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13524108 No.13524108[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So this is the power of Keynesian economics.

>> No.13524117

fuck your lo-test incel crippling pseudo-moral ideologies

>> No.13524138

Big if true.

>> No.13524147

Keynesian economics does not constitute a holistic prescriptive policy apparatus as most leftists seem to think it does. They think that Keynes is to modern liberal thought as Marx is to modern left thought. The analogy is simple not true, you see. Us liberals have moved beyond childish idolatry of our priors. We accept them for their contributions and move on. Keynes' formalized economic conjectures have helped usher in a new age of macroeconomic stability and understanding. 'Keynesianism' itself is fundamentally apolitical, and only those with a bone to pick with mainstream economics (read: heterodox quacks) claim otherwise.

>> No.13524155

>economics post
>no formulas or arguments

>> No.13524228

Based. Anyway the book’s rhetoric is misguided as, if anything, Keynesian economic policy was a temporary bulwark against the disintegration of the family caused by the accelerating processes of capital. The neoliberal reforms of the late 70s and 80s did more to destroy the institution of the family than any left-wing boogeyman. For some reason conservatives still pretend that conservative parties care about human values like family, tradition, and patriotism, when their policies have led to both parents needing to work, less people being able to own homes (an essential prerequisite for stable family life) the wholesale destruction of local industries, the outsourcing of jobs to foreign countries, and mass immigration of cheap labour power meant to replace a dwindling population.

>> No.13524439

>citing the character assassinations biography of keynes written by rothbard
this is why no one takes austrian economics seriously

>> No.13524465
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Sounds like like Keynes Started with the Greeks.

>> No.13524545
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kek this is the book he cites on Keynes
>Felix's first novelty is Maynard Keynes as abused child. While most biographers have pictured the family influence on Keynes as either positive or benign, Felix finds a child who was struck, slapped, and whipped. According to Felix, Keynes became subject to depression because he was “humiliated” (24–25) by his father and because of “insufficient maternal loving” (24). But this is not just an unhappy boy. “Surely Maynard got a sense of orgasmic action that was more than punishment, surely Neville felt something more pleasurable than the satisfaction of doing his disagreeable duty” (25). But this is not all. His “monster” father also made him undergo a circumcision at age eight. This “castrationlike bloody attack” (28) may have made Keynes see himself as ugly and, together with the whippings, made him into an angry man with deep, suppressed anger. Felix argues that the abuse also explains Keynes's left-leaning desire to redistribute income later in his life (27).

>One might think that all of this was a bit tenuous given that Felix can only document four spankings, all between age 2 ½ and 5 ½, but in Felix's Freudian constructionthey were four “life forming” spankings.

>But even if your sensibilities carry you through all this, you undoubtedly will be pulled up short by another novelty, Felix's economic analysis. For, unfortunately, Felix has not heeded the critics of his previous book, Biography of an Idea: John Maynard Keynes and the General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (1995). That book was a straightforward, but misinformed, critique of Keynes's magnum opus. Thus, for instance, when Keynes qualifies his statement of the consumption function in The General Theory to say that it might be curvilinear, rather than a straight line (i.e., to say that the proportion of savings may change as income increases), Felix takes him to be admitting that the whole concept is mistaken and comments that “his reasoning aborts itself on its own terms” (246). This kind of misunderstanding is endemic to Felix's book and will make it difficult for economists to give him much credence.
oh no no no no

>> No.13524574

All of these biographies on Keynes are just character assassinations from Austrians that are STILL butthurt from Keynes eternally btfoing them. I'm laughing right now that butthurt still lingers 70 years after Keynes death and 90 years after the general theory.

>> No.13524627
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This. I just realized the other day how the idea of the "family grocer" doesn't exist IRL. It only survives in movies and books about the past.

How the fuck can you have a community when everyone is a fortune 500 slave?

>> No.13524664

Rebuild the community

>> No.13524682

fuck off, I didn't ask you.

>> No.13524701

>tfw you will not be a young oriental girl raped by 7 foot tall omnisexual economist John Maynard Keynes

>> No.13524718

Doesn’t change the answer to your question

>> No.13525182

>oriental girl
try Moroccan boy

>> No.13525197

>quoting Rothbard's famously slanderous fabrications
The only way the Austrians and Chicago School economists can argue against Keynes is by assassinating his character. Keynes, as usual, comes out victorious.

>> No.13525309

and dreamy

>> No.13525755

what book is this from?

>> No.13525766

>Keynes' formalized economic conjectures have helped usher in a new age of macroeconomic stability
Imagine actually believing this.

>> No.13525772

on behalf of the rest of the world, care to clarify?

>> No.13525778

Keynesians are stupid and the smug austrian goblinoid was right all along.

>> No.13525786
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forgot the pic of the goblin

>> No.13525797

is it factually wrong on the pedo stuff though? seems it's based on shit written by keynes himself

same here, we can argue about the economic analysis, but this review doesn't contest that keynes slept with boys

>> No.13525815

character assassinations are only ok if they come from the left.

>> No.13525909

>is it factually wrong on the pedo stuff though?
austrians are always factually wrong

>> No.13526348


The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking by Saifedean Ammous

>> No.13526355

>every year we drop a giant ice cube in the water thus solving the problem of global warming forever

It must be freeing to have so little foresight

>> No.13526384
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ya but apparently he was frugal about it