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13582927 No.13582927 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Christians think that babies and even preteen children automatically go to heaven? There is no scripture supporting such an idea.

>> No.13582942
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All Christians have their own idea of Christianity just to make them personally happy (or feel superior to others). There are certainly more "pure" or smarter interpretations of the Bible, but for the most part Christianity has always been a meme religion.

>> No.13582945

They go to purgatory

>> No.13582948 [DELETED] 

A girl is assured salvation until her first period.

>> No.13582962

another made up thing

>> No.13583002

"Those who lost the Gift through ignorance or tyranny... will be neither glorified nor punished by the righteous Judge"

>> No.13583004

You need to commit a sin in order to not go to heaven. The Catholics say there are different types of sin, all requiring different types of reconciliation with god. A little baby wouldn't have sinned, so off to heaven. A toddler can't really do something so terrible that without reconciliation they'll go to hell, so heaven.

You're looking at maybe 10 year olds who have a hatred for someone and kill them because of it. They'll go to hell.

If a mentally retarded man accidentally injures or kills a person, they're also fine, since they don't have the capacity to understand what they're doing

>> No.13583017

>implying Adam's sin isn't imputed just by virtue of your corporeal relation

Romans 5:12-14 King James Version (KJV)

12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression

>> No.13583023

You born in and die in sin. What does that have to do with newborns who dindu nuffin.

>> No.13583039

that's a pretty unambiguous assent of the doctrine of original sin.

>> No.13583049

Yeah but Jesus died to save us from that sin, dipshit. I'm not even christian and I know this

>> No.13583057

>Ad hoc doctrine
yeah ok

>> No.13583060

nobody can benefit from Jesus' sacrifice without knowing him.

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15And how shall they preach, except they be sent?

>> No.13583065
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Fucking sperg...

>> No.13583067

yes, Paul was a fucking sperg.

>> No.13583469

The general idea I've seen is that we trust in God's mercy towards those who die in a state of sin through no fault of their own, leading to ideas like limbo or a choice made at death, closer to the choice of angels. It's not directly biblical, though.

>> No.13583484

Because you only break the law if you know the law. Dying without ever having heard of Christ is completely different to dying after having heard and rejected Christ.
Really curious how many of you have read the Bible before chiming in, beyond seeking out certain passages and not bothering to read any further.

>> No.13583490

He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me'” (Matthew 18:1–5
maybe read The Bible next time

>> No.13583500

Which is not to say that you 'automatically' go to heaven. It's just that we have no reason to believe that an infant should have done anything very bad or rejected God. The only thing that really fits into the rest of the doctrine is >>13583469

>> No.13583522

We’re born sinned, so really it depends on whether or not the child has been baptized.

>> No.13583699

>born sinned
You christians are so funny.

>> No.13584633

Yeah, no idea what Christians hold that unbaptized infants necessarily go to heaven. Probably some variations of Protestant, but nothing I've ever heard.

>> No.13585018

How is that doctrine? He's merely saying you can't be legalistic and high-minded if you are to be purified.

>> No.13585057

Because they're idiots. Augustine said unbaptised infants go to limbo, they can never get into heaven.

>> No.13585063

No, in Catholicism, everyone has inherited the original sin of Adam and cannot enter heaven without God's saving grace which is mediated through the church and its sacraments. You're woefully misinformed.

>> No.13585096

Augustine had many heretical beliefs. Limbo is not mentioned nor even implied in the biblical texts

>> No.13585230

Neither are lots of Catholic beliefs

>> No.13585237

yes, Catholicism is one of many made up Christian faiths.

>> No.13585309
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GOD forgives all that can't decide for themselves. He smited A&E because they chose to go against them.
Original Sin doesn't apply to the unknowing, only the unwilling.
Although I've questioned this whole thing in my mind about stillborn babies and aborted babies when I used to go to church.
Are they in the kingdom of heaven as babies or what they would have become?
If they have no experience in life, would they be extremely simple in the after life?
Would they have any form of communication beside a few noises and crying?
If they are babies do the parents come as they have died or are they what they feel the best as?
If they are children, do they still care for the baby/adult fetus?
If they are seniors the same question arises.
I would guess nobody in heaven needs to be cared for just the question arises as what would happen to the babies/young children?

>> No.13585370

This is why Catholics baptize infants and up until ~12 years ago said unbaptized babies went to limbo which was neither heaven nor hell (but was actually a point of dogma kind of hard and distressing on mothers of babies that died a day before their christening.)

>> No.13585376

where is your scriptural evidence?

>> No.13585400

Christians and religionists in general believe whatever priests and holy (wo)men tell them to believe.

>> No.13585430

Baptism of Blood.

>> No.13585454

I went to a Catholic church since I was 4 until 18.
I went to Sunday school pretty much every week.
I know GOD forgives literally anything according to the church, but I don't have any passages to support this.

>> No.13585467

>There is no scripture supporting such an idea.
Sola Scriptura is heretical.

>> No.13585472
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Heresy is Godly

>> No.13585493

i think he was presupposing the child was baptised

>> No.13585498

Stop acting like Protestantism is a rule maker for Christianity. The Bible alone has never been the standard for Christians. The Apostolic/Patristic writers did venerate Scripture study, but they all took the writings of each other, the liturgy, and the rule of bishops as authoritative too.
Babies going to heaven, would naturally, be based on discussion of the topic informed by: a. the Bible, b. church tradition, 3. common sense. There is a thing called the age of reason. This is the age that the Church has settled on, taking A, B, and C into mind, to consider when children should start to be treated as if they have spiritual agency and begin their own personal relationship with Jesus and the Church.
The idea that you need to slavishly find a bible verse to prove/disprove anything is Protestant autism and isn't remotely Christian.

>> No.13585512

Everyone has inherited it, but ultimately, their ultimate judgement is done by Petir and the LORD himself.

>> No.13585513


Christian "morality" is a farce.