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13520429 No.13520429[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this the closest a game has come to having the depth of a book?

>> No.13520433


>> No.13520478

that would be Gone Home

>> No.13520503
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I cried when I completed the game. It has such a good story.

>> No.13520515

Are you serious?

>> No.13520532

Especially considering it's based on a fucking series of novels, you vegetable. If you're looking for original depth I'd suggest you study the lore of Elder Scrolls and Fallout. Games don't tell much on surface but the Fallout bible explains a shit ton and TES' mythology is more complex than most religions.

>> No.13520536

Farcry 3 in my opinion

>> No.13520541

>It has such a good story

Not really

>> No.13520543

God, /lit/ has trash normalfag taste in games

>> No.13520546

The writing is shit. The only fun thing about that game is cracking your fist and pulling bullets out of your arm to heal.

>> No.13520560

I would nominate Silent Hill 2 for that

>> No.13520564

nahhh deus ex

>> No.13520568

Legacy of Kain series

>> No.13520569

deus ex

>> No.13520572

/v/ isn't here, you can stop with the Deus Ex/Planescape: Torment/System Shock 2 pseud virtue signalling.

>> No.13520582

but are you denying that deus ex has depth

>> No.13520592

P sure Witcher would be a mediocre fantasy book since it's fucking hard to write those well.

I think out of all RPGs few would make for good books, maybe Suikoden II, Nier: Automata would possibly make for a great book.

>> No.13520598

It's like saying your favourite book is Ulysses

>> No.13520609

Dark Souls is an epic poem.

Morrowind is a big tome.

GTA IV, RDR and RDR 2 are novelistic.

Silent Hill games are novelistic.

>> No.13520612

planescape is

>> No.13520631

people like ulysses, deus ex and whatever else you call pseud without "virtue signalling", they're just good shit.

>> No.13520644

This desu. We all know that the original Deus Ex plays like shit.

>> No.13520645

t. pseud

>> No.13520780

From the psychological perspective it's something great. How the environment and his actions, being the consequences of it, slowly but surely drive Jason mad. What looks like your typicall packed-with-violence-shooter game is in fact a story, or rather a reflection of how such scenario plays out, in regard to a human being. It glorifies violence on one hand and it condemns it on the other. A contradiction. The synthesis here would be a man, as in a member of human species, with all his thoughts and emotions, that is a soul.
In this way, the game outlines the dual foundations of man, who loves, and yet because of his love also greatly hates. But this same man, then normalizes violence to a point where he does not partake in it for the sake of the protection of what is loved, but for sheer sport of it, so to say. The cycle can then be broken or deepened, the former redeeming him and the latter "confirming" his descend into darkness and eventually destroying him. This is what attracts me; it shows just what violence realy does to an individual in an almost platonic way. This is where most other games fail.

>> No.13520788

The Beginner's Guide
normies itt

>> No.13520789

>what is Spec Ops: The line?
Don't bother watching it if you haven't played the game, but if you're never going to then you may as well.

>> No.13520802
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Kara no Shoujo

>> No.13520810

It's an adoption of Conrad's Heart of Darkness, you moron.

>> No.13520815

The Witcher was literally a book series which was adapted to a videogame, the books I read were pretty decent and due to its episodical nature made a great fit for a non-linear videogame.

>> No.13520816
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Step aside amateurs

>> No.13520826
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AHEM, the reinforcements have arrived.

>> No.13520846

LA Noire is the only game that's on par with some noir novels, and you wouldn't generally consider noir to be of the best quality. You have to consider games from a visual/audio perspective as well, I think Firewatch, apart from it's cartoonish look, juggles all these things pretty well.

>> No.13520852

>Gone Home
You don't like video games, kill yourselves.

>> No.13520887
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>> No.13520898

>Is this the closest a game has come to having the depth of a book?
Sure thing, kiddo, but do't get to worked up about it.

>> No.13520904

I know -_-

>> No.13520907

the dialogue in la noire was awful, do you just mean its structure or something? there are tons of adventure games out there and probably with better writing

>> No.13520922

I see you don't criticize LA Noire because you get to do shooty-shooty

>> No.13520928
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>more complex than most religions
it's entry level esotericism. It's good but lets not exaggerate.

>> No.13520943

LA Noire is at least a video game with failure states and actual gameplay. Gone Home and Firewatch are not games, you just walk around and read shit. The developers are also the most insufferable fucking faggots on the face of the earth.

>> No.13520958

The only correct answer here is that no game has the depth of a book except Bioshock Infinite

>> No.13520977

>except Bioshock Infinite
You have the worst fucking taste in the world, please stop sharing your pleb opinions.

>> No.13520980

>the dialogue in la noire was awful
pretty close to what you find in noir fiction
> there are tons of adventure games out there and probably with better writing
rec me some
>avengers infinity war is at least a movie with actual entertainment. Sunset Limited and The Man from Earth are not movies, you just watch people sit around and talk.

>> No.13521001

The premise was good, but the final product was half baked. Good game nevertheless, but shallow.

>> No.13521007

i dont like adventure games so i dont know, but if theyre all worse than la noire surely the genre wouldnt exist

>> No.13521036

Games are not movies and you can't compare them to movies, people like you don't like games, you like walking simulators and interactive movies.

>> No.13521077

Hardly, the game is full of side quests which if it was a book would be just bloat, the actual story and important dialogue wasnt that much. You could say dialogue and voice acting in game is like prose in a book and frankly witcher was fucking shit, boring, uninteresting, not engaging. Story wise I could say it was a brief summary of the book which hardly qualifies as "close to depth of a book".
I cannot think of a single game that comes close to book. Last I played was original sin 2 and that was quite long but ultimately full of irrelevant trash dialogue and relevant stuff was also uninteresting and monotonic (though I admit it had good moments).
I think what really left an impression was legacy of kain games (specifically elder god and kain) and also I remember ffx dialogue/monologue was pretty good and above average (even the laughing scene while was cringe did fit into he game setting and story).

>> No.13521079

Bit different mediums innit?
I would say that not many games gave come close to the potential depth of the medium of games, so it's a bit early to be comparing them to something as well established as literature.

>> No.13521092

A lot depends on what you mean by "depth" and regardless of what you do mean by it it's still hard to agree whether games have as much depth of a book because they're two separate mediums, and how they go about achieving their depth is different, they're completely different experiences (though they certainly have some similarities)
But that's also acting as if all books are full of depth, there certainly are plenty that do! But you have countless YA garbage that is shallow as shit, your Hunger Games, Harry Potters, etc. And I would say most games are on a similar level to that in terms of depth unfortunately.
If we're talking purely about breadth of thought and philosophical underpinnings or general moral dilemmas then my answer would probably be Pathologic (I'm sure there are other good contenders but I either am not remembering them currently or haven't played them)

>> No.13521109
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why yes I only played witcher 3 for the the in depth card game how could you tell

>> No.13521118

On that note I'd say that games as a medium cannot be confined to one specific genre or platform. People consider gamey games such as Nintendo stuff to be peak Vidya in terms of mechanics but at the same time they lack a strong narrative. Interactive visual experiences aka single player narrative driven games such as Life is strange, The last of us, the beginner's guide etc aren't too gamey in terms of mechanics but can have cohesive storylines. And then there are simulators and strategy, even stuff like Rocksmith and Europa Universalis which are closer to gamification side of things so I don't think one particular title can check all the boxes on what this medium has to offer. I think an interesting question would be figuring out what games cannot exist as a compelling product if they were anything but a game.
Mechanics heavy titles (again) such as Nintendo stuff would be an easy answer but they don't have any depth in terms of the narrative itself.

>> No.13521122

Gameplay is pure entertainment, it adds nothing to 'depth'.
>you like walking simulators and interactive movies.
Watching films you don't get to walk around the set and examine the objects in it at your own pace, especially if the set is the size of an island. Maybe they're not games but they fill a niche that other mediums can't.

>> No.13521203

The expansions were great. The side quests we're good too.
The main story of The Wild Hunt was boring and a fucking slog though

>> No.13521222


>> No.13521334

>Gameplay is pure entertainment, it adds nothing to 'depth'.
Way to out yourself as someone who doesn't know a fucking thing about video games.

Don't run your mouth on topics you have surface level knowledge of.

>> No.13521340

Based, I spent more time on the card game than the main quest

>> No.13521379

go to /v/ child

>> No.13521399

World At War

>> No.13521414

Hearts of stone was faustian kino

>> No.13521432

Bioshock 1 was better in every way

>> No.13521457

Virtually all games are genre-fiction power fantasy pieces of trash. Even the games that make some effort at having depth are sophomoric garbage and are considered 'good' only because they are thought of in relationship to other games (and not compared to art in general).

>> No.13521503

How well do you know it?

>> No.13521513

Stop going to /v/, pseud

>> No.13521533

When someone who doesn't game makes judgements on games depth.

>> No.13521560
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Pillars of Eternity

>> No.13521578

Yes. None of them are particularly deep and the writing in both Deus Ex and Planescape is trash. They're comparable to the shitty romance novels that old women buy at the grocery store but not much else. There are no video games with great writing and video games are best when they're almost entirely devoted to gameplay and have no/minimal story.

>> No.13521590

t. manchild

Seriously video games are for children. There are no respectable adults playing video games regularly.

>> No.13521594


>> No.13521600

I'm starting to agree with >>13521457

>> No.13521605
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> he doesn't know about an entire medium that has long eclipsed books

>> No.13521673

Story in a videogame is like a story in porn. It's expected to be there, but it's unimportant. Games cannot be literary, but that's not the point of them.

>> No.13521761
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Never liked the gameplay but the story is engaging enough in spite of the budget cuts, I'll give you that.

>> No.13522366

>implying the mythical and fantastic isn't the root of fiction.

>> No.13522727

Not really comparable mediums in my view. What works in one will almost certainly fail in the other. I think the most interesting aspect of games is the relationship the player has to the agent he plays as and the world around him. When literary fiction dwells on the subject of "you, the reader", it never works so well. Ditto with games games that try to deal with any thematic trends that need more measured contemplation, like the nature of God.

>> No.13522762

I can't even think of a game with a good story
maybe this guy is right tho >>13520560
what about visual novels? not videogames but how do they compare story-wise?

>> No.13522784

video game narratives will never develop past the level of YA fiction

>> No.13522822

Legitimately one of the most cringe threads ive ever seen on this site, did not think that would happen on /lit/. Actually fucking embarrassing

>> No.13522895

The only novelistic one you listed was RD2

>> No.13522944

Enough to know that reaching heaven by violence requires prior knowledge of Crowley. Don't get me wrong, I adore the Elder Scrolls universe. But your claim is pure hyperbole.

>> No.13523106


>> No.13523162

Papers please

>> No.13523172


>> No.13523174

Planescape Torment
The Witcher has always been a bad plagia of Elric

>> No.13523208

"Planescape: Torment" is the only correct answer.

>> No.13523215

That would be Undertale :)

>> No.13523591
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The fanged noumena of videogames

>> No.13523610


>> No.13523638
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Pillars of Eternity, in my opinion, actually has pretty good prose. There are obviously several writers working on it, since different scenes vary widely in terms of quality, but some paragraphs and dialogues are really fantastic. It encountered two main hurdles, the first being the world itself is interesting but presented in the most terrible way possible, and the second being that the theme is not fully explored until the second game.
I actually think the world in PoE2 is amazing and I fucking love the scenes with the council of gods occasionally bothering you. I love the idea of artificial gods and the implications they have on faith, religion, society, etc. Too bad the writing in PoE2 also SHITS THE BED so fucking frequently with FAGGOT PIRATES TRYING TO HAVE GAY SEX WITH YOU EVERY OTHER FUCKING SCENE
The real answer is Fallout: New Vegas.

>> No.13523647

Not even close. Kingdom Come is a much better medieval simulation and better story. No elves or godlings or magic or retarded shit.

One of the most novel-like games would be Morrowind. Or Fallout New Vegas.

>> No.13523964

MGS series and Horizon Zero Dawn

>> No.13523974

Doing the exact same thing as a fantasy novel author would then making a game out of it isn't really original depth.

>> No.13523978

Kingdom Come was fun for muh realism but the story was laughably bad. Similar things can be said about the other two games you mentioned

>> No.13523981


>> No.13523996

Dark Souls is a better use of the medium imho, and comes closest of any video game I’ve seen to expressing artistic truth, even though it fails in the end imho. I don’t think it’s impossible that a game might be able to transcend mere entertainment value, but the medium is still so young.

>> No.13524012

No that's grim Fandango

>> No.13524053

How? The card game can be quite frustrating with the AI fucking you over.

>> No.13524064
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No, Metal Gear Solid 2 is


>> No.13524999

The game has more depth than the "novels"

>> No.13525107

Leisure suite larry

>> No.13525360

you want it to be easy?

>> No.13525411


>> No.13525439

The closer a game gets to being a book the further it gets from being a game.

>> No.13525760

No game could come close to the depth of a "book"

The mediums strength is in its interactivity

>> No.13526216

literally this
Main story of the game was more generic/episodic fantasy tier, but Hearts of stone was /lit/ as fuck

>> No.13526273

This is the only good post

>> No.13526430
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pic heavily related. I cant believe ive actually thought of this place as anything but /r/goodreads.2

All games are art, all books are art, all films are art etc etc. One of the most braindead and retarded things ive ever witnessed is this "well THIS game proves that da games are art!!1" shit. Games are in their infancy. "Books" arent some harbinger of depth, certain books have been recognized over time for their value and quality, and this "quality" isn't some fucking universal measure of how "deep" or how much knowledge each tome holds. Ulysses is considered one of the best books of all time and there is literally nothing "deep" about Ulysses in the same sense that there is in something like Crime and Punishment, its a fucking experiment and a piece of art that people well versed in literature, its history and its construction hail as an achievement of wankery. Since literally nobody here is (or should) be retarded enough to attempt to even quantify what this supposed "depth" means in the first place, saying that "X game is as deep as books" should probably be a sign that X particular autist frothing at the mouth should be castrated so nobody equally retarded will continue that bloodline in the age of information and enlightenment

Literally nobody is stupid enough to ask this exact same question about films in comparison to books or the other way around. Anyone with a brain realized over 50 years ago that a film has its strengths and a book has its own. The reason why this isnt fully realized for games yet is because manchildren are still trying to convince their luddite fathers and mothers who have never touched a videogame that they arent wasting their time with nothing "but" pure entertainment as if that was bad in the first place since again even something like Ulysses is literally nothing but entertainment and isnt some deep tome of wisdom and knowledge that will change your perception. The entire discussion is worthless as long as technologically and particularly game-illiterate ancient people exist

>> No.13526513

MGS 2, Spec Ops The Line, Bastion, Myst... theres more. Note that while they come close to literature, they are not on the same level.

>> No.13526619

>Note that while they come close to literature, they are not on the same level

>> No.13526664
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RDR is the vidya equivalent of AtD, so no.

>> No.13526669
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SH2 is Crime and Punishment tier

>> No.13526683


>> No.13526788

Dark Souls, Shin Megami Tensei, and MGS are about it.

SMT especially.

>> No.13527190


>> No.13527213

planescape torment really does have book level writing, not classic literature level writing but the writing i would expect if i picked up some scifi fantasy book that was a decent read.

>> No.13527227

hurr hue durr I liek pnumbra! wooowwweee it so depth wow word mean a transparent shadow so crazy

>> No.13527437

Fuck indietrash twitch games too queer.

Play a real game like Ico, Dragon's Dogma or Fallout New Vegas.

>> No.13527530
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>> No.13527570

Games have already surpassed books in some aspects. Take Tetris as an example. No book will ever measure up.

However, no game will ever measure up storywise to a good book. Both mediums have strengths the other does not have.

You wouldn't compare Nazis and sextoys and ask if one has surpasses the other, would you?

>> No.13527586

One of those books you open and the page unfolds into a 3d scene, maybe.

>> No.13527737

>everybody talks about how good this games are
>download the first one
>you have to carry 2 swords, one to kill monsters and the other one to kill regular people
stopped playing right there

>> No.13527751

Sex toys bring pleasure to the world, Nazis bring suffering. Clearly sex toys are superior to nazis.

>> No.13527788

Sex toys have never run over a fat American woman, though.

>> No.13527811


>> No.13527821

>>everybody talks about how good this games are
No, they talk about how Witcher 2 was pretty decent 3 was great and the first one was "okayish".

>>you have to carry 2 swords, one to kill monsters and the other one to kill regular people
Yes, and?
I mean weapons which work against specific enemies is a pretty common fantasy trope.

>> No.13527824

>Sex toys bring pleasure to the world, Nazis bring suffering.
Spiritual fulfillment in the struggle for your people seems to bring far more pleasure then jacking off.

>> No.13527836


>> No.13527841

Charlottesville, that Alt-Right demo. I'm implying that running over fat americans is a good thing.

>> No.13527865

Always felt the point of video-games was more in the atmosphere than in the narrative. It is one thing to read about a warrior exploring some crypt or wizard's tower, another thing to do it "yourself", specially if the game manages to raise the stakes.

This is what should be more valued, instead of literary and thematic complexity which is something way more harder to achieve in the medium.

>> No.13527880

Nazis literally ruined Europe and German nationalism. The German people now have to apologize for even existing thanks to that angry Austrian manlet

>> No.13527924

What are twitch games? You mean like FPS games?

>> No.13527930

Not nazis, communists and capitalists did. Both sides had a vested interest after the war to built up their forner enemy as horrible monsters. They needed the propaganda for the public efforts against each other.

>> No.13527984

I mean horror games twitch streamers play with facecams for children

>> No.13528014

It took to much for this post.

>> No.13528016

Don't know, I only care about gameplay in games

>> No.13528036

uh oh... he doesn't know. icy, calm down!

>> No.13528083

Hearts of Stone was kino

>> No.13528639


>> No.13528972

I get the aesthetic emotion from truly perfect gameplay and design, like Super Metroid and SotN. Then again difficult and/or Metroidvania platformers are basically the only games I play that aren't le art games.

>> No.13529158

Was going to post this, the fact that they went ahead and included a bunch of really wierd stuff into the main quest was nice.

>> No.13530385

>Is this the closest a game has come to having the depth of a book?
which book?
different books have different depths

>> No.13530395

I only play mindless video games for something to do while I listen to audiobooks i.e. minecraft, madden, BOTW...

>> No.13531166

Ace Combat, Metal Gear Solid, and Drakengard 1

>> No.13531179
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For me it's KOTOR2

>> No.13531195
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>TES' mythology is more complex than most religions

The state of /lit/

>> No.13531197
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>> No.13531425

based response. the game being released unfinished was a tragedy.

>> No.13531451

Apex is better

>> No.13531473
