idea.

Basically they're shit catholics.

>> No.13737309

I'm worried about 4chan censoring my thread for wrongthink. That's it. I don't care about my image upsetting christians or "worried" about them or anyone else. /lit/,of all boards, should be a place where people can take the punches in order to have good conversation on literature. If I made a thread asking for right-wing criticisms of secularism/atheism and used a fedora wearing wojack, my use of that image should not justify an immature end for my thread because a couple non-believers got their fee-fees hurt.

>> No.13737318

I'm a Muslim, not a Christian. Your picture was not incidentally offensive, but deliberately. I can't do anything to you on the internet but you are insincere about pretending to just want dialogue. You want anger

>> No.13737334
File: 88 KB, 396x382, 1507783682791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up dishonest nigger. you can't equate a fedora wojak to putting the face of our Saviour on the body of a whore. you only wanted to provoke us, you don't care about discussion. you're a fucking nigger.

>> No.13737335

>Catholics reporting you
You're thinking of protestants. Catholics will just give you three thousand page books to read and secretly add you to their rosary rotation.

>> No.13737342

>Catholicism is based on the love
No. Catholicism is based on endless reason in a stochastic universe. It's why Heisenberg went protestant, because you can synch apparent wave function collapse with deterministic universes much easier if you find reason to not be enough.

>> No.13737386

>left-wing criticisms of religion?
Like the Josephites? What do you mean by left wing criticism?

>> No.13737421
File: 55 KB, 175x255, Mean image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you actually think that an immature image warrants the end of a conversation? Should a thread like the pic above be deleted as well? Not only does it intentionally insult Hindus, it doesn't even ask for discussion on literature that may explain why Hinduism is inferior to Buddhism, it just exists to mock the faith.

My image may have provoked, but my topic shouldn't be cancelled for it.
>you can't equate a fedora wojak to putting the face of our Saviour on the body of a whore.
Yes, I can.
>you only wanted to provoke us, you don't care about discussion.
And again, so what? Are you here to curtail any discussion that uses a naughty image that offends you? Why do you think you're above being picked on? If I made a thread asking for right-wing criticisms of gender and used an image of a woman being treated like a piece of meat, should feminist anons have the right to get my thread cancelled because I dared to use an image "reducing" woman to mere livestock? And before you try to write that isn't the same either, remember that there are definitely feminists who consider womanhood to be unquestionable divine.

>What do you mean by left wing criticism?
I just mean left wing criticism of religion, if the Josephites have literature like this then sure, but the books don't have to be from a religious group, from a specific brand of leftism, or a criticism focusing only on one religion. I'm open to whatever recommendations you may have, anon.

>> No.13737429

>Do you actually think that an immature image warrants the end of a conversation?
yes, now fuck off you blasphemous piece of shit. no one gives a shit about street shitters or women. you don't disgrace that which is Holy.

>> No.13737430

>Do you actually think that an immature image warrants the end of a conversation?
By the One in Whose Hand my soul is, kafir, if I knew where you lived and it were close, I would slit your throat for your blasphemy of the Messiah

>> No.13737442

>I just mean left wing criticism of religion, if the Josephites have literature like this then sure,
Josephites are a Catholic order from the reconstructionist south who mainly sought out ex slaves for their congregation and now focus on social justice. (One of the priests who got arrested for burning the draft and started Kunstler's career as the social justice lawyer of the civil rights period was a Josephite)
I don't know what you mean when you say that Catholics are sensitive to left wing criticism, because I don't know what criticism they're meant to be sensitive to in order to direct you towards books. Do you mean the left wing in the French Revolution? They were sensitive to that because Robespierre started the Cult of Reason which led to burning of many cathedrals and priests over its year in vogue. If you could tell me what you're thinking of when you say "left wing criticism" by giving an example of when they were sensitive to a criticism of that kind, it would narrow down the books.

>> No.13737444

Grace costs nothing, anon, show some.

>> No.13737450

Okay, I guess we have differing ideas on what 4chan should be, despite everything said, I just want the both of you to know that I don't hate you or your faiths. I just don't think an offensive image should be cause for killing a thread. I hope the both of you have a good day/night.

>> No.13737467

>I don't know what you mean when you say that Catholics are sensitive to left wing criticism
I was referring to the catholic anons who reported my previous thread that asked for left-wing literature that criticized religion, anon. The literature doesn't have to be on just Christianity, but if you know some good books that are, you're free to post them.

>> No.13737473

not him but a better question would be why was this thread blocked??

>> No.13737526

What do you mean? It seems fine.

>> No.13737533

I doubt they were Catholic, they might be LARPers like a lot of this thread. Shelley's profession of atheism is a good place to start if you're just looking for left wing lit that criticises religion. Robespierre's attack on religion was much more about usurping the political power of the Church, which had basically ruled France until then. Shelley is very accessible and has a more viable replacement: The Necessity of Atheism is the title.
If you want books on how Catholicism wove its way into great power in France Huxley's Grey Eminence shows the mindset of the baddie from Dogtanian and the Muskehounds :p (For a more fun read, The Three Musketeers features a more humorous take with a lovelorn priest and royal intrigue and swordfights. Voltaire's Candide takes a lot of potshots at Jesuits too and is also a very fun read, but Voltaire was a monarchist and therefore not very leftwing) Huxley's Devils of Loudon deals with a historical case of religious hysteria around the same time in France also. Both the Huxley books you may find dry if you're not used to his style but they are very influential and well researched.
Is it just those who criticise Catholics in particular you're looking for or is it all religions? I know more about Catholics to be honest.

>> No.13737549

>Is it just those who criticise Catholics in particular you're looking for or is it all religions? I know more about Catholics to be honest.
Any religion will do, thank you for your suggestions, anon.