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13320567 No.13320567 [Reply] [Original]

or is there really no in depth book on right wing economic thought? inb4 "basic economics". i mean above a highschool economics book please.

>> No.13320678

There are tomes on Austrian economics, but Austrian economics is as dumb as MMT.

>> No.13320691
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No because there is no such thing as a right wing intellectual. All the intellectuals and the talent is on the left. The right is full of illiterate retards who make up fantasies.

>> No.13320698

Actually basic economics because right wingers have no theory otherwise, everything's based on idealist crap. Far right groups read left wingers (like Gramsci or Deleuze) and change it to fit into their own ideology.

Liberals might say Adam Smith because they heard about him but they don't realise he was actually very critical of capitalism.

>> No.13320706


check out this video and this channel , he reads allot of fascist economics and philosophy books , he also have a video of his bookshelf if you want book recommendation

>> No.13320718

also every fascist country uses a different economy based on what fits the people

>> No.13320730

I find it interesting you link an obscure video of someone talking about books instead of, you know, JUST SAYING THE BOOKS. Fuck sake man.

>> No.13320743

Most of these dudes are right leaning but avoided the label to be accepted in the left majority academia

>> No.13320749

For the last time, Marx wasn't left wing.

>> No.13320753

Ts elliot, nick land, spengler, evola, hegel, aquinas, heidegger etc...

>> No.13320762

One hell of a claim there friend.

>> No.13320764

You should know that it’s poor form to inb4 as op.

>> No.13320782

i tried to help , i cant help him so i give him a channel with a massive book shelf about fascist economy and philosophy he can pick and choose , AT LEAST IM NOT FLEXING ABOUT MY TAKES and actually helping him

>> No.13320819

fraud. second rate. means absolutely nothing to me.
retard that should not be taken seriously. also a literal who.
christcucks have nothing important to say. also it is dishonest to say any pre-modern thinkers would be in support of your narrative.
the petit-bourgeois of German philosophy

>> No.13320824

François Quesnay's Tableau économique

>> No.13320831

The problem is the left is progressivism so 'the right' is constantly redifined by 'whatever the left doesn't like anymore'

>> No.13320832

imagine being this anachronistic

>nick land
pseud nobodies

>> No.13320853

It's been pretty well defined for a while actually. You're just too caught up in current politics. You probably spend time complaining about sjw's.

But most of the time, ppro-capitalism = right wing. Anti-capitalist = left wing. Also liberalism is right wing. It and neo-liberalism have been the major players of the past century in the west.

>> No.13320867

what, do you think that guys READS?

>> No.13320901

the far-right has pretty much always been hostile or ambivalent to capitalism

>> No.13320914
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>most of the time, ppro-capitalism = right wing. Anti-capitalist = left wing

>> No.13320936
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There's plenty, Nudge just won a Nobel Prize and espouses libertarian thought. Perhaps Franklin's work or Wealth of Nations if you're into somewhat conservative takes on aggregate wealth.

I will say that taking a slanted opinion and treating it like truth is intellectually dishonest. I am right wing and trust the science over texts any day of the week. There's a clear difference between theorizing something and proving it. Just because it's in a book doesn't mean it's true or the ideas are ironclad. Communism proved to be a huge failure and that's one of the most cited and influential books out there, what does that say about the practice of ideology?

>> No.13321346

>Just because it's in a book doesn't mean it's true or the ideas are ironclad. Communism proved to be a huge failure and that's one of the most cited and influential books out there
this lets me know you're a pseud who's never read Capital

>> No.13321366

No, they all use the same economy (capitalist one) because they have no choice.

>> No.13321374

The actual equivalent of Marx's Capital on the right would be Mises Human Action. Both shouldn't be read.

One's empirical the other's based on their own made up methodology, lmao

>> No.13321375

You don't need to read Capital to realize Communism will never work

>> No.13321535
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>> No.13321611

Evola is good. Land is the pseud.

>> No.13321617

That is literally not true.

>> No.13321622
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>shitting on mmt for no reason

>> No.13321705

You need to read Capital to understand what communism is.

>> No.13321717
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say no more fagz, Wealth of the Nation

end of discussion, end of thread, go read it you cucks and you will LOVE capitalism, if not then go have a shit in venezuela and wipe your ass with your Karl Marx shit books

>> No.13321915

Go suck AOC's toes.

>> No.13322162

you missed the point which only further proves my point you fucking pseud

>> No.13322340

>not knowing that Marx was influenced by whealth of nations.
This is almost reddit tier level of cluelesnes. Don´t get me wrong:Whealth of Nations is one of the best economics related books and should be mandatory reading imo. But that isnt an excuse for ignorance.

>> No.13322341

>economists circle jerking over equations that don't apply to reality
>told that its not science
>f-fine i'll just m-make my own prize! i didn't want your medal anyway!
>The award's official name is The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel

absolutely buttblasted

>> No.13322523

>You will love capitalism if you read this work that condemns rent seeking, absentee ownership and the "Free market". "The Free hand of the market" is never once seen as a thing solely creates good
>Yo man you're just gonna love yourself some right wing politics when you read the works of this guy who thinks progressive tax rates are morally just and logical, and that unions/guilds are actually good.

>> No.13322578

>Given Popper’s falsificationism, there seems little hope of understanding how extreme simplifications can be legitimate or how current economic practice could be scientifically reputable. Economic theories and models are almost all unfalsifiable, and if they were, the widespread acceptance of Friedman’s methodological views would insure that they are not subjected to serious test. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/economics/
Even according to the neolib shill Pooper economics isn't a science.

>> No.13322584

>liking capitalism
>right wing


>> No.13322599

>The right is full of illiterate retards who make up fantasies.
>What is Giovanni Gentile

>> No.13322603
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>> No.13322610
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how 'bout The Wealth of Nations

>> No.13322642

Liberal freemarketards are not right wing

>> No.13322662


A college economics text book? If you're looking for a broad defense of free market economics I would try Milton Friedman or Friedrich Hayek.

>> No.13322687

You mean that work by that scottish dude who was into progressive taxation, condemned the free market, and thought rent was immoral?

>> No.13322708
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>> No.13322711

Brain cancer. Also, quite good for being a conservative dipshit.
He is beyond left-right. His tempo is about libertarian and autoritarian. Couldn't say he is right wing, since his aim is total deterritorialization, and that is something right wing don't want.
Could say he is a right wing phil. May say, he is, prolly, the best intellectual the modern right wing could have.

>> No.13322718

you are legitimately retarded

>> No.13322724

>also making class struggle capitalist shit
Fascism is the most brainlet philosophy ever.

>> No.13322729

I thought left was more leaning to equality and right was less

>> No.13322762

Because you haven't read Capital the opinion you just expressed is invalid and worthless.

Should probably read and engage with it. Then you can knock yourself out talking shit.

>> No.13322842

>There can't be any ideologies that don't relate to either capitalism or socialism

>> No.13322913

>condemned the free market
Where did you get that from? He was against protectionism. It was that which made him revolutionary, because he lived in a time where tariffs were a huge part of government revenue for major powers. He basically made the case for comparative advantage in international trade in the 18th century.

>> No.13322931

>Every state that was communist wasn't actually communist, pseud!
Great fucking replies retard. You never explained how my opinion is invalid

>> No.13322935

Neither should be mandatory reading. They might be historically significant but science doesn't progress by sticking to old tomes.

Biologists don't read the Origin of Species and physicists don't read Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, they read textbooks which are constantly being cycled out.

>> No.13322946

What a moronic statement.

>> No.13322961

I'm not saying that. I'm saying fascism is a lie to cover capitalist maners, you cumbrain.

>> No.13322970

>cover capitalist maners
Tell me, have you heard of corporatism? Or are you really just a brainwashed commie?

>> No.13322979

Not even a commie. Communism is not anti-capitalist either.

>> No.13322990

the origin of species
every time communists post in these threads they reveal their myopia to the world. economics as ideology is for soulless midwit bugmen.

>> No.13322994

Pic unrelated?

>> No.13323000

>Communism is not anti-capitalist either
Good luck telling that to anybody, communist or capitalist. Communism that is not anti-capitalist is the butchered modern-day Chinese version of communism. It isn't legitimate communism, and is shunned by anyone who claims to be a commie.
I loved how you dodged the corporatism question btw.

>> No.13323002

fascism isn't really anything and barely ever existed to begin with, yet it still exists in some bizzaro hyperreality only inhabited by e-anarkids and communists

>> No.13323009

Meant for: >>13322979

>> No.13323028

You are quite the analytic.

>> No.13323163

He uses the term "Free market" to denote an uncontrolled market free from human concerns, and claims that this is detrimental to the well being of humans.

He was into trade, which in a time where everyone was a mercantilist made him unusual, but by modern standards he would not exactly be considered laisez faire.

>> No.13323187

thats because you are american and you get your politics from media

>> No.13323222

define "right"


>> No.13323347

anything the left deems not us

>> No.13323362

>Pseud Parade

>> No.13323373

There is no counterpart because there is no point in having a counterpart of something shitty.

>> No.13323422

An illiterate retard who made up fantasies.

>> No.13323493

Yes, it's called "all of economics". The text you're looking for which directly refutes all Marxist concepts is "The Problem of Value" by Friedrich Hayek, which was the final word on the matter, nearly a century ago. But don't stop there. I'd strongly encourage even a simpleton like you to read Friedman's "Capitalism and Freedom" (where, as an aside, the concept of UBI was first suggested). And this is to say nothing of just, say, "having eyes and contrasting Cuba and the Soviet Union and Venezuela with places actually fucking worth living in."

Honestly, I fucking dare any of you to apply even to a master's program believing in this trash. I deduct a full letter grade from my undergraduate students for even wearing Che Guevara bullshit to my class.

And where are the fucking mods? This has nothing to do with literature. Why is there always a Marxist thread frothing with imbeciles? >>>/biz/ was created to contain all the fucking goldbugs and Paulistinians from /pol/ and the same fate should await these monkeys.

>> No.13323516

Not really, but Human Action by Von Mises--combined with Atlas Shrugged for the dramatic component lacking in Mises--comes closest.

>> No.13323518

I'm rightwing and more anticapitalist than any leftist that has ever lived. I can say the same about a good portion of living and dead rightists too. Leftist anticapitalism today is, at best, a fashion trend. If you try to make it more than that you will be ejected. Furthermore, the present meme of capitalism did not exist when the left-right distinction was born.

>> No.13323530

'all of economics' is a joke. Kill yourself antihuman cuckold.

>> No.13323544

fascism was always an image based movement. Gommunism was text based and literary.
The Austrian school was right wing and more accurate than marx.

Weber trumps them all but is not in fashion

>> No.13323572
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why were none of the greatest men in history left wing?

>> No.13323586

>economists circle jerking over equations that dont apply to reality
Meanwhile, economists have been applying resoundingly successful techniques based on axioms determined damn near mathematically to effectively enslave the entire human population into debt-servitude so efficiently that the planet is on the brink of death, while everyone else can only hopelessly sit around and pontificate about how some dude who died more than century ago was actually right the whole time. The only surprising part is how you can manage to still talk through the grave-soil that economists are shoveling over your head every moment of every second of ever day.
But hey, it's all just bullshit that doesn't apply to reality because you ideologically oppose the ethical results, right?

>> No.13323608

>I deduct a full letter grade from my undergraduate students for even wearing Che Guevara bullshit to my class.
Cringe. You can make your point without such sad lies anon

>> No.13323613
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If you're looking for a book that's antithetical to Capital, you're probably not looking for an economics book anon. Capital isn't really about "economics" and more like a theory of value.

I'd suggest something by Nietzsche, like Will to Power. Stirner is a meme answer, but I've never read him so I don't feel I can suggest him.

I should add the caveat that the fact that Marx is still taken seriously is to me the complete most proof of "teh jooz" as /pol/ styles them. Everything he says is horse shit, and you're either utterly brainwashed or cripplingly retarded if you believe ANY of it. Don't at me.

>> No.13323625

Stalin? Lenin? Robespierre? Orwell? Wat Tyler? Thomas Sankara? Che Guevara? Sergei Eisenstein? H G Wells? Jesus? Tolstoy? Hemingway? Victor Hugo? Dimitrov? Sartre? Camus? Ho Chi Minh?

>> No.13323628

none of those people were even 1/10th as great a person as someone like julius caesar

>> No.13323630

>Don't at me
This isn't Twitter you cringeworthy cunt

>> No.13323637
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Not true. But maybe you should try this regardless.

>> No.13323648

>Not true
lol all of those people you mentioned combined don't even reach the level of caesar

>> No.13323653
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>Oh hey anon, you haven’t forgotten that the causal flow goes from procedural knowledge in industry (techne) to formalized academic models (episteme), and not the other way around again? You’ll stop being an IYI one day


>> No.13323662

Right-wingers should be anti-social sciences on principle, I think.

>> No.13323664

Repeat yourself again lol maybe you'll convince me. Regardless, read Parenti's book to see a why Caeser himself had some left wing credentials.

>> No.13323674

Hayek, Friedman etc. are liberals, they can only be right-wing in the bizarro American context where the anarchists are "right-wing" and the theocratic authoritarians are left-wing.

>> No.13323828

ANOther question. Is there any point to reading Kapital? I have planned on reading it soon.

>> No.13323867

actual right wing cope to deal with leftists having a better range of serious theoretical content

>> No.13323929

I can't read but I can outlift all of you, I guess I win.

>> No.13324168

The Bible

>> No.13324197

>experience necessarily precedes inference

Why is this not more obvious to these people?

>> No.13324205

>i mean above a highschool economics book please

>> No.13324214
