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/lit/ - Literature

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13366542 No.13366542 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on the /pol/ reading list?

>> No.13366546


>> No.13366553

Based and redpilled

>> No.13366556


>> No.13366567

have sex

>> No.13366574
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About what you'd expect. A bunch of garbage to read from cover to cover and a couple of well-regarded books to keep on the shelf in attempt to masque the fact that they're trash.

>> No.13366586
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oh god no these books

>> No.13366588

bunch o’ memes

>> No.13366591
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>tfw /pol/ is trying to build their own Cathedral and Trump is actually the architect and is actually the president now.


>> No.13366598
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This is revolting.

>> No.13366599

That's the only books your average /pol/luter can actually read.

>> No.13366606

>table talks
cringe, that's a fake

>> No.13366610
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those are*

>> No.13366619
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>> No.13366678

Based Pathologic player

>> No.13366681
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gay and cringe

>> No.13366715

Ditch the (((lolbertarian))) shite.
Turner Diaries is a meme, replace it with the better edgelord meme book, Siege.
Add Spengler, Yockey, Gentile, Junger, and Codreanu.
Okay start I guess but very lacking.

>> No.13366741

>National socialism isn't actually socialism
No shit

>> No.13366744

There's nothing wrong with private property, faggot. It's when a corporation is harmful to the nation that the state should take action.

And just a friendly reminder that the soviets were funded by Jewish bankers and teamed up with the capitalistic empires to crush the counties that opposed international finance.

>> No.13366745

That picture makes me very sad.

>> No.13366753

Never underestimate /pol/s stupidity. Playing with words is enough for them.
Crazy tranny.

>> No.13366758


based and redpilled

>> No.13366763

>/ourguys/ lists Codreanu, D'Anunzio, Marinetti, Serrano, Devi, etc.
>none of their books on the list

>> No.13366765

I think everyone one on /pol/ knows that.

>> No.13366767

He probably looked up "Fascist thinkers" and copy-pasted it into the "/ourguys/" list.

>> No.13366776

No Spengler or Yockey?
Disappointing desu

>> No.13366781

Let's find out

>> No.13366903

lole okay reddit

>> No.13366928

Raging at women and minorities won't make your suicidal ideations go away nor will it make you less lonely.

>> No.13366931

it's not, the english/french translation isn't true to the original but the originals are widely considered legit.

>> No.13366932
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actual list with lists in the list

seems like it didn't go as you planned

>> No.13366934
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>> No.13366971
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lit is a Marxist board

>> No.13366975


>> No.13366996

Based and capitalism-pilled

>> No.13367059

Siege is essentially just non-fiction Turner Diaries and Mason himself recommends Turner Diaries pretty heavily.

>> No.13367082

>the originals are widely considered legit.
Go to schi-hub and do a google translate of the full article I quoted.
Not only Genoud's version but Bormann's text also if unreliable.

Excerpts :
>Hitler’s Air Force Adjutant, Nicolaus von Below, gave a crushing verdict on the Table Talk as early as 1951, after Picker published his edition. He said they were not credible records of what Hitler had said, and try as he might, he could not remember any monologue from Hitler of such length. Instead, he said, Hitler’s remarks happened here and there in the course of discussions, and to understand them one also has to know what the other participants had said. One cannot simply take a person’s statements out of context and then publish them in the way Picker and [Picker’s editor] Ritter do.

Skorzeny also told that it's not reliable in his autobiography.

>> No.13367086

Wait, are you saying they aren't the same book? I thought Turner Diaries is the nickname and Siege is the book. wtf

>> No.13367116

these retards know nothing about the Keynesian origins of the term "privatization" and don't realize that Hitler joined the Nazi party because of SoCred and collectivized the entire country

>> No.13367160

Nobody in their right mind takes reactionary ideology seriously

>> No.13367162

>the prince, the holy bible and hoppe in the same reading list
What did /pol/ mean by that?

>> No.13367177

ok retard

>> No.13367186


>> No.13367232

u gonna cry buddy?

>> No.13367266

There's a difference between what you just posted and your intitial comment of the records being fake or made up. Considering that Nilsson is a notorious leftist and antifa supporter, I'd prefer to be cautious of his "research".

>> No.13367278

Care to elaborate or are just going to be a smug tranny about it?

>> No.13367297
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>> No.13367424

Yockey is my great grandfather :)

>> No.13367475

Saying that it's a fake would be quite accurate since this document is titled "HITLER'S table talks" and quoted as authoritative by many of the "neonazis", usually antichristian ones that need to find a hitlerian source to justify their position, but also funnily enough by antinazi Christians that are afraid by the beauty of the natural order they should respect.

>Considering that Nilsson is a notorious leftist and antifa supporter, I'd prefer to be cautious of his "research".
That has no weigh in this debate.
A truth is a truth, wether it comes from the mouth of a sophist or not.
He made researches for 3 years on that topic, and its results coincides with comments made by some of the Reich's officials or personnel that he quotes in his study, but also, more importantly, with EVERYTHING Hitler ever said or wrote, be it speeches, books, personal notes, letters, poems and so on.
It is a bit bizarre that Bormann's "Table Talks" contradict literally everything Hitler ever said and wrote in every other occurrence on the religious topic, for example, but also on his philosophical views, but funnily enough are exactly the same as Bormann's.

>> No.13367480

>but funnily enough
that funnily enough*

>> No.13367483

No Jonathan Bowden in any of those?

>> No.13367492

Just take out everything related to hitlerfags and duh joooooz and ti looks pretty good.

>> No.13367505

>t. jew

>> No.13367566
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>Protocols of Zion
>Anything by Evola
>Plato ofc
>KJV Bible

Good stuff. The rest is very meh.

>> No.13367591

>Protocols of Zion
Literally a fake.

>> No.13367592

based but bluepilled

>> No.13367602

I mean even if it's fake (or fiction if you will), it's still a good read. It's like a manual for world domination.

>> No.13367652

Discarding the whole text over nitpicking among Pagans/Christians over Hitler's supposed views on Christianity seems retarded to me but ok.

>> No.13367734
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Vox Day's book about how to survive being targetted by a angry social justice mob is unironically good regardless what side of the political spectrum your on, his fantasy fiction not so much.

>> No.13367760

I simply cannot take antisemitism seriously. I agree with a lot of what the far-right says but DA (((JOOS))) meme is such tin-foil hattery I can't help but laugh at it. I was quite interested in what that catholic incel academic that /pol/ wanks over so much had to say until he started pursing his lips over that dog whistle.

>> No.13367772
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Nigga what, they love Israel in 2019 and Israel loves the back.

>> No.13367785

The institutional neo-liberals love israel because it's part of the military industrial complex.

He meant the alt right that talks about (((them))).

The fact that I have to explain this is just another distraction tactic.

>> No.13367819

That's only one element among others.

>> No.13367820

Southern and Cernovich are the epitome of cuckservative, Southerns whole book attempts to be memelord trash, generally poor and repackage of talking points others have made more eloquently.
Vox is decent enough for non fiction, see >>13367734, have not read adams.
Coulter is tolerable, I honestly found trumps art of the deal interesting, have not read the other two.
Unironically Halo fiction is enjoyable, though last light is one of the few i do not own.

>> No.13367852

If you read widely on the topic then you would have found that the economic plank of the NSDAP was established by the locksmith prior to the painter ever joining. The original plank was nothing but warmed over economic Marxism. It was too weak to accomplish anything so the painter, in full admission of his weakness in the economic field, just winged it. The NSDAP never fully developed a coherent economic system.

>> No.13367890

>it's fake
>(or fiction if you will)
This is a big distinction. Claiming that it is "fake" is easy, as its lineage cannot be solidly verified. Claiming that it is "fiction" is more difficult because, though the lineage is in doubt, the performance of the activities described in the text can be witnessed.

>> No.13367900

>DA (((JOOS))) meme is such tin-foil hattery
It is literally written into the Talmud.

>> No.13367978

I don't like the idea of dedicating your entire reading list to one ideology. It's not incredibly enlightened to only read books that reinforce one opinion or perspective.

>> No.13368004

The generally accepted opinion was that Hitler was untruthful in Mein Kampf and his speeches, as those were solely propaganda. Whether you will buy into the “evil lying Hitler” narrative, that is another question

>> No.13368011

>the far right loves Israel
What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.13368013

That’s why there’s a list for it. I can pick up the monarchy one too, and exposure to any social environment gives me enough democratic/communist ideological education

>> No.13368014

>I simply cannot take antisemitism seriously. I agree with a lot of what the far-right says but DA (((JOOS))) meme is such tin-foil hattery I can't help but laugh at it. I was quite interested in what that catholic incel academic that /pol/ wanks over so much had to say until he started pursing his lips over that dog whistle.
Yeah the Jews is slightly overblown on the far-right, but still valid. Jewish power is responsible for a lot of chaotic destruction in the modern world and through history

>> No.13368030

>Catholic volcels

>> No.13368031

Quote it faggot

>> No.13368046

>sun tzu's the art of war
Is this a joke?

>> No.13368060

Where there responsible for more shit than the Anglos, the French or the Germans though ?

Seems to me the Jews are basically The West: Tiny Edition in that respect.

>> No.13368069

Well no shit it was aimed at corrupt french officials if I remember correctly.

>> No.13368079

I would love to play vidya with this guy

>> No.13368084

Almost every cultures has their own "jew", if they didn't exist we would just blame a bunch of other faggots. I predict that indian will become the nu-jew in the US as they become more and more visible.

>> No.13368088

A manual for world domination that mysteriously came true even about it being jews who want to reinstate israel

>> No.13368092

Fuck off lol the jews control the media and the banks and through that the world. It’s real, and it’s not racism, sit your fat social justice warrior ass down while we solve capitalism.

>> No.13368114

>Where there responsible for more shit than the Anglos, the French or the Germans though ?
Yeah I'd say so. A lot of the issues coming from Anglos/french/germans had something to do with Jewish elites. Of course you had European philosophers or elites doing bad/dumb shit too, but for such a tiny minority like the Jews, the amount of trouble they've caused really is incredible. They've been a major nuisance to the west.

Karl Marx himself was the son of a rabbi. A lot of the crazy shit anglos have done had elite Jews at the top of it all. Israel itself was founded out of England by striking a deal with the English government. The French Revolution had major Jewish influence as well, it's not surprising Napoleon swept through Europe liberating Jews from ghettos in response. Then of course you had the Holodomor which was completely engineered by Bolshevik Jews in the USSR government. Even the rise of the Nazis was largely in response to Jews promoting communism in Germany, and there's some evidence that shows Zionist elites even funded Hitler hoping he would persecute Jews to make them leave Germany and go to Israel.

You can check out Codreanu's account of of the Jews in Romania to see what they were doing in Eastern Europe after the USSR was established as well.

>> No.13368120

According to some /pol/ infographs? ok schizo

>> No.13368121

>I predict that indian will become the nu-jew in the US as they become more and more visible.
Non-Americanized Indians are so hilariously lacking in power the entire might of the government couldn't get literally one video censored.

>> No.13368148

>Almost every cultures has their own "jew", if they didn't exist we would just blame a bunch of other faggots. I predict that indian will become the nu-jew in the US as they become more and more visible.

Ehh yeah I don't think so. Like the other anon said, Jews run global central banks and have large control of the global fiat system. You have south americans who resent the white aristocracy and stuff like that, but nothing is on the level of such a tiny minority like the Jews

>> No.13368169

I see, but aren't most of those movements ultimately Western ? In your account it looks like it's only assimilated Jews who matter (and even more so the Westerners that act around them). Non-europeans Jews seem to have had a negligible influence on the West for instance. And you seem to be ascribing responsibility to Jews for contradictory things, like Nazism and Communism, or philosemitism and antisemitism.
If really Jews are capable of anything, but only through the use of Westerners, in Western contexts, as Western assimilated Jews, and in no particular direction (since anything and everything can be pinned on Jews) doesn't that make Jews simply Westerners who are often close to the circles of power ?
I mean what's the really discriminating variable here ? Jewness, or power ? Do you believe the working class Jews matter in this scenario (same question for the non Western Jews) ? Do you not believe the non-Jews powerful Westerners play as much a role here ?
Because from your post it seems the sentence "when you're conspiring with everyone against everyone you're not actually conspiring, you're just messing around" applies to Jews here. And since we're talking not about one individual but a community of people who can and do actually turn on one another, thereby dissolving the fundamental unity of the community, it seems what you've identified behaves like some form of random noise.

In other words, isn't your argument actually: "powerful people fuck shit up on a regular basis and Jews are statistically overrepresented in various circles of power ?". What is, say, the predictive power of your hypothesis ? Can you predict what the Jews will do next, other than "shit will happen and some Jews will be nivolved" ? (note that this sentence would be functionally unchanged when replacing Jews by Westerners). What would happen if Jews gradually faded out of the circles of power and were replaced by Arabs, or Indians, or by a specific Estonian tribe with weird customs ?

>> No.13368234

It's humorous how nearly everyone on /pol/ decries the existence of safe spaces and hugboxes while having a culture that revolves around only consuming media that supports their worldview and criticizing other websites for not having enough communities that voice support for their beliefs.

>> No.13368243

>I see, but aren't most of those movements ultimately Western ? In your account it looks like it's only assimilated Jews who matter (and even more so the Westerners that act around them). Non-europeans Jews seem to have had a negligible influence on the West for instance. And you seem to be ascribing responsibility to Jews for contradictory things, like Nazism and Communism, or philosemitism and antisemitism.
What do you mean "Non-European" Jews? The thing about Judaism is that it was founded after Christ's death. The entire religion is founded on rejecting and killing Christ. If you look into what the Talmud teaches, it is essentially a power-religion that views Christian Europeans as "cattle" or "goyim". They are viewed as a separate entity who exist only to be taken advantage of and manipulated for the Jew's destiny of re-establishing Israel and conquering the planet (which also attends to ultimately usher in world peace through manipulation, oddly enough). So you see various classes and demographics of Jews doing extremely strange and destructive behavior in comparison to other peoples. Jewish people will only pretend to be "Westerners", meaning "White", when it benefits them. Kevin MacDonald theorizes there is a biological incentive for them to do this and they that they have micro-evolved for this behavior over time in order to survive and conquer.
>I mean what's the really discriminating variable here ? Jewness, or power ? Do you believe the working class Jews matter in this scenario (same question for the non Western Jews) ? Do you not believe the non-Jews powerful Westerners play as much a role here ?
Different cultures/religion act differently when in power. This is obvious. Look at the history of different culture's political philosophy to see this. Of course there are authentic European elites who are complicit with Jewish agendas, just look at America's foreign policy which is completely dictated by Israel lobbies

>> No.13368264

>In other words, isn't your argument actually: "powerful people fuck shit up on a regular basis and Jews are statistically overrepresented in various circles of power ?

Different cultures and elites fuck shit up in different ways. When the Crusaders charges across the middle east to "Take back the holy land", this was an explicit action. They were not hiding behind 7 proxies in a host nation and manipulating the entire planet in 5 different directions to carry out some bizarre agenda. There was no illusion of what was happening with the crusades, that is one difference in the execution of power.

Another example that comes to mind, is that 74% of slave owners were Jewish in America. They also largely financed the slave ships. Today Jews teach that White Americans were responsible for the reprehensible act of slavery and use the media to turn minorities against white Americans in this way. Very typical Jewish proxy actions.

You should give E Michael Jones a serious listen, a lot of what he says is true about history. Kevin McDonald as well

>> No.13368328

>What do you mean "Non-European" Jews?
Jews that haven't lived in Europe for generations. There are towns in France were Jews have been living since before the 13th Century. There are also Jews in the Middle East and North Africa who have never set a foot on European ground.

>The thing about Judaism is that it was founded after Christ's death. The entire religion is founded on rejecting and killing Christ.

No, not really, Jews don't even care that much about Jesus. It's only Christian who imagine that because like any world-encompassing religion everything important to them must be about them (Jews are guilty of it too, I know a guy who's far from dumb and yet is convinced Charlemagne was a Jew). Pretending that Judaism was founded by the writers of the Talmud is also a bit silly since the whole practice is geared towards remembrance of the destroyed Temples (including the first Temple which was destroyed before the birth of Jesus).
By the same token you could say Christianism didn't exit before Augustine, heck by pushing it you could pretend Aquinas founded Catholicism.

>is essentially a power-religion that views Christian Europeans as "cattle" or "goyim".

Goyim explicition means "nations". And it doesn't applies only to Christian European. And they can convert so I doubt they can be considered cattle (can cattle convert to Judaism ? that would be surprising). But admittedly I know almost nothing about the talmud.

> So you see various classes and demographics of Jews doing extremely strange and destructive behavior in comparison to other peoples.

First sentence here that remotely adresses the post it answers to. Again I doubt Western Jews (again, the only Jews ever mentioned in this argument are assimilated Westerners) are fundamentally more destructive than other Westerners, particularly if you consider that everything they had a hand in was for the most part enacted by non-Jews. Unless you consider the Westerns to be the Jews' handimen? In that case they would be very efficient and eager servant, to the point they often provide goals and motivations in the stead of their masters.

> Jewish people will only pretend to be "Westerners", meaning "White"
The idea of the West is slightly older than the idea of "Whiteness" that doesn't apply too well in this debate anyway. It's not about skin color, it's about European and their Americans offsprings.

>Kevin MacDonald theorizes there is a biological incentive for them to do this

Who is this Kevin MacDonald and why should I care about his opinion ? Is he a geneticist of sort ? Also why do you borrowing terminology from creationists ('micro evolution') ? It's not making you sound any more convincing and it's unnecessary.

>> No.13368336

>Different cultures/religion act differently when in power.
Part of my point is that little to no discernable culture or religion are left at this point. It would be different if sheltered orthodox Jews dictated England foreign's policy, but at most it's your average journalistic mediocrity, only with a bigger nose and a funnier name, and the orthodox consider him a heretic.

The post I was answering too was more on point that yours. This sounds just like rambling except for the last line.

>Of course there are authentic European elites who are complicit with Jewish agendas, just look at America's foreign policy which is completely dictated by Israel lobbies

Only concrete element brought into the issue so far. So the Israel lobbies are obvisouly Jewish, but do they tie into something bigger ? How are they any different from any other lobby ? More efficient (are they even really more efficient anyway) ?

>> No.13368351

This picture is retarded. What is it with people conflating socialism with communism?

>> No.13368381


>thinking someone needs to elaborate on why reactionaries are annoying

>> No.13368402

>What is it with people conflating socialism with communism?
cringe because i can tell from this post that you don’t know what either of these are

>> No.13368495

>is that 74% of slave owners were Jewish in America
That's complete bullshit. Why make such an easily debunked claim? Are you sure tou're not tge one with a bizarre agenda? Most jews lived in the north and most slave owner were in the south.


>They are viewed as a separate entity who exist only to be taken advantage of and manipulated for the Jew
Please do quote me some sentences from the Talmud.

>> No.13368529

>Only concrete element brought into the issue so far. So the Israel lobbies are obvisouly Jewish, but do they tie into something bigger ? How are they any different from any other lobby ? More efficient (are they even really more efficient anyway) ?
I don't have time to address the other stuff, but obviously the issue with the Jewish lobby is that they are guiding U.S. foreign policy into actions that are against the interests of Americans, and other lobbies aren't. This wouldn't be possible with some sort of Islamic lobby because they are explicitly Non-white, non-western ect.

>Who is this Kevin MacDonald and why should I care about his opinion ? Is he a geneticist of sort ? Also why do you borrowing terminology from creationists ('micro evolution') ? It's not making you sound any more convincing and it's unnecessary.
Evolution is fucking retarded, if you believe you descended from monkeys then that says a lot about you

>> No.13368578
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It's less of an reading list and more of a self-indoctrination programme, veiled by some known works to cowardly mask itself behind. Near-literal fuckin' namedrop-tier obligatory crutch-books just shoved in there to give the whole some minutiae of believability.
>implying any /pol/tard has ever read more than two of those

>> No.13369364

A third of it is good, the rest is cringe.

>> No.13369477

>Karl Marx himself was the son of a rabbi
Grandson. Marx’s father converted to Christianity in order to become a lawyer.

>> No.13369483

Top tier reading list

>> No.13370144

Tell me how Prussian socialism is really communist.

>> No.13370153

Nah marxism is for pussies. /lit/ is communist board

>> No.13370187

You don't even have to know what either of them are to tell they're different. You can simply listen to what Marx had to say about. He believed socialism naturally transitions into communism. The one can't transition into another if they're the same thing.

Socialism is the centralized distribution of scarce resources which have alternative uses. Communism is one form of socialism, but it isn't the only one.

>> No.13370390

All credibility lost.
Grow up, you fucking edgelords. I wish the far right wasnt full of so many fucking weak faggots like you.

>> No.13370445

Those books are cheap trash, but the fact the he spent hundreds of dollars on those shitty games is cringeworthy.

>> No.13370453

Who says it is a forgery? where is the evidence?
Just because it has parallels with another book does not make it a forgery.
3 Articles claiming it is a forgery does not make it one.
If conspiracy theorists do this, everyone loses their shit, but if a "the times" journalist does conspiratoral work, it is not worth mentioning.
Mindcontrol at its best.

>> No.13370462
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Fascism gay lol

>> No.13371011

Big if true. I didn't even know that Yockey had children.
I remember an anon wrote here a while ago that they were living in the same house in Ireland that Yockey wrote Imperium in.

>> No.13371020

/pol are fucking retards. Like most nationalists.
Why? Because they love Capitalism, but they hate immigration. It's like loving sunbathing, but hating sunburns.

>> No.13371045

You are still in the conspiracy thing. It's not a bad thing, it is the first step to crush the mysticism of our mode of production. Sooner or later, you'll understand what the jews really represent.

>> No.13371058

Even when i was an alt righter i thought murdoch murdoch was the fucking cringiest shit ever. Weird to see it again.

>> No.13371070

Alt righters are way too credulous and emotional, and insecure. You can get them to defend just about anything if you phrase it right. Cannot agree with anyone like that.

>> No.13371246

>Sooner or later, you'll understand what the jews really represent.
the enemy of mankind.

>> No.13371253


>> No.13371262

lol this

>> No.13371266

pol are mostly nazbol teenagers

>> No.13371285

they don't read them, they just look at and post the covers

>> No.13371288

imagine being this retarded

>> No.13371525

imagine being this retarded

>> No.13371576

>has books about antisemitism
>has a milton friedman book nonetheless

really makes you think

>> No.13371609

I'll download and choose a few of the books to read for a later date. I'm currently halfway through August Kubizek's biography of Hitler's adolescence. I like Hitler but I cringe at anti-semitism and cringe at losers on /pol/ feeling pride for something they cannot be credited with, just because the accomplished person shares the same race or nationality as the losers on /pol/.

>> No.13371612

Why do people say this? Communism and socialism is almost completely pro immigrant.

>> No.13371641

Most socialists are pro immigration but there's nothing about socialist or communist theory which requires a socialist to be pro immigration. The guy you're responding to is an idiot because the same is true for capitalism. Nobody would accuse guys like Hoppe of being pro immigration.

>> No.13371645

Also I'm going to mention that many of /pol/'s beliefs are directly contradictory.
>Israel is leeching off of US military funds
>Jews are doing everything in their power to destroy white people and America
If they are leeching money from America, wouldn't they be hurt if America was destroyed and unable to provide funds? Statistically white people provide the most value to America while minorities have negative value, taking tax money and providing no value in return. A few mentally ill, degenerate celebrities ranting about how immigrants and black people deserve our tax money is not representative of the beliefs held by the country of Israel. /pol/'s beliefs are so stupid, juvenile and contradictory it's as if none of them have given second thought to what they believe in.

>> No.13371709
File: 26 KB, 505x431, 6C0190A4-916C-4585-8D20-1C2FF249EFAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thomas Mann

>> No.13371733

>to destroy white people and America
Literally no single /pol/tard ever said this. They are destroying "White America" through immigration, but obviously they want the empire to continue existing.

>> No.13371766

There is a difference between Zionist Jews whose main goal is to secure Israel (the first group you mentioned) and left-wing jews who operate to secure their own existence in America (the second ones you mentioned who are attempting to destroy White America).
/pol/ is opposed to both.
These factions are even often in opposition to each other.
Think about Zionist Jews, they are often proclaimed conservatives, however are hellbent on war in the ME and support for Israel at the expense of money and American troops - Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Larry Solov, Yoram Hazony, Kushner, Sheldon Adelson (who donated hundreds of millions to Trump's campaign)
Left-wing Jews have a different goal of securing their existence through racial heterogenization as well as obtaining monetary gains through the banking industry (though this latter applies to both Jewish factions) - these Jews consist of those who run left-wing media like CNN (Jeff Zucker), New York Times (Sulzberger), Bloomberg, Vice (Nancy Dubuc), among many others, as well as bankers like Goldman sachs and the host of jewish directors and producers who are involved in creating Hollywood films.
It's contradictory and annoying how often /lit/ tries to engage in /pol/'s beliefs without understanding them, especially considering how often people are chastised for doing the same with regards to literature.

>> No.13371780

No. There is absolutely nothing in Capitalism which favor immigration. Everything is right with the world.

>> No.13371781

Stop pretending right wingers read

>> No.13371805

I remember you from a couple months back. Did you end up talking with Kerry Bolton?

>> No.13371827

Holy shit, is this real?
Imagine sharing an image board with the great grandson of one of the greatest right-wing activists in history.
Inconceivably based. We need more people to carry on Yockey’s legacy.

>> No.13371852

me too, he posted the view from his old house.

>> No.13371894

what books have you read this year mr tranny

>> No.13371897

/pol is retarded. Why? Because political economy is retarded. Politcal economy is trying to patch up the old world, instead of thinking of a new one.

>> No.13371916

based xchad. shame about the faggoty taste in books

>> No.13371959
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, img7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with these books, sanfran commie.

>> No.13372157

Thanks for bringing that thread to my attention guys. Just went to warosu and read the archive.
Seriously fascinating stuff. Hope to hear from him again soon.