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/lit/ - Literature

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13452369 No.13452369 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck, Houellebecq
>The only refuge from the bitter reality of the hierarchical systems of power and sex is to create a closed system with another individual; in a word, love.
>Have you considered having sex?
>Would you have sex with me?

>> No.13452497

He dies at the end btw.

>> No.13452648

Not op, you just ruined a book for me, i was halfway through guess i'm gonna have to throw it away now.

>> No.13453768

So the book ending is different from the film? The film ending actually had some truth because it shows that when you stop giving a shit and start doing what you enjoy you end up meeting someone compatible enough naturally. Tisserand was pathetic to watch because he tried too hard and had no characterization beyond that he really wanted to get his dick wet, at least in the movie alone.

>> No.13453805
File: 38 KB, 634x296, houellebecq 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you shouldn't read at all

>> No.13453809

No he doesn't

>> No.13453853

I honestly don’t remember the ending, but Houellebecq insists on that fact that Tisserand can’t get laid because of how he looks. It’s not a question of attitude or character in the book, although Tisserand is a failure in these respects as well

>> No.13453857

I ain't no Houellebecq giiiiiiiiiiirl

>> No.13453949

Love scrolling through /lit/ and seeing a Houellebecq thread. I will now eat some cheese and a nice Pouilly Fumé while thinking about the orgasmic transcendence of ejaculation.

>> No.13453971

Real life tisserands really are offputting. Attractive people that act similar are just odd or weird in our concious. God hates the ugly

>> No.13454321

i agree, i'm killing myself in a couple of days

>> No.13454329

Then the ending isn't important to you.

>> No.13454357

it's a short book, was planning on finishing it before the fact.

>> No.13454420
File: 37 KB, 560x345, Houellebecq Clément.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't make anyone miss you like Michel misses Clément, anon

>> No.13454437

i don't care much about that, but nobody likes me anyway besides my family

>> No.13454456

So did our boy Tizzy an hero or was it a legitimate accident?

>> No.13454532

Houellebecq was an agricultural engineer for the first 30 or 40 years of his life, wtf was that like and why has he not written a book about farming?

>> No.13454541

Why he looks like shit now?

>> No.13454568 [DELETED] 

the dog death fucked him up

>> No.13454574

that was a cute doggo desu

>> No.13454587

I always got city guy vibes from him, guess he learned to hide his rural/ suburban retard traits well

>> No.13454588 [DELETED] 

This. He really loved him

>> No.13454602

>The film ending actually had some truth because it shows that when you stop giving a shit and start doing what you enjoy you end up meeting someone compatible enough naturally.

Have some Reddit gold for your wisdom, good sir.

>> No.13454666

I think that’s true though. The first step to getting gf is to not care whether or not you’ve got one

>> No.13454696


>> No.13454710

Different person, product of whatever the french equivalent agency to cia/mossad is, new guy is an actor with imdb page (google it)

>> No.13454987
File: 168 KB, 1024x1024, 20190712_224356-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this the same person? Also, can anyone make this into a before /lit/, after /lit/ meme?
t. phoneposter

>> No.13455273

there's a bunch of stuff about cows, milk, cheese, and suicidal farmers in Sérotonine

>> No.13455304

No he wasn't. He studied agriculture at university, then went to film school, then was unemployed for years before finding a job working on the computers at the institute of agriculture. He does however mention agriculture and animals etc a lot in his work, especially in Whatever where the main character works for the institute of agriculture and spends his time writing symbolic short stories about Breton cows etc.

>> No.13455345

frogs age like shit

>> No.13455386

this is what years of depression after becoming red pilled do to a person

>> No.13455977

In a way

>> No.13455980


>> No.13455984

Does it matter? He was just an incel

>> No.13456250

Read through this recently, bad timing
>Meet girl, instant attraction
>However, discover she's the archetypal "liberated woman": sleeps around, dyed hair, tattoos, judgmental of men, but behind this she seems like a kind, interesting human being
>We open up to each other, attraction deepens
>Ask her out, says she can't date
>But flirts with me way too hard while we're drinking at a party, tell her this isn't what I want but kiss her
And I hear that she's using words like "obsession" to describe the feelings I'd had. I think Hollaback isn't too far from the truth in describing love as the naive capacity to believe another human being is something more than they are. He discusses the death of this capacity in the lost generation to which Veronique belongs, but doesn't really describe what happens when there's an excess of idealization. Is it wrong to be able to love people so freely, does it show a lack of self-love?

Accident, but a foreseeable accident. He was blinded by his drive to be desired by a woman, so naturally he died in a fog of self-loathing and sexual frustration while driving.

>> No.13457243

if you read his work it immediately makes sense. the man's soul is in a terrible state.

>> No.13457271

my nigga needs a haircut and some rest

>> No.13457278

20 years of smoking and drugs plus bad lighting and worse hygiene.

>> No.13457810
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he reminds me of mark e smith

>> No.13458008

That's in Elementary Particles

>> No.13458139

In a lot of his books, the protagonist works at the Ministry of Agriculture. It's a recurrent theme of his just like chablis wine, Thomas Mann, antipasti and depression.

>> No.13459753

>Is it wrong to be able to love people so freely, does it show a lack of self-love?
In my experience - yes. When someone shows that they could become entirely dependent on you, it isn't endearing. It is terrifying. People do insane shit because they "love" someone, whether those quotes are necessary or not. It is difficult enough for most to deal with themselves in this world. True love is something I've never experienced, but I can imagine that it encompasses a kind of trust and good fortune that is exceptionally rare, two people that could indeed go on were they to lose the other, and be stronger for what they gave them. Recently lost some of my best friends because of this. You must be able to do it alone.

>> No.13459823
File: 12 KB, 420x238, 420-author-stephen-king.imgcache.revb1973a1ead6044d53a4bff9e922edd1a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jose Saramago > Margaret Atwood > Houellebecq > Stephen King

>> No.13460125

Just finished The Map and the Territory. LOLed at the Wikipedia acknowledgement at the end. How much research must he do for each novel? How many books on philosophy has he read to have his characters speak with such authority on intellectual matters?