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/lit/ - Literature

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13540138 No.13540138 [Reply] [Original]

>In the last two hundred years we haven’t had a great thinker. My judgement is bold since Kant is included. All the thinkers of recent centuries from Kant to Benedetto Croce have only cultivated the garden.

Absolutely based.

>> No.13540144

i bet he sucked at guitar

>> No.13540154

Nietzsche, Kant, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Peirce btfo

>> No.13540264


>> No.13540267
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>> No.13540278

Post the pasta

>> No.13540284

>"He [Wittgenstein] walked into the room carrying a heavy noose held awkwardly aloft in his right hand. "None shall leave this room until someone hangs themselves!" he declared. "I wish to see someone hanged!" My wife fainted right away and the rest of the guest were in uproar, attempting to dissuade him, to calm him down. But he would have none of it. He secured the noose to the chandelier, shrugging off those who gingerly attempted to console him, and propped a stool underneath. "There now. Who will it be?" His eyes flashed with a transcendent irritation. "Myself?" he mused after a bated silence. "Yes!, myself! Myself it is!" and he stuck his head through the loop. I and Mr. Freglanka had to rush to take hold of his lower half and lift him from his fatal situation. The next day he was as chipper as ever, observing how he ad been 'refreshed' by the 'absurdities' of the previous night. Such was his temperament in those days." -Norman Malcolm, in Ludwig Wittgenstein: A Memoir (1966), p. 46

>> No.13540302

it's because we stopped believing in magic

>> No.13540315

Always good. I wonder if the guy who wrote them is still there.

>> No.13540319

We've had Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Kant, Trump etc. WTF you on abt m80?

>> No.13540325

Wittgenstein was redpilled as fuck low-key

>> No.13540476

Did this actually happen or was this a /lit/ creative writing project?

It's been months, and I still don't know.

>> No.13540483

Joyce is exactly the sort of person who would not be impressed by Nietzsche.

>> No.13542020

who was his favourite thinker?

>> No.13542139


>> No.13542328

Ironic since he wasn't a great thinker either

>> No.13542339

If I were as great a thinker as Joyce I wouldn't be impressed by any of them either.

>> No.13542723

some of these seem really absurd, no the way he act but how other respond, especially the wife.

>> No.13542767

Basically this. What you perceive OP is a world without god, and therefore without genius.

>> No.13542798

Joyce is my favorite writer, but, I mean, he hasn’t even read Hegel. I wouldn’t recommend taking his views on philosophy very seriously.

>> No.13542967

Can't say that I understand why Croce would ever be mentioned, but hey, he lived during peak modernism.