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/lit/ - Literature

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13474935 No.13474935 [Reply] [Original]

Will we ever see animals evolve to a point where they write their own literature?

>> No.13474955

Don't be retarded, the literature of animals is their very existence, they write their own poetry through the shit they do and the roles the fulfill, each organism having their own role and challenges and instincts they get to face.

Actually, they transcend literature, literature's just authors relaying what they experience onto paper to use as a tool of some kind, it's to help them further experience life better, which is more important than literature, literature itself is a means to a better life through it being a recollection of past life lessons; an intellectual, metaphysical cache if you will.

>> No.13475043

Excellent thread.

I posit that it shall happen the day we try to nuke their asses into oblivion. Right now they have no threat from humanity fucking around with planet earth.

>> No.13475045

actually based post

>> No.13475240

Whale mommas whisper songs to their baby calves so the monsters can't hear them.

>> No.13475265

yeah like a fucking antelope is going to have anything interesting to say

>> No.13475277

>literature itself is a means to a better life through it being a recollection of past life lessons
Have to disagree with you completely. Literature transcends life not the other way around. Life is fleeting and ever changing and chaotic and random thus it can't tell us any eternal truths. Through literature we at least get close to them

>> No.13475279

I bet you'd want this shitty post quoted on the back of your book, you fucker

>> No.13475350

You're a moron. Nature is not art. Though it may inspire it; art requires awareness and creativity.

>> No.13475638

Yes, indeed it has already happened.

>> No.13475651

That's not how evolution works kiddo.

>> No.13475652

Dolphins have been observed to tell stories. Isnt that considered literature? Or is literature only written word?

>> No.13475668

no og literature is an oral medium. please give source on your bs claim though. ive read about dolphins having some sort of "culture", since they do stuff which apparently has no purpose.

>> No.13476558

That antelope would have told us who shot the lieutenant if you hadn't shot it too. You're our no. 1 suspect now, buster. Up until now, we thought it was the butler.

>> No.13476566


>> No.13476568

Chimps have already written books

>> No.13476590

Whales tell each other secrets in cloudy water so it's harder to get them on tape.