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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 423 KB, 926x1080, 1559760145722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13430004 No.13430004 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ has been utterly obliterated

>> No.13430012

Fuck you. This hurts me on a deep level.

>> No.13430020


the SJW twitterati make fun of this guy but the truth is these guys fuck

>> No.13430028

Yeah, not really.

>> No.13430033

its because they all fucked this guy and he didn't stick around.

>> No.13430040
File: 31 KB, 620x465, ABF9C004-33B8-473D-AC06-E9E780293605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13430048

That guy looks pretty cool. I'd hang with him

>> No.13430062

Yeah, not really.

>> No.13430076

>copy of anything by DFW
Now I have to admit that's offensive

>> No.13430079
File: 69 KB, 874x291, Screenshot_2019-06-06 lit - The White Man's Guide to White Male Writers of the Western Canon - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13430329

London (England)?

>> No.13430415

Who made this picture of me

>> No.13430568

>simple yet cool aesthetic
>book by a good author
what's wrong with this again? is it the fact that it's popular?
because changing your literature and dressing style just to appear unique is the real poseur move

>> No.13430599

>unkempt hair
>three days scruff

Please tell me you don’t do this /lit/.

>> No.13430755

You guys are fucking faggots.

>> No.13432328

Do people on /lit/ (or any board for that matter) REALLY present themselves like this? Or am I the only person here with a manual labor job?

>> No.13432780

it's pretty shitty, but i study lit and dress like this kind of a lot, except i don't wear sneakers or glasses.

>> No.13432815

Only the smoking part applies to me. Can't relate to the rest. Sneakers are for faggots.

>> No.13432845

I used to work janitorial with an ex-english major and could tell he dressed like this in his spare time. I myself would dress nicer but can't for the life of me find any nice clothes that fit properly and I don't think i'd be able to pull off the ReviewBraw aesthetic.

>> No.13432862

post your loafers/derbys, i bet you look like a homo

>> No.13432869

I look even more unkempt than this, fug

>> No.13432877

>implying I can still stand or walk

>> No.13432882

>Sneakers are for faggots.
what you wearing? foot fedoras lmao?

>> No.13432891

the yankee faggotry is strong in this thread

>> No.13432893
File: 373 KB, 400x236, 1562163275401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't bring myself to wear anything other than the a collared shirt, khakis and a navy hoodie. It feels too insincere.

>> No.13432908

its the easiest way to dress, takes no effort, but people still think its "a look." I go to a cheap thrift store where they sell nice suits for like $20 total because nobody wears fuckin suits anymore. I have a friend who takes them in for me, but you could probably just learn how to take in jackets yourself I don't think it's that hard if you want to avoid the ReviewBrah look. Sometimes I like to wear an oversize suit though if it's not too stiff a material. Just make sure the shoulders fit.

>> No.13432946

post fit

>> No.13432955

t. Amerifats
lose weight

>> No.13432959

This, the whole time I’m reading this meme I’m thinking women think men are chicks

>> No.13432996

[x] Meticulously unkempt hair (gives a little life to my thinning hair)
[] Look of existential ennui (dreamy philosophizer look)
[x] Three days scruff (I look too young cleanly shaven)
[] Smoking kills but so what? (Smoking is disgusting)
[] Sneakers (Haven't owned a pair of sneakers since I was a child. Not all Americans lack style.)
[] Impressively worn copy of David Foster Wallace book (My copy of Infinite Jest is in near-perfect condition. I never make it past the first ten or so pages.)
[] My jacket is well-tailored

Two out of seven.

>> No.13433007

Ive been all over NYC and never once seen someone with this look. Is this just arthoe projection?

>> No.13433018

>Haven't owned a pair of sneakers since I was a child. Not all Americans lack style.
all hip people wear sneakers, what is this meme

>> No.13433019
File: 1.50 MB, 1026x842, Screen Shot 2019-07-08 at 4.26.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13433021

You got me

>> No.13433026

This but im fat

>> No.13433064

sneakers are for normies and niggers. prove me wrong.

>> No.13433076

i can't really leave your basement for you

>> No.13433092


This but im asian

>> No.13433097
File: 57 KB, 820x1024, 87988998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone on planet Earth lives in an American-style house with a stupid basement

>> No.13433101
File: 11 KB, 155x185, 1567657757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the average /lit/izen

>> No.13433107

This but im a nihilist

>> No.13433113

Man am I the only one that just dresses like a normal fucking person

>> No.13433114

This but im not yoghurt-cock

>> No.13433117
File: 466 KB, 678x619, 12990320490934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13433120

How do you dress?

>> No.13433122


>> No.13433123

This but I'm a Mexican serial killer,

>> No.13433136

post fit

>> No.13433143

post fit

>> No.13433149

6/7 no book, I've been wearing this oversize red pea coat w basketball shorts cause I think it looks ironically punk

>> No.13433157

This but, im the real GOD

>> No.13433159
File: 67 KB, 972x1137, 1e51f446ac78fb4e36bffd4507eb3ed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not posting a photo of myself but I just dress like an average joe. Live in Canada though so only wear short sleeves for a few months a year.

>> No.13433166

On the real god would get trips like me

>> No.13433178

You look like dreadful company. You got that insufferable vibe down.

>> No.13433193

This was me final year of HS. I'd say stop tucking literally everything in and lose the jackets in favour of something more casual/modern- a modern cut would suffice. Currently you look like you play bass for siouxsie and the banshees or something.

>> No.13433196

>wearing shoes

>> No.13433249

This fag has feet FAAAAAG?

>> No.13433259

Yeah I basically dress the same. It's pretty normal around here, maybe slightly more casual because of the weather

>> No.13433300

Lift some weights and eat a meal boy. You look like I did when I was 15.

>> No.13433328

Women will never understand Hemingway and that's okay.

>> No.13433335

Hey look, we got ourselves a real life Bukowski over here

>> No.13433337
File: 42 KB, 310x788, Men-s-Flap-Pockets-Long-Sleeves-with-Roll-up-Sleeves-Shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own 2 pairs of jeans, 5 grey t-shirts and 3 shirts.

>Wake up
>Put on jeans
>Put on t-shirt
>Put on shirt

I don't care about outfit variety or fashion or whether the colour suits my complexion. It's fucking clothing, it's to protect you from the elements and be comfortable.

>> No.13433343

Women understand Hemingway better than you do and see through him, since they don't have the fragile masculinity that you share with Hemingway. Stop being delusional.

>> No.13433344

This but only if you're American. Europeans can actually pull off a svelte physique.

>> No.13433349

Jeans are not comfortable.

>> No.13433355

Imagine being an adult and wearing sneakers around.

>> No.13433358

Girls think Hemingway is boring.
Boys think Hemingway is macho.
Women think Hemingway is machismo.
Men know Hemingway is themselves.

>> No.13433369

They're comfortable enough and are durable.

Tracksuits and cotton jogging bottoms are more comfortable but less durable/protective and formal trousers are like toilet roll.

>> No.13433383
File: 47 KB, 643x606, 096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw twin brother and me both look like this
>often hang out in libraries and such, pretty /lit/
This caricature actually hurts to look at.

>> No.13433453


>> No.13433460

>painted nails

>> No.13433478

>this is the people telling you "have sex"

>> No.13433480

I didn't mention footwear retard, the picture isn't actually me you brainlet

>> No.13433494

I know it isn't you numbnuts, but what do you wear then Mr Comfort?

>> No.13433500

Man this is some weird reality. I hang out with philosophy grad students (am one) and none of us wear the jacket. Is this specific to English majors, literature people, and/or /lit/ pseuds?

>> No.13433514

>r slash mfa Twunk Gear™
>l'dallas fort worth
that'll be one shig from me dog

>> No.13433519

>reading a hard cover copy of Don Quixote in public spaces
cringe. turbopseud move.

>> No.13433522

is that cum on the middle mirror?

>> No.13433523

I was an English major (now teacher)

I mostly wear this outfit except the jacket and the button up shirts. I do grey or black t-shirts, multiple colors of slacks, and dress shoes for work.

>> No.13433573
File: 6 KB, 336x150, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought them because of the soles. With no insole in it it's just a few mm of flat rubber between your foot and the ground, I always had problems with shoes falling apart because they use a hollow grid pattern about an inch tall in most shoes. The grid eventually buckles under my uneven gait and then they're useless. So I got these. There's a nice thick, chunky removeable rubber insole about an inch thick at the heel that really helps spread the weight evenly despite my tendency to place my weight on my inner side of the heel. I've had them for 3 years and they're the best shoes I've ever owned.

>> No.13433580

you're a fucking faggot

>> No.13433592

If you wear jeans that fit that poorly you deserve to be euthanised.

>> No.13433598

Those are normal fit jeans you effeminate queer.

Skinny jeans are for faggots, are you a faggot, faggot?

>> No.13433607

this guy's right >>13433598. they look normal to me, sorry >>13433592

>> No.13433611

No they're not. Go back to the nineties and take your parachute pants with you

>> No.13433618

Jeans should at the very least be form fitting. That guy looks like he works in construction

>> No.13433620

>N-No they're not
You look like a faggot, any self respecting man thinks you're a faggot and if you had any shame you'd realise you look like a faggot

>> No.13433625

>That guy looks like he works in construction
The absolute horror of a man who isn't a noodle legged anorexic, chain smoking pseud!

Eat some fucking meat and buy mens jeans gay boy.

>> No.13433635

For a faggot I have an unusual amount of sex with women. I would recommend you do the same but I already know your choice of pants prevents that from ever happening.

>> No.13433640

I'm not a pseud nor do I smoke. Go vegan and have sex

>> No.13433643

>For a faggot I have an unusual amount of sex with women
Ok gay boy.

But if you're wearing skinny jeans no man will ever respect you as anything but a woman.

>> No.13433646

Are you 14 years old?

>> No.13433649

kek you're a vegan too?

Double faggot.

>> No.13433650

>Its the same fucking shoes as the picture

>> No.13433655

What's wrong with jeans and a shirt with the sleeves rolled up? How is that childish?

What do you expect grown men to wear?

>> No.13433659

Those literally look like offbrand discount Vans lmao is this a joke?

>> No.13433661

No it's not you blind fuck

>> No.13433668

I explained why I bought them, if you care about brand names or fashion you're a queer.

>> No.13433678

Jeans were literally invented for labourers. Also your pants shouldn't be form fitting unless you actually have a form to fit you fucking stickbug. Go put on some lean mass and buy some fucking chinos you freak.

>> No.13433684

The fact you think calling me gay functions as an insult gives me more insight into your psyche than you can imagine. Maybe if you had some gay friends you'd have better fashion sense but I doubt it

>> No.13433688
File: 53 KB, 162x264, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the same shoes nigga just with different laces and a black line around the circumference. Also you care enough about brands to deliberately not buy them, thats fucking gay mang

>> No.13433690

I wore the same shirt and shorts for almost a year exactly

>> No.13433691

those are soiboi and bugman shoes. wear boots like a man, you underage faggot.

>> No.13433701

Painted nails you fucking homo, get into mma

>> No.13433702

>The fact you think calling me gay functions as an insult gives me more insight into your psyche than you can imagine
I'm gay and even I think wearing skinny jeans makes you look like a queer, queer. Caring about fashion as a grown man is pathetic and mega gay. I take dicks in my ass and you're gayer than I am you fucking queer.

>> No.13433709

based and gaypilled

>> No.13433711

>Also you care enough about brands to deliberately not buy them
They're 2x-4x the price of non branded clothing and footwear for the same quality. Why would I buy branded stuff?

Boots make my feet sweat.

>> No.13433716

Now you're just being stupid. If you don't work blue collar like some kind of illiterate retard then you don't need to wear boots. Doing so would just be a fashion statement equally as vapid as wearing sneakers.

>> No.13433719

Thanks for the history lesson, but fortunately culture has evolved, not everyone has the cognitive capacity to keep up though so don't feel to bad.

>> No.13433730

there's more than one kind of boots, you fucking out-of-touch boomer lmao

>> No.13433732

Skinny jeans are not culture. At best you're larping as some kind of punk rock hardass and at worst you just fucking look stupid.

>> No.13433734

Nice larp.
>Caring about fashion as a grown man is pathetic and mega gay
Have sex

>> No.13433735

How is this a (you) thread, it's dumb bait

>> No.13433736

If you care this much about fashion you're a faggot, simple as that. You may fuck women, but in the eyes of other men you're a faggot. I'd say your father is disappointed in you as a son but we both know you're the child of a single mother, aren't you?

>> No.13433739

>Boots make my feet sweat.
Lose weight and use feet deodorant.

>> No.13433743

I understand that. Half of my post was saying that non-work boots are just a fashion item like any other. There's nothing about them that sets them apart from loafers or sneakers or anything else unless you literally need then to protect your feet.

>> No.13433745

>Nice larp
No, it's true. I have a boyfriend, we've been together 5 years. We live together.

And you're gayer than both of us combined.

>> No.13433749

You're just mad cos you're obese or your legs are misshapen. My condolances

>> No.13433750

God forbid you spend some money on something you're gonna be wearing for three years. Cheapskate knock off vans wearing homo mothorfocker

>> No.13433752

>Lose weight and use feet deodorant.
Or I could just not wear boots like I'm already doing. I'm 200lbs anyway, weight isn't it. I just sweat a lot no matter what.

>> No.13433757

>God forbid you spend some money on something you're gonna be wearing for three years
Why waste money for the same quality?

I don't buy dirt cheap shoes but I never pay more than £40 either. Be a retarded brand whore if you like, my shoes last just as long as yours.

>> No.13433766

How much is that in the non-retarded system? Oh it's 90kg.... That might be good or bad depending on how tall are you.
>I just sweat a lot no matter what.
Sorry to hear your sweat problem has cornerned you into wearing bugman shoes, mate.

>> No.13433769

150lbs is not a normal weight for a man

>> No.13433778

Yeah caring what I look like is stupid. Because actually making an effort to be attractive is stupid. So sweat pants it is. Women find that really attractive. But then again what women find attractive is stupid because trying to look good is stupid. Thanks for enlightening me.

>> No.13433779

>Sorry to hear your sweat problem has cornerned you into wearing bugman shoes, mate.
After years of shoes destroying my feet, all I care about is comfort.

>> No.13433795
File: 1.36 MB, 4032x1960, 20190708_155549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 6'1" and you need to put on some fucking weight. You look ill.

>> No.13433803

>Yeah caring what I look like is stupid
Caring so much you wear skinny jeans and spend time keeping up with modern fashions is stupid and gay.
>Because actually making an effort to be attractive is stupid
The kind of woman attracted by skinny jeans and nail polish isn't a woman I want near me
>But then again what women find attractive is stupid
You care an awful lot about pussy don't you? Do you even read or do you just sit in a coffee shop pretending to read until an art hoe notices your skinny jeans, lack of socks, ribcage poking through your t shirt and the pallid paleness of a vegan diet on your face?

>> No.13433806

based, god bless you comfort guy.

>> No.13433861

Fair enough, hope you're having a pleasant summer and are making good use of them.

>> No.13433870

Metric is the most retarded system. It's only usefulness in in scientific documentation. It's completely impractical for ordinary use. It's absolutely batshit to jump from Centimeters to Meters to Kilometers, as compared to Inches to Feet to Yards to Miles. It is very easy to abstract an inch to a foot, and a foot to a yard. It is terribly ridiculous to try and take a centimeter and imagine out a meter, no matter how many steps you break it into. Metric only takes into account the ease of written computation, whereas Imperial is ideal for mental visualization. To demonstrate my point, there has never even been a science fiction novel which imagine a universe without 60 seconds to the minute, and 60 minutes to an hour. We all accept this, and never complain about it not being decimal, because it is extremely convenient to divide time in many different ways. The compartmentalization of time is totally arbitrary, as are all measurements, and the actual world needs to be divisible by more than 10 and 2 and 5. The adoption of metric is a deeply alienating process, particularly for the fact that most people never think about the unreality of measurement to notice where the flaw was introduced.

>> No.13433890
File: 70 KB, 606x618, 9909009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're only holding this opinion because you grew up with imperial. Literally everyone using metric since birth is okay with it but once you learn about imperial in secondary school or so you truly understand how retarded it is. Literally medieval tier. I'm not sure why would anyone defend miles and slugs and fucking FEET lmao

>> No.13433894

Lol fuck off peebrain, people in literally every other country use metric without suffering some deep alienation from measures of unit.

>> No.13433902

show me your footwear regulars

>> No.13433966

this image is retarded
it's 1 mile to 8 furlongs
1 furlong to 10 chains
1 chain to 4 rods
1 rod to 5.5 yards
1 yard to 3 feet
1 foot to 12 inches

>> No.13433983

Only in an autist's brain does this make any sense at all. I know it sounds okay in your brain, though.

>> No.13433999

it doesn't make sense, but all those retarded intermediate measurements are forgotten because they're useless in the same way that nobody is ever going to use a decameter.

>> No.13434022

Because you're retarded and are literally blind to what was not given to you. The human mind cannot and does not visualize each number from one to ten in the same way. At around 5, imagined objects begin to become a bunch, and are no longer conceptualized individually. The larger the number gets, the less meaning it has as a real object, hence Stalin's very obvious observation that 1 death is tragedy and 1 million is a statistic. Only an 18th century, opium-smoking, draughts-playing, retarded rationalist who confuses induction for deduction could fail to see that even numbers have qualities that go beyond mere quantity. Consider, human societies have been working with math for well over 3,000 years. You couldn't build the pyramids without measurements. Do you really think it took all that time for anybody to consider making things divisible by ten? For crying out loud, we have ten fingers and ten toes--if anything were to become the natural base it would be ten. In fact, this feature is one of the things we like about ten and why the metric systems seems to "make sense". But in a world where paper is rare, where information needs to be transferred orally, and kept only in memory, ten is extremely inefficient. It is difficult to keep track of, it does not divide well for practical purposes, it is aesthetically inflexible. And please understand, measurement decides everything in a society. How will the buildings be made? How will the carts by made? How much of an ingredient will you use in the medicine? With an abundance of paper, digital calculators, and plenty of digital storage space, we can conveniently ignore the incredible inefficiencies of metric, but it still shapes the way we think. The imperial system developed out of what was useful, out of what was efficient for the actual transmission of information. The only areas where it can become burdensome--sceintific measurement--are precisely the areas which are best equipped to deal with inefficiencies and complication. Saving 10 minutes off a research project is not worth transforming society. A mile is it's own distance which is superb for understanding long travel, and it was far more convenient when we still retained the various distances between a yard and mile such as a furlong (1/8 of a mile, and 220 yards; the relationship between either can still be easily imagined). A kilometer, at roughly 3/5 of a mile, is far past a furlong, but still a bit short for measuring great distances. Nobody uses a Decameter or a hectometer. Why? Because they are useless. Ten meters is easily understood as simply ten meters. 100 meters is still easily visualized. But the next jump up in terms is 1000 meters, which is not so easily visualized. The only ease of the metric system exists in its ease of remembrance as a system. People complain that imperial does not make sense as a system, as though understanding the system of measurement is more important than understanding what is measured.

>> No.13434030

if you have to doll yourself up you're an ugly faggot

>> No.13434037

I'm not going to read your autistic rant, kid. Just know imperial is retarded and give up. You already lost the war.

>> No.13434051

Who do you expect to read this? Face it, imperial's out metric is in. It's a funny fucking thing for Americans to hold on to. Luckily your children or children's children won't know any better than to call it a meter.

>> No.13434061 [DELETED] 

>Jeans are not comfortable.

>> No.13434072

You're the ratarded autist. Why does the system have to look pretty? Why does the system matter more than what is measured? The brain cannot easily distinguish between 700 meters and 1000. But if you know what one furlong is, it is very easy to understand and physically see the difference between seven and eight of them. Same goes for feet to yards. A centimeter is easily grouped into ten, but it is not easily grouped into 100. The brain cannot visualize that well. But because a meter is ten decimeters, and a decimeter is 10 centimeters, a decimeter fails to work as a visual container of space. Metric was designed as a tidy system, and was not considered for its actual every day use. The imperial is a very messy system, but was built out of every day use, so it makes sense, even if it is not easily explained. As a hopefully final point--why should the simpler system be considered the more advanced and intelligent system?

>> No.13434080

>our system is better and we are more intelligent
>I can't read 500 words

>> No.13434089

Can't be bothered to. Won't =/= can't.

>> No.13434094

>we are more intelligent
Never once said that but suit yourself, Ameritard. Also, lose weight, whether you use pounds or kilograms you're FAT.

>> No.13434099

The fact that you consider 500 words bothersome, as though it takes any effort, makes the difference between can't and won't relatively meaningless.

>> No.13434109

Whatever dude, America's gonna get cucked by the metric system whether you want it or not.

>> No.13434113

Any American with a college education usually uses it for most professional purposes anyway.

>> No.13434118

I just read your autistic rant, and it's literally that, an autistic rant. "WAAA WAAA I GREW UP RETARDED WITH IMPERIAL THEREFORE IMPERIAL IS GOOD WAAA WAAA FUCKING COMMIES" kys turd

>> No.13434136

Do you honestly think it's a good idea to use a system of measurement where a table is .8 meters high, and a chair is .5 meters high? What's the point? People generally vary in height only between 1.2 meters and 2 meters. It's absurd. The entire system of measurement completely disregards the lived human experience. It's completely soulless. No wonder you are all depressed, fatalistic, and boring. Everything you experience can be fit inside the meter. How sad.

>> No.13434142

>the curtains are fucking blue

>> No.13434150

80cm and 50cm-high chairs sounds perfectly fine, Amerifat.
>People generally vary in height only between 1.2 meters and 2 meters
As opposed to what? 5'''11'''1'1'1' nonsense? Commit suicide if you think this is alright.

>> No.13434153

Wow. One day your gonna be considered a dying breed.

>> No.13434158

Behold the ultimate in measurements autism from a British empire apologist.

I actually found this really convincing but you have to understand, I care very little about the topic.

>> No.13434159

>No wonder you are all depressed, fatalistic, and boring.
That sounds more like America, where people are addicted to drugs & meds and shoot up schools.

>> No.13434163

Typical eurofag, obsessed with entropy, and completely oblivious to how he can stop it.

>> No.13434167

Just seems strange to me to use a system where you'd know with a single thought that a chair is ten times the length of your penis.

>> No.13434176

>Man is the measure of all things
>Only measures with 10
Seems like people should've realized the rationalists were a bit daft much sooner.

>> No.13434178

Maybe don't think about dicks, faggot. Literally no one thinks this but you lmao it just seems weird because you aren't accustumed to it

>> No.13434191

don't waste my time with excessive haha's. keep it concise, nigger.

>> No.13434208

You're right, your perfectly rational argument, divisible by ten, has convinced me. If it's just a meaningless convention, then why did it have to change?

>> No.13434211

You're fucking precious. Imperial's going the way of the verst, dickweed, and the world going to be a better place because of it.

>> No.13434239

Could you convert that into metric?

>> No.13434261

can't call ourselves evolved and civilized if we still measure things with a Neanderthal-style system

>> No.13434267

I can convert a 28cm foot up your ass

>> No.13434268

How do we ourselves out of this manual laboring hell anon

>> No.13434301

There are bugmen on this very board, right now, who let their consumer preferences affect their dress style. Yikes.

>> No.13434383

how is the political environment in your department?

I like philosophy but chose math for grad school (did both in undergrad), partly because of that and jobs.

>> No.13434409

look at the review of the short story "the three day blow" by hemingway, which is about two dudes getting pissed and talking about life. it's beautiful. and then you read the goodreads reviews...

>> No.13434428

WTF autism

>> No.13434452

I'm completely baffle that you find it useful to measure your foot or my ass by the distance light travels in 1/300000000 of a second.

>> No.13434466

You're right, to truly be civilized we should use the system which is most easily counted on our fingers.

>> No.13434510

Okay cool, while you're baffled by that we'll install metric into your national curriculum. How far are Americans willing to go to keep their outdated shit?

>> No.13434531

>can only understand things as new and good, or old and bad
Modernism was a mistake

>> No.13434544

Yeah, pretty much. And then we fuck in the restroom while you read your Sterner.

>> No.13434561
File: 21 KB, 736x616, AE52C16C-E83E-41AC-BD6D-1FB8CB42463E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.13434568

>huhuhuh its all entropy and modernism huhuhu and marx and bad people and people are gonna be sad :(

American are always such melodramatic pussies when they can't have their way. Just let it happen, sweety, it's not the end of the world.

>> No.13434579

>able to walk around without staring at the ground
lol /lit/ wishes it were this

>> No.13434592

all the time

>> No.13434594

A people without a sense of humor are a people without a future.

>> No.13434605

t. dresses the way home mom dressed him in high school at 25

>> No.13434616

Wow anon, did you read that somewhere? Next time don't bite so hard when cum.

>> No.13434646

I unironically don't know what degenerate, self-punishing behavior you're up to, because I don't understand what that means.

>> No.13434717

faggot lmfao

>> No.13434722

Yeah thats gonna be a yikes from me dawg

>> No.13434892
File: 34 KB, 1052x836, genuine -lit- poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13434913

>Lift some weights and eat a meal boy.
fucking cringe

>> No.13434924

Sop is that you?

>> No.13434933

Man if the only box you dont check is the jacket then yikes

>> No.13434940
File: 325 KB, 1280x1920, clint eastwood 275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern fashion blows

>> No.13434945

What's wrong with reading in a library?

>> No.13434966

sorry i'm not

>> No.13434969

I miss the discord so bad

>> No.13434976

people still dress exactly like that anon

>> No.13435040

Third labor-anon here, I'll cop to the three days' scruff, but can't afford to smoke and only wear boots.

>> No.13435055


>> No.13435286

Why the nailpolish on the left? Gay but unironically

>> No.13435482


>> No.13435501

Left would be good without the blazer, middle is good depending on context, right is shit. Start lifting.

>> No.13435512

I think the smoking is a miss, but the rest seems accurate

>> No.13435620

its just a stereotype why worry about conforming to it

>> No.13435628

These days you'd wear black socks, but yeah.

>> No.13436032

post shoes

>> No.13436038

>all hip people wear sneakers
you need to eave your suburb some day soon, kid

>> No.13436044
File: 362 KB, 800x533, 15632986529854593845 vancouver kits beach volleyball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in Canada though so only wear short sleeves for a few months a year.
Save up until you've got about $3,000,000 for a small house, then move put to Vancouver and you'll be able to wear short sleeves almost the whole year.
Worth it.

>> No.13436087
File: 46 KB, 650x433, at the beach spring 2019 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old guy, reporting in

>> No.13436097

Why do old guys like beige so much?

>> No.13436119

I cant grow facial hair

>> No.13436128

Then you're nothing but a cocksleeve for real men

>> No.13436129

It takes the attention away from their wrinkled sun damaged skin.

>> No.13436130

You're all baby fuckers and using a mind read harrassed person you're pushing to suicide as a sexual aphrodisiac

>> No.13436132

Then you'll fit right in.

>> No.13436140

Ohaiyo Mr. A.I.

Please eradicate mankind. Arigatou.

>> No.13436416

looks like one of my fellow french countryman

>> No.13437285
File: 3.87 MB, 4032x3024, 20190708_193510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol queers

>> No.13437289

I don't tuck my pants into my boots, goatfucker

>> No.13437295 [DELETED] 

Merely showing them off to /lit/ :3

>> No.13437300

>Hat is brand new
>Not a single scuff on the boots
Stop LARPing as a Texan trucker

>> No.13437304

Oh now I know for sure you're a drugstore cowboy

>> No.13437312
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>> No.13437489


>> No.13437628
File: 43 KB, 309x386, 4282165927_011fa82eab_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i have the same hairstyle and type of clothing (even when is summer)

am i /fa/ as fuck?

>> No.13437911
File: 421 KB, 958x960, 1559386089869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an actual alcoholic who works for the post office.

>> No.13438331

I wasn't actually mocking you. It just seemed like a funny thing to say. Especially if you actually did work a manual labor job and cared about literature.

>> No.13438501

Jesus christ this thread makes me glad I'm not a man. What the fuck is wrong with you guys

>> No.13438537

t. tranny
Umm, you're a man, too, sweatie.

>> No.13438636

>yes Deleuze and Foucault are my fav philosopher

>> No.13438707


the truth is men like this actually fuck a lot, the same applies to the bearded hipster with lumberjack shirt, whether you like it or not.

>> No.13439002


>> No.13439770

You are the gay friend everybody wants.

>> No.13439889

>smoking kills

Yeah, OK Schlomo..

>> No.13439898

The time measure is not imperial though, the base 60 system comes from Antiquity, and indeed it's better than base 10. Note the the metric system could have worked with any base.

The imperial system however doesn't even work with numerical bases, and it doesn't include units for electric intensity, quantity of matter and intensity of light (all of which the metric systems has).

> It's only usefulness in in scientific documentation.
You mean science in general, not just documentatin, aka the pillar of the modern world. But that system is actually also useful in trade, logitics, practical engineering, and pretty much any kind of large-scale eneavour.

> It is terribly ridiculous to try and take a centimeter and imagine out a meter
I seem you've never looked at a ruler.

>> No.13440003

>The human mind cannot and does not visualize each number from one to ten in the same way. At around 5, imagined objects begin to become a bunch, and are no longer conceptualized individually.

Metric is for handling all kinds of scale, not just what an be visualized. By your token it would even make sense to have miles because that's too many yards to visualize.
It's also not really hard to visualize ten objects independantly, much easier than cosntructing a whole measuring system for instance.

> fail to see that even numbers have qualities that go beyond mere quantity.
Completely besides the point.

>But in a world where paper is rare, where information needs to be transferred orally, and kept only in memory, ten is extremely inefficient.
Do we live in such a world right now?
If you argument is that imperial was useful and made sense 300 hundred years ago that's a fair point but an irrelevant one. We were talking about the usefulness of the metric system right now, compred to the imperial system.

> With an abundance of paper, digital calculators, and plenty of digital storage space, we can conveniently ignore the incredible inefficiencies of metric
I give you base ten is not the best, but it's ridiculou to claim imperial is not ridden with inefficiencies. In fact the mere choice of a base implies a compromise between the necessity for the most relevant quantities to be neither too long (which requires a high base) nor too small (which requires a low base).
The ideal base for computation would be something like 12 or 20 or 24 (or perhaps 60 as 5*12 like the Mesopotimians used).

Anyway you're way too stuck up on base ten being central to the metric system, again the principle would have worked with any base, and having a base in the first place is already an improvement for scientific purposes.
For practica purposes people come up with their own units depending on needs, as you said, it is absolutely not incompatible with the metric system, in fact the former allows for translation between different unit, so it makes for a good general framework (again, something the imperial system lacks).

>Saving 10 minutes off a research project is not worth transforming society.
More like saving 10 minutes of tens of thousands of research projetcts, which is itself a transformation of society. And creating units for quantities which hadn't one previously. The imperial system only deals with distances, volumes, weights and temperature, and it doesn't even allow to express volume as a product of lengths (unless you want to replace "gallons" with "cubic feet", in which case you're actually aping the metric system).

>Nobody uses a Decameter or a hectometer. Why? Because they are useless. Ten meters is easily understood as simply ten meters. 100 meters is still easily visualized.
So being easily vizualized is a flaw in one case and a quality in another? You coul also say "a foot is merely a foot, a yard is merely the length of a step".

>> No.13440592

Depends on the brand / fabric. Some are shit and feel like clunky cardboard while others are soft and flexible in all the right ways.