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13502394 No.13502394[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Many people believe that the reason Africa suffers from poverty, crime, bad education and healthcare etc. is simply European colonialism.

Likewise, many also believe that the reason South America is similarly poor, crime-ridden etc. is simply because of the USA.

I have tried to read books on the topic but they are usually full of zealotry with a strong bias against the West, Whites, and capitalism.

Is there a book that provides an impartial account of how today's third world countries have been negatively affected by Europe and the USA? Or the counter argument, that they haven't?

>> No.13502397

Dude, you are the biased.

>> No.13502400

I mean, you already assume you are right above research. So what's the point.

>> No.13502405

How can I be biased if I haven't even stated my position? I'm just trying to learn please don't start a flame war here.

>> No.13502411

How? I just asked for books that argue either point. Is there a problem with reading both sides of an argument?

>> No.13502418
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OP here. This was okay but I'm more interested in modern history rather than ultimate pre-historic causes.

>> No.13502437

Watch adio Africa, it's a documentary about the fall of colonial nations. With footage from the time before /afther.

>> No.13502462

The topic is too big, you could paint any narrative using your anecdotes and such.

>> No.13502463

Absolute meme. Korea, Singapore, China, Malaysia and Thailand were all much poorer and underdeveloped than most of Africa was when it gained independence, some of the most heavily colonised countries on Earth are also the most successful: Australia, Canada, NZ, US.
Africa's problem is diversity, people are understandably more loyal to their tribe or religion, Nigeria would be where China is now if it wasn't torn in two by Muslims and Christians. I suppose that is technically Europe's fault, in that they decided the borders, but that would involve dividing Africa into a few hundred more countries which is pretty bad for development.
In my opinion, African nations need to develop their national mythology. On the eve of the French revolution barely any "French" people could speak French.

>> No.13502470

I'm not looking for a 4chan post to answer such a big question, hence the book requests. This is a topic that requires a lot of reading.

>> No.13502507

Africa's problem is low average intelligence

>> No.13502508

>African nations need to develop their national mythology.
It's almost as if, during the period when nationalism was developing in other countries, there was something stopping African people from doing the same thing

>> No.13502524

Not being part of the tradition in which nationalism developed? It's actually the same for many people in the world today, that's the Middle-east's 'problem' too. No identification with the nation-state they're under exists in many, only identification with family, clan, tribe, and religion. The nation-state can only be parasitic and corrupt entity in these cases. National mythology and sovereignty means ethnic destruction.

>> No.13502531

The issue with Africa's economic development is that Africans are niggers

>> No.13502542

A Farewell to Alms
Understanding Human History (Hart)

>> No.13502552

Why Nations Fail touches on this and approaches it from a liberal-capitalist, Washington Consensus perspective. Personally I thought it was trash but if you're looking for both sides of the argument you might want to check it out

>> No.13502554

No matter what you read there’s no way around the fact that white people came to a black country took over their land and left them out of the prosperity of their land.
>they developed it
It’s wasn't their land to develop.

>> No.13502560

Jared Taylor has written about this a bit.

The areas of Africa that were colonized are more advanced than the areas that weren't. Africans have only benefited from White Supremacy. They are unable to build civilization because of low-trust society and low-IQ. You can see this demonstrated with trends like "Flash Robs" where Africans will loot banks and businesses in large mobs.

In many parts of Africa there is no law at all. It is quite literally an anarchist society. You can openly murder somebody in broad day light and face no consequences. It is all mob rule and anarchism. This prevents the African outliers (the high IQ Africans) from being able to operate and succeed in the society as well.

In short, they are niggers

>> No.13502567

Have you considered that the books you have read on the subject are not presenting an narrative that casts Europe and the USA in a positive light because that would by a contravention of fact?

>> No.13502569
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>Jared Taylor
Excellent recommendations from 4channel as usual

>> No.13502584
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why has nobody written a book titled
>how turks underdeveloped the balkans

>> No.13502586

this is the content of every history book in the balkans

>> No.13502587
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There is a wealth of literature on that very topic

>> No.13502590

that was a trick question
the balkans can never be developed

>> No.13502591

Large parts of Africa didn't even have a wheel whe n Europeans showed up. We also don't see the same undevelopment in other places where Europe showed up. There's something else going on.

>> No.13502600

I have read racist books that present Europe and the USA in a positive light and still dismissed them as zealotry. I don't hold a foregone conclusion on the matter. The reason I made this thread is that unlike anti-West books, there is a fair bit of compelling literature that doesn't paint the West as the sole problem.

>> No.13502606


>> No.13502609

>This was okay
It's central assumptions are quite literally just wrong.

>> No.13502614

National mythologies were pretty big in the Arab world during the heyday of Panarabism in the Cold War. Now it has collapsed however.

>> No.13502616

>Is there a book that provides an impartial account of how today's third world countries have been negatively affected by Europe and the USA?
This literally makes no sense.
How can you ask about an *impartial* book that supports your thesis.
Either you are looking for confirmation bias and are looking for a book arriving at a certain conclusion or you want an impartial book, which may arrive at an conclusion.

>> No.13502617

Because nobody cares about the Balkans. It's like Africa with slavs instead of black people and more importantly not natural resources.

>> No.13502618

If you are aware of this compelling literature, then why are you in need of the thread? Presumably for you what is compelling is also not zealous in its approach, either racist or non-racist.

Can you point us to the literature that you consider compelling?

Also, I'd like to note that some of the works that you percieve to be painting the West as the sole origin of problems on the African continent only appear that way because the books are specifically about the impacts of European colonialism. I don't know if this is true, but you haven't told us what books you actually have read. I happen to know it is certainly true of the pic used in the OP.

>> No.13502623

which the yanks and brits undermined incessantly because it was broadly pro-soviet

>> No.13502627

>on 4chan
>doesn't like 4chan recs
>sucks poz'd nigger dick
Just keep donating to black charities their IQ will increase some day

>> No.13502629

>It's all whitey's fault
Fuck off (((m8)))

>> No.13502636

>2 hour race realism
Christ I hope you didn’t fuck up my YouTube algorithm with this dreg.

>> No.13502639

Yes that's the same eternal problem, nation-wide politics is always by necessity also international politics.
There was a time when by some tacit agreement secular dictators in the Arab world were allowed to rule their countries as long as they provided some simile of economic propsperity and warded off radical islam. That agreement no longer holds, obvisouly.

>> No.13502641
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>be South Korea
>poorest country on the planet in 1953
How long are Africa gonna blame muh colonialism? Probably forever, if African-American butthurt is anything to go by.

Although maybe Africans don't actually blame whitey and it's all just a bunch of self-hating "whites" that keep dragging this shit up all the time.

>> No.13502657

2 hours is still less time than it would take to read the actual book. Maybe you'll learn something! And if you still want to stick it to whitey then you can go read the book anyway and then debunk the video. View it like a challenge!

>> No.13502660
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>south korea
who would have thought that central planning backed by military dictatorship would ever lead to rapid economic development

>> No.13502661

>>2 hour race realism
Not really, it's mostly about doing the research Diamond refused to do, concerning the load bearing of different animals, calories for crops, etc...

The central thesis of the video is that Diamonds assumptions are not supported by actual evidence and a more reasonable explanation is given.

>> No.13502663

South Korea has the benefit (and curse) of being a pseudo-US puppet state and a strategically valuable geography, so the imperial core has/had an interest in its development of infrastructure and economy. ROK got its own version of the Marshall plan and then some. Very different story from Africa

>> No.13502705

>be North Korea
>poorest country on the planet in 2019
Must be the inferior genetics

>> No.13502725

>if you go full on politically and economically retarded then that proves that genes isn't a thing
the absolute state of race deniers
You'd be shocked to find out the amount of aid that any single African country have been given since 1953.

There unspoken truth about Africa is that its absolute shit because there are Africans living there. Just like Haiti is a shithole for the exact same reason. It's not oppression, it's not m-muh wacky borders and its not the lack of resources.

>> No.13502741

I think most leftists are trying to find any way they can to explain Africa's failure that doesn't involve the socialism they pushed onto those people.

>> No.13502749

Africans don't even do this, it's usually white Americans trying to excuse Africa's chronic problems, ironically this just prolongs Africa's bizzare developmental pattern.

>> No.13502755

Stalin was a bureaucratic dictatorship, he's the reason the Russian military (Trotsky's stronghold) was so shit in 1941.

>> No.13502790

Based post

>> No.13502796

It's more about intent, rigour, and motivation, than the actual "conclusions". I don't dismiss books because of their stance, rather because they are clearly propaganda, reductive, or just plain garbage. You can write a critique of the West in good faith, and you can write a defence also in good faith. This isn't common though since authors are politically driven and use every trick from emotive language to straight up lies to push their ideas. I shit you not I recently read somebody who claimed Africans discovered America before Columbus, made peace with the Native Americans, then returned to Africa.

A slight bias is fine but lies aren't. Individuals in general aren't good are presenting both sides because of their own inherent biases... the only way to get a good understanding of the topic is to read well-researched, well-written stuff on both sides. If you want an example, it's Thomas Sowell. Yes, he's biased, but at least it's decently researched and written.

>> No.13502797

Name one African country that resembles North Korea

>> No.13502802

>Africans don't even do this
Where do you live? Woke Black Americans never stop barking about colonialism now

>> No.13502808

When the aid is directed at the propagation of extraction industries for export to the west and little else you'd be shocked at how little is fixed :^)

A lot of aid that isn't put in towards said industry is stolen by U.S. and French based regimes yadda yadda yadda

>> No.13502813

else what is the common factor? being southern hemisphere?

>> No.13502814

africa suffers that way because the people are low IQ and it's landlocked, that's literally it

>> No.13502825

Angloid faggots can't accept that niggers are retarded and naturally like to live in filth with polygamous matriarchy

The only people I see who give a fuck about Africa and black people are wh*te angloid pussies. Nobody else cares, just them. They have some psycho paternal obsession with negroids

>> No.13502859

how dare the west buy their exports?! ;^(

>> No.13502899

>name one African country which had a mad dictatorship propped up by foreign powers for purposes of ideology and realpolitik
Anon I...

>> No.13502907

"Racist no matter what".
You don't give money to Africa, you are racist because Africans deserve reparations.
You give money to Africa, you are racist because the African governments spend that money in ways that makes helps the country industrialize, but industrialization leads to exploitation.

You buy products from Africa, you are racist, because you are exploiting them.
You don't buy products from Africa, you are racist because you don't help their economies grow.

It is entirely irrelevant what the west is trying to do to help Africa, you people will ALWAYS find ways why it is evil, except, of course, for braindraining their countries and economies and importing (stealing) all their "skilled" labour to Europe. Which is crushing the abilities of the native workers to organize themselves and strive for more rights and benefits the corporations, as they can push wages down on the lower ends of the labour market without having to worry about strikes.
I would be laughing it if it weren't so enormously retarded.

>> No.13502913

>value judgement
>contravention of fact

There's a guillotine you need to learn about mate.

>> No.13503109

Okay so name one that has a social fabric which resembles North Korea

>> No.13503116

The true answer is that niggers and their enablers are dog shit.

Nigger-enablers don't care about the well-being of niggers. They use niggers and fake nigger problems as a wrecking ball against white people who are naive enough to fall for the white guilt meme. Everyone knows deep down inside that niggers are completely helpless/hopeless

>> No.13503849
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Nobody is saying any of that.
You have a incredibly deep seeded persecution complex.
This post has some good points (especially about brain-drain and labor importing) but its overshadowed by your complete inability to admit that the west (These days the private and corporate sectors rather than the government.) still profits the exploitation and oppression of African people and the nations they live in.

and you are just a braindead stormfag

>> No.13503863

>australia, canada, NZ, and the US
White and basically all Western countries.

>korea, Singapore, China, malaysia, and Thailand
How can you compare these countries to what happened in Africa?

Your post is stupid, and it reveals that you are stupid. You're the meme. Are you under 18?

>> No.13503884

I have a crazy idea. I think the situations of most people and countries are the result of the behavior and cultural practices of those people. Back in the 40's and 50's, northern blacks like those in Chicago were doing very well. In many places they were doing better than comparable white people in terms of crime, educational achievement, and employment. They were doing well because they acted like white people. This changed when southern blacks started moving north because those blacks acted like animals, and their economic, crime, educational achievement, and employment status reflected that.

They have the capacity to be decent people but they act shitty and they have shitty lives as a result. Nothing will change until we're allowed to act as if this is true, meaning we recognize that they're acting shitty and work to change their behavior. The left does the opposite of this though, and actually works to normalize bad behavior. Them trying to normalize "ebonics" is a good example of this. Talking like that isn't helping them but it's not politically correct to fix their grammar.

>> No.13503968

Yeah but it's but impossible to change an entire country's culture. Look at how levels of immigration affect assimilation: if you let in a small number of immigrants, they assimilate pretty quickly and adopt the host country's culture to the point that crime/education levels are the same as the host population's, but when they come in large packs they retain everything.

>> No.13503981

>Nobody is saying any of that.
Have you read the post, he is complaining that the DONATIONS from the west go the wrong places, which is of course the fault of the west.

>oppression of African people and the nations they live in.
Here we go again.
You are LITERALLY making the point I just satirized, of course the west is racist if it does nothing and if it gives billions in aid that AFRICANS decide to put into the wrong economies it is also racist because it is oppressing them.

>by your complete inability to admit that the west (These days the private and corporate sectors rather than the government.) still profits the exploitation and
Should the west buy products from Africa?
If yes, that means we are exploiting them, if no we are obviously racist because we are not wanting economical cooperation.
You are quite literally confirming what I said, NOTHING the west could do would make you stop calling it racist, absolutely nothing.
Its a dream world you are living in, in which the evil white men is oppressing a country by giving it billions and then buying the products from that country.

You people are the scum the earth, literal leeches, that instead of being thankful for any penny that is donated to your self created shitholes, are whining about it.
My city was burned down, nearly to its foundations during WW2, and somehow it is now a somewhat functioning modern city, how CURIOUS:

>> No.13503982

>white and basically all western countries
So you admit it is a race problem?

>> No.13503989

A countries culture is defined by the behavior of its people, and peoples behavior change all the time so culture itself must be ever changing. Massive cultural shifts have been imposed on large numbers of people before, like the denazification in post war Germany or deShintoism of post war Japan and these sorts of things are taking place even now with the anti-Muslim programs going on in China. We don't even need to go that for though in order to fix black people. Merely recognizing and pointing out their shitty behavior can be enough with time because everybody naturally wants to become prosperous, but we're not even allowed to do that. It's racist to be against ebonics. At the very least we have to stop normalizing their shit behavior.

>> No.13504004

Yes I agree, what I mean is culture can't be changed overnight and there's no guarantee it ever does change in a positive way. Places like Mexico and Brazil might go on for another 500 years before they become less corrupt.

>> No.13504009

OP should get a proper education

>> No.13504017

Please kys

>> No.13504027

The oppressed/oppressor paradigm creates a moral and discursive logic that allows leftists to never be wrong, to create problems with only leftist solutions.
These people exist in bad faith. There's no meaningful way to engage with them, for they control the overton window and the dogma that is allowed through. They're also smart enough to never let it budge.

>> No.13504031

Africa is poor and shitty because they don't have enough rivers, they've always been poor and shitty because of that

>> No.13504032

>learning about anything related to race in academia
IQ = 75

>> No.13504040


You can't expect to be taken seriously when Jared Taylor, a blatant white supremacist, is your first source for historical analysis. Never mind any partiality toward the subject matter, but just logically, to use a starkly biased account is of poor rhetoric. It's like asking Pound for an assessment on Mussolini.

>> No.13504050

>become trained in socialist organizing by a dweebs tweed jackets using academic institutions as a Trojan horse.

Are you only capable of speaking in euphemisms?

>> No.13504064

>a whole continent

>> No.13504067

most academic historians are antiracists making them just as biased

>> No.13504073
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I work with a black dude from Senegal and he's always high as fuck talking about fucking fat bitches. If this isn't damning proof, idk what is.

>> No.13504082

>I have a crazy idea.
What you just described is just racism, no need to be fancy about it.

>> No.13504089

just read wikipedia articles about CIA operations and Whiteout by Alexander Cockburn

>> No.13504101

fucking retard, compare Haiti to NK

>> No.13504108

Eritrea is the most obvious. At least learn about what Africa is actually like first

>> No.13504116

>and if it gives billions in aid that AFRICANS decide to put into the wrong economies it is also racist because it is oppressing them.
You know corruption is a thing, right?
Look at white shitholes like Hungary, Czechia, Romania, where do you think all that EU money is going? Into the pockets of assholes and their friends.

>> No.13504120

its bizarre that there are still people in the world who don't understand that niggers are retarded

>> No.13504137

That’s a dumb generalization. The real problem is that people are allowed to do academic work with a conception of justice capable of viewing the west as bad and without the primary concern of contributing to the resilience of the western body politic.

>> No.13504140

Niggers are just as retarded as anybody else on this planet.

>> No.13504141


The degree of partiality towards a stance between a white supremacist and liberal professor are hardly parallel. I won't deny the existence of liberal bias, but I don't think the average liberal academic is as staunchly liberal as Taylor is a nationalists. I don't even think the average conservative is as radical as Taylor. I think it's inappropriate to compare academia within the popular political spectrum (conservative and liberal) to academics who are are extremes of either or.

>> No.13504149

antiracism is extremism it is literally opposed to every piece of evidence in existence on the subject

>> No.13504158

Freedom of thought sucks doesn't it?

>> No.13504160

Until academia is held accountable by the general public, the ideology inherent to it (which exists no matter how much plurality there seems to be) makes it less credible than any other’s attempt at inquiry.

>> No.13504171

Academia exists without accountability. Which means it has something beyond the “freedom of thought” any other person or organization could have.

>> No.13504173

>the simple act of not being biased towards people because of where they come from
Yeah, sure, whatever retard

>> No.13504185

This isn’t true in the post critical race theory world, and you know it.

>> No.13504187

anti-racism goes further than that when it denies group differences and their practical consequences

>> No.13504188


I would imagine antiracism to mean an ideology which denounces racist conclusions of neutral evidence, rather than a denial of the evidence itself. Whatever concrete historical evidence is discovered can obviously not be refuted, and should be assessed judiciously. I believe in utilising all forms of evidence to analyze a situation but I don't believe in concluding with a framework as hyperbolic as racism. Theres a big difference between saying "these Ethiopians have this average IQ, and tend to cultivate these set of skills, and this may account for their culture developing in this way" and "niggers are retarded there's no hope for them, whites are literally the best thing to happen to any civilization". I know racial realist academics don't literally use that language (at least not the first bit) but I hope you see the point im trying to make. You can make fact-based observations without a vitriolic or self-aggrandizing tip.

>> No.13504190

antiracism is the statement that all human populations are exactly the same cognitively, a statement made with zero evidence supporting it and a great deal contradicting it. think before you post next

>> No.13504192
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Spaniard here. My father had family in Venezuela, and back in the 70's he moved there to work for a few months, making 4 times the normal spanish salary.
During the 19th and 20th century, many spanish colonies and ex-colonies were on par or actually richer than mainland Spain. The gold excuse doesnt work because they mine more in 2 years nowadays than what the spaniards could mine during decades with surface-level primitive mining techniques. And if wealth was as simple as local resources, switzerland would be poor and russia would be really rich. But turns out commies dont understand economics and economy is more than just raw resources.

>> No.13504197

>am I out of touch?
>no, the entire scientific consensus around race and genetics is wrong
The usual 'infographics downloaded from the chanz are more reliable than peer reviewed research spiel. Very much the Freebird of race threads

>> No.13504209

the peer reviewed research itself universally shows race differences, both genetic studies and iq. no research has ever shown group differences disappearing by controlling for environment

>> No.13504217


Liberals are only afraid of unsavory facts about ethnic groups because the far right draws the most obnoxious, spiteful conclusions about them. It's ironic really, many of today's "alt right" champion their discovery of seemingly esoteric facts about race and ethnicity, but present the information with such a repulsive tint that people refuse to engage with it due to their reasonable abhorrance with the matter. You can't blame the sheltered liberal for being afraid to engage with controversial information when said information is only presented venemously. This is a dynamic the right has created and absurdly claims to denounce. When "the race issue" becomes less about supremacy and more about observable data and empirical evidence, then we will approach more comprehensive understandings.

>> No.13504221

You quoted me three times. I genuinely do believe that race is socially constructed, but the opposite wouldn’t change my position.

My issue is that an academia that is in no way held account by anyone is allowed to freely use a paradigm of problematization that is fundamental anti-western at its core. While it does put all academic work in question, some things are far more important than there.

>> No.13504223

liberals despised Rushton who was nothing like youre saying. your post is typically a complete fucking lie and reversal of reality

>> No.13504232

It's not strictly racism. Northen and Southern blacks had very different cultures coming out of the Civil War. The Great Migration appears to have had a negative on the overall black population in cities where Southern blacks fled to for economic prosperity.

Yes it is racism, but the picture is not as clear as the modern liberal spokesperson would have you think it is. Black people are as smart as white people, but face different cultural expectations and other adverse effects which hinders their development as a whole. Racism will continue so long as black communities fail to integrate their culture with the rest of America's middle class. Their entire culture is a farce anyways. It's not the result of some long historical development like most other nations, it's a bastardized culture inherited from nothing due to the slave trade.

>> No.13504237

There’s no reliable evidence to the contrary. Each population’s living conditions are determined by the politics social circumstances. These consequences extend to matters like education, economic growth and general living conditions. High IQ doesn’t mean shit when your terrain is arid and your culture never had the chance to develop nationalism.

>> No.13504240

Holy fuckin shit, man.
You're an idiot.
You have my permission to stop breathing now.
Jesus fucking Christ, do you just suck up every single piece of shit nazi propaganda your fat dick-sucking lips come across?

>> No.13504242

Nigeria is one of the saddest examples of untapped potential in the world. I would argue it's not even just the religious split (wealth would have solved that) but the retardedly corrupt governments they keep putting up at the worst possible times.

>> No.13504245


See >>13504188 & >>13504217

Antiracism proper should exclusively be a refusal to draw vitriolic or supremacist conclusions after assessing historical, statistical, and anecdotal evidence on a manner. If the right can learn to provide sound, well-researched evidence on a matter without screaming "nigger", they will be taken more seriously. And I do mean "screaming nigger" symbolically, as that may refer to any poise where one reduces black men and women to less than human, turns the white to superhuman, or believes that there is an inherent, inevitable cause which lead to the way civilization has developed rather than a series of patterns, events, and other historical circumstances.

>> No.13504258

yes there is the studies on iq and also a basic glance at the entire populations of the world
you literally cant think

>> No.13504262

>fundamental anti-western at its core
If you don't believe in freedom of thought, most especially for academics who surely need it more than anyone, you are pretty anti-western yourself

>> No.13504299


We're both making generalizations on "the liberal" so it's fair to say there's truth in both stances. I'll speak from experience then. I as a black man have spoken to many liberals providing the same evidence about IQ, crime, and cultural patterns as shown on pol and have only been received favorably for it. In fact, liberals eat it up and consider it well-done critical thinking. Why? The obvious ethos of being a black man speaking on the black race, sure, but it's also a matter of presentation, experience, and other relevant factors to improving rhetoric. Its not that liberals flatly hate the information, its that they're hearing it from the wrong people in the wrong tone. Malcolm X denounced black Americans with some of the same arguments your average racist would make but the black community wasn't offended, why? Because there's ethos, reason to believe. Why should the negro believe the patronising white man, or the yelling hick, or even a well meaning one without any knowledge of what it actually means to be black? It's basic tribalism, and this attitude is accentuated by the factor of this new "informer" being of the tribe of our great, perpetual antagonizer. So likewise, the liberal (inappropriately) takes on that sense of tribalism through "alliance" and becomes offended on our behalf when presented with information in the antithetical manner. In short, its not about what is said, but who says it and how, and this is a perfectly logical sociological phenomenon.

>> No.13504341

ITT: White Liberals demonstrating why they lost the debate decades ago and all tools that remain in their arsenal are petty moral arguments any smart 12 year old can refute. White Liberals claim virtue but will not face the consequences entailed by their signalling. If that is not what we habitually refer to as "being a hypocrite," I do not know what does. Do not listen to what people say, look at what they do. People avoid proximate diversity like the plague (No, your muslim friend Mohammed with the PhD in Bioinformatics and sitting next to Shaquanda on your five minute subway ride to buy Rington's Honduras coffee beans hand picked by Jamal during his 14 hour shift wearing nothing but a loin does not count). "Separate but equal" is the White Liberal's party line and telescopic philanthropy their religion. All people vote with their feet. The most dangerous ideology is your own, because people might expect you to do what you say.

>> No.13504342

>hur durr the west is a homogeneous entity when I can claim it stands for something I believe
Fuck off with this disingenuous shit. Being pro or anti West in our postcolonial world entails one fundamental position: whether western society should continue to exist rather than be dominated by other societies or some vague idea of "humanity." Nearly all academics hold the latter view and use the power entailed in their position to further their cause.

I only believe that the general public have an influence over academics which is reciprocal to the influence they have over the everyday life of each member of the general public. When you consider that academic institutions have gained total dominance of culture, social mobility, and the educated labor force, that influence is vast. Even if each individual is allowed to think freely, there are still many forces which can hold him accountable. The academic has none outside of the academic world, and that only conditions them to further push the ideology inherent to these institutions.

>> No.13504388

Chinua Achebe

>> No.13504417

Judging people based on the content of their character and on their behaviour is the opposite of racism.

>> No.13504430

When France left Algeria in 1962, some 130 years after colonising what had essentially been a desert wasteland, it left behind
>54,000 km of roads (80,000 km if you include Saharan roads)
>31,000 km of highways, of which 9,000 km were tarmacked
>4,300 km of railways
>4 ports with infrastructure meeting international standards
>23 other harbours (including 10 accessible to cargo ships and 5 accessible to cruise ships)
>34 lighthouses
>A dozen principal airports
>Hundreds of engineering works (bridges, tunnels, barrages, etc)
>Thousands of administrative and military buildings
>31 hydroelectric or thermal energy plants
>Extensive industrial infrastructure in construction, metallurgy, etc
>Thousands of schools and other educational institutions with 800,000 children in 17,000 classes
>A teaching hospital with 2,000 beds in Algiers
>Three other major hospitals in Algiers, Oran, and Constantine
>14 specialised hospitals and 112 multipurpose hospitals
>Extensive agriculture

Guess what the Algerians did with all this?

They let it go massively to shit. To this day the Algerian government blames France for all its problems and keeps asking for more gibs.

Economically speaking, Algeria ended up being a net loss for France, ironically. It might have been profitable if France could have exploited the oil it discovered in the south of Algeria, but Algeria became independent just in time to profit from that instead.

This same story of Africans just letting French infrastructure, schools, hospitals, etc go to shit after the French left repeats throughout Francophone Africa:


Reminds me of this video (from a former Belgian colony):


>> No.13504439

Eritrea is multilingual, multiethnic and multireligious; the dictatorship (the ideology of which has nothing to do with juche anyway) exists so that these groups dont butcher each other in the streets.
A completelly different situation than North Korea's. That you would use it as an example for your point betrays your intellectual dishonesty.

>> No.13504481

Yeah a basic fucking textbook that covers colonialism and neo-colonialism? Do you anons not take your basic fuckin history courses or do you intentionally troll for edge points?

>> No.13504489

>your basic textbook uses pathos to condition you into to being some sort of freak flagellant

>> No.13504496

Do you think it is possible to be antiracist while also believing that our socially constructed racial categories have at least some biological validity? This is basically the position that academic proponents of hereditarianism hold to; that the race concept is partially true but the borders are blurred and you shouldn't draw supremacist conclusions from the mere observation that race does have some validity as a taxonomical category

>> No.13504497

Such IQ, everything is just a society right? I remember when I first started reading philosophy

>> No.13504502

>muh long nosed propaganda

>> No.13504522


it makes sense that things tend to deteriorate when the colonialist upper class leaves as quickly as possible. why would they bother teaching the country's population how to build or maintain anything if facilitates them getting kicked out even faster?

>> No.13504551

All of Africa except for the Mediterranean bits has always been a pile of shit.
Europeans came in and mined it for resources. They brought paved roads, and the left by dividing the countries up in bizarre spots.
So in other words, Africa went from:
>Tribes A, B, C, and D are in the same country/region/whatever.
>Tribes A and B are friends.
>Tribes C and D are friends.
>The groups war.
>Tribe A is no longer in the same polity.
>Tribes C and D massacre tribe B.
>They used paved roads to do it.
>This is somehow 100% the white man's fault.
It's a bunch of racism that basically says blacks are just as simple and observable as any other animal you see on safari. Whites fucked up their ecosystem, and now the environment is causing the delicate balance to fall to bits.
You know, classic limousine liberal bullshit.
End of story.

>> No.13504562

How did colonialism prevent Africans from never inventing the wheel or the atlatal lol

>> No.13504564

The bias is in the premise of the title even lol why is Europe supposed to be responsible for developing Africa? White Man's Burden is a good thing now? If no European had ever set foot in Africa it might not have the postcolonial chaos and ethnic warfare sure, but there is no reason to think that Africa was perfectly stable and primed for massive technological advancement until the white man showed up. I honestly question whether postcolonialists believe that Black Panther's Wakanda was just over the horizon until it was "stolen" by colonialism

>> No.13504570

The countries were run by elites who had gone to university in France, but preferred to engage in kleptomania rather than pursue the development work.

>> No.13504573


Sure but only on the basis of the biological factor being a reasonable scientific inquiry rather than an evident impervious reality. Its reasonable to look at the situation holistically, and that means considering factors ranging from biological, to psychological, to cultural and more. It's just a matter of how the information / studies are handled.

>> No.13504590
File: 327 KB, 1228x1126, culture of critique 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this, it will give you a good perspective on when, how, and why they started teaching that everything bad comes from people of European descent.

>> No.13504593

>You know corruption is a thing, right?
Do you want EU Military police (assuming the EU weren't as corrupt as the average African state) to occupy African countries and enforce strikt laws on corruption there. I suppose "NO! That would be COLONIALISM".

This is exactly my point NO MATTER WHAT WHITES DO, it is always racist, this time because we give money to you but do not enforce anti-corruption laws in Africa.

>> No.13504597


obviously not wrong, but that is more of the fact that those positions will be filled with greedy sellouts, instead of people who actually want to help their country grow. i don't think there was anything inherently wrong with the populations, but the shitty people get the rewards in a system like that.

>> No.13504615

So you mean don't reflexively reach for the essentialist/herediarian explanation first? Seems alright to me, the way I see it is that the information could be used to explain existing social trends, inequalities etc, but not necessarily in the positive sense you seem to allude to in the "screaming n*****" thing lol

>> No.13504622

>why would they bother teaching the country's population how to build or maintain anything
Do you think the local government official built that streets himself?
No, of course not, the local population built the infrastructure under instruction from the Colonial overlords, everything else is pure madness.

> but that is more of the fact that those positions will be filled with greedy sellouts, instead of people who actually want to help their country grow.
So, you are literally admitting that the Colonialists were the people who wanted to grow these countries?
Because if the local population doesn't care about roads, but the Colonialists do, that leaves pretty much just that as an conclusion.

>> No.13504636

>Every culture inherently progresses to the same Western standard of industry and the only reason for stagnation would be something abstract like racial IQ or germs

In Britain, they still throw cheese down hills for the peasants. Does that mean it’s in their genetic code?

>> No.13504657

>Does that mean it’s in their genetic code?
No, it is a tradition that developed, I would guess, by pure chance.

I also do not get the point, just because some things about the culture of a population isn't caused by genes does not mean that no part of the culture is.
I mean the reason "why" a population of IQ would have different living standards than a population with lower IQ should be pretty obvious and very easily empirically validated.

>> No.13504668

>IQ is a linear standard of all intelligence and should naturally come to the conclusion of technological and agricultural advancement

>> No.13504670


>So, you are literally admitting that the Colonialists were the people who wanted to grow these countries?

no, i'm saying that everything that they built expedited their ability to exploit those countries

>> No.13504683
File: 35 KB, 475x475, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans and north americans DID fuck latin and central america and this book describes it perfectly.

OP you should give it a try

>> No.13504691

>no, i'm saying that everything that they built expedited their ability to exploit those countries
If you built a hospital so that people who work for you die less, is that also exploitation?
Is raising the living standards and industrializing a nation "exploitation", just because somewhere down the line you make profits (and I have yet to see any evidence that the colonizer profited in ANY serious way)?

You admit yourself, that the Colonizers were the people who built up the countries, and the natives of these countries let it turn to ruble, there really is only one conclusion from that...

>> No.13504696

>IQ is a linear
Where did I say that.

>and should naturally come to the conclusion of technological and agricultural advancement
In a global economy, obviously yes.

>> No.13504699

>DID fuck latin and central america
Yes, but just literally.

>> No.13504708

Why then if historical expressions of societal advancement have been different?

>> No.13504711

It's so sad to see how /pol/ has tainted every single board on 4chan with their stupid IQ talk. What happened to /lit/?

>> No.13504715

>Why then if historical expressions of societal advancement have been different?
Because in a global economy you either play by everyone else's rules or you fail.
This really isn't hard to figure out...

>> No.13504717

That endorsement from the vampire that looted my country dry is all you need to know to throw the fucking book in the trash.

>> No.13504718

You're wasting your time.

>> No.13504724

>You are /pol/ because you believe in one of the most validated findings in social science which in uncountable studies has been very reliable and correlates with a huge variety of different things
Do you people even listen to yourselves?

>> No.13504729

Yep, the CIA never sponsored juntas because a guy likes a book

>> No.13504731

>I have tried to read books on the topic but they are usually full of zealotry with a strong bias against the West, Whites, and capitalism.
Sorry facts hurt your feelings, kiddo.

>> No.13504734

>validated findings

Sam Harris and Murray are pseuds on a payroll

>> No.13504735


>> No.13504743

>Sam Harris and Murray
Yes, you found the only two guys who ever published anything about IQ, congratulations, but maybe if you tried really hard you might find thousands upon thousands of articles by non-ideological scientists on the matter?
But of course your vague perception of 2 people who had some interactions with the subject makes the whole thing entirely invalid.

>> No.13504759

You perceive Western aid programs as well-run, charitable endeavours with good intentions. That's why you think that criticisms of them are based on white people making excuses for niggers misspending the aid money, and why you think that the only reason that they couldn't be producing results is because niggers keep fucking up all the hard work of white people.

In reality, Western aid programs are foreign policy tools used to secure policy outcomes for the donors, and this malfeasance is only checked by the incompetence of the administrators.

>> No.13504765

I personally don't think IQ is that important considering that even if we take Bell Curve-tier statistics about race and IQ seriously, there's only about a ~5 point difference between Whites and Blacks. So what? Doesn't explain why one country is a literal toilet and another is building spaceships. The problem though is saying that lack of education leads to poor institutions, which leads to even worse education. This cycle, after a few generations, means an entire country will look literally retarded in comparison to one that has at least a functioning school system. Africans aren't dumb in terms of cognitive ability - take one form there, raise them in Switzerland and you'll see them fit right in. But take an African at 30 and try to get them to value the things we value in the West... Good luck.

>> No.13504777

I'm not denying it, I'm saying that not everything wrong with latin america is because of the CIA boogyman or because of colonialism.

>> No.13504785

>b-but what about my “credible” infographics from reddit about race and crime statistics and phrenology!!

Have sex

>> No.13504787

>take one form there, raise them in Switzerland and you'll see them fit right in
We routinely see the exact opposite.

>> No.13504790

This post here

African nation's are shitty because their people are stupid and their culture sucks.

>> No.13504807 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13504811

in the same vein I've seen two based black men discuss the SAT score gap in a different way. White liberals basically believe that the gap is the result of random sociocultural pheonomena and racism thus see it as a "meaningless" factoid to be resolved through affirmative action.The based black men pointed out that while the gap is the result of the aforementioned factors the gap STILL EXISTS and has to, by definition, indicate some level of intellectual impoverishment. The joke is that the only group that typically engages with this issue is white supremacists

>> No.13504819

>If you built a hospital so that people who work for you die less, is that also exploitation?

yes...if you've created a caste of slaves from the local population, and enforce it with brutality, you can't just say that you've suddenly done a moral act. just because you build roads for yourself, and hospitals so your slaves don't die all at once doesn't mean that your presence is a positive thing. their populations wouldn't have exploded in the first place, and it's obvious that the deaths from the slave labor and tribal divisions would have been significantly less as well.

as for the benefit of colonialism to the colonizers, are you retarded enough to be serious when you say that they didn't profit in any actual way? the trillions of dollars of oil, diamonds, rubber, and geopolitcal positioning had no benefit? really?

and the question here isn't whether or not "the colonizers were the people who built up the countries," it is whether the structure of colonialism in africa and other countries was a moral act? and how much are the colonized people to blame for not maintaining the infrastructure that was built? 30 seconds of thinking tells us that is was mostly destructive to the colonized with the numerous divisions that it caused, and the people that were placed in charge had little actual investment in their country, which is why everything ended up worse than before they came in the first place.

>> No.13504822
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>> No.13504828

Show me. And no, don't show me immigrant statistics. I want to see adoption studies.

>> No.13504829

I wonder what the person who made this image is like IRL

>> No.13504841

people will seethe over this but it is unironically true, the older I get the more I think that Aristotle was right about justice and that it can only exist (especially in argument) between equals. Why should white people ever believe that the races they conquered are unbiased and in possession of the real truth, as if it is only white people whose perceptions are clouded by ethnic interest, only us who have "skin in the game"?

>> No.13504868
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Imagine how big of an idiot you have to be to write something off as false before hearing its arguments. Either be open to heterodoxy or be a sheepish imbecile for the rest of your life.

By the way, Africa is a shithole because of genetics. The countries in Africa that were formerly occupied by Europeans have had higher GDPs both during and after occupation. Nothing was stolen from them. Just look at the way natives of Zimbabwe couldn't grow crops after forcing whites off of their farms. If you actually think that those rural whites received some illustrious academic instruction that allowed them to farm properly you are a world class heavyweight retard.

>> No.13504874

North: Violence and Social Order

>> No.13504884

Genealogy of Morals. Simply as

>> No.13504901

>Source National Longitunial Survey of Labour Market Experience of youth 1980-1990 U.S
Why is your proof that old anon? and why is it for africa being a shithole when the survey was US? And how is the limited experience of Labor market youths conducive of everyone?

>> No.13504928
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>It's so sad to see how /pol/ has tainted every single board on 4chan with their stupid IQ talk. What happened to /lit/?
Tfw you're too low IQ for the IQ talk

>> No.13504941
File: 212 KB, 800x500, 1561891382050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the plain yellow text infront of the moon? Am I missing some reference?

>> No.13504987

Based and Blackpilled.

>> No.13505000

All this frantic searching for contrived reasons and justifications, when the true causes are obvious and well documented. Low average general intelligence, as measured by IQ tests, makes sustaining a technical society impossible. IQ is mostly genetic, so Africa will be poor and desolate for as long as it is inhabited mainly by native Africans, or until selection pressures create a gradual shift towards a higher IQ in that population. Which will not happen in a million years

But go ahead and waste your time blaming Europeans, colonialism, the environment, do everything you can to avoid facing the simple fact- that we are not all born equal.

>> No.13505009

Post those validated findings. I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.13505037
File: 136 KB, 676x913, 1560450435138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your proof
That isn't my proof. That's a related image. Go look up the GDPs of African countries, and the food shortages that resulted from the inability of native Zimbabweans to farm. Look up the results of twin studies and voucher programs, while you're at it. And you will need to retrieve this information yourself because it is easily accessible and I have no incentive to try to educate an someone who refuses education. I assume you're the OP, and if this is the case I can't fathom why you expect to be spoonfed by us or why you expected your bias to be confirmed. Regardless, you appear to have your mind made up despite the mental gymnastics necessary to support an egalitarian view of race which is incompatible with an understanding of biology.

>> No.13505061

At least we can both agree that aid to Africa should end. I'm all for leaving you people to fend for yourselves.

>> No.13505105

ground breaking argumentation

>> No.13505115

>blatant white supremacist
define this denotatively

>> No.13505125
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>> No.13505127

by what metric? how would you show this to be the case?

>> No.13505146

By actually looking at things objectively, niggers are behind and retarded but we're ahead and STILL completely retarded.

>> No.13505156

>what is the Islamic slave trade
>why are there so many terror incidents in former UK and French colonies
> www.thereligionofpeace.com
Unless the bulk of it was how arabs and turks invaded first and set up an extensive slave trade that included rounding up and selling those slaves to Europeans then I assure you this book is revisionist GARBAGE

>> No.13505157

>I only want to talk about nurture, the biological premise is totally irrelevant

4chan is literally one of the only places left where you can have an open discussion, even if it's a terrible one.

>> No.13505159

Unironically this.

>> No.13505166

An average IQ under 80

>> No.13505171

>only 5

It's actually 15 (85 compared to 100)

The most remarkable thing about IQ research is how it seemingly corresponds to research done all over the world. For example in my country, researchers have made the same findings as Murray has. To me that is just quite astounding, even considering the fact that the US and my country is somewhat alike.

>> No.13505174

It is actually Mercury, not the Moon.

>> No.13505179

Yes but he's also been trained to play dumb and deflect endlessly so you're not going to get it out of him

>> No.13505193

what makes it wrong to compare those countries to africa?

>> No.13505212

Books by white observers of African atrocities do a convincing job of narrating how Africans took colonial tools and used them to fuck themselves. The Zanzibar Chest and Blue Clay People are really excellent books. Also Land of Magic Soldiers is pretty despairing and native-blaming.

>> No.13505236

South American here
I dont know if you'll find books explicitely saying "no no its not america/europe's fault" but I think the best approach is just reading about some specific country/countries and coming to your own conclusions

>> No.13505237

Best take

>> No.13505253

They're not full of Africans.

>> No.13505271

>infographics from reddit about race and crime statistics
These don't exist. Reddit is a leftist orthodox hivemind. They all reject the biological facts of race.

>> No.13505304

But Rhodesia was ok when it was managed by whites. Zimbabwe on the other hand tho

>> No.13505316

race doesn't exist in biology retard. there is no specific set of genes that correspond to traits that we deem as races. it's 100% social.

>> No.13505322

Pleb-tier bait. Try again.

>> No.13505327

You're answering me instead of the other guy.

>> No.13505329

pleb-tier argument. try again.

>> No.13505342

is this bait? The obvious ones are skin color, facial features, muscle and fat distribution, etc. then you have less obvious ones like bone density, t levels, intelligence

>> No.13505345

Idk why I have to share this high school knowledge in every thread about colonialism but the sole deciding factor between whether a colonized country is absolute shit right now is whether or not it was colonized by the british. If you were a british colony things are good, if you were a spanish colony things are bad, if you were a french colony things are absolute shit. It’s about common vs civil law. The british used common law while the spanish and french operated under civil law, and law is basically the framework for an economy. If you look up who colonized what in africa and how they’re doing the trend holds true, the aids ridden fucked up places were french, and the ones that are doing okay were british.

>> No.13505362

all of these traits are not exclusive to specific races. races are pre-defined telos that people choose arbitrary traits to correspond to it. it's social.

>> No.13505371

>genetics stop at skin color
Reality doesn’t and never will agree with equality you should really stop making your arguments from that standpoint you’re making the left look dumb(er).

>> No.13505373

No; the burden of proof is on you since your exceptional claim required exceptional evidence.

>> No.13505380

You literally said we routinely see the exact opposite.

>> No.13505381

>yes...if you've created a caste of slaves from the local population, and enforce it with brutality, you can't just say that you've suddenly done a moral act.
That's Why ANCAP is the only solution!

>> No.13505386

Because we all do.
My claim is routine. Your claim is exceptional. Get the exceptional evidence out.

>> No.13505387

i didn't say that you dumb nigger

>> No.13505389

What exceptional evidence do you have to support the idea that exceptional claims require exceptional evidence?

>> No.13505393

Oh I see my bad your point was that skin color has nothing to do with race that’s double retarded

>> No.13505396

OH NO you don't get to use This bullshit for UFOs and global warming and squeeze your way out of it when it suits you. I want my exceptional evidence.
Nobody is fooled.

>> No.13505399

Not him but what I think he is saying (and what I believe) is that "races" themselves aren't well defined and are pretty arbitrary, while ethnicities and specific people do have certain genetic traits
for example, all stuff mentioned here >>13505342
Different people have different traits, and they're generally similar in a population. So certain ethnicities (say Italians, Germans, Russians, etc.) usually share traits, and those are pretty concrete and real
what ISNT concrete, is the "borders" between the races and who is part of what
while I might be able to argue for years if Italians are "white" or if they're "brown" or if slavs are "white" or whatever, i'm never going to get a real answer. While there isn't much debate that an Italian is Italian
then you also have "Caucasian" and "Mongoloid" and all that dumb shit that's posted on /pol/, which again kind of shows that "races" are a social construct (as opposed to ethnicities), since Ethiopians are supposedly caucasian, but nobody considers them white obviously

>> No.13505400

ethiopians have same iq avg as europeans do and they're black as fuck. your arguments suck.

>> No.13505401

Zimbabwe looking real good huh

>> No.13505405

You don't get it dude. racial characteristics that undeniably exist like skin color, eye color, fat distribution, penis size, and muscle reactivity are all things that you aren't allowed to judge people for (unless it's to make fun of superordinate groups like white people!) Every other racial characteristic that can plausibly be denied because it isn't immediately visible however, MUST be denied because of my egalitarian prejudices

>> No.13505409

The notion that exceptional claims require exceptional evidence is itself an exceptional claim, so where is the exceptional evidence?

>> No.13505414


>> No.13505418

>race doesn't exist in biology retard
>it's 100% social
They're called best fit genetic clusters, and they exist. If the arbitrary element of this invalidates the concept, I guess all taxonomy is out the window. Incredible how someone so scientifically illiterate can call someone else retarded.

>> No.13505430

>Lewontin's fallacy in 2019

>> No.13505434

>the Notion that...
No It's not.
I declare You a retard. You can excuse yourself out of the thread. Any further posts from you will be used as bases for mockery. Your IP will be traced so that every time You post from now on You'll be mocked. Goodbye sir.

>> No.13505438

>>What are aplogrups?
Fucking retard :)

>> No.13505439

Read a book on genetics

>> No.13505440

You can't even hold to your own standard of evidence.

>> No.13505443

I’m pretty sure ethiopias average of 85 is lower than 100, I must be talking to a brainlet minority.

>> No.13505462

I Think You're misunderstanding me.
We're not discussing anymore, I'm insulting You. Because You're a dishonest retard and You honestly believe nobody understands your rhetoric tricks. We all do. We all hate you. Get the fuck out.

>> No.13505494

your decision to brutally divide us by separating mammals and reptiles by arbitrary and meaningless things like thermoregulation is fucking disgusting. we are one species, the animal species

>> No.13505524

Extremely based and Parmenides-pilled.

>> No.13505541

What are you so mad for? I wasn't even the one you were talking to. I saw you mimicking Hitchen's rhetoric so I decided to call you out on it. Extraordinary claims don't require extraordinary evidence which is why you can't answer the question.

>> No.13505549

By this line of talmudic reasoning
>species don't exist they're social
>languages don't exist they are social
>governments don't exist they are social
>Dog breeds don't exist they are social
>laws don't exist they are social
>physics don't exist they are social

People like this argue in favor of denying the existence of anything that humans created a classification system for, on the basis of a classification system being a human construct. But only for race and white culture of course. The very argument is simply pretense for their own goals, just the same way rabbis use pilpul to interpret the Torah in any way they want to.

STFU kike or retard

>> No.13505601

Look at the shit that get's posted in this thread and tell me it isn't a racist cesspit. I know, since pol loves eugenics so much, why don't you tell me why you shouldn't be sterilized, you muck of existential diarrhea. Heaven knows all you worthless simple-mided slack-jaws will ever contribute to the world is a robust discussion on why faggot is no longer an offensive word. Or, better yet, just stay virgins who can't find a date beyond spilling your greasy seed behind a computer screen. Fuck you.

Fuck everything about this website. Fuck all of you little white dudes who have achieved nothing in your life so you need to be a racist piece of shit to make yourselves feel better. Fuck you because you know that nothing like this would ever happen to you because the cops won't kill a white dude. Hell, a guy in PA killed cops and they captured him alive.

Fuck everything about racists. Fuck white pride. I'm out of this thread and off this website forever

>> No.13505614

Please don't come back either. You know where you came from.

>> No.13505615

getting rid of you is why we post it

>> No.13505660

Jesus calm down. This is a conversation that takes place when you don't censor people or have an upvote system. 50% of Americans are Republicans and have similar views as those posted in this thread. If you think this is a cesspit you're just after a safespace .

>> No.13505669

>I can only evaluate life based on liberal society's conceptions of success

I have no sympathies with white pride, but they at the vary least then to be something other than a mindless consumer zombie. That's enough for any sensible person to select them over you in any possible eugenics program.

>> No.13505670

responding to out of context pasta lol

>> No.13505672

Fuck off racist scum. Maybe 50% of Americans need to be exterminated then.

>> No.13505681

stop being cancer just because you don't like a thread. go look at something else.

>> No.13505695

>people need to be killed for pointing out obvious facts
lmao what is it like to be this way

>> No.13505701

So would africa be wakanda right now if europe never bothered them? Or would we be doing the relative disco right now? I just dont get what either side is trying to prove in this topic.

>> No.13505703


>> No.13505709

Kick off that race war then darkie

>> No.13505713

Eritrea is often called the “North Korea of Africa.” So there is one

>> No.13505718
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>When you lose a debate because censorship and logical fallacies don't work like they usually do.
Embarrassing... Get out and stay out

>> No.13505736

>Fuck you because you know that nothing like this would ever happen to you because the cops won't kill a white dude. Hell, a guy in PA killed cops and they captured him alive.


>> No.13505746

understanding human history by michael hart

>> No.13505980
File: 587 KB, 1360x832, 1504237945307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we all get along?

>> No.13506133

I agree. Identity politics destroy everything. Even 4chan.

>> No.13506155

>Likewise, many also believe that the reason South America is similarly poor, crime-ridden etc. is simply because of the USA.
CIA does fund drug cartels in South America though.

>> No.13506409

Why is this website obsessed with embodiments of the left? Sounds pretty obsessed desu

>> No.13506618
File: 44 KB, 680x471, 1555970730682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.13506651

He is right niggers are always complaining and niggers enablers are worst because they give power to bring everyone down to nigger mentality

>> No.13506679

Your best bet is to read analyses and accounts from bl
Other perspectives and then draw your own conclusions. Anyone who is presenting themselves as impartial or unbiased is someone who should not be trusted.

>> No.13506704

Africa was affected by arbitrary borders that don't reflect ethnic or cultural groups and the French and Belgian colonial legacies along with fallout of the cold war.

South America is constantly getting fucked by the US that's pretty fucking obvious

the Indian subcontinent would be a much better region than it is now if the colonial powers had left it alone. India was a region that was actually quite advanced compared to the others and actually regressed according to a lot of metrics under colonial rule.

>> No.13506785

wtf im an antiracist now

>> No.13506793

Read george friedman. Basically africa and aouth america are mostly fucked by geography and will never develop in the normal path because they simply do not have the land and weather to do so.

That being said, geograpy isnt everything. Japan should be poor as shit but because the japanese are like human ants, they are able to organize and mobilize quick changes without destabalizing their society. Argentine is the opposite. They have some of the best land but colonial hispanic culture literally makes them too incompetent to manage it. If Argentina simply let Japan run it they would both be much better off.

South America is mostly fucked just geographically, but africa is also right now bwing fucked by china and to a lesser extent the USA and france. it doesnt matter too much because even if they werent they still wouldnt be able to develop but there you go

>> No.13506831

based and ubermenschpilled

>> No.13506835

>if the person who made this pic doesn't look like a god his point is irrelevant

>> No.13506860

Jared taylor is exactly this along with many other proponents of race realism.

>> No.13506896

American republicans don't believe this. They are totally running on leftist assumptions.
Most chinese people think that way though.

>> No.13506916

Why do the /pol/goloids that amass every time there is a thread about Africa here think that IQ literally explains every negative social phenomenon? I mean, even a person with 150 IQ can be a gambler or bipolar, or an alcoholic, or even a sociopathic murderer, and yet I'm supposed to believe there is something uncivilized about Africans because some IQ research published some results about their IQ once upon a time.