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13723606 No.13723606[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are females inherently socialists?

>> No.13723620
File: 68 KB, 668x874, E6FC8475-3EFE-4FE0-BE93-01F05A6CBFB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does us no good to follow the infected males to oblivion.

>> No.13723629

Because, on the whole, they have a better emotional maturity than men and also have better empathy.

>> No.13723639

Every post that you make is somehow more annoying than the last. It’s like scratching a chalk board, just cringe inducing and painful. Please leave this board already, you old hag. Find something else to do with your time.

>> No.13723640
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women aren't anything at all they just pretend to be

>> No.13723649

if they have so much empathy why does every socialist country treat its women like trash lmao.

>> No.13723653

Females are inherently bourgeois. They all aspire to be upper middle class.

>> No.13723656
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the end of the human race will be caused by women, its a womens natural drive to end her society and her race.

>> No.13723684

they aspire to suck billionaire cock on a yacht

>> No.13723686
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What a fucking lie. Do you actually believe that?
You’re marching us all to extinction, you flatulent corn stuffed sow

>> No.13723687



>> No.13723691

stop talking about corn in everything fucking thread. you have early onset dementia. you are literally a broken record. you bring up corn and max stirner apropos of nothing in every thread now. you are stuck in a mental loop and it will lead to the degradation of your mental functions. you need to get off this site and fuck right off to an old age home. you sound like a fucking boomer

>> No.13723692

It is beyond cringe. What a fucking nightmare world your sex has made of this place.
And this pedophile ass above has the gall to say he’ll turn right around and blame women for it all.
Fucking rich cringe.
Where can I spit in your face?

>> No.13723694

Who's the rapist that takes pictures of this child with controversial books? Wouldn't surprise me if it's one or both of her progressive, attention-seeking pseudo-intellectual mothers.

>> No.13723696

Conservatism usually puts men on it's favor and women are relegated to second place.

>> No.13723706

Men are mostly bootlickers that think one day they will be rich.

>> No.13723710

Well my first gay experience happened like this:

I was about 50 yards or so up this path when I noticed a man standing off the side of the path apparently staring into the woods. As I got closer I realized his pants were down around his ankles and I could see his ass. Now, I'm straight but I have to say that it was a really nicely shaped ass for a man and I took notice. I figured maybe he was drunk and just peeing in the bushes, so I started to walk quieter so I wouldn't disturb him. But as I got closer I started hearing strange grunts and sucking sounds. I realized there was another man blowing him.

Now, I'm not gay but I slowed my pace down to watch. I slowed and approached the standing man from behind. His friend didn't take any notice as his eyes were tightly closed. I came right up behind the man standing so that I could have reached out and touched him. That's when I brought the cinder block down on his head, hard. He collapsed on top of his faggot friend and I quickly finished them both off. I rolled them into the bushes and finished my walk. That was only my first of many such gay encounters.

>> No.13723712

Because they are stupid and should be banned from partecipating into politics.

>> No.13723714

You pick on people for consuming sōibeans, I pick on you for the corn. They both have glyphosate in them

>> No.13723715
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lmao global warming is exacerbated by low iq minority groups in asia and africa

lmao you're a mad cow aren't you why dont you go back to your echo chamber on reddit

>> No.13723718
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parental relationships are rape nowadays?

>> No.13723719

Her closeted pedophile father is the fascist who took the pictures

>> No.13723720

Cringe. Unironically end your pitiful existence anon please

>> No.13723721

im going to hunt you down and force feed you corn with a funnel

>> No.13723722

conservatism helps protect traditional societal values which help to protect women more than progressive liberalism..... LMAO

you tell me what shithole countries have the highest trafficking

>> No.13723724

Eco-fascism’s finest, everybody.
He’s got the cure. Surprise, it’s always genocide.

>> No.13723727
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Coercive exploitative relationships are parenting nowadays.

>> No.13723729
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men work for society, whamens want freeeeee stuff plz

what the fuck are you on about... oh your a tranny

this repeal the 13th now

hating on sexual orientations


>> No.13723732

Who is this annoying tripfag and why does his posting style make me think of an old washed up lesbian that no one wants to sleep with anymore?

>> No.13723733

We eat lots of it. You however were dosed in the womb. This explains your autism.

>> No.13723737

>This explains your autism.
>everything I don't like is autistic
Consider suicide Butterfly.

>> No.13723738

Based Mara poster
This is a blessed thread

>> No.13723739

>Pedophile fascist doesn’t know he’s being dissed

>> No.13723740

You have brain worms. There is no hope for you, anon. I’m so sorry

>> No.13723741
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>lmao i love how you dont disagree because we both know whats causing global warming

>We eat lots of it
does that explain your obesity and fat acceptance

>> No.13723744

more % of women voted for trump

>> No.13723745

not literature

>> No.13723748

>neurotypicals are this fucking retarded
Seems like you are unable to grasp I am not the guy you are replying.
Glifosate doesn't cause autism, glifosate actually lowers autistic symptons because it is metabolised into estrogen.
Autism is caused by an excess of testosterone, lack of prolactin and lack of oxytocin.

I really want neurotypicals such as you to pay for the crimes you have committed.

>> No.13723753

>obesity and fat acceptance
Wait, are you telling me that ableist is pro-fat acceptance?

Jeez Butterfly, I already knew you were a fucking feminist.
I wasn't aware that you are a landwhale and a legbeard too!

>> No.13723756

Do you agree that capitalism is causing global warming? If not you’ve been grifter on by fascists. Moulding your putty-like brain to support their cause

>> No.13723760
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instead of proving your mental retardation how about you rebut my points?

oh wait you cant

exactly all those femist retards claim that womans issues where on the agenda for the 2016 election yet were fine voting for the women who helped her husband dismiss rape accusations by 3 white house secretaries.

absolute brainlets.

>> No.13723762

Global Warming is good because it will make neurotypicals like you perish.
Hopefully, it will remove billions of your kind.
Then you have fucking traitors like Greta. I hope she gets shot.

>> No.13723774

They're not inherently "socialist", a female capitalist is just as happy to oppress proletarians and women as a male one. But women don't only suffer oppression on the basis of class, but also sex and gender, and that make them more class conscious than men.

>> No.13723775

Butterfly please answer, are you pro-fat acceptance? Yay or nay?
Because that's fucking rich.
If you worry so much about global warming you should consider stop being a fat fuck. Because global warming will, hopefully, cause a water shortage.

>> No.13723776
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cry more commie

yes of course it is mega corporations are just exploting the environment and men who work for them, thats why fascism a nationalistic culture yet socialist economy is better.

not even to point out that communism helps mega corporations by divying wealth to larger groups for easier exploitation

>> No.13723778

Jokes on you, global warming will remove you too. This is the extent of your retardation and I hope you seek help for it

>> No.13723780
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kek this is the female gender in 2019

>> No.13723781

You don’t know what inherently means. By your standards, all men could be classified as illiterates.

>> No.13723783

You can’t argue sincerely with someone who has brain worms anon. If you weren’t such a dumb cunt you’d realise this. You’re a lost cause so I won’t be giving you more attention

>inb4 hurr durr I’m right can’t rebut my stellar talking points.

Brown nose Shapiro more, pleblet

>> No.13723784

I legitimately believe all people with a BF% over 20% should be executed and used as a source of energy

>> No.13723786

>global warming will remove you too.
I don't mind sacrificing myself for the greater good, why? Because I may have autism but I also have treatment resistent depression.

>> No.13723789
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>But women don't only suffer oppression on the basis of class, but also sex and gender

this has never happened..
why are they mad they couldn't get jobs working 30 years to make another person rich instead of raising and educating a family...

women are too weak to have the ability of birthing children

>> No.13723794

>Jokes on you, global warming will remove you too.
No such thing as.

>> No.13723795

starting with you then

>> No.13723802 [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 3072x2048, 1562565381753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as soon as women were allowed to vote and as soon as they were admitted to colleges, they has been a resurgence in communist ideals, marxist professros, socialist liberal progression and communist politicial such as AOC

>> No.13723807

>implying that any socialist/communist society that has ever existed was in some way more environmentally friendly

>> No.13723809

>Communists are educated.

You’re actually right, anon. I agree with you here

>> No.13723812
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as soon as women had the ability to vote and attend college, there has been a resurgence of socialism, such as marxist professors, social-liberal progression, communist politicians such as Cortez.

>> No.13723815
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prove that women arent retarded politically and intellectually

because they are, women have greater social value but thats where it ends

>> No.13723818

You fucked up with your last post, you fucked up with this one. I feel embarrassed for you. Stop posting now lol

>> No.13723819

Communist Russia and China weren't environmentally friendly

>> No.13723823

>this cutey
I miss /b2/ so much

>> No.13723841
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shut up nigger my hands are cold as FUCK
biggest joke in the thread yet

UwU very cute :3

>> No.13723860

You’re the biggest joke in this thread. Pedos like you should be hung and one day your time will come

>> No.13723882
File: 3.64 MB, 3264x4928, 508E8745-DE30-499B-BAEA-112C65CC26A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legbeard, yes. “Land whale” never

>I know what’s going on. pol told me everything!

>> No.13723886
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keep dreaming its not going to happen when brain dead women keep voting for libtards

pedophillia will be a protected sexual orientation in a couple decades by yours truly ~ whamens

>> No.13723893

>“Land whale” never
we can see the fat around your knees fag

>> No.13723910
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Implying I’d post my legs in your vile pedophile thread.

>> No.13723913

The only environmentally friendly alternative to capitalism is anarcho primitivism, you simply can't have a large scale industrial society without pollution.

>> No.13723918

> anarcho

>> No.13723921

Unironically good answer.
The agricultural revolution was a fucking mistake

>> No.13723930

>oh no the 50 year old land whale wont post her legs my erection is going to stay hard for another 10 hours

>> No.13723935
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>vile pedophile
why are you filled with so much hate

>> No.13723940

Because women are concerned with relational thinking, while men are concerned with substantive thinking. The former naturally leads to egalitarianism and peacekeeping, the latter to hierarchies and truth-seeking.

This difference is most emphasized by modern academia, which is predominantly female and dominated by bureaucrats.

>> No.13723945

Figures a pedophile would be a misogynist.

>> No.13723960
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Fuck off back to plebbit nigger.

>> No.13723962

It's not her, her trip code was discovered seceral months ago and a random anon gets a shot of dopamine everytime you reply to its posts.

Just filter the code and move on.

>> No.13723964
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very nice respone anon this post resonates with me, im studying psychology as a major and you should see what the femoids have done to this profession.... HOLY SHIT

its literally a propoganda machine now like CNN

>> No.13723975

lool bitch fight

>> No.13723977

Touched a nerve?

>> No.13723980

Yikes, have sex, you incel niggerfaggot.

>> No.13723985

It's happening everywhere. Women have taken over academia as an institution. We also know this, we just don't do anything against it. Research shows that people with an IQ of around 130+ have actually less chances to make a name for themselves in academia, and most of those are male due to higher variance in traits in males than in women. These high IQ males usually are also low in agreeableness and low in conscientousness, in other words they are not afraid to voice their opinions and not afraid to break rules. It's no wonder they don't fare well in an environment dominated by bureaucratic women with moderately high IQs that shun anything that disrupts social harmony.

>> No.13724008
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yeah through my experiences women will disregard intellectualism in favour of emotion/feeling whereas men are intellectually inquisitive even if that upsets people.

My experience in class
7 females 1 male (me)
discussion on gender dysphoria and treatment
me: if clasically the treatment of dysphoria is preventative and therapeutic such as Anorexia, then our treatment for gender dysphoria should be the same with talk-based therapy as modern implimantations are non-reversible and exsacerbate underlying mental problems.

Females:Wow you are a misogynist and homophobe, cant you think of the client and how they feel.


even the American Psychological Association has been taken over by femenists that are writing studies on "Toxic Masculinity" and delisting gender dysphoria as a mental illness.

the problem with Academia is there is no governing body for "Research papers" meaning anyone can publish anything, leading to feminist thery on marxists ideals.

>> No.13724050

>lmao i love how you dont disagree because we both know whats causing global warming
The entirety of Africa combined emits less CO2 than the US, perhaps we should genocide Americans