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/lit/ - Literature

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13411698 No.13411698 [Reply] [Original]

On average
>How many books do you read per week?
>How many books do you read per month?

And to the majority of /lit/
>Why don't you read?

>> No.13411704

>1 to 3
> Usually 7

>> No.13411712
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>two to four hours a day
>three to four books a week
>eleven to thirteen books a month

>> No.13411725

>How many books do you read per week?
I don't finish a book every week, but I'm usually currently reading just one.
>How many books do you read per month?
Probably just one.
>Why don't you read?
I'm a lazy faggot that can't make up his mind on what his true interests are. One day I think it's programming, the next literature, after that vidya etc. But the only interest of mine that stays around permanently is reading and especially writing. I'm trying to read more now so I can actually start writing good stories. I need a lot more reading under my belt before I can even churn out a single good story, whether that be a short story or novel.

>> No.13411738

I know the feel, anon. I've quit every hobby/interest I've pursued. What are you reading right now? I'm reading Edith Hamilton's "Mythology" so I can finally get into the Greeks.

>> No.13411752

I'm about to finish "Whatever" by Houellebecq, should be done by the end of the day. The plan is to read "Sometimes a Great Notion" by Kesey afterwards.

>> No.13411762


>> No.13411769

Two to three books a week. Maybe more. Maybe less. Per month I read about 12

>> No.13411784

anyone reading two+ books a week are quite impressive. I've only read 10 books this year making my rate about 1.6 books a month. Sucks to be a brainlet

>> No.13411801
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>I read 1 book a month
>Because I'm too busy reading a dozen+ 300,000 word fanfiction
where did I go wrong, /lit/? why have I strayed from the path of light?

>> No.13411812

I set a goal of reading 80 books this year, it went well until spring came. I have currently read 32 books this year, so I have to pick up the pace if I want to reach my goal.

>> No.13411822

>How many books do you read per week?
around 6 to 9.
>How many books do you read per month?
anywhere from 25 to 40.

>Why don't you read?
When I don't, it's because I'm writing or doing Maths.

>> No.13411827

lol try harder

>> No.13411846

I do. I'm going for 50 books in August.

>> No.13411852

I stopped reading other peoples work several years ago as to not be tainted by their perspective but also because I hated doing it. Everything others write is just so awful I can't sit through it.

>> No.13411858

Here's my goodreads, if you want.

>> No.13411871

>average per week
>average per month
1 or 2 if I try really hard

>> No.13411903

I'd say 0 to 1 per week.

Maybe 4 or 5 per month. I usually take my time and make notes and stuff, especially when I wanna understand some theory or something like that.

>> No.13412099

I haven't read a full book in several years. Fortunately, I've stopped buying them and only download books I'm interested in now.

>> No.13412105


>> No.13412124

It depends on the book mostly, but I try to read at least 1 chapter or ~30 pages a day

It took me a little over a month to read 2666 and about a week and a half to read House of Leaves which were my last two books

>> No.13412141
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>be me
>reading east of eden
>cruising through >100 pages a day easily
>start thinking that I've finally broken the dam, that I will be able to read this much every day from now
>finish it in 6 days

>start next book
>can't read more than 30 pages at a time

>> No.13412210

Don't read because the whole time I'm reading, I'm caught up thinking how I would improve the story.

>> No.13412220

I pity those who read quickly and without understanding only to brag.

>> No.13412230 [DELETED] 

>How many books do you read per week?
>How many books do you read per month?

>> No.13412259

It depends heavily upon what you're reading. Not just in length, but in subject matter and style. Threads like this are meaningless.

>> No.13412263

I read at least 6 hours a day. Sometimes 14 hours.

>> No.13412264

I’m skeptical of the reports in this thread in light of the absolute state of this board

>> No.13412267

Yeah. Like, reading Harry Potter is a bit different from Moby-Dick or Ulysses.

>> No.13412272

Rarely read, too busy writing

>> No.13413362

>how many books do you read per week
Read start-to-finish? 0, read in general? About 3
>how many books do you read per month
Around 3 or 5
>Why don't you read?
Most of what I read are non-fiction collections (essays, research papers, etc) books assigned for college courses. As of today, I'm done with the philosophy/history courses, so hopefully I'll be able to focus on fiction books that interest me

>> No.13413539



I spend 3 hours a day on the train so I read then. Plus, I read at work for part of the day and at home when I am not writing.

>> No.13413558

1-4 books a week usually. a small one (>150) will be wolfed down in a day just out of principle, but reading longer books i usually stick to 60-100 pages a day

>> No.13413560

pls be bait

>> No.13413567

You people have nothing else to do? How much time does it take you to read that much?

>> No.13413573

You were probably very captivated by that book, and this new one you’re reading just doesn’t interest you much

>> No.13413591

I'm not that guy but 60-100 pages is like 2 hours of time for me depending on how easy a read it is. Most people can easily find 2 hours of free time in their day if they really want to.

>> No.13413593
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Well? What are the 6 tips?

>> No.13414571

i read about 50 books a year, but some weeks i'll read 2 or 3 books, and other weeks i won't read any

>> No.13414586
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>All these articles/videos telling people to read more in a week as if its some sort of competition

like holy fuck, read at your own pace and what you want, its not a race. Plebs will see these articles and instantly think that over-consumption is the path to intellect when its not.

>> No.13414926

I understand having a voracious reading habit, but doesnt it defeat the purpose of reading a really good book and having it's impact, however big or small or nonexistent, be replaced by the next book? How do you big readers keep it all together? do you still remember aspects from the previous book? two books ago? can you recall specifics? I know I cant unless I take some time after I finish a book to mull it over. I always go back and reread parts I liked or didnt understand and look more into them. How do you do it?

>> No.13415236
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On a good week I’d say about 2 Mabey 3 depending on how short some are

>> No.13415243

>read 1 book
>think about it for the whole year without being able to begin a new one

>> No.13416861

It depends on what books I choose to read- their length and ease of reading play a huge role.
A 150 page books I will read in two days, but LOTR took me 3 months.
Currently read 2 small books last month, nearly finished Iliad which will be my first in July. Generally fiction is rapidly read and non-fiction takes a lot longer, especially if it’s philosophy.

>> No.13416870

god forbid someone actually read books

>> No.13416892

If you're reading more than one book a week, shit more than one a fortnight, you're either not reading something worth reading or you're not really understanding the things you read

>> No.13416906

>like 1/3?
>about 1 and a half, i read 25 pages almost every night

>> No.13416928

You lack discipline. You also lack a good book, apparently. Find something that really pulls you in (not just reading "intellectually," but for fun). Try and cut down on your internet usage too.

>> No.13416937

is it worth a read? What other books do you like, I've been thinking about getting it.

>> No.13417001

I like how I can tell that you browse /pol/