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13496934 No.13496934 [Reply] [Original]

Dugin and Land: a Lovestory

>> No.13496942

Not a fan of Land. Generally regard his followers as pseuds or schizos.

>> No.13496949

They wish.

>> No.13496954

based dugin
based land

>> No.13496980 [DELETED] 

More like a Love Craft

>> No.13496981

who the fuck are you you think anyone gives a shit what you like or dont like lmfao youre some fucking loser on a weeb site probably sat in your cum stained underwear so seriously just shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.13496984

More like a Lovecraft

>> No.13496987

Que sera sera
We’re fucked, if nothing less than a nuclear apocalypse resets humans to the stone age. Then it’s only a matter of the same process, ad infinitum. I’ve begun to think the Avengers End-Game was a hidden reference to the fact of post-human takeover.

“I am... Inevitable”

>> No.13497008

Delete this

>> No.13497027

Very cool, anon. I know it's unrelated but I'm thinking of going on a estrogen cycle/ sissification pack. What's your stack?

>> No.13497080

Land and Dugin have been (not so) discreetly orbiting each other for a couple of years, as even Land has admitted.

I am more shocked that Dugin is reading social ecologies, a good but fairly small blog.

>> No.13497087
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>> No.13497921
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My social and emotional intelligence is likely higher than yours, I work with many differnt people on a daily basis on my job. I do find many good people there & even more from the large group of stupid people, out of which a small portion makes no secret out of the fact that they would like to make you kill yourself.
My workplace is filled with grade A people only, but I guess I'm not the only one hearing abhorrent stories from relatives who participate in real life, stories from work or private life, where again the stupidity of the large part of humanity is presented to you.
I want these people to burn. Who can blame me for liking Nick Land?

Just finished watching this lecture about how society will collapse soon
Land's dream will become true soon, mabye even during his lifetime. I am awaiting it in joyful anticipation. Good luck.

>> No.13497922


Only speedrunning can accelerate the liberatory processes of hyperquantotechnocapital.

>> No.13497929
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So now that OP's request has been fulfilled, lets talk about why we love Nick Land.
I think that Nick Land is the only philosopher for people who, like me, are a radical misanthropist. Nick Land wants to eradicate humanity, and so do I. 95 % of people I've come to meet online or from the media or real life are either absolutes assholes and I get the urge to physicall hurt them, or they are vapid, uninteresting degenerates. Even on /lit/ I'd likely hate most people.
Who gives me the moral and philosophical permission to have this thoughts which would be considered "evil" in christianity? None better than Nick Land.

>> No.13497953


>> No.13497960
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link on FB post?

>> No.13498028


>> No.13498064
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>> No.13498178


>> No.13498331

Landfags absolutely SEETHING

>> No.13498447

>Just finished watching this lecture
Absolute retard. Just leave already. You can twist it anyway you want but nobody with an IQ above 145 watches videos for intellectual content.

>> No.13498739

>out of which a small portion makes no secret out of the fact that they would like to make you kill yourself.
What the fuck? what kind of people are these? Tell us more about them, please.

>> No.13498747

If you treat Nick Land like a giant spearhead he's a lot more fun to read, same with Freud.

>> No.13498794
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land loves dugin too

>> No.13498803
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>> No.13498813
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>> No.13498822
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hopefully they debate sometime, the Land-Spencer podcast was shit, Spencer is hot garbage

>> No.13498838
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>capitalism is inhuman

I feel bad for people who sincerely buy into this bullshit and don't realize that the joke is on them. You have to be a cruel person to enjoy any of this.

>> No.13498851 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13498858
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>> No.13498877

I'm not sure if the direction of Lands capitalism should be called an agenda and the "inhuman" adjective for capitalism is redundant.

>> No.13498886
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what did he mean by this?

>> No.13498891

Will someone fucking upload that shit elsewhere? Kantbot is fat enough, his lardass is clearly well fed. Fuck paying that ugly goblin.

>> No.13498893

When reading fanfiction I can usually tell whether or not something's worth looking at within the first five or so words of the summary. Female main character? Skip it. Female author. Trash. First person? Garbage. Self-described as mature, grim, dark, or anything similar? Dropped.

Rather the same thing happened to me as I read that Faceberg post. Anyone more concerned with flowery language than concision and precision in technical writing is not going to be capable of technical writing worth reading. And if you don't think that technical writing is called for at all, that's an immediate trash from me as well.

>> No.13498897


>> No.13498904

is it true Tekwars also interviewed Dugin? or is that memeing?

>> No.13498906

And who implied that this is meant to be technical you buffoon

>> No.13498908

they usually upload here a week after the podcast comes out

but not sure if they'll keep this one closed because of the hype. anyway even Land said the podcast was shit and to wait for part 2

>> No.13498910

>if you don't think that technical writing is called for at all, that's an immediate trash from me as well.

>> No.13498984

Can anyone give me a rundown or link to something explaining Dugin's ontology? I'm familiar with a lot of the ideas swirling around him and Land but the Apollon, the snake Python, Cybele, etc. I'd just like to have it all in one place

>> No.13499033

his Noomakhia books are not translated to english, but there's this youtube lecture series which is quite long (and some retard made the playlist in reverse for some reason...)

>> No.13499036

it's basically some weird Heideggerian antropology influenced by traditionalism (Guenon, Evola, ...) where different civilizations have different Daseins and different logoi

>> No.13499111


>> No.13499146


>> No.13499151

is there a version with the women parts cut out?

>> No.13499162


Thanks will check these out when I get home

>> No.13499163

Just watch this https://youtu.be/tPkEDRSYUpo
Go to 47:44 and you will understand Dugin

>> No.13499173

does he really know Proust?

>> No.13499181

>Man is something that should be overcome
is he a cryptolandian?

>> No.13499187

that was Neech friendo

>> No.13499393

no, because the divine does not have to be given the form of capital, you materialistic metaphysicist

>> No.13499458


>> No.13499465

Fanged noumena was fun even aside from the philosophy. About a third of it is like cyber Lovecraftian horror pseudo nonfiction, it’s neat

>> No.13500106

Sorry dude paykings only
It wasnt even that good, hopefully he just does a solo Land interview next time

>> No.13500409


>> No.13500570

he's a memelord getting paid to tour the west and put on an ebin bearded russian guru minstrel show for neo-reactionaries of all sorts.

>> No.13501244

sounds based

>> No.13501294

>the world should end because I don't have any social skills whatsoever

>> No.13501307

It is really sad how you feel the need for daddy Land to give you permission to think bad, bad things

>> No.13501434

How do you pronounce Dugin? Dug-in, Doo-gin, or Doo-jin?

>> No.13501664
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>tfw Jones is actually, literally, unequivocally right about everything, it's just in boomerese

>> No.13501700
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Once we are able to decrypt all of Jones' nonsense then we will have the full and absolute truth.

>> No.13502409


>> No.13502621
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>> No.13502659

Sounds like the most economical solution is unironically to eradicate yourself. You won't even have to worry about whether your thoughts are evil after that.

>> No.13502670
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what did he mean by this

>> No.13503038
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Fast frenz

Fast frenz

Nick Land

Nick Land

So fast

cause frenz

Fast frenz

So fast

Frenz fast

Fast now

Nick Land

Nick Land

Fast frenz

Speed frenz

Quick frenz

Acceling frenz

No brakes

China frenz

Future frenz

Go fast

Capital fren

Techno frenz

Quantum frenz

Noumena frenz

Nick Land

Nick Land


Neo frenz

>> No.13503244

what the fuck are theyu even talking about?

>> No.13503290

Just read it slowfag

>> No.13503312

what the fuck is an hyperwar thingummy? atlantean power?

>> No.13503320

Who gives a fuck. Twattery is a drain on literature and anyone on there is shit.

>> No.13503332

>he can't into self-propulsion neologisms

start with kant

>> No.13503489

i'm sorry i guess my essential mind-brain sphereodynamism isn't complex enough to dehydropostulate these concepts inside my being at the present continuumsingular referential state of time

>> No.13503546

Meaningless drivel.

Land's vocabulary has its uses within the technosingularity. And you can't keep up with the speed.

Make an argument or falseflag elsewhere.

>> No.13503663

jesus christ dude no need to get butthurt over a 4chan comment, much less one that is so obviously a joke
having a rough day?

>> No.13503766

>g/acc falseflagger

>> No.13503834

Let's get this thread back on track.

Post your favorite thing about Uncle Nick.

>> No.13503985

yes, but everybody out there is shit too

>> No.13503991
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his boomerposting is top tier, people get really buttblasted about it

>> No.13504094

Erik striker is right again