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File: 38 KB, 620x388, steven-pinker_2380350b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13664956 No.13664956 [Reply] [Original]

>his thought scares me

>> No.13664967

the plebbist "philosopher" of the modern age. memerson tier.

>> No.13664973
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>> No.13664976
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>Two weeks later, as if Jeffrey was trying to lighten my spirits, he told me I would be going to his island to meet a new client. He is a Harvard Professor, named Stephen [REDACTED]. I would be spending two days with him showing him around the island, dining with him, and treating him to a massage whenever he wanted. Without Jeffrey even verbalizing the need to have sex with him, he told me to keep him happy like I had my first client.

>Stephen was a quirky little man with white hair and a mad scientist look about him. We arrived separately and greeted him when one of the housekeepers picked him up from the airport and arrived by boat, instead of helicopter as Jeffrey and Ghislane often arrive on. We made our acquaintances and he looked as if he was tripping over himself with words, obviously delighted with his company and location for the weekend. I showed him around as Jeffrey had asked and took him on an adventurous quad bike ride around the small curvy paths, leading the way and letting loose my hair, doing something that gave me a natural high instead of the prescription one.

>> No.13664986

It's not real

>> No.13664989
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>> No.13664990

>-100 social credit points
Hope you're flagged for genital confiscature

>> No.13664994

Pinker is unironically an evil neolib who probably is in the Epstein's loli circle.

>> No.13665000

he is a jew, so everything he ever said and done has an evil end goal

>> No.13665003
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Nothing to see here goy

>> No.13665011

Steven "two in the" Pinker

>> No.13665015
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>> No.13665024
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>> No.13665061

Because he's evil.

>> No.13665070

Based environmentalist
Subhuman bugmen shouldn't reproduce

>> No.13665651

He's the true accelerationist. The horror of total capital subsumption of man remains unstated, hence the horror.
Land merely resorts to cheap jumpscares without saying as much.

>> No.13665738


>> No.13665744

>wow democracy! wow individualism! wow reason! wow science!
>everything wrong in the world is due to people not being reasonable, scientistic democrats like me!
He's pathetic. A disgrace to his race.
Epstein is the epitome of Pinker's ideals.

>> No.13665750


>> No.13665757

Because he's trying to establish the position that everything is OK through facts (muh poverty, muh development), while more and more westerners feel like something is broken and that we are in the period of silence before storm. He's Fukuyama after Fukuyama himself declared that his thesis was wrong.

But what if our feelings really are wrong? What if we will have fukuyamist peace and stability? Obviously such period won't last forever, but it might last long enough for our hair to turn white.

>> No.13665775

notice how the pessimists have yet to give an argument

>> No.13665785

>feel like his values are right values
>can agree that things have improved
>also think Pinker is wrong
Who me?

>> No.13665817

This is interesting. Sauce?

>> No.13666402

this. his only real audience is Warren supporters.
>But what if our feelings really are wrong
they're not

>> No.13666439

His values are good ideals but simply don't work when the rubber hits the road. It would be great if everyone could get together and reason out the best way to run society but that's simply too much to ask of the majority of people. If everyone was the enlightened liberal ubersmench that Pinker assumes we are (rational actors) than things would be pretty cool, unfortunately that is ply isn't the case

>> No.13666589
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These are false, and act as an opposite, perfect and real double of Pinker's mentality.

But >>1366565651 tells the truth in the first paragraph. Pinker's mentality and philosophy push the liberal model of Western technological capital to the limit. An economic and social framework based on desires and industrialized optimism through the market of personal self-improvement supported by the academic corpus that predates the institution that was The Church. It is one of the architects of The Cathedral that Moldbug detected.

The proof of my statements are >>13664989, and >>13665003. If Pinker is one of the architects, Epstein was an executioner. Jeff followed the aristocrat's book of transhuman rules to the letter, allowing a natural and spontaneous eugenic process protected under the triumph and validation that the current socio-economic model has over the world of the 21st century and, therefore, any decision he could make was correct.

Seeking the optimization of human progress through the biological and reproductive sciences, Epstein saw himself as the stallion with the best genetic set, as a rational being, the only correct moral option was limited to selecting the best receptacles to breed the best possible humanity.

>> No.13666716

The same could be said of a lot of liberal thinkers honestly. There's an inhuman, robotic rationalism on display that evaluates ideas on a solely theoretical basis rather than acknowledging how social context can lead to these ideas failing in practice. I'm actually researching the impact of liberalism on third world countries and the ignorance liberal writers display towards to cultural context of these nations is genuinely astounding. They talk as if they've lived in ivory towers all their lives and think creating utopia can come down to a mathematical equation. The fact the people like Pinker clearly have connections as seen here >>13664989 really only strengthens that impression.

>> No.13667378

Like when he look at us like that, we are supposed to think he is smart or something?

>> No.13667460

Actually based
Its so funny that environmentalists not having kids leads them and their ideas to being bred out of existence

>> No.13667504

That he gets to agree with /pol/ on heredity, populational IQ and stay employed?

>> No.13667951

What more do you need?

>> No.13668032

It's not fake. Pinker in fact wrote an article clarifying (or obfuscating, perhaps) his relationship with epstein

>> No.13668182


Have you considered the fact that post materialist society is just pussified and Pinker is right

>> No.13668332

This is what seems true to me.

>> No.13668391

Rather than relying on a gut hunch, one could argue humans are facing multiple plausible existential threats and the liberal system is grossly unprepared for them.