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/lit/ - Literature

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13729866 No.13729866 [Reply] [Original]

I feel like a pseudo but I want to not be one.
How would you define pseudo?
Plus books on logic , rationalization and intelligence.

>> No.13729891

stop caring about what people think. Being an unintelligent intellectual isn't being a pseud. Someone who has 130 IQ and finds excuses to show off random areas of knowledge is more of a pseud than someone with 110 IQ who, in secret, tries to understand complex subjects.

>> No.13729942
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This has helped me a lot, shout out to the anons who spread the trivium, you guys are doing God's work

>> No.13729972
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Once a pseud, always a pseud.

>> No.13730016


question sources

>> No.13730030

Never make fun of a man for mispronounces a word, for he learned it by reading!

>> No.13730035

I was in honor's English all through high school and was a creative writing major in college before I had to drop out. I've read a few lit core books, but most of the most influential stuff I've read is never mentioned here except maybe in some charts someone will post. I've read almost all of Joseph Conrad and Carl Jung, all of Thomas Mann's and Ernest Hemingway's short stories and the usual psued line up like Gatsby, House of Leaves, etc. but to tell you the truth there is a lot of stuff I have yet to read, and what people here consider good, on /lit/, usually means it IS good. I've wasted a lot of my life re-reading books I've loved. Recently decided not to do that so much. gonna read Infinite Jest after my third run through Confederacy of Dunces this month. I guess I'm half a psued though. I don't know how to describe it, even my WoT tattoo isn't true to the books. I'm just an individual and that is important too.

>> No.13730037
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>Never make fun of a man for mispronounces a word

>> No.13730054

Don't show off.

>> No.13730108

I use to unintentionally do that by sharing my progress. Know if someone ask what I'm doing I will say " nonthing much " or the bare minimum of my project.

>> No.13730165

contribute novelty

>> No.13730234

Nice job editing my post to make me look dumb. Don't you have anything better to do with your time?

>> No.13730244

He didn't edit shit, Retardo.

>> No.13730256


>> No.13730261
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only pseuds think there's a difference.

>> No.13730273

That is precisely when you SHOULD mock a man. For it is likely true that the conversations we have are less formal and more relaxed than the words we read and write, thus a man with excellent pronunciation can be assumed to keep excellent company and discuss in complex topics in his leisure time, one can only assume an even greater knowledge of the written word

>> No.13730279

Its just that you have low self-esteem in one way or another. Don't feel bad for it, you did nothing wrong, anon. You are not a pseud, just an intellectual who does not think of himself as one.

>> No.13730538

I hate that people get demeaned for mispronounciation. And that people think its rude to correct it. You should raise people up so we can all rise higher. We're only as advanced as those we leave behind and that anyone is left behind is evidence that there has never been anything like advancement.

Honestly such a shit species.

Excellent company would correct you instantly not degrade you for something you don't know. If you mock someone for an honest mistake your just condescending. Your superiority should be used to help not hinder as if you one soul degrades another it degrades itself in turn.

"what I do not know I do not think I know" It all starts Socrates.

>> No.13730548

only one word: production
have you ever had anything published?

>> No.13730610

Do papers in CS count?

>> No.13730618

I like your human advancement attitude.
Would you recommend any further lit on this?

>> No.13730710
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Focus more on understanding books rather than reading as much as possible even if it means reading less/slower.

Read How to Read a Book before even starting, also.

>> No.13730777
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Learn humbleness and empathy. Always surround yourself in a room with greater minds, until you learn enough to meet your ambitious goals, then find another room.

Get out of comfort zone often. Your mind physiologically changes to grow dendrites when you are experiencing a challenging lesson or ordeal. Myelination occurs with habits and repetition.

Get into neurogenesis for creating your optimal environment for a zone of proximal development. Then pursue passions.

>> No.13730795

broad general knowledge with basic causal models of things can take you really far

deep work

not identifying with the knowledge you have

intellectual humility

knowing what you don't know

being able to tell how valuable a piece of knowledge is

ability to overcome: psychological inertia, cognitive inertia, knowledge inertia

ability to re-represent ideas

flexibility of thought patterns

metacognition generally, but there are lots of subtypes

ability to learn, ability to improve learning ability

suspension of automatic belief

>> No.13730800
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That was actually a great joke.

>> No.13731428

Grad School

>> No.13731458

Pseud here, just embrace it. Basically /lit/ is like a hive mind you can outsource your thinking to. It's a real time saver. The trick is to throw any old shit that pops into your head against the wall and anons will descend upon it like a ravenous swarm of flies and do all the hard cogitating for you.

>> No.13732265

just be a pseud shit's cash
work on your glibness if anything but you probably have that
just go out and be successful like all pseuds are

>> No.13732857

The problem is not thinking too much of yourself - the problem is thinking of yourself.

>> No.13732887

Samefag. Keep spouting lies.

>> No.13732916

step one:
get off lit

>> No.13732955


>> No.13732985
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the guy who made this said he made it as a meme and didn't even read most of those books. here's another one.

>> No.13733465

i always cringe when i see the kjv on these lists. ruins the whole chart

>> No.13733486

I read the essentials of the chart, and most of the rest that I haven’t were good books for their area by any standard (Copi, Corbett, etc.). I didn’t make the chart as a joke—I wanted to get people talking about what a modern liberal arts education ought to be, or at least encourage people to learn to think more rigorously.

By the way, I made the reading list that inspired the chart you posted, and that I have read it in its entirety. You have probably noticed that a lot of the same books have been carried over. That’s not an accident. In fact, my focus on the trivium as an autodidact foundation is an evolution of the ideas expressed in that pretty infographic.

>> No.13733493

If you don’t think the Bible isn’t a pillar of the Western canon, then you are delusional. Love it or hate it, you need to read it and understand its allegories if you want to have a nuanced understanding of both Western philosophy and literature. It’s a chart focused on liberal arts basics, for crying out loud. Which religion carried the torch of liberal arts for the past two millennia? Take a guess.

>> No.13733504


>> No.13733532

Bingo. I was thinking Christianity in broad, but I agree that Catholics are by far the staunchest promoters of classical liberal arts. I think I see where you find fault—not using the Catholic Bible.

You don’t have to read the KJV if you don’t want to. If you prefer the Catholic Bible, then more power to you. At the time, I was thinking in terms of the most influential Bible in the Anglophone literary tradition, and that is unquestionably KJV.

>> No.13733587

influential doesn't mean good, and in literary aspects, really its pretty much the same as a catholic bible besides the missing books. you'd understand its influence better by reading a book about it than by reading the kjv itself.

>> No.13733652

>influential doesn't mean good
From a literary perspective, the KJV is solid. I understand what you’re coming from, but if you think it “ruins” the entire chart, then you are being unfairly partisan. I’m not trying to proselytize for Catholicism, but rather trying to get people to receive a well-rounded education. Nearly every major literary figure from 1600s on had studied the KJV... to imply that it’s irredeemable is beyond ignorant. If Harold Bloom, Mortimer Adler, and other professors familiar with the liberal arts have no problem recommending it for the purpose of academic study, then you shouldn’t either.

If you want to undergo the Catechism and read the missing books, then feel free to do that. If you want to go beyond KJV, reading contemporary academic contempories and learning Koine Greek to do your own Biblical exegesis, then be my guest. But you *have* to read the Bible, even if you are an atheist, just so you can understand Western liberal arts. It’s hard to go wrong here—pick a major edition and get through it.

Remember, it’s just an intro chart from more than two years ago, one with a lot of typos, omissions, and antiquated ideas. It still has a lot of good ideas and hundreds of people have been helped by it. Don’t set up unreasonable goalposts or throw out the baby with the bathwater—it makes it hard to take your critiques seriously.

>> No.13733678

What is the narrative prose in Gatsby, from what perspective is best to understand and enjoy the book?

>> No.13733744
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the kjv is the favorite bible of atheists, really makes you think. studying the bible on its own without any church context isn't even just a waste of time, its actually detrimental to your understanding of it. treating the bible like its just another religious text, only more relevant because of its prominence in western culture, acting like your own intellect is somehow "above" it, that you're "above" seeing it as literal truth and only see it as the iliad/odyssey of our time, to be "studied" but not understood, is highly insulting and you should frankly be burned for it.

>> No.13733758

>treating the bible like its just another religious text, only more relevant because of its prominence in western culture, acting like your own intellect is somehow "above" it, that you're "above" seeing it as literal truth and only see it as the iliad/odyssey of our time, to be "studied" but not understood, is highly insulting and you should frankly be burned for it.
That’s not who I am nor what I do, but if you needed somebody to vent to because your day was shit, then I have no problem being your punching bag.

>> No.13733787

no, i just hate heresy and the kjv

>> No.13733796


>> No.13733813

what makes you think anyone here would know?

>> No.13733823

double inspiration
deal with it

>> No.13733832

Most of all, it's discipline, hard work and being humble.
You need to have better work programs and projects with good auxiliary bibliography. You'll never understand the classics by yourself. For this, you can search for college programs on the subjects you like if you can't simply go to college.
Discipline, because sticking to a certain project is needed to achieve anything and this takes a lot of discipline and hard work.
And humility because you will never be a true intellectual, you always got to admit this.

>> No.13733839

>that you're "above" seeing it as literal truth and only see it as the iliad/odyssey of our time, to be "studied" but not understood
Implying that the Homeric epics aren't the literal truth

>> No.13733863

i do see them as literal truth, gods and all. but i doubt most people do. they see it as myth and they see the bible as myth also. everything that isn't about multicultuarlism, technology, or sex is archaic to these people and only to be read to understand how stupid ancient people were with their "honor" and "morality," and how evolved and enlightened we have become.

>> No.13733878

go outside

>> No.13733974

The Homeric epics and the Bible are what you make of them. I’m hoping for the very least that people don’t forget them, a fate which would be worse than having some people misinterpret them.

>> No.13734115
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Don't say something just because you want to sound smart. keep learning until the things you naturally say are smart.

>> No.13734125


>> No.13734159


>> No.13735986
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>> No.13736137


do you guys think studying the LSAT will improve your logic and reasoning ?

>> No.13736605

All neurons have myelin ya brainlet.

>> No.13736781
