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13629144 No.13629144[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>gets nastily rejected by a girl
>spend days trying to forget humiliation
>starts to imagine I'm gonna be a huge writer one day
>she'll realise the mistake she have done
>we stay in touch as friends
>she and I sitting in a coffee shop one day, sipping coffee and discussing about my upcoming book
>she tries to muster up courage tell me something. I know what it is, don't lead her
>she looks down and finally says, 'I know how poorly I treated you anon.'
>say nothing
>'I know I won't be able to have you in this life, but I just want you to know that if I had to go back, I would do everything differently.'
>I keep staring out the window

Am I pathetic for playing these scenes in my head on repeat?

>> No.13629158

It is pathetic, but it's natural. The most pathetic part is actually thinking you'll make it as a writer.

>> No.13629176


>> No.13629180

Just look upon what you wrote, you inept retard

>> No.13629181

This is literally me but filmmaker instead of writer (she wants to be an actress so this would be the ultimate revenge). I laugh at myself sometimes, though. And like the other guy says it's natural. You won't remember the incident when you're 35 or older.

>> No.13629187

Oh that. English isn't my native, so it's alright.

>> No.13629193

Brother. Even if you don't make as a writer, you'll find someone someday.

>> No.13629196

Look up the socio-sexual hierarchy concept described by Vox Day, specifically the section for "Gamma." Learn about the behavior patterns and begin to improve them

>> No.13629201


That woman is emotionally manipulating you because she believes you to be a huge faggot

She can sense that you were hurt, that you're vulnerable and she's savoring the cruelty and the drama. And how she's the center of attention in your mind. Even if it seemed authentic, you must understand that compassion and morality are euphemisms for feelings of magnanimity and patronizing others. Stop signaling weakness and she'll either treat you differently or ignore you. If possible cut ties entirely and move on, try not to be such a pussy next time

>> No.13629210

Unironically, read 12 Rules for Life.

>> No.13629229

>12 Rules to Life
Is this really a based book? I thought people here considered it a meme

This, OP

>> No.13629254

>Am I pathetic for playing these scenes in my head on repeat?
Yes, but you can recover and be made stronger. Anytime you're this obsessed with a girl, it's because you have low self-worth and limited experience. Work on yourself and don't seek her approval and she will fade away.

>> No.13629262

If you're writing for woman your work will be trash. Find a more sensible pursuit for external validation or continue down this path until you kys

>> No.13629282

He's not writing for a woman. He's writing for revenge, which is a good reason as any.

>> No.13629290

Obsession stems from feelings of high intensity, it has nothing to do with self worth. One can have a high self worth, and still be obsessed for a girl.

>> No.13629291

Feeling shame over what goes on inside your own mind, where no one can even see, is pointless and only hurts you.

>> No.13629294

basically this, OP.

>> No.13629308

Nope, it's even worse and extremely childish to believe his schlock will have any impact on anyone

>> No.13629315

Good thread, made me laugh.

>> No.13629319

> le text verde
>- anon -

>> No.13629320

If you wanted her back you fucked up, if you wanted her out of your life you did good.

Either way it'll be ok.

>> No.13629328

Some of the greats wrote for fame or admiration. Some wrote for darker reasons. Makes no difference whats driving you as long as the result is good.

>> No.13629330

You're pathetic for thinking that her rejecting you had as much gravity in her mind as it did in your mind. You have lived life as a man for decades, so you know on a thousand different unconscious levels how big a deal it is to be rejected as a man. Men can go months or even years without even getting another real shot at courting and bedding a woman. Women on the other hand are are saturated in offers daily, and their sense of their own worth is inflated even more unrealistically by the fact that extremely attractive and successful men, men way out of their league, are willing to pretend to be interested in them as a whole for a brief period of their youths, when really they are only interested in them as a hole. If that girl is anywhere above a 3/10, she has the same self-esteem as Caesar shortly after crossing the Rubicon, and since rejecting you, three dozen men better looking and more interesting than you have pretended to find her fascinating because they want to shoot cum into her.

You can't do anything about this, other than wait for the inevitable civil war that will cast roasties back under the heel of patriarchal repression for a thousand thousand years, slamming the door shut on any possibility of another hearing for feminism until the heat death of the universe, because any time someone suggests giving women the vote this time men will collectively think "oh yeah, we already tried that, and they immediately began sucking up strange cum and ruining everything." But you can prevent yourself from being a slave to it, on an individual level. Purge all roasties from your thoughts the instant they are no longer a real sexual prospect for you. Take your shot as soon as possible with any given roastie, and then wipe her very existence from your memory.

Don't be upset at how unlikely any given shot is. Don't be upset about how rare it is that you even get a shot. Don't be upset that one shot a year times one in a hundred likelihood per shot equals I'm never getting laid again. Don't be upset. Forget individual roasties. Wait for roasties to be destroyed in the upcoming civil war.

>> No.13629342

Celine wrote to buy an apartment, so the motive doesn't really matter

>> No.13629347

How can someone be so based and redpilled? What kind of books you read??

>> No.13629348

>nastily rejected
>stay in touch as friends

Yes you're pathetic.

>> No.13629359


>> No.13629363

Damn op, feels bad but things will work, stop daydreaming and do your shit, I know you can write a book just believe in yourself

>> No.13629376

It doesn’t matter what people on 4chan think of the book. If you need self-help because your life is a mess, it will help you. So will other self-help books.

>> No.13629385 [DELETED] 

if you weren't being an ass and she still rejected you, she's not worth knowing. She's not a nice person, move on.

>> No.13629387

Damn that is savage Jesus Christ

>> No.13629388

I've been playing these kinds of scenarios in my head for as long as I can remember. Perhaps the hatred inside me can some day be set free, hopefully not through mass murder, but some creative endeavor.

>> No.13629406

I think it's pathetic to even dream about things ever getting to be good again. The situation is hopeless, and your civil war, which sadly will never happen, is a cope.

>> No.13629423

Dont listen to these faggots, OP. Dark motives make the best books. I believe in you.

>> No.13629483

>One can have a high self worth, and still be obsessed for a girl.
Incredibly untrue. All lust that leads to obsession is predicated on the realization that you desire something that you are otherwise unable of providing for yourself (that's why masturbation fuels this obsession and doesn't quench it; the individual further realizes that they lack the means to obtain what they perceive as lacking). The more obsessed you are, the less confident you are in your own abilities to acquire what you desire. See oneitis and other terms that center around the obsession that often follows unrequited "love".

>> No.13629493

>civil war
Won't fix anything and will never happen. The Westen world is experiencing the beginning of the end.

>> No.13629528

Nailed it. Often the same goes for some girls who seek validation from chad who just pumps and dumps her.

>> No.13629535

It's one thing to daydream once, and set it as personal goal. Entirely different to daydream same thing over and over and never doing anything to walk towards that dream.

>> No.13629664


Not him, but it’s actually pretty hard. It’s a very competitive market and editors mostly don’t want to invest in anything they see as risky. Then there’s the fact that even if you find a publisher and publish the book it will only be one more drop in a see of words. The chances of your book actually becoming a hit and your name known among the population are extremely remote.

Then there’s the fact that a book that is both popular with the public and the critics is a very rare thing indeed.

But don’t let this discourage you. I think is healthy not to live with a fairy-tale view of life (for example: there’s always the factor of luck involved. You can be very talented and dedicated, but there are people who have the same qualities plus a little more luck), but it’s also healthy to go for your dreams no matter how many naysayers stand in your way.

As for girls, consider spending money on hookers. No stress and guaranteed satisfaction. You should also eat healthy, exercise and maybe use Tinder.

>> No.13629873

>>starts to imagine I'm gonna be a huge writer one day
yes, extremely

>> No.13629884

the things that being a "great writer" requires will literally destroy who you are, so good luck with that suppose