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13452723 No.13452723 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand atheist morality. As an atheist myself I find it weird when other atheists tell me to be a moral person. Even if I were to grant you the proposition that objective morality exists I see no reason why I should follow it. Even if it's the most rational, good, true, and correct way in life I still won't follow it simply because I will face no negative consequences if I act a-morally.
The only moralists I respect are theists because at least they have a threat behind their "laws" they seek to impose. I.e. I will be tortured eternally if I don't follow them.

>> No.13452732
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Nice try, Benedict

>> No.13452741

I don't see why do theists seek to impose morality since if they are correct god will judge us in the after life.
On the other hand atheist morality is about maintaining social order and a productive civilization.

>> No.13452746

But I'm sad when I see crying pretty girl

>> No.13452759

Well, yeah, me too. But that's not the point. I refuse to act cruelly to people because their suffering causes pain for me. However this is not because of any moral system I subscribe to; the fact that my actions are in line with most people's morality is incidental. If I were a psychopath I would have no problem with making pretty girls cry.

>> No.13452787

Nor can you claim your perception that 'the rule of the inter-subjective majority punishing you for what they perceive as objectively wrong' as bot being correct. If the personal is the only actor, then the human actor becomes the highest authority, and then power makes the zeitgeist-status-quo the highest authority being the compound of the average opinion of actors. Luckily we aren't born blank slates.

>> No.13452799

You won't be punished after death.
But you will be tormented by us in life.