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13349731 No.13349731 [Reply] [Original]

Why are modern Western Intellects charmed by Dharmic religions, or is it just a hippie thing?

>> No.13349734

The same reason that Japs love the west. People love cultures that they weren't raised in.

>> No.13349747

Is it something that comes naturally, or does culture play a role in it, anon?

>> No.13349800

Such as?

>> No.13349813
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Liberalism and denial of your own culture so it can be filled by another

>> No.13349880

You have a point, but Traditionalism et al will steer you away from the commoditization and colonialist, and cultural appropriation aspects of it.

>> No.13349931

the philosophies contained in them serve to give people purpose and meaning in their lives, as well as practical steps and practices to make their lives better or to progress towards 'enlightenment.'
Westerners have become disillusioned with Christianity/traditionally Western religions which haven't been able to satisfy their spiritual needs (largely because of the Church), but they're realizing that living as a materialist nihilistic atheist sucks

>> No.13349952

this tbqh
also, despite the ascetism, they seem less unforgiving and merciless like christianity is

>> No.13349966
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Dharmic religions btfo Abrahamic ones on the grounds of spirituality

>> No.13349987

Because it's sexier than being a Platonist, since it's a living tradition, and it had the same basic Indo-European metaphysical framework as Platonism - reincarnation, The One, suspicion of the senses, etc. Young whites see in Dharma the same basic pattern of exalted thought that fascinated and sustained their druidic or asatruar ancestors.

>> No.13349998

Isn't reincarnation a complete meme though? How could anyone believe in that?

>> No.13350013

I think it's mostly the "religious nones" who grew up culturally Christian but never learned anything about because their family never took it serious, that or they're from a retarded protestant tradition. The eastern stuff is something new and unfamiliar. Catholicism is the only legitimate form of Christianity but it's it's a mess and is turning people away. The eastern traditions don't have the same stigma attached to them.

I don't see it as nothing more than a fad because the people will eventually lose interest.

>> No.13350016


more like a hipster thing

>> No.13350033

you are saturated by your own culture and anything different seems refreshing
well, that's what happens to retards, anyways. western entry level gargabe saturates you and you hop on to entry level gargabe by eastern faggots

>> No.13350046


This fad has been going on for more than hundred years, anon.

>> No.13350064

I don't see why you would say that. This stuff might have become popular in the 60's or something but there hasn't been and sustained growth in the movement.

>> No.13350118


Look up the work done by Vivekananda. The guy influenced the Western world big time.

>> No.13350143

Go suck a dick. Don't waste my time with this shit.

>> No.13350627

because it's a framework that rewards their intellectual inclination more
intellectuals are charmed by intellectual things

>> No.13351105

I just don't like monotheism, monism, or nondualism.

>> No.13351130

Yes, hippies are responsible for a religion 25 centuries old. Why don't they understand that the nature of ultimate reality is contingent on which civilization you were born into?

>> No.13351131

Throughout history it has been one of the most common beliefs worldwide in throughout cultures, the Indians, most of east Asia, the Celts, the Platonists, even some early Christians. There has also been various studies documented evidence of children remembering details about someone who died before they were born that only that dead person would know.