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/lit/ - Literature

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13568438 No.13568438 [Reply] [Original]

>you literally learn and gain more from reading a single page of Seneca than reading 10 books of fiction put together

What's the point of fiction? Why waste your time on it? If you're looking for entertainment, just watch a damn movie.

Life is too short to waste it on fiction.

>> No.13568490

Hold up.

This post sounds familiar....

>> No.13568521

Robert Graves BTFO Seneca so hard in I, Claudius and Claudius the God that I would never consider reading his "philosophy".

>> No.13568526

>you literally learn and gain more from reading a single page of Seneca than reading 10 books of fiction put together
no you don't

>> No.13568536

Yes, you do, you fucking brainlet.

>> No.13568543

Watch Youth by Paolo Sorrentino

>> No.13568562

Life is too short to constantly look at books which contain letters arranged in a different fashion.

>> No.13568568 [DELETED] 
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>nobody doubts that there are many who tire themselves while doing nothing, such as those who spend their time dedicating to useless studies of philosophy.
Holy shit, how can escapit literaturelets ever recover? Have they even considered how much more noble it is to take control of your soul, have a steady and stable mind and to contemplate higher and more abstract ideas while at the same time mantaining a stoic, calm and serene attitude to life and the World instead of wasting one's time with literature, which is just escapism for virgins lmao.

>> No.13568569

Fiction can be an apt vessel for philosophy.

>> No.13568577

>What's the point of fiction?
>Why waste time on [fiction]?
>Just go watch [fiction] if you want entertainment
Ah, yes. It is very clear that you read Seneca.

>> No.13568591
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>he reads the virgin fiction

>> No.13568592

>Life is too short to waste it on fiction.
On the contrary, Seneca argued that life is too long

>> No.13568596
File: 21 KB, 333x500, 9781512381429-uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy books are guides to life. Some books are too damn important that every man should be forced to read them to lead a more fulfilled life.

Fiction is for girls.

>> No.13568597
File: 82 KB, 393x397, stanislav lec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most books only leave behind some memorable quotes, so why not just write quotes?

>> No.13568604


>> No.13568611

>Philosophy books are guides to life
No, they aren't. Especially according to Nietzsche.

>> No.13568612

you can't tell me what i do

>> No.13568634

Isn't that more or less what early philosophers did?

>> No.13568638
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>be me
>only read philosophy
>try pic related, because people praise Dostoyevsky and I thought I would enjoy it
>it's nothing but a man rambling about his pathetic life
>nothing interesting or insightful

>> No.13568641
File: 13 KB, 300x300, ayn-rand-9451526-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not writing philosophy out of fiction

>> No.13568649

>posts someone who wrote poor fiction and poor philosophy

>> No.13568651

Fiction is a debased thing, even when I see fictional pieces written by philsophers or whatever, or something 'deep' like Bataille, I can't help but think how they are lowering themselves to childish storytelling, with 'standard' arrangement of sentences etc.

>> No.13568657

what are you basing this opinion on

>> No.13568665

It's so fucking boring.
It's literally for girls.

>> No.13568676

watching movies causes ADHD and most movies are terrible nowadays

>> No.13568683

>It's literally for girls.
no it's not

>> No.13568691

Do you need a guide to tell you when you are hungry or need to take a dump?

>> No.13568700


>> No.13568706


>> No.13568711
File: 154 KB, 403x456, friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post seems really familiar to me for some reason. Hmmmmm.....

>> No.13568713


>> No.13568715

You know Seneca wrote fiction too, right?

>> No.13568725

but anon, i do read seneca. his plays are incredible.

>> No.13568739

Well shit. I sure do hate trannies. Guess I have to give up reading too. Damn trans assholes, always ruining shit.

>> No.13568785

Because you're based, Ritalinbot.

>> No.13568791

With the exception of pure logic, philosophy is for trannies.
Anything that cannot be put in the form of a tautological a priori true statement should instead seek to ascend to the greatness of aesthetic perfection.

>> No.13568796
File: 87 KB, 634x322, 2DEC1A7700000578-3295457-image-m-24_1446163034795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prefer to read non-fiction

>> No.13568804

female brain sounds better desu

>> No.13568808

>Because you're based, Ritalinbot.
I don't know what you're talking about, fren.

>> No.13568811
File: 65 KB, 720x992, Desespero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sure...
Don't worry, I'm your friend.

>> No.13568819

>Philosophy books are guides to life
No moms and dads are. I don't read to get basic life advice you retard

>> No.13568829
File: 314 KB, 2197x1463, laughing-child-1-xh39gk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And your parents are shit, you turn to books.

>> No.13568852
File: 92 KB, 563x795, RIP kierk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been the greatest bait I have ever seen in my life. I even feel humbled by it. I commend and congratulate you, my brother.

>> No.13568856

It's literally a philosophic work. Are you sure you understood all those other philosophy books you read?

Two items on the female list are about how the female brain fails to know things!

>> No.13568864

It's a novella.

>> No.13568949

About an irreconcilable problem of utilitarianism.

>> No.13569174

It's what everyone does.

It doesn't matter what they said, they are all dust and words repeated over and over by more dust

>> No.13569361
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I read what I want and what I think is best and necessary, and don't presuppose that whatever it is makes me better, because I'm not a niggerish mongoloid who needs to feel as flashy and superior as possible to validate his existence.

>> No.13569486
File: 45 KB, 170x231, shel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reducing everything to a dichotomy between GOOD CHAD and BAD VIRGIN

There is trash fiction, I agree. But there is also trash non-fiction. Be mindful of what you read and ensure that you aren't wasting your time.

Even so, with all this non-fiction under your belt, the best argument you could muster was a meme?


>> No.13569540

Oh the irony.

>> No.13569579

I like reading fiction and I only read fiction. Philosophy isn't aesthetic.

>> No.13569599

Point's of view different from Seneca's. It's a big world.

>> No.13570010

>Reading philosophy of art isn't an aesthetic pursuit in of itself
