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13403018 No.13403018 [Reply] [Original]

>step-dad said I'm not allowed to be anti-natalist any more

Are there any good pro-natalism books?

>> No.13403020

unbirth him lad

>> No.13403034

hes right.
shut up.

>> No.13403500

Imagine having a step father. Imagine having someone in your home other than your biological parent. They're their just to gratify the base desire of the parent that failed, meaning by their very presence, you are second. I knew kids with step dads were cucked when I was a kid and never hung out with them because they were no good. It's worse to be the child of a step marriage than a bastard even. Just to put things into perspective, just think how much of an anathema it would have been back in the tribal days. Papa grug dies and lug from the next tribe moves over. I guarantee grug son would not have allowed it. I am a 30 year old man and I still cringe, severely cringe when I hear step father, especially if they came on board in their teen or pre-teens. I almost want "I'm sorry" as if someone just told me their relative died.

>> No.13403511

>are there any books that support my stupid idea
no. fuck off

>> No.13403515

>I am a 30 year old man
with the mind of a 13 year old

>> No.13403529


Imagine thinking a chad would be posting with a tripcode on /lit/.

>> No.13403756


>> No.13403776
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>mfw mom perfectly understands why I want to be an anti-natalist and even encourages it

She has depression and is sad she passed it onto me.

>> No.13403786
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>Radical anti-natalism as a recipe for human extinction will fail because any predisposition to share that bias will be weeded out of the population. Radical anti-natalist ethics is self-defeating: there will always be selection pressure against its practitioners. Complications aside, any predisposition not to have children or to adopt is genetically maladaptive. On a personal level, the decision not to bring more suffering into the world and forgo having children is morally admirable. But voluntary childlessness or adoption is not a global solution to the problem of suffering.

>> No.13403799

>the decision not to bring more suffering into the world
But life is on average a net positive?

>> No.13403803

The Joys of Sex

>> No.13403814

>dude grow up
This is the child's mindset.

>> No.13403833
File: 74 KB, 780x439, 5046B48A-DD2C-40F4-9E6F-F89B66B38043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maturity is childish

>> No.13404557

kill him and further your cause

>> No.13404566

Stupidest post of the morning candidate.

>> No.13404573

step son bastard here, everything you said is correct and ive still got some trauma because of the physical abuse inhibiting my development as a person

>> No.13404584

everyone who is pro birth is a cuck

>> No.13404626

Anti-natalism derives from negative-utilitarian ethics.

>> No.13404668

>Hedonistic transhumanism

Sounds like a realist

>> No.13404671

Sorry to here that anon.

>> No.13404673

The equation goes:
If you exist, you suffer
If you don't exist, you don't suffer

Don't make your child exist.

I mo it's just an idea made for depressed retards