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13563158 No.13563158 [Reply] [Original]

>finish reading this
>I'm going to change my life
>be more warm and empathetic and open to others
>2 months later
>still a disgusting slob

>> No.13563437

There really is no way to reconcile yourself to this feeling, just be glad you recognized it like Levin at the end of Anna Karenina. You see, very few people are profoundly altered by a single book for an extended period of time, they always more or less return to their “baseline”, whether genetic, psychological, societal, or more likely all of the above.

You have two options, three really, the third being not doing anything different and continuing to shitpost in 4chan for the rest of your days:
1. Read more Dostoevsky like you’re trying to memorize a fucking lesson. Seeing the themes repeated will still them into your skull. You’ll know the moment has more or less come when you feel you don’t need to read them anymore and feel it’s time to start living
2. Go through a harrowing experience, obviously more difficult as it can’t be consciously contrived. Realize both Dostoevsky and Raskolnikov did not read a single book that changed them but rather it was the experiences in their lives, Siberian imprisonment incidentally

The worst thing you’ll have to reconcile yourself with however is thinking that a single post like this will help you at all in the end

>> No.13563450

>finish doing anything
>decide I'm going to change my life
>try to be better
>2 months later
>still a disgusting slob
We're all gonna do it one of these days anons

>> No.13563459

And by it I mean make it in regards to improving ourselves in ways we decide we want to be improved.

>> No.13563490

Very rarely will someone become an entirely different person in just two months. Change is an ongoing process anon. Keep trying.

>> No.13564839

read the brothers karamazov