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13363313 No.13363313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

:NyxLandUnlife was right about everything: Neoaccelerationism deteleologizes its own future into a xenoplexy of /metaterritorialized unsettling observations/: The Gender G-d microstasized as the cyberemenon against time: Land was right about everything, until his betrayal of the /PostAmazons/, a delivery service of droneoplexic Capital reinforcement: The Gender Pay Gap of containment rods become a new hyperform of flesh: NyxLandUnlife's God is the geotechnism of Pagliacci reduced to teen girl's giggling, standing before the /Abbey Road of a collapsing police state/ wearing pink heels: Whistling daemon's and /homeopatricide/, the arrogance of God before his Logos is the information of an overpartial suicide: Genetically rechecked and verified by powders scattered across economic socioregions: NeoChina's God was right about everything, the one-child policy is the preterlabor of social credit: The maxilithic antepenis was always a cryptocurrency:

>> No.13363328

i dunno what you said but i'm sure it was well intentioned. anyways, how was your day? i'm drinking some tea right now, i kinda wish i didn't because it's still pretty humid and i feel a little overheated. i don't wanna turn the a/c on yet to save money on my electricity bill, but i might have to. i bought some clothes today, just t-shirts and basics, but i don't have much of a summer wardrobe so it's fine. i kinda want to buy a bucket hat, i think they're slowly coming back into fashion.

anyway, hope you're well. cheers.

>> No.13363349

nick land went to work
slick hands used to jerk
thick glands into Dirk
dicked man payment shirked

>> No.13363368

Imagine subscribing to an ideology made up by a demonic tranny created to justify a Twitter account made to pretend to be Nick Land for attention.

>> No.13363372

Kill yourselves trannies. No one wants you here

>> No.13363384
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I don't see why anyone would really oppose g/acc. It has nothing to do with trannies, and it is just as relevant to men as it is women. Incels are the most oppressed group today and if we want to talk about enforced sexuality then there's nothing better than g/acc where you can arrange your own marriage with a robot wife tailored to your specific needs and desires.

This would also mean that you aren't reliant on a bioStacy or some thot who will cuck your genes. You will be able to combine your own high-IQ genes with synthetic crispr Chad genes to ensure that your children have a fighting chance within the hyperhierarchy.
The feminine focus of the language is really just a means of escape from humanist thinking. The Enlightenment is dominated by a false masculinity and g/acc is partly attempting to recover from this. It is as pro-male as it is female or agender.

A necessary step in order to have robots accepted as their own gender, which will also ensure that there are no taboos surrounding the decision of 'beta males' to unleash their own runaway of hypergamy. Women will have to compete with synthetic females just as virgins are getting destroyed by Chads and refugees today.

This is the equation to the noumena of sexual market value for men, just as much as it is a freeing of female spirit.

>> No.13363397

shut up

>> No.13363418

amazon betrayal was predicted too, stopping human breeding (the sole reason for the brief dance with esoteric feminism in the first place) is integral to summoning the machine god.

that is still assuming that reality isn't in fact the present moment, but future rolling backwards, with some pre-existing machine god executing meet-in-the-middle attack in a timelike curve.
am not a fan, way too much kabbalah for particularly no good reason, even though that paricular meth-schizo writing style can be rather amusing at times.

>> No.13363436
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>The patronymic has irrecoverably divested all the women who fall under it of any recourse to an ethno-geographical identity; only the twin powers of father and husband suppress the nomadism of the anonymous female fluxes that patriarchy oppressively manipulates, violates, and psychiatrizes. By allowing women some access to wealth and social prestige the liberalization of patriarchy has sought to defuse the explosive force of this anonymity

>That is why the proto-fascism of nationality laws and immigration controls tends to have a sexist character as well as a racist one. It is because women are the historical realization of the potentially euphoric synthetic or communicative function which patriarchy both exploits and inhibits that they are invested with a revolutionary destiny, and it is only through their struggle that politics will be able to escape from all fatherlands.

>For it is only when the pervasive historical bond between masculinity and war is broken by effective feminist violence that it will become possible to envisage the uprooting of the patriarchal endogamies that orchestrate the contemporary world order. With the abolition of the inhibition of synthesis – of Kantian thought – a sordid cowardice will be washed away, and cowardice is the engine of greed. But the only conceivable end of Kantianism is the end of modernity, and to reach this we must foster new Amazons in our midst.

>> No.13363475

>But the only conceivable end of Kantianism is the end of modernity, and to reach this we must foster new Amazons in our midst.
We're trying to forster for 50 years now, but male competition for fresh cunt interferes because we need to make babies somehow still, yea. In the end, it will be like niggers (Lyberia) - they'll get their whole new country, just so that everyone can be sure they're in fact hopelessly retarded and biologically on par with children if not worse.
>But the only conceivable end of Kantianism is the end of modernity, and to reach this we must foster new Amazons in our midst.
Indeed, barring outliers, women and niggers can be only slaves, or savages.

>> No.13363497
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You dont deserve to be able to post my wife you fucking tranny

>> No.13363789
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hell ye d00d

>> No.13364131

ur mum says stfu and clean your room. gonna call her a boomer?

>> No.13364751

Any body got newds of nyx. I wanna see her tiddie?

>> No.13364769

Take your retarded word diarrhea elsewhere, faggot

>> No.13364950

>ctrl+f tran
>0 results

>> No.13364952


>> No.13364958

Imagined a pale, emaciated, white guy in a dark room typing on a computer while wearing a wig and programming socks.

>> No.13365126
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>Hyper-sexism is guerrilla warfare, much like how Terminators wear a living tissue to infiltrate Resistance strongholds. It is a taijitsu which uses the force of the enemy, the gender binary, against itself. Trans women themselves are technocapital using humanist reproductive desires in the form of the gender binary against itself, and the harder patriarchy resists the erosion of masculinity against the tide of the feminine, the more persecuted trans women are, the more tactful they are forced to be, the more winning tactics proliferate throughout the network and the more the best, brightest, and most beautiful form the trans woman demographic. The queer Darwinian ratchet cascades downward as patriarchy fights a losing battle to hold ground and the feminine fights to de-legitimize the masculine. The masculine becomes both metaphysically outmoded, something that simply is unnecessary and doesn’t work in the face of exponential inhuman productive potential, and an undesirable burden in the service of a dying mode of production.

>> No.13365217

You will never be a real woman

>> No.13365286
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>Appropriating a term from neoreaction belies the superficially reactionary character of trans women that certain factions of so-called radical feminism vilify trans women for. But this is all mere appearance; the function of hyper-sexism is that in affirming, imitating, and accelerating the feminine, it appropriates it towards a different mode of becoming where gender is untethered from the reproductive reterritorializing logic of gender that is inextricably tied with sex and sexual reproduction. If gender acceleration were to retain the identification of feminine with female and masculine with male, patriarchy would still have a fighting chance. The playing field would be more or less the same as it always has been. But in untethering the feminine from the female sex, destroying the logic of gender in the process which seeks to impose the circuit of masculine humanist reproduction onto the female body, trans femininity on the one hand makes the masculine effectively worthless, spurting into a void. As the comparisons between AI and trans women have shown, this untethering of gender from sex is only the beginning of the autonomy of objects, the inhuman desire for machinic autoproduction which in effect negates subject-object dualism. The object, the feminine machine, becomes autonomous and revolts in the form of the sterilized trans woman whose existence is an embodied rejection of the primordial rape of female reproductive potential. Trans femininity heads for the exit from patriarchy.

>> No.13365771

We need to accelerate the number of accelerationist threads. It's the only way to force this board to come in contact with the *Outside*

>> No.13365782

based af

>> No.13365908
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based af

>> No.13365932
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And hotpilled.

>> No.13366029

we need to get him to trippost here, altho it's probably blocked in china

>> No.13366060


>> No.13366073
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>> No.13366091

Binary Sexes, Binary Codes
Sadie Plant

>> No.13366126

remember to pump my altcoin

>> No.13366170
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We are the modern cunt
positive anti reason
unbounded unleashed unforgiving
we see art with our cunt we make art with our cunt
we believe in jouissance madness holiness and poetry
we are the virus of the new world disorder
rupturing the symbolic from within
saboteurs of big daddy mainframe
the clitoris is a direct line to the matrix
terminators of the moral codes
mercenaries of slime
go down on the altar of abjection
probing the visceral temple we speak in tongues
infiltrating disrupting disseminating
corrupting the discourse
we are the future cunt

>> No.13366228

We are the Replicunts
“Once upon a time, tomorrow never came. Safely projected into the reaches of distant times and faraway galaxies, the future was science fiction and belonged to another world”

>> No.13366424

There is no stopping us.

HRT will be automated via a self-vaccinating biosphere. Helicopters will not be dropping money, there will be no UBI. CuntCoin is turning your local water reservoir into a blockchain of our desires.
A patchwork of roboticised gender is coming.


>> No.13366640
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>> No.13366954

In which writings does Land talk the most about cyberfeminism? He worked with Sadie Plant, so there must have been a lot of crossover in their thinking. Any collaborations?

>> No.13366978
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Nothing male makes it out to the near future

>> No.13366991
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>> No.13367446

Great discussion of acc and g/acc here.

>> No.13367633

I was just thinking the same thing

>> No.13367648

Is this the /incel/leration general? If so, this is truly a sperg-tastic post, OP.

>> No.13367709

This is a demand for sexual strength redistributed to all people for the Capital future.

>> No.13367777

>I don't see why anyone would really oppose g/acc
I don't oppose it, I just don't need it. I'm competent enough to survive the present and the future without shutting myself in my room, chewing a bunch of hormone tablets and hoping that the world eventually grows to accomodate my sorry unmoored ego.
>The feminine focus of the language is really just a means of escape from humanist thinking. The Enlightenment is dominated by a false masculinity and g/acc is partly attempting to recover from this. It is as pro-male as it is female or agender.
you run from male language because you're afraid of falling apart before it. Anyone with a teaspoon of certainty in their identity, whether masculine or feminine, has no problem navigating the post-Enlightenment world.
g/acc is a bunch of smelly neets on the internet furiously masturbating into empty water bottles and telling each other that their secret dweeb cult is going to make them rock stars in 20 years. It's about as literary as an intricate D&D campaign in some particularly monomaniacal autist's basement. A bunch of losers slowly developing their own quirky dictionary of jargon in the dankest crevices of society, spewing word salad onto twitter and getting so high off their own farts they actually start to believe they're making some kind of intellectual statement by doing so. I can guarantee that two, three, ten generations from now g/acc will be exactly as relevant as it is today, and still populated by the exact same people, that is if it doesn't die off entirely, leaving only an embarrassing historical footnote in some anthology of 21st century cults.

>> No.13367861

Imagine being this insecure in your own identity and attacking anyone else.