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13534084 No.13534084 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that explore the blackpill in an objective way?

>> No.13534094

tibetan book off living and dying

>> No.13534100

I mean the real black pill would be that you don't need a partner to be content in life

>> No.13534101

What about the green pill? (Both red and blue)

>> No.13534109 [DELETED] 

That's not what the greenpill is faggot lurk moar

>> No.13534125

How is green red and blue?

>> No.13534126

It's a meme. Don't take it so seriously.

>> No.13534139

the blackpill is when you realize you only have this one life and your wasting it reading books and posting memes on 4chan instead of pinning a girl down and making her bum red

>> No.13534156

stupid cumbrain

>> No.13534158

Whatever by Houellebecq

>> No.13534491

Look at the Pills folder

>> No.13534569
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>The truth is that there is really no "profane realm" that could in any way be opposed to a "sacred realm"; there is only a "profane point of view", which is really none other than the point of view of ignorance.

>> No.13534574

Take the poo pill

>> No.13534597

based. that's the ironpill

>> No.13534599

Perhaps a book that explains how basing your opinions around memes is the intellectual equivalent of giving yourself brain cancer.
But such a book is unlikely to exist because people smart and dedicated enough to dissect intellectual trends in social life don't waste their time with memes. Being unaware of the reality of memetics is unironically a good test of intellectual acumen. If you don't know who wojak is and have never seen a pepe in your life you're more likely to be smart than the other way around.
Now swallow your retard pills and fuck off.

>> No.13534903


>> No.13535014
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The only thing that saves me from being an incel are intellectual and artistic pursuits- reading and writing. To be clear, I am absolutely involuntarily celibate, and I am lonely. But my psyche's framework is not based on my ugliness or my loneliness- those things are on the periphery of my own understanding of myself. They are byproducts.
I don't know how I could convince an incel to give up his chronic self pity and onanism if they have no desire to learn or create. Or even simply appreciate the art of others in an in-depth and nuanced way, becoming a critic or something along those lines. I feel like incels, the ones that frequent forums and actively see their inceldom as their primary defining characteristic, probably have very low IQs. They're literally too stupid to see past their myopia.
You must forgive me for Jezebel posting

>> No.13535118

Greenpill is women are cyborgs designed to make men suffer so Greys can feed on our pain.

>> No.13535132

what's nopillow?

>> No.13535138

someone failed arts&crafts at kindergarten kek

>> No.13535141

>you can only do one thing in your life

>> No.13535144

sleeping without a pillow

>> No.13535148

yea, but what's the endgame? the reason?

>> No.13535150

whoa you shouldn't be on 4chan and i mean that as a compliment
same to you

>> No.13535151

supposedly it makes your jaw bigger

>> No.13535157

I thought that was "mewing". anyway, thanks for the info.

>> No.13535165
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yeah but this is a 4chan pillow

>> No.13535180

if it's not self evident to you i don't think it's worth explaining

>> No.13535218

>Vaguely intelligent posts
>Haha woah bro ur too smart for 4chan !!!
Nah faggot I think you're the one who shouldn't be here

>> No.13535359

Pretty sure no pilow is to get rid of nerd back.

>> No.13535388

if you're still engaged in pillposting and rninek-wave l'gf shit you're not enough of a mental case for the greenpill hate to break it to you

>> No.13535458


>> No.13535463

brownpill. look it up

>> No.13535488

Hume's suppressed Essay on Suicide.

>> No.13537169

i mean, its all of the pills kinda. life is meaningless and the system is fucked up so blackpill, if you wanna fucc you need to be confident so redpill and bluepill is just being a decent human being, would apply this to all people not women in specific though. just make sure nobody is taking advantage of your niceness.

>> No.13537580

They forgot the Have sex pill:
>Have sex.

>> No.13537599

>the blackpill in an objective way
The blackpill itself is a subjective way of looking at the world. The only objective statement made about it are facts such as
>this approach exists and these people go through it, some never leave and some are immune

>> No.13538109


>> No.13539539

The purple pill is being religious, you're redpilled on human nature and what a fulfilling life is but you still believe in magic like a fucking child.

>> No.13539874

Do incels actually believe this? How much delusion do you need to believe that being solitary without love, affection or conversation will lead to a meaningful life?

>> No.13539888

None of us should be here anon. We're wasting our times because we're too cowardly to live our lives. Except a few chad who keep coming here after a day well-spent to mock us.

>> No.13540118
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The black pill is a huge meme. Fucking random girls every week can only bring you validation, it's an external form of validation that is addictive. It's better to seek validation from within, that way you are not stuck like a hamster on a wheel chasing pussy.

The most common rebuttal an incel will come up to this is that I'm coping and the meaning of life is just to fuck as many women as possible, but that rebuttal lacks substance and is rooted in the 'fear of missing out'. Guys, it's not your job to bang every woman you can. Having sex releases chemicals and allows you to bond to the other person, do you really want to get attached to the wrong person? Do you really want to become so cynical that every relationship just becomes a transaction?

I want something genuine. My male friendships are like this, I don't see why my love life can't be like this.

>> No.13540146

you can get all those from friends and family. women are for fucking only.

>> No.13540480
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