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13610753 No.13610753 [Reply] [Original]

Struggling alot with insecurity lately. If you could post books on how to feel better about yourself it would be really appreciated.

>> No.13610764

Just watch anime.

It's the same thing, delusional escapism.

>> No.13610767
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>> No.13610790

I'm not asking for escapism. I'm asking how to be comfortable with myself.

>> No.13610794
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>> No.13610803

Read Anna Karenina

No other book will answer your question as well

>> No.13610812
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>> No.13610814

read the OG self help authors: the stoics.

>> No.13610819

>I'm not asking for escapism. I'm asking how to be comfortable with myself.

>> No.13611500


>> No.13611538

The pseud is you if you think a book will make you feel better about your life, idiot.

>> No.13612245

Being comfortable with oneself is equivalent with being dead. You should rather come to know yourself by yourself, and become comfortable with growing/learning.

>> No.13612252

Read The Bible.

>> No.13612257

You need to read fiction, no self help book wil help you brother

>> No.13612380
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It's a meme to hate Pete on /lit/, but there's nothing truly objectionable in this entire book. There's a reason he's been on fire for the past two or three years, and this is a way to get the jist of his good stuff without wading through all the things you might not agree with or have any interest in. It is a genuinely well-intended book that can help a lot of people straighten out their thoughts. On that note, one of the points being elaborated on in it is how it's better to aspire than to be "comfortable" with yourself.

>> No.13612387

Positive Psychology

>> No.13612405

This. Also gonna recc Learning To Learn by Oakley and How To Read A Book by Adler

>> No.13612416
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Ok, this is deep

>> No.13612465

absolutely based

>> No.13612484

Lighten up.

>> No.13612901

A New Heaven and a New Earth by Eckhart Tolle.

>> No.13613210

>self help books
Why don't you just get a full frontal lobotomy instead?

>> No.13613236

I mean, if the point of a book is to reuse weird traditionalist nonsense with more cliches than a Katy Perry song, then... I guess it counts as good?

I mean, if you just make a list of all the things that make you a functioning member of society and check those boxes every day you'd have as much success as a J. Petey cultist.

1) Get up at a regular time and shower
2) Clean up after yourself
3) Produce something of value for yourself
4) Don't be a fat fucking sack
5) Don't eat a fat fucking sack
6) Sleep a reasonable amount of time.

Oh look, I've revolutionized manhood in this MARXIST FUCKING HELLSCAPE

Jesus christ. I forgot psuedo-Christian overtones about random masculine aphorisms to make myself feel better about not feeling like I fit in.

>> No.13613254

Lemme do you a favor.

Everyone is insecure about stuff, everyone has imposter syndrome unless they're raging psychopaths.

Wake up at a regular time, practice a skill, pick three passions, one to make you money, one to keep you healthy, and one to bring you joy. Practice those three things until you're good at them. Listen to people more than you talk at them, show interest in other people and try to understand how their life brought them here. Say yes to new experiences, and no to being used. You can recognize being used because you're giving more than you're receiving.

If you feel insecure, remember that there is someone who is better than you at pretty much everything and that's a freeing thing. You don't need to worry about being the best at any one thing, just being better than you were yesterday.

And fucking shower, and brush your teeth and floss occasionally... And learn to fucking cook. Even if it is from Binging With Babish.

>> No.13613266

Nicomachian Ethics

or if yer a degenerate, Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.13614282
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>> No.13614289
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The Road Less Traveled never gets talked about but it, along with Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, are without a doubt the greatest self help books known to man.

>> No.13614292

You sound really angry. I would hesitate to take any advice from you. Sorry.

>> No.13614786
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agree with The Road Less Travelled recommendation. i find it interesting how the book was published in the late 70s but still holds merit today. people and psychology never change huh? i’m currently a little over the first quarter of the book and find it quite applicable to my own life.

also i would recommend pic related. it references adlerian psychology. really helped me create a framework of how to live amongst others, which i was lacking before reading the book. can’t recommend it enough and i wish to read it again.

>> No.13614794

samefagging btw

you mentioned you want to be comfortable with yourself. The Courage to Be Disliked will help you i think

also recommend:
No More Mr Nice Guy
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

i would also recommend fasting as a supplemental activity.

>> No.13614796

My diary.

>> No.13615351

>traditionalist nonsense
You haven't actually read/watched any of his stuff, have you? You've just watched epic rebuttal videos and read angry posts reducing his content down to "wash your penis."
>I mean, if you just make a list of all the things that make you a functioning member of society and check those boxes every day you'd have as much success as a J. Petey cultist.
In a society with an increasingly severe epidemic of people who don't know how to wipe their own asses, how does that not change the value of properly wiping your own ass and why do fags like you have such a problem with someone educating people on how to wipe their asses? You're making fun of people for being fatasses, then making fun of them for having the audacity to go to the gym.
>Jesus christ. I forgot psuedo-Christian overtones about random masculine aphorisms to make myself feel better about not feeling like I fit in

>> No.13615540

people who read self help books that work stop visiting /lit/... NOBODY that respects themselves can stick around here long...

>> No.13616299

have sex

>> No.13616313

David Burns'books are good. Basically therapy in a book.

>> No.13616339

Alan watts the wisdom of insecurity

>> No.13616415


Not the anon you replied to, but minus the anger he has a point. I watched a fair amount of Peterson's stuff in 2017 and it was all standard fokelory advice about looking after yourself.
I don't really remember much of it, just bits here and there like an interview where he described sorting *himself* out. I remember he went on an aqua-aerobics or aqua exercise course, something like that, and apart from him and his friend everyone was elderly. Plus something about a small Quebequois child stealing his tools when he was doing yard work?
I don't remember it because it wasn't revolutionary. Here's a list that's less hostile than the other one but just as good as JBP's:

Genuinely try to be better at things
Value cleanliness, order, and punctuality
Don't take shit from people
Don't talk shit about others
Eat a sensible amount of good food
Exercise in a way that pushes you for an hour 3x a week
Go to bed early

>> No.13616442
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Pic related. I read this book several years ago and it has helped me incredibly. Because of the sudden realization of what I could potentially be, and what he could all be in the distant future I changed myself radically. I got a job, got in shape, frequented the internet less often and now I spend most of my time reading and enjoying myself, not concerned about women or men looking at my actions. I highly recommend it OP.

>> No.13616446

Thanks. This actually helped me out quite a bit.

>> No.13616459

Read books.

>> No.13616464

>Actually good self help books
Breuer's original description of Anna O's case.

>> No.13616592

>It's a meme to hate Pete on /lit/
It is not a meme. We really hate Mr. Lobster and Apple Cider.

>> No.13617865

Samuel Smiles

>> No.13619003

Thanks. Thanks everyone who posted good advice or books too. If it matters to you, you helped someone out alot.

>> No.13619025

Read this, was a great thread >>/lit/thread/S13329939

>> No.13619030

The Old Man and the Sea