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File: 98 KB, 1200x627, 39891-HolyBible-Bible-read-ThinkstockPhotos-585291064.1200w.tn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13337238 No.13337238 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13337256

more than 3000 pages

>> No.13337257

If you had read any of it you’d know why.

>> No.13337268
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>> No.13337272

Holy shit ure dumb, what have u read? What's ur favorite part, prove ure not biased

>> No.13337279 [DELETED] 

I want to finger you until juice comes out of your pussy and slurp your pussy juices with a straw.

>> No.13337281

I'm working my way through it now (cover-to-cover, just finished Psalms).

Although it's interesting and gives a lot of insight into a very different value system and mythology than my own, it's not a pleasant read. The structure is really repetitive and the tonal jumps (for instance in Joshua where census data and genocide are given roughly equal priority of description) make is feel off in some way.

>> No.13337297

U have a dried up pussy and ure probably horridly ugly and ure certainly retarded

>> No.13337308

Are u reading any secondary sources u like?

>> No.13337435

Because I'm not a 'Deus Vult' LARPer, since every 'Traditional' Christian is to some degree this.

>> No.13337441


>> No.13337456

The OT is boring as fuck.
50% "and Yabob begot Yehob"
50% "and thus the Lord genocided another few million goyim for the Jew"

>> No.13337458

People don't have the patience to read.

>> No.13337481

It's pretty good if u understand what is being said, it's pretty hype. The bigger stories carry a lot of weight and truth about the world, for instance first sin has a lot of philosophical implications (material knowledge of perversion of all sorts) read Augustine's city of God

>> No.13337487

Typical Christian arrogance. As expected.

>> No.13337574

If that's arrogance I imagine ure either biased or don't get out much

>> No.13337800

No except for web Protestants arguing about translations

>> No.13337826

Guilt and prejudice.

>> No.13337836

because most people are plebs. the king james bible is sublime.

>> No.13337913

i would enjoy it more if it was more radical, but its really grounded mythology and kinda boring

>> No.13337930

>t. hasn't read the bible in full
you are nothing but a parrot

>> No.13337988

not the guy you replied to, but being honest, I'd say it is equal in term of boring shit and amazing shit.
Genesis, Exodus, Job, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Gospels, Acts, Revelation, to name a few, are excellent. Some others like Deuteronomy and Numbers are a pain in the ass, though I'd say even then they are worth reading at least once.

>> No.13337999
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>Genesis, Exodus, Job, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Gospels, Acts, Revelation
>not including the prophet Jeremiah, best book in the bible

>> No.13338019

non-christians think it's long and boring and I learned on reddit there's a lot of weird shit in there, and christians think I don't have to read it because i learn about it in church anyway

>> No.13338032
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I-I sa-said to n-name a f-few a-anon :(
nice digits by the way fren

>> No.13338301

>t. everything I know about the bible I learned on reddit

>> No.13338308


>> No.13338330

>cover to cover
Chaotic evil

>> No.13338332

Textbook projection. Actually read a book for once in your life.

>> No.13338370
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Imagine only reading THE holy scripture only once

>> No.13338382

I've read it twice and last year I lost my faith. It's a slave cult for goyim

>> No.13338383

About what?

>> No.13338401

Using the word “sublime” while saying “The King Jame’s Bible” is proof you’re riding Harold Bloom’s dick

>> No.13338410

I tried to read a pocket version once (in my mother tongue, Dutch) and got incredibly annoyed with the constant, repetitive glorification of God on every fucking page. Did I read a shitty version or something? I want to learn about the stories, but if it's really just about "praise God" on every single page I want nothing of it.

>> No.13338427

Because it's fiction and really shit fiction to boot.

>> No.13338483
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A lot of other works of fiction I like draw a lot of inspiration from the Bible. I have a basic understanding of the whole canon, but is it worth reading the whole thing to get a deeper understanding on things like movies/video games/anime/other books that draw inspiration from it?
t. absolute brainlet

>> No.13338519

Not all of us find it interresting

>> No.13338529


>> No.13338532

honest question: what reason do we have to read the bible other than it's the fiction everyone else has read? you have no qualms shitting on YA but why do you make an exception for the bible?

>> No.13338539
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>> No.13338552
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Too long and has a lot of extraneous autism like geneaologies and temple dimensions. It would be nice if someone came out with a stripped down version just featuring the good prose

>> No.13338567

You really don't get it, do you?

>> No.13339694

I've read the gospels 3 times, acts and beyond twice and the entirety once.

>> No.13339710

In the Western cannon reading the Bible is like reading the Greeks.
Being familiar with the archetypes, stories, and patterns across the text is valuable.

Also read Erich Auerbach's essay on the story of Abraham and Isaac.

>> No.13339751

it is extremely complex

agreed. im in Chronicles 2 but Joshua was the absolute worst. It's so dry right now.

>> No.13339808

Tfw half the bible is Jewish literature

t. Non christian religious studies major

>> No.13339858

Also reading it cover to cover. On Matthew now. It's not too bad. fuck people who say you need secondary sources or shouldn't read cover to cover. If God wills your understanding then you will understand.

>> No.13340041

Ask me how I know you're illiterate Indian trash that defecates in the side-walk.

>> No.13340049

I want to point out the veracity of this statement

>Think on this, and marvel, for my temple is the only place that goes without sacrifice

Paraphrasing but yeah

>> No.13340054

The Bible is both to some extent structured and yet non-structured, it actually being not one book but several, written by different people in different languages, and literally a library (it's what 'bible' even means). The NT, especially John and Revelations does a decent job of tying it all together though.

>> No.13340079

For promoting the bible?

>> No.13340341

>waiting for the movie to come out.

>> No.13340509

Too little effort

>> No.13341372


Not all of it is fiction, books like Kings 1 and 2 are the history of Israel put down into writing. I think also the books of Samuel are suppose to be history as well. Some of the books are actually just letters to fellow followers which you can find in the New Testament, I can't remember what books they were because it's been a long while since I've read anything from the Bible, I spend most of my days just playing video games or watching porn. Oh yeah, even Exodus, although some of it may have fantastical elements, there is some truth to it, about the Hebrew people leaving Egypt.

>> No.13341375

they have no god in them

>> No.13341394

Handpicking quotes with no context is easier.

>> No.13341397

It's also a philosophical text and even if you dont believe the religious parts there is still a lot to enjoy

>> No.13341438

they're brainlets.

the vast majority of people are of average intelligence. just under half the population is of below-average intelligence.

>> No.13342421

>falling for the Jewish history textbook meme
the real question is why do so many people actually read that

>> No.13342599

>OMG muh skylord