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13534963 No.13534963 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13534973
File: 81 KB, 536x767, 8F864F74-D15E-4C97-8E30-4BE5C6F587A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish Devon wasn’t a christcuck desu

>> No.13534975

Won’t happen.

>> No.13534982

Day of the Rope should be when we hang the bourgeoisie and their agents. All class traitors should fucking hang. Unironically.

>> No.13535003

if leftists were legit they would go after gays and trannies, seeing all the corporations are militantly in support of them

>> No.13535019

Yeah, that's really their fault and definitely not capitalists sucking another buck. Fuck off, retard. Liberals like you will also be hanged.

>> No.13535042

anticapitalism is objectively a right wing position. you may complain about atomisation and alienation, but you support the people who are driving it. in this day and age the left is nothing but the right hand of multinational capital. All leftist spaces online are dominated by narcissistic ''queers'' with victim complex, proving these people will always subvert your movement unless you go out of your way to make them feel unwelcome.

>> No.13535056

You're describing liberals. Liberals fucking hang. Capitalist cucks.

>> No.13535059

at least kill us with something cool like a guillotine

>> No.13535090

you're just trying to divide and conquer class consciousness by picking an easy minority to demonize

This idea that "every corporation" is "militantly" in support of LGBT minorities is absurd. The vocal support is a PR stunt at best and corporations aren't even united or unilateral about it. Most are silent. Burger King and Nike capitalizing on social justice is the exception, not the rule. Plenty of corporations also "Militantly support" conservative causes. You know. Like manufacturers of weapons, for instance. Your rhetoric here utterly fails to convince me that anticapitalism necessarily must be paired with traditionalism.

It's also a shame that the blathering moron your'e responding to is a caricature at best or a histrionic dork at worst. If that individual was truly as committed to hanging class traitors as they shriek, they would be doing it and not posting loudly about it.

>> No.13535416

>corporations are in support of LGBT

cool i cant wait to see ARAMCO at pride


>> No.13535460 [DELETED] 

>duuuudee its just like 2 or 3 corporations lol they're just exceptions
There is not a single major corporate brand not guilty of this shit other than explicitly right wing/religious corporations like Chic-fil-a. Major weapons manufacturers like Boeing and Lockheed Martin are all in on this type of shit. Have you ever worked for a large corporation? This shit is not some kind of isolated incident, any company you name off the top of your head is guilty of this stuff, they push it because it serves their interests.

If you search this twitter you will find almost any corporation you can name off the top of your head supporting radical identity politics, the same kind of thing that's crippled the left in the west.

>> No.13535479 [DELETED] 

Just scrolling through that account mindlessly from the top you get Deutsche Bank, Hollister, Credit Suisse, Nestle, and Pfizer all in the last 2 days coming out in favor of the same intersectional identity politics that every single major leftist movement in the West supports.

>> No.13535790
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>Burger King and Nike capitalizing on social justice is the exception, not the rule.

>> No.13535806 [DELETED] 

Literally trillions of dollars in that picture but hey it's just "the exception"

>> No.13535807

a massive cope

>> No.13536145

I dont feel any kinship with some retarded white liberal woman who works like 4 hours a day and believes in some bullshit materialistic ideology. While opposition to liberal capitalism is good class conciousness is a spook

>> No.13536198 [DELETED] 

Hahhaha you fucking retard

Homosexuals are hyper-capitalist manager shills. They have no reason to live except make money and move up the latter.

This kind of shit just shows how fake and GAY lefties are. They'll deny having liberal sensibilities but even imply that one of the shilled protected classes are globohomo capitalist shills and watch them fall all over themselves defending them

Fuck off faggot

>> No.13536370


>> No.13536371


>> No.13536387

marketing agencies pick up current cultural trends and try to cash in on them. claiming they are the ones that are pushing it is retarded.

>> No.13536393

>This idea that "every corporation" is "militantly" in support of LGBT minorities is absurd. The vocal support is a PR stunt at best
That delusion.

MTF trannies are given more prominence than FTM which tells you all you need to know about what's happening if you're not a retard who believes people to be equal.

Women are more susceptible to marketing, spend and loan more, save and invest less than men. Therefore making men more like women, while also selling pretty expensive hormones is a very good angle. This is the exact reason why they love nigger-people so much - they're much, much better consumers than whites.
> Plenty of corporations also "Militantly support" conservative causes. You know. Like manufacturers of weapons, for instance.
Well I guess Marx is quintessentially right-wing now, since he was for gun ownership, and no, no excuses about "but after revolution it would be over" - over by whom? Would worker's committee willingly disarm itself? Who do you think they will depend on to defend themselves if not their own fucking asses and their own fucking guns?

Also the idea that weapon manufacturers, beyond actual government contractors(who usually don't sell much on a civilian market) are somehow big deal shows how retarded you are.

>> No.13536397
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A /pol/tard's wet dream.

>> No.13536400

>The vocal support is a PR stunt at best
it's not like these were popular positions in the first place, these people are trying to build a society of perfect consumers is all

>> No.13536428

>retards thinking gay rights is a 'leftist' position
It a centrist, bland, mainstream opinion which is why corporates are all over it.

>> No.13536460

Well irl leftists are all marching in it as well. Only contrarians on the internet say "it's not real left wing".

>> No.13536481

mcdonald's would put a swastika or hammer and sickle on their mcnuggets boxes if that would make them money, they are not behind faggotry.

>> No.13536486
File: 96 KB, 1414x1190, 1542037912809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, do all the boards like this unironically seethe about /pol/?
I thought it was just shitposting.
>wow how nu r u
I only go on /a/, /tg/, /v/,/tv/ and some of hentai boards regularly.
Do all of the """intellectual""" boards think this way?

>> No.13536492


>> No.13536501

/his/ and /lit/ have a resident population of lefties who think everything but some inane ramblings that you can't conclude much from* is too simplified to be "real communism", so they seethe hard about /pol/ reminding them that they're full of shit and their pet ideology failed wherever it was tried, and since it's tangentially on-topic they seethe for days about it because it's not getting deleted

*so for instance people who do mental gymnastics proving that communism is ACKSHULY free market/capitalist system without investors, stock-exchange and landlords

>> No.13536534

I would also add that gun ownership is not even a conservative cause, it's a libertarian (and particularly American) one at best.
A conservative, traditionalist state is authoritarian by definition and so it has to have a monopoly on force, meaning heavy opposition to civilian possession of guns.

>> No.13536535

"Class" is purely social construct and while race has an actual genetically measurable component, class doesn't, it is basically a fiction.
Who is "Bourgeois" the Tradesman with his own business who can barely keep himself and his employees afloat or the lawyer employed at a big law firm making 300.000+ a year?
Because one of them is "owning the means of production" and the other clearly isn't.

>> No.13536547

good chart

>> No.13536548

>class consciousness
Such a thing can not even exist, at the very least the white nationalist has "something" to grasp, determining who is white and who isn't is is trivial in 99.9% of the cases.
But with class it is basically impossible, does the bouncer at the "prole club" need to see a listing of all object a person owns to determine who is or isn't "owning the means of production"?

And almost everyone own "means of production" anyway, if you have a computer you can program, to GD work, etc., etc., so what the fuck is "class" supposed to mean?

>> No.13536555

The materialist would argue that the social category of class has biological effects, and that the line between social fiction and social reality is not so clear.

>> No.13536580

>The materialist would argue that the social category of class has biological effects
Okay, this I see.
IQ correlates with success and such you could separate based on Intelligence.

>and that the line between social fiction and social reality is not so clear.

But this doesn't answer the fundamental question of "who own the means of production"?
"The rich" are to a great extent top employees at large companies, without any direct ownership of the means of productions, while the majority of people who actually *do* own the means of productions are tradesmen, or freelancers.
Hell, if you own a computer you are technically owning the means of production.

>> No.13536591

Race and class are equally socially constructed. Any geneticist will confirm

>> No.13536595

I hate commies with a passion but I have to agree woke capitalism is pure, irredeemable cancer.
I'd almost prefer to live in the USSR than endure pandering month every year.

>> No.13536603

Maybe yes, maybe not. In history it was probably closer to what you can see in some western movies - in cities, during the middle ages you've had to leave your weapon at the local authority or inn. You can get it back on your way out of the place, because hey - it's a dangerous world out there, beyond the city walls.

>> No.13536604

>Any geneticist will confirm
What is cluster analysis?
The social construct of "race" corresponds very closely to what a computer finds when separating humans genetically.

>> No.13536631

>this is your brain on /pol/ infographics
Genetics do not map onto race is any meaningful way. African populations who are as genetically distant as its possible for humans to be will be lumped together as 'black', while populations who are as close as possible genetically will be raced differently based on which side of the Bosphorus they live or what language they speak. But you knew that

>> No.13536642

>And almost everyone own "means of production" anyway, if you have a computer you can program
>Hell, if you own a computer you are technically owning the means of production.
You're leaving out economies of scale. Everyone owns a hammer, which is also technically a means of production.

>> No.13536661

>m... my spooks are real, your spooks are spooks

>> No.13536669

>African populations who are as genetically distant as its possible for humans to be
Which African populations exactly are you referring to here?
>which side of the Bosphorus they live
Who are you talking about Greeks and Turks? There is a strong consensus that they are genetically extremely similar, however they of course still maintain their ethnic identities (language and nation, like you mentioned). How is that even relevant at all?

>> No.13536673

I just don’t understand what I did in life for people to literally want me dead just for existing.

>> No.13536682

>just for existing
Yes this is the only actions that minority groups engage in in a nation. I look at Mexicans, Jews, blacks and I can see literally no negative consequences of their presence in white countries.
Also people don't want you dead, they just don't want you living in their own countries.

>> No.13536684

>African populations who are as genetically distant as its possible for humans to be will be lumped together as 'black'
You're arguing a strawman. The evil 19th century racist distinguished between 4 separate groups of "blacks"(Western bantus and pigmies, eastern - I forgot their name - and southern khoisan) within Africa itself. The very first person who encountered Abos said they're black skinned but definitely distinct from blacks he knew. And of course - you can map them perfectly well genetically. The "traditional" definition of race corresponds with genetic clusters like 99,5% of the time.

>> No.13536685

>Genetics do not map onto race is any meaningful way.
Oh come on, you can't actually believe that.

>> No.13536693

Are you suggesting that people think that Turks and Greeks are of a completely different race like comparing a Korean with a Peruvian? I can tell you that's not how people think. I'm Armenian with relatives from Greece, and they would say that the differences are based in religion more than race or anything despite hating each other with a burning passion. Regarding his point on cluster analysis, there are edge cases and exceptions, but there's a tight link between what computer clustering and people dividing others into racial groups. I've seen the study I think he's talking about

>> No.13536694
File: 40 KB, 900x506, Rachel Dolezal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sincere or are you arguing in bad faith for the moral sake? The moral argument being if accepting race realism will lead to the slippery slope of further dehumanization and denigration of genetic groups with low IQ. Meanwhile these groups are already identifiable by outcome rather than by genetic cause.
It's absurd to believe that hereditary traits stop spreading from the neck up. Continuing this charade unjustly pins the blame on society for being systemically "racist", despite it being most likely a difference in cognitive ability between vastly different groups. The irony not being lost that "racism" exists yet there tools to measure race are entirely an arbitrary cultural construct (if so, then pic related is truly a black woman).

This is just a post-modern continuation of the "noble savage" narrative.

>> No.13536698
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>> No.13536704
File: 215 KB, 768x702, if_you're_so_smart_why_aren't_you_rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ correlates with success
>under capitalism

>> No.13536732

Income and wealth correlates with IQ, you can't escape from this simple thing. And your article is full of shit. You don't have to do a study checking whether IQ correlates with bankruptcy etc. you can just ask banks why do they give lower loans to blacks(who are lower IQ) than whites with the same credit score. The supreme court did and you know what banks did? They've shown them their profitability calculations showing that blacks are more likely to bankrupt at a given credit score and that the loan maximums are adjusted to the increased risks. The court ruled they're not racially discriminating against blacks. And mind you, they could remove the classification of blacks from the algorithms, and just go over things blacks are more likely to do, to find people who are statistically, approximate blacks and the result would be the same - blacks would be getting lower loans at the same credit scores.

>> No.13536737

>Income and wealth correlates with IQ, you can't escape from this simple thing
not necessarily. most of the rich people today are such because of generational wealth and inherited goods and assets. only a limited minority is rich thanks to their intellegince. self-made men are rare.

>> No.13536742

Yes, that is a well established fact.
If you have a study showing no correlation or an inverse one, post it.

>> No.13536762

>Genetics do not map onto race is any meaningful way.
That is just FACTUALLY incorrect.

>> No.13536767

>You're leaving out economies of scale.
There are no "economies of scale" for graphic design or programming (yet).

>> No.13536774

Yes, it's called a corporation.

>> No.13536775

>African populations who are as genetically distant as its possible for humans to be will be lumped together as 'black', while populations who are as close as possible genetically will be raced differently based on which side of the Bosphorus they live or what language they speak.
No, maybe google what "cluster analysis" is.

Your objections are retarded and betray a fundamental non-understanding of the subject.

>> No.13536777

> most of the rich people today are such because of generational wealth and inherited goods and assets
If anything that's a proof of everything I believe in. Wealth and income correlate with IQ, but obviously the correlation isn't gigantic - in the US it's 20k USD/year for 85-90 IQ to 100k/year for 130+. Not enough to generate billions. However, since - SHOCKING - kids tend to be like their parents(and IQ is heritable) a small subset of the population, who are inherently genetic(and high IQ individual in their line isn't a fluke but rather a constant occurrence) will be generationally wealthy. And I have a very good reason to believe it as in Northern Italy, the descendants of the top 1% of 1500 are the top 10% of the population, which shows that even if their hyperwealth was a fluke or result of privileges back then, they were still able to maintain it.

>> No.13536780

>Yes, it's called a corporation.
But you can still make money as a freelance graphic artist, or freelance programmer.

>> No.13536782

>who are inherently genetic
genetically "smart"

>> No.13536784

LARP/cope for 15 year old virgins.

>> No.13536792

Even a retard could maintain inherited wealth, though. All you need is decent finance practices. There's no merit in not spending money.

>> No.13536793

Biggest cope of all time

>> No.13536852


Ne and my family have lived here for at least 300 years, why should I leave?
And as if the natural progression of right wing politics ends at „peaceful deportation“, it never does

>> No.13536854

>Even a retard could maintain inherited wealth, though
Or not. I really recommend you try tracking down descendants of famous sportsmen from let's say 1920's, and see how ridiculously rich they are(they're not, because sports don't really select for high intelligence beyond some threshold). Usually they're just random people who will tell you "oh yeah my grandpa/great grandpa had world champion belt in boxing once, fucked all the famous actresses that lived back then".
> All you need is decent finance practices.
Well, again, that's an idea but given that intelligence correlates with low-time preference(as in understanding the concept of delayed gratification) and low IQ with impulse buying, the wealthy, low-IQ individuals are much more likely to pauperise. This is a concept that kind of requires you to think in aggregates, something people don't do intuitively, but aggregates are what creates correlations.

>> No.13536863


What do I care what „my“ group engages in? I never harmed anyone and will still get labeled as a dumb aggressive inferior nigger
There a so goddamn many subhuman white people, but only other minority’s groups have to answer for the actions of every other member of their group.

>> No.13536882

I see where you're going now, and I agree, mate. When a high IQ person gets rich (if he wasn't before) it's very difficult to make him (and his also high IQ descendants) poor. In other words, it'd take a huge retard to squander the familty fortune. But I wonder about the high IQ individuals who remain poor all their lives, the shy guys with difficult personalities that border on the autistic or schizophrenic. Surely, there must be something else besides high IQ that makes these people rich. Another ingredient like tenacity, recklessness, emotional intelligence, bravery or maybe even psychopathy.

>> No.13536889

if you're a nig you belong in africa and have no business in europe or the americas

>> No.13536896

You can make money from it but you can't make wealth.
You can't sell your self-employeed freelance business that you've dumped your life into.

>> No.13536897


>> No.13536919


>> No.13536976

This person is scared of mice and can't talk to a cashier.

>> No.13536987

>all these (You)'s
Bravo anon

>> No.13537063

Yeah and then we can start working to put the nobility back to power. Betraying your superiors should have the ultimate punishment.

>> No.13537121


Then white people should gtfo of North America

>> No.13537146

Isn’t this typically the demographic that follows Marxism? I’ve yet to meet an actual worker or professional laborer that is a follower of Marxism.

>> No.13537149

Chic-fil-a isn’t a corporation it’s a private company.

>> No.13537201

jeff bezos likes pizza so if leftists were consistent in their beliefs they would bomb pizza places and lynch their patrons
that's how retarded you are

>> No.13537260

There are nothing else but liberals

>> No.13537520

The lawyer employed at a big firm is literally the highest class of wage slave there is.
They work literally 14 hours a day 6/7.

>> No.13537536

>Chic-fil-a isn’t a corporation
I can't tell if this is bait or if you're legitimately ignorant, they are most certainly a corporation.

>> No.13537568

Why the hyphen?

>> No.13537575

To separate them as they always should be.

>> No.13537578

they really have to get rid of this crypto jewish nigger loving cuck religion

>> No.13537903

You people don't understand why big corporations support LGBT. It's because LGBT are anti-class struggle. They "struggle" for the recognition of their weird sexuality, and to make nature bend to their identity (surrogate pregnancy).
They never struggle against the Capitalistic class.
That's why the Capital promotes LGBT. Because they are absolutely harmless in regard of the class struggle.

>> No.13538132

Hardcore leftists shit on gays and trans all the time though. Both would probably be discouraged under communism.

>> No.13538188

>wealth and income correlate with IQ

Because majority of our mathematicians and physicists, i.e. the intellectual elite, are really making bank in academia right? Even if they work in industry they are generally making the same or less than people with significantly lower iqs.

>> No.13538199

Post body you fucking soi commie.

>> No.13538237
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>> No.13538278

That's because they don't use their IQ in business or similar stuff, retard.

>> No.13538286

Until when is the left going to pretend that race & IQ aren't real or that IQ isn't heritable? Holy shit this is embarassing. Every time there's a debate around this topic egalitarians get BTFO. You should start to update your beliefs around this principle and not try to 'refute' it because it's obviously a fact of nature.

>> No.13538310

disgusting thin arm and pasty see-through skin

never pulled his weight a day in his life

>> No.13538327
File: 69 KB, 350x269, 350px-Eugenics_congress_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

race consciousness>Class consciousness. I am just a fully consistent materialist and positivist. class is a slippery concept that doesn't go deep enough, we are nothing but bundles of selfish genes. culture, religion and politics are the superstructural reflection of the biological, darwinian base. Christianity, Marxism, humanism, liberalism and democracy can be traced back to our race's parasites and genetic enemies. National Socialism is nothing but a new enlightenment, a rational and scientific group evolutionary strategy for our people, a taking control of our biological destiny through eugenics.

Does the lion 'hate' the gazelle and the antelope? Does a parasite 'hate' its host? No. Nature is red in tooth and claw, it has always been that way, a merciless animal struggle for survival and domination. I do not hate black people, jews or mexicans or gays or transexuals, I just understand they are biological enemies, as different from me as the antelope to the lion.

>> No.13538330

based and true

>> No.13538362
File: 76 KB, 1500x500, bourgeois socialist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, you're bourgeoisie.

>> No.13538374

optimal IQ is between 115 and 125, anything beyond that can get inherently freakish and be accompanied by several genetic defects and mental illnesses. A white family man with a 115 IQ and his own business is obviously more genetically fit than the 130 IQ tranny programmer at google or the jewish quantum physicist/deconstructionist philosopher who is skilled at abstraction but otherwise autistic.

>> No.13538508

marxism, like christianity, is a revolt of the slaves, the freaks and the genetically unfit.

>> No.13538528

Stupid comic as usual

>> No.13538533

humanity is mostly comprised of slaves

>> No.13538563

the masses actually desire domination, they want to submit to their natural superiors, they cry out for the lash from the depths of their genes, so much humanist brainwash can barely conceal their true desires and interests. The question is how are we to undo 2000 years of slave morality and christian indoctrination? Socrates was a clear example of racial degeneracy.

>> No.13538627

So if it isn't corporations who are pushing to support LGBTs, who is? Because they clearly have a large share of power to be able to control the culture like they are. Whatever you think the current level of oppression these people face now is, surely you agree it less than it was 50 years ago. And how is them choosing to use that power of influence to support LGBTs rather than to address things like the fact that wages haven't kept up with economic growth not effectively them siding with capital by distracting people with an issue that doesn't hurt capital and distracts people from class warfare?

>> No.13538646

I'm sorry, I feel guilty about insulting your looks.

>> No.13538657

Huterrites are communists (although they have hierarchy). They don't promote homosexuality.

>> No.13538747

nah, we kicked their butt and now it's ours.

>> No.13538765

why are right-wingers so violent? can we all just get along

>> No.13538770

wax my balls bigot

>> No.13538778

based skeleton

>> No.13538790

see >>13538327, evolution is a zero sum game, its our genes or theirs. the idea that violence is somehow unnatural or inherently bad is rather new, the norm throughout human and natural history has been to regard violence as just another evolutionary tool to be rationally used like any other.

>> No.13538796

>now it's ours.
oh no is anybody gonna break the news to him?

>> No.13538801

what news?

>> No.13538819

but that makes no sense, genes change, so your descendent genes even if they prevail they will look nothing like yours down the line.

if you want to preserve your genes you'd do better putting them in a hermetic container and burying them

>> No.13538837

have sex

>> No.13538848
File: 183 KB, 760x400, waterfilter_merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know about the interdimensional demonic (((reptilians)))

>> No.13538852


>> No.13538868

its not about preservation, it's about evolution, competition and rationality determining human behaviour, all of these are rational scientific concepts. you can deny darwin, just like you can deny the earth is round, just like you can deny gravity, but that doesn't change objective reality. All Human behaviour can be explained through game theory and gene dynamics, even ideological/religious behaviour. like I said, I'm just a fully consistent rationalist and materialist. Leftist/christian altruism is obviously dysgenic and has been introduced and promoted by alien races, by embracing national socialism I am merely being rational like the cat is rational when he goes after the mouse.

>> No.13538918

But why be a national socialist? Would it not be wiser to think in terms of a master race not of common descent, but of the genetic superiority of the individuals that genetically contribute to it regardless of race? Your (proclaimed) outlook upon life would rest better upon pan-humanism rather than nationalism.

>> No.13538929

if you believe about evolution and competition and take it to its extreme wouldn't you be forced to have an accelerationist point of view where humanity is just used as a kickstart moment for a computer super-intelligence to replace us to take evolution to the next level? that seems like the obvious path if what you are after is pure competition and maximization of power and have no sentimentalism for the past

>> No.13538980

In fact one could argue that the latter two people are a threat to the species, there is a clear objective difference between the rational individual and the 'intellectual'

>> No.13538991

That's completely not true. If humanity are slaves, why does the police exist?
Why did the yellow jacket movement rise very recently, despite police repression?

>> No.13539058

Its like medieval peasant rebellions, they descend on the city every few years or so to no avail. The french people need to be disciplined and put on their place, they have been deceived against nature by 200 years of egalite, fraternite and liberte, so that every algerian thug in the banlieue and every peasant laborer and petty tradesman in the provinces thinks himself a king.

>> No.13539290

So the 130 plus iq genious' that actually made monumental advances for western civilization should be lumped in with trannies programming for googoo? There are actually no likeable SWMs doing interesting and beneficial things in the hard sciences today just jew trannies programming deconstrucivist philosophy?

>> No.13539334

of course, there are and there have always been redpilled and rational white scientists with 130 plus IQ, see for example Watson and Crick or WD Hamilton, who were comitted race realists, but the sad truth is the current day scientific establishment is run by fanatical cultural marxists, people who may be 'intelligent' but not rational, or else rational but not of our kind.

>> No.13539457

And I'm guessing you're of royalty and not some masochistic peasant?

>Every peasant thinks of himself as King
I've never thought of myself as anything but just another person. You're sure this isn't projection?

>> No.13539646

I guarantee that if you did actually valuable work which required communication with others in-the-flesh that you wouldn't even consider posting your sub-115 iq pseudpost on /lit/

>> No.13540155
File: 26 KB, 625x300, McCommunism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it poignant.

>> No.13540182

monarchy doesn't exist anymore
if i'm not a king, then daresay who is?

>> No.13540348


Not at all? Commies who don't supperficially choose their ideology as if it were a commodity staunchly support gun rights, look down on the liberal "hick" mantra, are more likely to be blue collar workers themselves, and generally find Christ coms to be pretty based.

These comics are legitematly braindead and any respectable person on the right should find them embarrassing

>> No.13540371

there are still monarchies, Saudi Arabia for example

>> No.13540466

I wish I could hate boomers as much as that man.

>> No.13540474

I'm going to rape you one day.

>> No.13540495

>Commies who don't supperficially choose their ideology as if it were a commodity
So none of them? The entire purpose of the ideology is to destroy the rich and middle class, and bring everyone down to the level of lower class pleb, which will somehow bring about a Utopian society through the elimination of all "unnatural" hierarchy.

> are more likely to be blue collar workers themselves
Okay now you're just lying.
They are not workers, they are either unemployed, or are, ironically, moronic University students.
Unless you mean "blue collar" as anyone at a certain income level, in which case that is not what blue collar means.

>These comics are legitematly braindead and any respectable person on the right should find them embarrassing
>Please stop posting these comics, you should find them dumb, please just stop!
That's a great way to make them continue posting them retard.

>> No.13540505

>Non-White and Non-Asian countries

>> No.13540512

He's of the Modern Clergy.

>> No.13540555
File: 148 KB, 892x987, Che Guevara Capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Commies who don't supperficially choose their ideology as if it were a commodity
Are there any "true" communists left? Any Scottsmen for that matter...

At best you speak of bourgeois socialists of whom Marx had utmost disdain and was ironically a member.

>> No.13540573

I dont know half those companies and the other half is irrelevant to me anyway.
Look at barilla pasta. Their sales were up year after year after the "we dont support gay families" thing. And it wasnt because nazis started buying it. Its because none of this shit matters.

>> No.13541973

You're arguing with Americans, anon. They don't know what they're talking about and equate communists to liberals who take part in ridiculous excess and retardation. They're just liberals. Go easy on them. They're burgoids.

>> No.13541991

t. soulless atheists once again trying to drag people down into Hell with them

>> No.13542012

Hell isn't real.

>> No.13542123

this is the default leftist position when someone pulls the class is a social construct card though

>> No.13542160

Socialist larpers on here get extremely defensive when they are forced to confront the fact that neoliberalism completely destroyed and domesticated the left over the last few decades. I actually had a self-described communist on here tell me that foreign workers migrating to work for megacorporations is an example of communist triumph. Not like I care about this since I'm a /pol/tard it's just funny watching the tankies squirm when they get a glimpse of the fact that class struggle has been replaced with homo-brown struggle against the white middle classes while capital sits at the top unchallenged. They won't ever say anything though because they get nice jobs in journalism and free dopamine hits on twitter by supporting their new CIA approved "leftism" lmao

>> No.13542179

So said the damned fool.