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File: 63 KB, 570x399, Socrates_Plato_Aristotle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13604632 No.13604632 [Reply] [Original]

If they were brought back today, would they be religious? Which religion(s) would they subscribe to?

>> No.13604633


>> No.13604641

What a stupid question. Developing religious convictions is a process that takes time and depends on intellectually maturing in a certain environment rooted in a particular place and a particular time. They wouldn't just "get into" a religion the same way you wouldn't just decide to convert to, say, some version of Islam or Buddhism after a trip to an Islamic or an Asian country where such beliefs are widespread.

>> No.13604642

they would be bourgeois humanists, so scientism af and they would go on tv to be the usual intellectual shitheads you see on political shows being gaga over the human rights.

>> No.13604648



>> No.13604649

They would probably despise Christianity as degeneration of their culture. Still, they never struck me as a particularly religious bunch.
If I have to answer, Hellenic Gods with a healthy dose of doubt.

>> No.13604651

you. are. a. retard.

fuck you.

>> No.13604653

i have never seen such a retarded fucking stupid bastard retard. eat shit in your mother's womb where she will shit you out again to once again live your life as a retard and make more retarded posts and i will call you a retard again. i'm not joking you spastic

>> No.13604655

Have sex and cope, incel

>> No.13604658

Aristotle and Socrates would be Christians

Plato would bend the knee to the father of lies.

>> No.13604668

my religion

>> No.13604670
File: 7 KB, 416x162, samefagyourmotherretardbastard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are one retarded cunt

>> No.13604677


>> No.13604681

Why would they not be anything other than what they already were? Because we have skyscrapers and airplanes? Come on now

>> No.13604686

this but the inverse

>> No.13604688

They would all be Muslims.

>> No.13604722

Ayy Lmao.
Reeeing moslems

>> No.13604725

They probably be Muslims where you give woman what she deserves as Greeks did back then.

>> No.13604750

>If I have to answer, Hellenic Gods with a healthy dose of doubt.
lol you never read them did you

>> No.13604777

Aristotle would be a Christian for certain. Plato would probably convert to Islam and start a philosophical revolution. Socrates didn't exist.

>> No.13604806

They would subscribe to pewdiepie

>> No.13604820

Socrates would without doubt be an obnoxious "agnostic" atheist.

Catholicism is the easy answer for Aristotle, but he might go for scientific materialism, particularly given the degenerate state of the Catholic church.

Plato is a tough call. Probably one of the liturgical Christian churches, though again it's less likely because of their current moribund state.

I doubt any of them would go for Islam, they'd all instantly recognize its Medean character. Plato might go for Vedanta or Theravada Buddhism.

>> No.13604827

you have not read them

>> No.13604981

>Socrates vehemently denies charges of atheism against him, even though he's otherwise willing to piss off the assembly to the point where they give him a death sentence
>Plato devises thought on the soul and universal truths in the Forms, and other ideas, so resonating with Christianity/Islam, their theology becomes inseperable from it
>Aristotle counters the paradoxical notion of change being impossible so hard, that he ends up concluding an entity that could only be theologically compatible with the Abrahamic God, causing Aquinas and Catholicism to adopt his philosophy

>"No, bro, they'd be materialistic Atheists and believe scientism and logical positivism, like me, cause they thought hard and stuff."

>> No.13605001
File: 10 KB, 366x402, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13605024

of of those 3 cucks, most likely plato the cuck, would be some kind of Evola cuck jerking himself over some republic for fascists craving power fantasies.

>> No.13605035

>Plato believed in the transmigration of the soul from one body to another after death
>n-n-noo.... h-he'd totally be Christian!

>> No.13605038

>the republic is an utopy herp derp

>> No.13605039

Socrates would be a devout Mormon and would convert millions just by knocking doors and having a dialogue.

>> No.13605044

they would be nofap

>> No.13605132

they would follow the religion of their forefathers, just like they did in their times.

>> No.13605149

Probably Hindus of the Advaita Vedanta variety

>> No.13605193

>never struck me as religious
Have you even read a single dialogue retard?

>> No.13605394

>Still, they never struck me as a particularly religious bunch.
Do people in this supposed literary board actually read?

>> No.13605627
File: 14 KB, 508x508, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. If you have not learned by now that this board is ninety percent people posturing by posting praise of meme books and authors with a reputation for being "difficult" to make themselves feel validated and smart, I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.13605658

they would be gnostics or Hinduists

>> No.13605739

nobody says "Hinduist" its just Hindu or Hindus

>> No.13605764

Being wise men, they would realize how they are ignorant about the state of todays world and would spend the rest of their lives studying the scientific and philosophal works of the last 2500 years.

>> No.13605786

this keeps getting asked on here in various guises and im just really worried about anons perspective of the world.

>> No.13605797


>> No.13605870
File: 45 KB, 399x404, 1553903475498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read the Phaedo and I have a question: why did Socrates at one point argue in favor of the transmigration of the soul, but then at the end detail what happens to mortally sinful souls (thrown into Tartarus), mortally sinful but deeply remorseful souls (thrown into Tartarus but have a chance to be brought out if forgiven by those they've wronged), philosophers souls basically partying it up with the gods for eternity, etc etc. I'm obviously missing something here, can one of you Plato people help me out?

>> No.13605872



>> No.13605933

I think the easiest way to explain it is that he believed that it was possible to break the cycle of samsara, either negatively (Tartarus) or positively (the fate of philosophers).

>> No.13605997

Ok, that makes sense. Thanks!

>> No.13606287

why do this guy keeps shilling advaita in every other thread

>> No.13606303

>being hindu outside of india
literally impossible. stop forcing this meme. hinduism is essentially linked with that land and its people

>> No.13606319

You should have never left /pol/

>> No.13606354

None of them would be religious.
Socrates would walk around university campuses initiating uncomfortable and provocative conversations with experts and students, and probably inadvertently cause the invention of some interdisciplinary fields. Aristotle would read Newton, Darwin, and Einstein and shit a brick. Plato would become a theology lecturer like the pseud he is.

>> No.13606366

Maybe but I don't think they would join any religion.

>> No.13606367

Pretty good deconstruction of modernist folly.

>> No.13606370

>proves the other guy's point
>thinks he won the argument

>> No.13606374

>You'll receive new bodies
>t. Christ

>> No.13606380

>not religious
What about Daemon, huh?

>> No.13606382
File: 72 KB, 497x594, monk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and they'd all be Christians, most likely Orthodox. Plato himself would probably even be a monk. Socrates would be a hyper-religious extremist and Aristotle would be more nominal than anything, but still have deep metaphysical beliefs about God.

>> No.13606400

they'd all be greek catholics and accept the pope as the highest of the bishops since they all see hierarchy as the structure of reality

>> No.13606408

None of these men had religions, friend. They had spiritual and supernatural beliefs. Socrates abhorred the religions of his time and was sentenced to death for his noncomformity.

>> No.13606452

Wrong, Socrates was deeply religious and showed the Greek gods reverence, especially Apollo, to whom he dedicated his life in the pursuit of wisdom. Funny how two thousand years later people still believe the false charges that were made up to prosecute Socrates for political reasons. Sad!

>> No.13606462

Damn, how are you recovering from this? You gonna be alright?

>> No.13606482

this, they all knew you need a strong leader.

>> No.13606669

This is probably one of the dumbest posts I've ever read on /lit/ lmaoooo

>> No.13606677

I don't usually shill it but it is the closest thing around to what they would agree with

>> No.13606783

That's not the sense Plato meant it in, that's just clutching at straws in a desperate attempt to link him to Christianity like Christians always do

>> No.13606886

If the soul can transmigrate, why would it be limited to another body, I believe you can ascend and descend, maybe even go beyond. its complicated because if there is a existence of the soul we don't what that is or means really. Or in other words, we don't know what we are. Possibly just stardust. consciousness is a fucking mystery my friends. All I can say is I feel my own energy, and if we were just globs of meat aware for a life time it would be utterly useless.

>> No.13607135

Nobody said it could only go from one human body to another, Plotinus accepted transmigration from humans into the bodies of animals, the Hindus accepted this too along with the possibility of attaining heavenly and hellish realms.

>> No.13607166

best reply

>> No.13607179

No it's not, almost all of south-east Asia was Hindu once, there are large Hindu diaspora communities etc; anyway that's besides the point that Plato is closer to Hindu thought than Abrahamic, that was just your way of lazily complaining without actually coming up with an argument

>> No.13607208

You can larp as a Hindu but that doesn't make you one. It's a geo-ethnic religion par excellence.

>> No.13607241

That you would make this into a personal attack on me despite the conversation being about Plato et al just goes to show how butthurt you are my friend, and what you said isn't even true because there are certain Hindu sects that accept converts from any background; and regardless people can enjoy and benefit from reading their philosophy without even being one.

>> No.13607309

>Certain sects
Yeah how about you show me a traditionalist Hindu who proposes that you larper (I was not attacking you but now I am since you might consider yourself an hindu and came with that passive aggressiveness). Guess why Guenon and Rama weren't Hindus.

You are precisely the disgraced western man seeking refuge in the romanticized eastern traditions. No different than new age degenerates that fell for it. You will never be an hindu just like no one outside of India will ever be. That shouldn't be an attack.

>> No.13607322

You are all wrong. They’d be OTO for obvious reasons

>> No.13607397

Tantric Hinduism is pretty individualistic and there are a lot of non continental practitioners of it. But that also has a much different dynamic than traditional Hindu thought so I suppose your point still stands

>> No.13607440

I'm talking about Hinduism not traditionalism. Lingayatism, Gaudiya Vaishnavism and Ayyavazhi are all Hindu sects that accept converts from other religions and from people outside the caste system. There isn't even any prohibitions in the Vedas or smritis about non-Hindus becoming Hindus, there is just no formalized or standard pan-Hindu procedure for doing so but some individual sects have these procedures. The rest of what you said is just projection.

>> No.13607827

Hinduism is not a religion, it was a broad term the British gave to many seperate and sometimes distinct religions

>> No.13607932

That's incorrect. Hinduism is and always has been a religion that is united by its shared scriptures, the Vedas and the Upanishads; and also to a degree the Puranas and Itihasas which are largely derived from the ideas of the former two. It was an organic whole long before the British arrived. A synthesis of Hindu thought is already found in the 8th century AD Shankara's works, and even before him texts like the 2nd century BC Bhagavad-Gita demonstrate a seamless integration between Vedanta, Yoga and Samhkya. There were also later medieval-era Hindu intellectuals who wrote doxographies describing all the main Hindu schools of thought as being a united and cohesive whole like Madhusudhana Sawaswati and Vijnanabikshu. The scholar Andrew Nicholson conclusively debunks your talking-point in his book 'Unifying Hinduism'.

>> No.13607937

That’s Vedic religion.
Hinduism often lumps together smaller religions of India that reject the Vedas

>> No.13608082

People smart like they are would obviously be atheists. /thread

>> No.13608108

Go back, and take your cloak with you. Gadfly.

>> No.13608112

That's also incorrect. Hinduism is the direct continuation of the Vedic religion. Very few Hindu sects "reject" the Vedas, and when they do in some degree they usually base themselves on the Upanishads (which are a part of the Vedas anyways) or texts based on them. You have offered no proof of the alleged existence on anything more than a marginal scale of these sects of people mistakenly grouped as Hindu; and in any case that's a logical fallacy where you are trying to imply the rare exception disproves the rule that almost all Hindu sects share an acceptance of the Vedas/Upanishads as scripture and the texts based on them.