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13351405 No.13351405 [Reply] [Original]

What do I read to find out where I stand politically? I'm 25 and still don't really know

>> No.13351412

read a book

any book

>> No.13351418

get involved with a political organization. in ~3 years ive gone from right wing evangelical to resistance lib to chapo to ml to leftacc to succdem boomer and now i just dont want to go to war with iran and would like a nice job

>> No.13351428

So like Stephen King or?

>> No.13351659

I can relate to that.
OP, what are your general beliefs?

>> No.13351666

Politics is unnecessary for the educated mind. It just pours dubios ideas in your head that you could change anything. If you want to vote, vote for the one which enables better internet connections in rural areas. Case closed

>> No.13351787

Start with Larken Rose Quotes (Author of The Most Dangerous Superstition)

>> No.13351793

Keep it that way, NOTHING in politics makes it worth it.

>> No.13352126

>Defending the Undefendable.
>The Righteous Mind; and the book "Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences"; there's also a third book like both of these but I've forgotten its name.
>Pinker's book on Human Nature
>Blueprint: How DNA Makes Us Who We Are
>Fukuyama's "Trust".
>The Vision of the Anointed' and 'A Conflict of Visions'.
>The Great Leveler.
>Collapse of Complex Societies
>Democratic Faith
>Fire in the Hearts of Men
>The Enigma of Reason
>A Farewell to Alms

>> No.13352136

Based Satan

>> No.13352141

the consequences of not involving yourself in politics is to be ruled over by idiots or whatever

these aren't apolitical times anymore, groups are at odds, big change is on the horizon. find out which group wants to protect individuals like you if you want to stay safe.

>> No.13352160

So u grew up?