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13516771 No.13516771 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.13516774

basicaly the first manga

>> No.13516778

Lots of names and lots of violence.

>> No.13516785

Lists of things

>> No.13516788

I read the simplified version back in my childhood (without knowing it was a simplified version), it was rad. I wanted to read the Odyssey, but we didn't have a copy, and I wasn't in the habit of asking for things.

>> No.13516793

The greatest book in history, full stop.

>> No.13516804

>this nigger forgot about the wacky hijinks of Gilgamesh and Enkidu

>> No.13516824

Yeah, the names are really fucking me up. This edition uses the latin denominators for the Olympians (Juno instead of Zeus), and not knowing who the fuck Atreus or the Atriders are, why Achilles is referred to as Pelides for no fucking reason every few minutes, is mind numbing.

Still having a blast.

>> No.13516852

Best girl Athena bullying Trojans

>> No.13516864

Who's Homer? I only knows Omeros.

>> No.13516947

It’s shit because no trojan horse.

>> No.13516993

shut up, Virgil

>> No.13516997

a trash translation and destruction of one of the greatest works of literature ever, go learn greek

>> No.13517030

A very poignant and epic story with some touching moments. Mostly, it's just battle scenes though, and lists--lots and lots of lists. When you get used to all the names though it does feel pretty great. By about half way you get a real sense of the war and how it's progressing. I didn't expect so much intervention from the gods, but this made it read almost like a fantasy, what with Diomedes raging with the help of Pallas Athene and Poseidon helping Hektor and so forth. It's genuinely epic. Also, pure brotherly love and honour.

>> No.13517103

A satanic book. Stop reading Greek books and grab the Bible.

>> No.13517127

Based Pope Translation

>> No.13517329

Depending on how much you know your classics your enjoyment will vary.
If you read it with little to no knowledge (besides zeus shit thunder and poseidon dances on the sea) you will have a lesser enjoyment.

There really should be a companion for illiad for plebs with no greek-latin and phd in classics. I have yet to find it.
But Homer assumes a lot of knowledge, and there is a lot of scholarship that explains some weird stuff (like why homer says swift footed Achilles when his speed-feet has nothing to do with whats going on)

>> No.13517339

So everything is a pleb... if they don't a a phd in classics? That's great.

>> No.13517356

What's your IQ?..........................

>> No.13517369

Different anon, but the horse being only in the fanfiction made me question everything I knew about history.

>> No.13517370

That fucking annoys me desu. Do some research. When I read it I actively googled several of the names and found out more. You clearly don't give a shit. Also, use your brain? Pelides is because he's the son of Peleus. Aiakides is because he's the grandson of Aeucus. Atraides = sons of Atreus.

>> No.13517387

No not everything is pleb( but you are a pleb if you don't know your latin-greek and have a phd in humanities, and just have some wagecuck degree to make your patrician boss rich so that his patrician son can learn classics)

My point is, a lot more enjoyment can be taken from Homer if you don't go blindly, there is a lot of scholarship who talks about both subtle nuances and important big things that can contribute to your enjoyment greatly. I really hope they will make a good companion for Homer book. Not for Grad students but for the average reader.

>> No.13517401

There are lost parts of the epic cycle, it could have been in one of those and thats how Virgil knew of it

>> No.13517405

Honestly, I think just reading a comprehensive volume on Greek mythology covering all the royal families, the major deities and whatnot is enough. Then as you're going along, reading through the Iliad slowly, just take the time to read up about various people and events you don't understand. Lattimore's introduction is what you're talking about to be honest. He gives an long essay all about the history and context, the style and form, etc. etc.

>> No.13517413

I strongly recommend "The Mortal Hero" by Schein.

>> No.13517677

This is why I recommend Fagles, whether you think his translations are good or not the notes and glossary are extremely helpful

>> No.13517694

A rough time if you decided to ignore all advice and not read copious amounts of relevant material before diving in

Is there no name list at the back? If not just print one out

>> No.13517700
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>> No.13517721

Should have got the Lattimore senpai. You goofed up.

>> No.13517738

>Juno instead of Zeus


>> No.13517789

>read the odyssey
>not a single d'oh

>> No.13517827
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>homer turn on the tv :D
>homer is dead :D

>> No.13517858

kek, I think he meant Jove.

>> No.13517931
File: 132 KB, 993x583, 1541957403979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13518393

Is this image designed to trigger people?

>> No.13518397

cute hands, post feet

>> No.13519327


>> No.13519898

You should probably read some form of compendium on ancient greek mythology and history to get a better grasp.
I can't really recommend a good one, since the one I have is in danish, but there should be plenty in english or whatever other languages you're able to read.

Using the latin names in a greek text sounds really dumb and confusing desu. But dw at some point all of the names are just gonna stick, especially if you keep on and read Ovid or Virgil aswell.

The reason for the names is because they're using based patronymic names. (Achilles is Pelides bcause he's the son of Peleus and so on)

>> No.13519900

also Zeus is Jupiter in the roman pantheon, Juno is Hera, (Zeus' consort)

>> No.13519986

X killed Y.
Y killed Z.
A killed B.
C killed D.
Achilles cries.

>> No.13519998

Fagles is the equivalent of John Green. Go with either Lattimore, Verity, or Fitzgerald.

>> No.13520154

>not reading the original greek.
as a native greek, i pity the barbarians.

>> No.13520214

Homer yuour late for work :D
Homer is dead :D

>> No.13520951

Chapman is the only translation of Iliad I've read, but its probably the best

>> No.13520969

Lion similes

>> No.13521008

Pay denbts

>> No.13521010

An absolute fuck ton of lion similes. They get boring fast.

>> No.13521139

Possibly a bad translation.

>> No.13521181

it's mentioned in the odyssey

>> No.13521183


>> No.13521202
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>> No.13521207

the hell it is