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File: 41 KB, 885x516, Peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13646297 No.13646297[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does he represent "Post-Religion"? Religion is quickly becoming obsolete in the Anglosphere so we have someone like this to fill in the void with quasi-religious pleasantries and he gets a mass following.

>> No.13646324

Regardless of his perceived shortcomings, I see his portrayal as an enemy of progressives to be evidence to the failings of modern liberalism.

>> No.13646336

how's that? I think he's gotten pigeon-holed as anti-progressive but he's basically just center right and supports a welfare state, which is "radical" in the US

>> No.13646404

Much of the new left disdains freedom of speech and the individual rights it affords, which is entirely what caused him to become popular in the first place, that somehow the government compelling speech by law should be viewed as a good thing. I can only think somebody with that mindset either must not be well read or completely ignorant of most of history. That this could be considered right wing or libertarian leaning is fucking absurd, much less the absurdity of agreeing with such a law in the first place. The separation of equality of opportunity and outcome that he illustrates in his talks is also something that should really be self evident to anybody who is familiar with any group discriminations throughout human history, yet this seems to be something lost to modern liberals. It's quite absurd, and wholly separate from much of the values of the previous progressive movements. These people are sparsely read, drama seeking folks that couldn't hardly begin to comprehend much of the critical reasoning surrounding the historical progressive movements that their own movements follow and mimic. Peterson's opponents are angsty, sensationalist propagandists that provide absolutely nothing to their own society through their ideology other than a contempt of their own abstractions and a distate for logic.

>> No.13646731

>does not believe in God
>thinks the Bible is full of wisdom and Jungian architipes but they come form human wisdom
>no concrete opinions about anything (see his stance about trans bs, it changed from I'm not calling them by their bs, to I'm calling transgirls a she)
>religion in good but not because God is real bit because in has consecutive stands
So yea he represents exactly the non religious religion. If you adopt hi stance it may work for a generation but afther that it will fail because it has no grounding In anything.

>> No.13646756
File: 215 KB, 642x480, ReneGuenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juden Peterstein and his writings are a mislead of a materialist age, read Guenon.

>> No.13646758

*mislead product

>> No.13646935

he was fighting against the proposition of enforced mandatory use of gender pronouns,he never said he wouldn't use the preferred pronouns just you shouldn't be able to force people to

>> No.13647099

I like the psychological analysis of the Bible much more than the religious metaphysical one. His talks made me see how the Bible was meant to be understood without all that esoteric woo woo

>> No.13647105


>> No.13647114

They are trying to wheel out a gnostic prophet faggot like Peterson to fill the void, but it won't work.

Yes the west is going through a period of materialist nihilism or whatever you want to call it. There is already a religious backlash brewing as new more absolutist branches of Christianity are exploding in numbers.

But many people are already lost to neo-liberal secularism and they're not coming back. Those people are also not reproducing so the future will STILL ultimately be religious

>> No.13647127

Seems spot on.
I imagine most of his audience are young people who have seen the arguments against the literalist beliefs they were brought up with in sunday school and want something to cling to.
I can't imagine a bible thumper actually following him in earnest but only support him as part of a coalition of right wing interest or something.

>> No.13647134

it's just enlightenment mythology of man as the source of his own meaning. so it's not religion in any sense but a satanic heresy.

>> No.13647137

he is a liberal himself though. just has a fantasy of a 'tempered' liberalism. (hint: it's inconsistent).