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/lit/ - Literature

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13331465 No.13331465 [Reply] [Original]

God damn this is the last time I'm following a /lit/ flowchart

It's like reading fucking Spark Notes written by some retarded Greek

>> No.13331863

If you want to read Greco-Roman mythology, read Hesiod’s Theogony (short) and then Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Idk what the fuck you’re reading pal.

>> No.13331923
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>not reading Mythology by Edith Hamilton
Kek, you picked the wrong starting with the Greeks chart. You know this is the chart we unanimously agree is the best

>> No.13331935

just read mythology and trojan war: a new history by barry strauss before going straight into the iliad. you can always buy or download an edition that has a lot of annotations and translator notes to help you with reading

>> No.13331954

It's a reference, good to have for serious study but, as you suggest, Ovid and Hesiod are the most important.

>> No.13331957

No we don't.

>> No.13331983

>not reading Hamilton's Mythology
Never gonna make it.

>> No.13332019
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I actually already read her book, but I wanted to be thorough and read the other recommendation

>> No.13332026
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>I wanted to be thorough
Okay based and autismpilled, I want to do the same but with every chart /lit/ has ever produced. I will be megabrained.

>> No.13332115

B-but if you don’t start with Mythology you understand anything!!
You guys realise many fractions of The Republic are studied on fucking secondary school (don’t know in burger public schools but yes in European private ones) and still grasp most of it and analyse it, not to the depth an academic would be still an enjoyable read and nothing unapproachable about it. Unless you’re reading some niche of philosophy where you absolutely need some background of the topic or the sociocultural landscape were it takes place then go ahead and read it directly along some brief notes and you’ll be fine.