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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.46 MB, 2500x2350, thomas pynchon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13591368 No.13591368 [Reply] [Original]

did pynchon really not know that psychedelics were a CIA psyop?

>> No.13591428

Dude you just posted cringe

>> No.13591453

Yeah he just posted cringe to his timeline. CIA niggers are gonna blow open his roof and rappel down and defend themselves from him

>> No.13591492
File: 25 KB, 500x500, aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had it with this board and it's garbage decay, the entire deterioration of the internet. Going from the dreams of the phyl-undhu esque library that Suzy shows you, the Xanadu of counties, eternal libraries of each advancement. Creating a timeless space through the manipulation of electrical information technology and circuits. All of that is gone for a cyber-spacial reality reflection where you have trouble differentiating which is which, it's comical and pathetic that stuff like facebook or instagram became the most used sites. This could've been an ascension, the memex machine into the satellite. Forums are now being ruined by people like you, non alive people who only communicate through irony and simulacrums. You should honestly kill yourself.

>> No.13591507

If you're the same anon posting on several threads about "communicating through irony and simulacrum". I'd like to say, I like your posts. You shitpost better than I write, and I envy you for that. However, I appreciate your contributions.

>> No.13591512

Anon resumed his search for a sincere man, lantern in hand, heart in throat, hand in pants and hopes in drain.

>> No.13591521

but i read infinite jest

>> No.13591535

Dude you just posted cringe
The electricity thing reminded me of Twins Peaks though, so thanks.

>> No.13591537


>> No.13591546

No problem, bud.

>> No.13591558

daily reminder that /lit/ has improved from a board where we circlejerked over pynchon/dfw/joyce into a board with diverse philosophical and theological discussions. maybe its time you picked up some of the books people are discussing in the good threads on this board instead of crying over the fact that nobody wants to talk about how "pynchon is great man, like he uses maths in his books" anymore.

>> No.13591561


>> No.13591562

>literature board
>image quotes without source citation

>> No.13591574

unironically pretty epic

>> No.13591577

diverse philosophical and theological non-discussions. Just look at the catalog, it's the same shit, every time.

>> No.13591638

Cringe, that short story sucked dude lmao

>> No.13591658

If it makes you feel better, I genuinely meant what I said, it was cringe and you were too.

>> No.13591662
File: 19 KB, 184x288, 141908D7-3A76-4ED0-AB15-63D11BAB3C74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychedelics are tools to de-condition and re-condition the brain. Most of them (literally, physically) increase neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to break down old connections and form new ones), some even foster neurogenesis (formation of new brain-cels). It seems like the extreme intensity of the experience is correlated with these physical changes in the brain as well — which can be for good or ill.

This idiotic conspiracy theory of “psychedelics are a CIA psy-op” seems to be a favorite talking-point if dull, reactionary, anti-progress paranoiacs scared of the awesome power inherent in psychedelic drugs. Their ability to heal mental afflictions like anxiety and depression, to cause ecstatic mystical experiences, to turn people’s lives around and foster creative breakthroughs and new forms of thought and emotion, is chucked out because “the CIA used LSD for mind-control experiments in MK-Ultra” (yes, then the federal government made it and almost all other psychedelic drugs illegal, heavily persecuted and vilified it, and even stuck Timothy Leary in fuckin solitary confinement in federal prison for years for promoting its use) or some stupid anecdotal bullshit like “haha bro Like all the people I know who like use drugs bro they’re like all like fuckin slow and weird and living in their parents’ basements and they haven’t gotten far in life like bro dude totally” (Steve Jobs? Timothy Leary? Bill Gates? Kary Mullis who won the Nobel Prize in chemistry? Francis Crick? Richard Feynman? John Lilly? Walter Benjamin? Jean Paul Sartre? But oh, no, you want to use the neo-pseudo-hippies you know in your life (who most likely aren’t perfect test subjects due to it being complicated by poly-drug abuse, using drugs besides psychedelics)). Instead of making some stupid fucking response, I want you to just shut the fuck up, realize how stupid you are, just be ashamed, feel inferior to my hyper-enlightened wisdom and unworthy of even reading it here.

Also, those quotes in that picture are from Terence McKenna, a guy who I think is in some respects a fun read and in most other respects a stupid asshole who abused psychedelic drugs and the mystique around them.

>> No.13591680 [DELETED] 

>the entire deterioration of the internet. Going from the dreams of the phyl-undhu esque library that Suzy shows you, the Xanadu of counties, eternal libraries of each advancement. Creating a timeless space through the manipulation of electrical information technology and circuits. All of that is gone for a cyber-spacial reality reflection where you have trouble differentiating which is which, it's comical and pathetic that stuff like facebook or instagram became the most used sites.
Great truth

>> No.13591682

nice, thanks

>> No.13591720 [DELETED] 

The propsychedelic crowd reminds me a lot of bible thumpers. Surely you shouldn’t need a drug for introspection and change, just like surely you shouldn’t need a god to behave morally, yet they believe they are necessities worth the harm. I think it comes from fundamentally looking down on others, perhaps even themselves, which may be correct I guess.

>> No.13591726

>his character said something so that means he believes it

>> No.13591738

Holy based, I need to check him out

>> No.13591741

No, I’m not “pro”-psychedelics in the sense you think I am, I’m more “anti-anti-psychedelics”. Some people wouldn’t be able to handle the experience, or it’s just not for them. I’m not trying to force it on you or anyone. It just gets my blood pressure up when idiots dismiss it or rail against it so casually. I myself wouldn’t drop a tab of acid or eat mushrooms right now, or for the foreseeable future, if you paid me. I just don’t want to, I’m not in the proper mindset for it. And I sure as hell wouldn’t suggest that, say, my uncle do it. I just think that it’s VALID. It’s valid for some to want to experiment with it, and it’s valid for there to be art, science, philosophy inspired by it. Shamanism is a valid part of culture, whether it’s the medicine-man’s ecstatogenic rites or Aldous Huxley writing “The Doors of Perception.”.

>> No.13591742
File: 788 KB, 2550x2150, terence mckenna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting mckenna

>> No.13591757

>daily reminder that /lit/ has ""improved"" from a board where we [talked about books] into a board [that larps about /pol/shit]

>> No.13591760

This is what happens when you don’t read to the end of a fucking post. Read the end of my post you just responded to. Then feel your face get red and your dick shrivel up in fear and embarrassment. Some stupid response will well up in your head like “lol pathetic that you’re so angry” but the fundamental fact is that you’re such a fucking attention-spanless lobotomized zombie of the present era you couldn’t even read to the end of my fucking post. You just saw a picture of Terence McKenna then a mechanized part of your stupid monkey-brain with negative associations about McKenna lit up. Basically, I am your God.

>> No.13591768


>> No.13591775


>> No.13591778 [DELETED] 

Do you have similar beliefs about teetotalers and alcohol?

>> No.13591814

from a board where we [talked about 3 fiction books written in the same century] to a board where we [talk about a diverse range of books]

>> No.13591823

Very nice to see someone taking up the mantle of defending the psychedelics as a tool for the brain, rather than a drug for pleasure. As someone who has dabbled with LSD, psilocybin, and DMT, I can say that it has overwhelmingly provided a positive change in my life.

For about the past three months I’ve been taking about 50ug to 100ug of LSD weekly, with positive results ranging from
>increased emotional response
>increased emotional control
>increased self control
>increased stress control
>decreased to nonexistent general anxiety
>decreased social anxiety
>improved ambidextrous capabilities
>improved mind-muscle connection
Many more I could probably list, but the aforementioned have been most noticeable and impactful in my daily life. Honestly though, I still would not recommend the average lay person to take a psychedelic substance. Most lack the intelligence to properly use psychedelics in a constructive matter and instead slide down the trails of either pleasure or insanity.

>> No.13591832

You've said it better than I could have.
>Surely you shouldn’t need a drug for introspection and change
This is a strawman and you clearly haven't done psychedelics. Of course psychedelics aren't necessary for introspection. Introspective people would naturally be more interested in psychedelics compared to the non-introspective person. The non-introspective person who has already adopted a belief system and refuses to let go of the belief system are either uninterested in psychedelics or they will have a severe panic attack upon realizing their belief system is false.
There are other activities that are conducive to an introspective, creative, analytical, problem-solving state, these activities would include meditation, fasting, art, writing. I practice all of these and none of them have an effect as strong as psychedelics. Psychedelics allow you to analyze a problem as an ego-less observer, view the problem from multiple different perspectives, and myself personally am much more likely to find a solution in this state compared to the other introspective activities. The only negative I've found from my personal use is the fact that psychedelics are illegal, which is a good enough reason to stay away from them (I value my freedom and future more than this state), but I will always support psychedelics and their legality.

>> No.13591853

>[talked about 3 fiction books written in the same century]
This was never actually true
> [talk about a diverse range of books]
Yeah great book discussion in these threads
There's more but I got tired of copying them.

>> No.13591888

we always had these kind of threads

>> No.13591889

go to bed, Tao.

>> No.13591894

Maybe since you arrived.

>> No.13591901

why don't you just go to the archives and reheat some threads from 2011 if you loved it so much?

>> No.13591910


>> No.13591944
File: 791 KB, 500x375, 1562548495397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no facebook memes
>no twitter screencaps
>not a single peepee or feelsman
>no trannies
>all-around higher quality of discourse
God, I want to go back so bad.

>> No.13591957

I do that sometimes.

Notice the most off-topic ones were deleted and a good portion of the non-deleted ones at least about English/Writing degrees or actually were about books. The bigger problem now is the /pol/ shit and religion shit, and the fact that off-topic threads get hundreds of replies and aren't deleted.

>> No.13591964

>The bigger problem now is the /pol/ shit and religion shit
the problem is that people are discussing types of literature you dont like as much?

>> No.13591970

Also it was a lot slower, sometimes over a minute between posts. That level of comf will never return.

>> No.13591985

They aren't discussing literature though. They present a political opinion, or post immature philosophizations of God without ever mentioning a book or literature in any sense. Read the sticky and you will see that this is against the rules.

>> No.13591986

I actually do like discussing religious literature.

what literature is being discussed in >>13578530 or >>13588452
(just because people wrote about theology doesn't mean all theological discussion is /lit/)

>> No.13592001

They're not discussing literature, you dense moron. "Is the orthodox church based and redpilled?" isn't literature. "How do I stop masturbating three times a day?" isn't literature. "Recommend me some books to fit my twitter persona" isn't literature. "How do I get an arthoe GF? isn't literature.
The sooner /his/ gets replaced by a general "humanities" board for these people to fuck off to, the better.

>> No.13592023

The thing is /his/ is literally called "history and humanities" and religion/theology posts should go there but alas... Some do get moved but not always. Nobody gets the message regardless.

>> No.13592051

These are all quotes from mckenna

>> No.13592057

I don't really blame people for avoiding /his/ because it's absolutely god-awful in its current state. If I were in charge, I'd delete the entire board, replace it with "humanities/general," and have all discussion of fiction, nonfiction, and specific passages of scripture go on /lit/.
It's a complete pipe dream, and it probably wouldn't work in practice, but it would be better than what we have now.

>> No.13592062

Pynchon was primed as a cia agent but rejected it and went underground to write ingenious pothead novels. He knew about psyops and acid before most of the populous

>> No.13592063

>you are a divine being. you matter, you count
do people really read 1000 pages of this doo doo?

>> No.13592072 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 1200x1335, 2C589F92-E001-43E3-ABBC-9EE5A8A0D996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why have a literature board AND a humanities board

>> No.13592085

for reference here is a thread actually about religious literature
Every post, even the shitposts, reference literature

>> No.13592100

Yeah it's not ideal, but there should be a place to discuss all books including philosophical and religious texts and not general religion/politics... And that's what this board is supposed to be

>> No.13592288

You don't NEED a plane to cross the ocean but it sure does make it easier if you're interested in getting over there faster than with a boat

>> No.13592292 [DELETED] 

Are planes worth the harm of consuming fossil fuels though

>> No.13592330

Tao wishes he could write like that

>> No.13592930

Yeah dude, Evola and Guenon, so diverse. Oh, sorry, let me include some token Plato so that people realise how intellectual we are.

/lit/ was never good

>> No.13594361

Tao wrote a whole book about mckenna

>> No.13594992

Why do people like this hack?
>DAE Nazis? Hey, guys POP CULTURE #Relatable? What if, stay with me, PUN TIME - colonialism.

He has great prose, but his themes are painfully pedestrian. Honestly not sure why he's popular here when he's the black science man of literature.

>> No.13595021

>Reducing a dozen wildly different books spanning different genres and time periods, mostly giant doorstoppers with more content and effort in a single one than other authors put into their entire life, to "lol pop culture and puns"
Reductionism is the most brainlet take imaginable, no matter what you're using it for
Your post is complete nonsense and you should feel bad about it

>> No.13595138

I'm not going to write a thesis in a text box the size of a business card. It was purposefully inflammatory as well, mostly because I'm sick of hearing about this guy. He is a talented, passionate writer who I cannot understand the appeal of. Drudging through his long convoluted manuscripts has always seemed like a chore to me to get to his fairly weak payoffs. I can't think of another way to describe how I feel about him other than "reddit tier". Unironically. I can't describe in words to anyone other than users of this website how I view his writing. It's complicated to the point of screaming at you "LOOK, IT'S MAN VS AUTHOR - GET IT :DDD I'M USING NON-TRADITIONAL PROSE TO SUBVERT NARRATIVE" instead of lubing you up through a narrative and slipping deep inside you like Vonnegut or even PKD. His political topics, like colonialism, racism, corporatism, nazism, are looked at uncritically and are incredibly pedestrian - as are his pop-culture references which even now are dated and show the futility of leaning on manufactured culture. I could go on, but again, not going to write a thesis in a text box.

>> No.13595177
File: 85 KB, 480x480, Worried_Face_Emoji_12fa1bbf-0297-4818-8298-d6c1a588c341_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Pynchon was literally an MKULTRA agent

>> No.13595241

>Psychedelics are tools to de-condition and re-condition the brain. Most of them (literally, physically) increase neuroplasticity (the ability of the brain to break down old connections and form new ones), some even foster neurogenesis (formation of new brain-cels). It seems like the extreme intensity of the experience is correlated with these physical changes in the brain as well — which can be for good or ill.
>This idiotic conspiracy theory of “psychedelics are a CIA psy-op”
neither statements are contradictory

>> No.13595452

/lit/ is the only board that has actually improved on 4chan.

>> No.13595690
File: 271 KB, 980x1024, Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 3.17.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For about the past three months I’ve been taking about 50ug to 100ug of LSD weekly

>> No.13595704

I dunno I guess you're just a brainlet

>> No.13595707

we went from dead to dead but with a bunch of polshit, not much of an improvement

>> No.13595717
File: 217 KB, 1010x970, Screen Shot 2019-08-06 at 3.23.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13595726 [DELETED] 

unironically kys

>> No.13595729

>what are lsd-induced flashbacks

>> No.13595748

>what is collateral damage

>> No.13595880

guess you need to be spoonfed art

>> No.13595896

unironically burn your books since you're incapable of appreciating them.

>> No.13595899

You're the one crying because Pynchon doesn't follow traditional narrative structures.

>> No.13595926


Did you even read what I wrote?

>> No.13595939

Did you?

>> No.13595981

My point was that he does the "anime following the manga" version of non traditional narrative structure where you are beat over the head with it to the point all subtly is lost. At least Joyce had poetic prose.

>> No.13596027

well hey there's still more solid traditional narrative in GR than your average Vonnegut novel so I don't see your problem. I will admit that he tends to repeat himself a lot, but his command of English is so good it doesn't really matter usually. But I fail to see how he's uncritical and pedestrian given the amount of research that goes into his books.

>> No.13596032

vonnegut is reddit

>> No.13596074
File: 462 KB, 1086x880, tim_sweeney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol no it isn't

>> No.13596111

Play "Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor" if/when you happen to have some idle time. You just might appreciate it. That's all I am going to say, you either got curious enough or you didn't.

>> No.13596113

I see a lot of glowing faces in the crowd tonight. I can see you niggers

>> No.13596123

go back to redd*t already

>> No.13596124


>> No.13596212

LOL you think we haven't stopped jerking ourselves off over the fact that DFW/Pynchon/Joyce wrote books

>> No.13596814

This anon is enlightened. McKenna a shit.

>> No.13597593

these quotes are from nick land

>> No.13597604

Just curious - how does LSD affect neuroplasticity? Is it improved after a trip? Only during a trip? Is regular LSD use required to affect it?

>> No.13597714

LSD makes you insane, just do shrooms twice a year and have your IQ shoot up one SD

>> No.13599124

>LSD makes you insane

>> No.13599159

these are Terrence McKenna's quote LMAO

>> No.13599169

They're actually by Terrence Malick

>> No.13599171
File: 12 KB, 171x266, 198384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your own homework

>> No.13599269


>> No.13599275


>> No.13599284
File: 446 KB, 739x578, jez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, brainlet

>> No.13600099

They're Timothy Leary (CIA agent) quotes

>> No.13600112

A cow sez moo

>> No.13600133

>“psychedelics are a CIA psy-op”
but they are. Read “Manufacturing the Deadhead” and tell me that the CIA didn’t use psychedelics to neutralize young, impressionable baby boomers from meaningfully challenging the establishment. Everybody agrees that “set and setting” dictates the impact of psychedelics, but few pay attention to the origin of the subculture trends that ensnared nearly everyone interested in psychedelics during the late 50s and the 60s.

If you treat psychedelics with the proper respect that they deserve, use them only when you’re of sound mind and body, and have the appropriate set and setting to ensure a good trip, then they’re beautiful and healthy. If you don’t, or if you play into psychedelic culture, then you’ll be transforming yourself into an invalid, utterly wasting the potential of both psychedelics and yourself.

>> No.13600826

Those aren't Pynch Quotes.

>> No.13601171

it was an experiment that backfired. there is a huge difference between synthetic made lsd strains as 'reprogrammers' and plant entheogens. but anything can be made for intent of control, doesnt make that thing specifically malevolent. pynch in this case knew the whole spiel as it was unfolding, hiding redpills in his work.

>> No.13602022

It's possible to take psychs and not let the CIA control your mind.

>> No.13602412


>> No.13602683

t. James Joyce

>> No.13602696

>If you treat psychedelics with the proper respect that they deserve, use them only when you’re of sound mind and body, and have the appropriate set and setting to ensure a good trip
you just removed every single american

>> No.13602737

where can an anon get hooked up anyway, I thought the popular dark sites have become honeypots?

>> No.13602753

0/10 fbi please go

>> No.13603172

but I don't have any friends irl to tell me about this kinda stuff

>> No.13603645

honeypots exist to entrap traffickers, not weinerboys who take little dmt puffs. you can just diy a dmt tek using online manuals

>> No.13603674

I'm glad I don't find myself urged to scan through dozens of forum posts daily just to find a post where I can neurotically rant about my chosen boogeyman.

>> No.13604465

underrated post

>> No.13604540

2013-15, now THOSE were the good days...
[sips Harold Bloom]

>> No.13604547

oh i get it theyre all terrence mckenna

damn i was looking forward to reading where pynch directy discussed psychedelics.

>> No.13604575

pynchon never said any of that