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/lit/ - Literature

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13525894 No.13525894[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The next thing you'll say is "Anime isn't /lit/"

>> No.13525930


I haven't seen this one. Is it good?

>> No.13525934

"Anime isn't /lit - What?!"

>> No.13526035
File: 510 KB, 1920x1080, Jojo's adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good.
It might seem a bit bizarre, but I would recomend this eight-part series

>> No.13526045
File: 336 KB, 1552x873, really want to play this light novels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bungou Stray Dogs

>> No.13526062

steins;gate is the greatest story ever told

>> No.13526064

Anime is kino
Manga is /lit/

>> No.13526068

Berserk is the Dante's Inferno of our time. Hunter x Hunter is The Odyssey of our time.

>> No.13526079

>not one piece

>> No.13526094

Rarely is true art found in anime, it's the same as video games even though they both have potential

>> No.13526103

Yeah, I was about to say that. How did you know?

>> No.13526108
File: 903 KB, 1280x720, 1563998747483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you're all watching the AOTS

>> No.13526134

>Extensive scientific research shows that this is the last image the human brain creates at the point of death. Could this be God himself?

>> No.13526163
File: 313 KB, 1900x1080, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lain is unironically 2deep even for /lit/. I wish you autitsts could talk about a story actually worth discussing for once.

>> No.13526169

Lain is easy af to understand if you pay attention to the dialogue. Only retards get confused because they get distracted by the trippy visuals.
t. Lain fan

>> No.13526180

I'd say ~95% of people that watch Lain just shutdown their brains and say "I don't get it, I think thats the point." "NGE is better anyway". People are fucking stupid

>> No.13526187

NGE IS great though

>> No.13526197

It's the John Green novel of 90s anime

>> No.13526201

Terrible post

>> No.13526203

Yup people are dumb. Here's the basic Gestalt: the Internet becomes increasingly mixed with reality, the ghosts of dead people haunt the Internet, one guy tries to become God but actually Lain is God, she resets the universe so no one knows her but a few people have faint memories of Lain.

>> No.13526210

Lain is so fucking stupid. Fuck off.

>> No.13526214

The director was a fan of Proust which is pretty cool

>> No.13526221

Japs fucking love Proust from what I’ve seen

>> No.13526250

Bernard-jou Iwaku is /lit/ in that it's ABOUT /lit/
Watch it right now, the episodes are only 3 minutes each

>> No.13526262

It was interesting until it felt the need to insert a "villain" at the end. Texhnolyze did the same thing.

>> No.13526423

Just watched the first episode. That was fun!

>> No.13526465
File: 232 KB, 572x510, 1563705583542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I read all 80 hours of FSN with that shitty translation. I never knew fun picture books were fun.
Saber best girl

>> No.13526478

>Saber best girl
So good they decided to make every other character a copy of her! Christ, this franchise really went down the gutter after Zero

>> No.13526493

I actually just finished zero not too long ago. I didn't like it as much as the VN but it was good. I think I'll just read HA and leave it there desu, the rest of the franchise doesn't seem worth it.

>> No.13526497

Dies Irae is better

>> No.13526504

I'll check it out!

>> No.13526517

The common route is free to play on Steam.

>> No.13526605

Looks homo, desu

>> No.13526658

Please explain BSD to me. I tried watching it but was kind of pissed when Dazai behaved like a joke and when I found out that Dosto is a twink.

>> No.13526953

>capital is sentient
the anime

>> No.13527019

anime is trash

>> No.13527069

Manga is /co/.

>> No.13527115

The only anime I consider /lit/ is tatami galaxy. Other ones i've watched are always too self-indulgent in their nature.

>> No.13527159

I think Kafka would approve of Episode 10

>> No.13527175

Steel Ball Run is the one manga I feel really reaches /lit/ levels of true mastery in story-telling. The rest of JoJo is okay.

>> No.13527193


>> No.13527201

there are other novel adaptations in anime than TG

>> No.13527575

What is /lit/ version of steins gate?

>> No.13527922

Based as fuck, besides the rest of jojo point, but based as fuck.

>> No.13528029
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Princess Tutu is meta-/lit/

>> No.13528064

You havent been reading enough manga then. Also Stone Ocean best part
For /lit/ tier storytelling I recommend:

>Kokou no Hito
>Captain Harlock

>> No.13528090

I've watched and read lots of anime and manga
Yeah some of it is really good for example utena and ryoko ikeda (u think that's her name - the lady who did rose of versailles) I would consider art
But the quantity of quality literature and cinema is much greater imo
But the potential is definitely there. Manga is essentially literature with a focus on images rather than prose.

>> No.13528101

Also a lot tongue manga acclaimed as artistic or whatever and even highly regarded on /lit/ like berserk or isio asano (of that's his name, punpun guy) are genuinely 13 year old tier shit. Genuinely terrible

>> No.13528132
File: 388 KB, 1279x912, Nicolas_Poussin_-_Et_in_Arcadia_ego_(deuxième_version).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime is the contemporary equivalent of those early modern pastoral romances involving enamorated sheperds and sheperdesses getting into complicated aventures with a lot of wishful thinking and idealization in the mixture.

>> No.13528171

Golden Age Berserk is a genuine masterpiece

>> No.13528192

for me it's tatami galaxy and ping pong the animation

>> No.13528196

Why do they all got the same nigger lips ?

>> No.13528198

Well I'm up to volume 10 and I've not been impressed so far

>> No.13528223

They're all wearing lipstick, it's not gay fag