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13461486 No.13461486 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that are funnier than Don Quixote or A Confederacy of Dunces?

>> No.13461511

Raul Hilber's classic comic novel, The Destruction of the European Jews, every page is a gas.

>> No.13461515

Right ho, Jeeves! by P.G. Wodehouse.

>> No.13461605
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>> No.13461823

bump for serious replies

>> No.13462228

your autobiography

>> No.13462261

Naked Lunch is very funny

>> No.13462563

this, also my diary desu

Candide, you haven't read comedy till you've read it

>> No.13462567

Somewhat ironic.

>> No.13462724


>> No.13463079

>when Don Quixote and Sancho vomit all over each other
absolute kino

>> No.13463100

Read some PG Wodehouse

>> No.13463512

Not funnier, but comes close...Death on the Installment Plan.

>> No.13463545

Tristram Shandy

>> No.13463741

The Sot-Weed Factor

>> No.13463757

Also the Nose by Gogol

>> No.13463759

Came here to say this

>> No.13463763
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is there anything cringier than people defending a lack of quality prose, ideas, and any kind of artistic merit at all by saying
>"b-but it's so funny!"
if you want comedy then stand-up is unironically a vastly superior medium, with which even the very """funniest""" literature just cannot even hope to compete
you all know I'm right btw

>> No.13463779

three men in a boat
wodehouse is also a good answer. also tom sharpe

>> No.13463789

I thought Confederacy of dunces was boring and annoying

>> No.13463797

you are wrong

>> No.13463815

name a single time a book has made you laugh harder than any stand-up comedian

>> No.13463954

before i read the book myself, i always thought posts like these or all the posts about prostitutes etc. were shitposts in the vein of raimi posting on /tv/ but then it turned out they're actually all real lmao

>> No.13464246

I find stand up comedians boring. They're obnoxious and lack nuances that are found in other mediums.

>> No.13464270

so in other words, you get a little chuckle at most out of your """funny""" books
name a single time a book has made you laugh harder than any real person then, or even name a book which you think will get a hard laugh out of almost anyone
I mean we both know you're making it up to defend a position you know you can't, but you're welcome to continue bullshitting if you want.

>> No.13464277

>lack nuances that are found in other mediums
so in other words you don't actually want something funny, you want nuance or whatever

>> No.13464375

>name a single time a book has made you laugh harder than any real person then

not him but death on the installment plan and a confederacy of dunces had me laughing as hard as i've ever laughed

>> No.13464604

Candide, Voltaire

>> No.13464616

Tortilla Flat is sensible chuckle: the book.

>> No.13464633

>what are some funny books

>> No.13465549


>> No.13465568


>> No.13465612

The Manuscript Found in Saragossa

>> No.13465618

Celine (Journey to the End of the Night) is very funny in a sardonic sort of way

>> No.13465626

Mephistopheles was funnier than I expected be would be.

>> No.13465743

In a depressing sort of way, desu

>> No.13465813

American Psycho

>> No.13465824

I want humor, not some obnoxious jackass telling fake stories about getting caught masturbating.

>> No.13465837

Against Nature by JK Huysmans

>> No.13465973

My diarrhea desu

>> No.13466010

Really? I couldn't get into that novel but I really wanted to.

>> No.13466052

Try it one more time, it's one of the greatest books of all time. I think late 19th century France is probably the closet analog to our time. Totally philosophically and spiritually (or lack thereof) relevant

>> No.13466065

Alright, I will. Did you love it right away or did it take some time before it clicked? La-bas sounds very interesting, and equally relevant.

>> No.13466105

It was pretty immediate for me, but that whole time period and style is an area of interest for sure. You have to read it slowly though regardless and I think looking up some of the references is a good idea. I'll just post a quote from it, probably my favorite line from any book ever:

>Lord, take pity on the Christian who doubts, on the skeptic who would fain believe, on the galley-slave of life who puts to sea alone, in the darkness of night, beneath a firmament illumined no longer by the consoling beacon-fires of the ancient hope

>> No.13466155


A few Bill Bryson books have had me laughing out loud with tears down my cheeks and my abs hurting, never had that from standup

>> No.13466269

I find Swift's satires funny, but they're obviously not full of one liners, which seems the modern view of comedy

>> No.13466302

t. never read any of the books in this thread

>> No.13467081

Fuck yeah it is. I recommend Masters of Atlantis.

>> No.13467615

Is there a Don Quixote pepe or Sancho Panza pepe yet?

>> No.13467643

I've read almost all of them and didn't laugh out loud once

>> No.13468969


>> No.13468995

Catch 22 and hitchicker guide are the only other books that made chuckle

>> No.13469009
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My Twisted World

>> No.13470489

To me, Good Soldier Svejk was the funniest book I had ever read. Journey to the End of the Night is very funny as well, as are all of Kafka's novels.

>> No.13470502

Still haven’t gotten around to reading this in full, but some of the excerpts had me close to pissing myself laughing

>> No.13470534

Pickwick Papers
Tom Jones
Roughing It

>> No.13470547

Seconding Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Not seconding Catch 22, apart from one single passage which had me howling with laughter chocolate covered cotton. Otherwise I could not at all understand the praise for that book, humorous or otherwise.

>> No.13470699

>If I didn't laugh, then no could possibly have laughed! You are all pseuds pretending its funny because some old white Jew once wrote the book is great and funny! You're like all the pseuds who pretend to read Joyce, Proust, Wallace, Pynchon, etc.! Nobody actually reads those authors! Their prose is too dry, and their subject matter is too boring!
Woah, do you also think Avengers: Endgame is the best movie of all time?

>> No.13470713
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>buy Don Quixote
>200 pages introduction
>200 pages of notes

>> No.13470728

English-Indian authors are pretty funny most of the time. Rushdie, Rohinton Mistry, and Raja Rao have made me laugh out loud at times.

>> No.13472126


>> No.13472132

im writing a pretty funny book hehe

>> No.13472295

Catch 22
Gravity's Rainbow
Based on a True Story

>> No.13472301

Same. Ignatius is too over the top to be believable.

>> No.13473526

I really liked the first half of it but the second half didn't really change much up. The schtick didn't evolve so it got boring. I still liked the book overall and would recommend reading it. It certainly dragged toward the end, in my opinion.

>> No.13473549


>> No.13473551

That's the joke, retard

>> No.13473561

You're doing it wrong

>> No.13473576

Unironically Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

>> No.13473675

how do I do it right?

>> No.13474117

Why, Gargantua and Pantagruel of course.

>> No.13474125

John dies at the end is a simple funny read
Doomed and damned by chuck palahniuk is pretty funny favorite is apathy by Paul nielan

>> No.13474127

Gargantua and Pantagruel

>> No.13474137

I haven't read Confederacy of Dunces, but the funniest book I've ever read is probably Red Dwarf: Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers.
Yeah yeah, I know, genre fiction blah blah blah.

>> No.13474598

Decamerone is pretty funny if you like medieval slapstick.

>> No.13474713

Lucky Jim

>> No.13475022

I enjoyed Proust, Joyce, and Wallace, even got my own writing published unlike most of /lit/, and still get bored out of my skull by these "funny" books

>> No.13475149

Breakfast of Champions. Literally lists the lengths and widths of guys’ dicks throughout the novel.

>> No.13475365

Nobody said Moby Dick yet?

>> No.13475382

I thought Breakfast of Champions was mediocre. I only got a chuckle from the "world's best fucking machine" line during the rampage.

>> No.13475450

it's pretty depressing if Moby Dick passes for the best of literary humour desu

>> No.13475543

god youre a fucking pleb.

>> No.13475551

>Tristram Shandy
Read the book mentioned above and/or kill yourself.

>> No.13475571

i think this is the most pseud post ive read on this board. youre fucking pathetic, anyone can get their stuff published these days. Proust, wallace and joyce show very little humor in their work and are totally irrelevant in this discussion. Also enjoying a specific author or book doesnt validate your point in general. if you cant laugh while reading than youre just a humorless piece of shit. go watch some netflix stand up comedy faggot

>> No.13475606

Not to get all 'enlightened centrist' here but I do get where criticism like >>13463789
is coming from.
There's a ton of shit that people like to say is funny but which they clearly don't appreciate as actual humour but use their 'getting' of a literary joke as a way to kind of grandstand. I think a good example is often with Shakespeare's plays, where on an intellectual level you can know that there is a joke in the wordplay with 'housewife' sounding like a slang term for whore in Othello, or with the shit in A Midsummer Night's Dream, but you can't deny that a lot of people do want to declare something is funny in a kind of dick-waving way.
I mean there are funny books for sure, but when people tell you that Moby-Dick or Lolita is funny it's often in this really obnoxious "I get the jokes because I'm so well-read" kind of way (which you can even tell is half of the intention in the way Nabokov himself even writes sometimes, where he obviously just wants to show off to the reader how smart he is).

>> No.13475624

I understand how some people don't like Confederacy for its style of humor. Ignatius whines a lot and bickers as a source of comedy. There are quite a few television shows where that is the sole source of "comedy" and I cannot stand them(It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia comes to mind).

For me, Confederacy doesn't stoop as low and the humor is situational and based on common and modern language. It's not nearly the same crap as what you're referring to with Shakespeare.

>> No.13475628

H.P. Lovecraft sometimes. I can't read shit like
>He was a close correspondent of the notorious Baudelarian poet Justin Geoffrey, who wrote "The People of the Monolith" and died screaming in a madhouse in 1926 after a visit to a sinister, ill-regarded village in Hungary.
without cracking up.

>> No.13476774

What do companies usually look for in a background check? I'm freaking out over my application that they said was going to go for it.

>> No.13476791

DWIs, felony convictions, warrants, credit check, and, more recently, social media accounts.

>> No.13476816

On the application it says that I should be prepared for all that plus employment and stuff, but I don't know if they're just doing that because it's the application that literally everyone in the company fills out as a formality so someone like me applying for a store position with no experience required would need to have a bunch of stuff checked, you know? I'm just freaking out a bit because I want this job and my anxiety is pounding away. It'll be hard for them to check my employment stuff because it was extremely part time work with friend's businesses and stuff like that. I don't want to fuck this up.

I don't have a social media account either.

I'm saying all this because I've passed the second interview after applying and just now they're having my fill out an application.

>> No.13476841

Stop worrying, moron. These background checks are extremely basic and done to weed out thieves and sex offenders.

>> No.13476866

But what if it's not and everything is ruined for me?

>> No.13476962

Then go sell some weenies.

>> No.13477003

Delicious Taco's books are fun. also good blogs

>> No.13477045

The Illuminatus Trilogy

>> No.13477990

something happened by heller

>> No.13477997


>> No.13478007

I round The Broom of the System to be quite funny, tbqh. I chuckled all along.

>> No.13478384


Funnier than? I don't know for sure.

Breon Mitchell's translation of Kafka's The Trial and Catch-22 are funny though.