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13292433 No.13292433 [Reply] [Original]

Why does something exist at all?

>> No.13292441

for the lulz

>> No.13292446

nothingness is unstable

>> No.13292448

how strange it is to be anything at all...

>> No.13292450


>> No.13292453


>> No.13292459

big computer brain made 1 instead of 0

>> No.13292463

There is no answer, it's pure absurdity.

>> No.13292479


Pure absurdity? What?

>> No.13292538

It’s hard to argue against the idea that existence is purely random and that all forms of existence are absolutely possible (why wouldn’t they be?). We just happen to live in a universe that seems logical.

>> No.13292545

This is the unironic atheist view aahhahahahhaha

>> No.13292600

they're right
nothingness is in opposition with being, and being is the stronger force.

The absurdity lies in the inherent absence of structure during the collision of two forces, and us, as unintended byproduct.

>> No.13292607

Pure chance, something never "Needed" to happen

>> No.13292627

That makes no sense at all. Assuming the world is not eternal, there must have been a state of nothingness in the past. In this state of nothingness being could not have been as you say "a stronger force" because being, strength, and forces do not exist under nothingness.

>> No.13292644

Because God will it to be so

>> No.13292653

Theres a perfect logical answer for that i read it on a lit thread months ago but i forgot to save it and forgot the answer, but i know that it makes sense that theres something rather than nothing, lurk for similar questions in the lit archives you'll find the answer

>> No.13292663

I think the answer is it only sort of exists.

>> No.13292676

One moment ends, and another moment begins. What is between those moments?

>> No.13292678

>Assuming the world is not eternal
do we have any reason to believe this though? physicists are pretty sure the big bag arose out of a preuniversal medium, there are at least a half dozen competing models of what that would look like

>> No.13292692
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It is therefore true that God makes the world by calculating, but his calculations never work out exactly [juste], and this inexactitude or injustice in the result, this irreducible inequality, forms the condition of the world. The world 'happens' while God calculates; if the calculation were exact, there would be no world. The world can be regarded as a 'remainder', and the real in the world understood in terms of fractional or even incommensurable numbers. Every phenomenon refers to an inequality by which it is conditioned. Every diversity and every change refers to a difference which is its sufficient reason. Everything which happens and everything which appears is correlated with orders of differences: differences of level, temperature, pressure, tension, potential, difference of intensity.

>> No.13292711

this. existence is a divine play, “lila” in hindu terms. the gods were just avin a giggle

>> No.13292751

so "god" is just a shitty programmer?

>> No.13292835

I don't know, but I am just a man.

>> No.13292850
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>> No.13292856

God exists or does not. If not, then nothing prevents God from existing. Therefore God exists

>> No.13292873

calm down, god doesn't even exist

>> No.13292883



>> No.13292894
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>> No.13292897

>muh empiricism
>he thinks anything can be proven to exist
t. not the guy you’re responding to

>> No.13292898

Can you prove that claim?

>> No.13293030

>prove my imaginary friend doesn't exist

>> No.13293032


>> No.13293044

I don’t think you understand. Let me explain. You made the claim that “god doesn’t exist.” In other words, you believe that God does not exist. But how do you justify this claim? Where is your proof? Is your wiring so outdated that you think this is the same as simply not believing in God, asking the theist to provide proof for his claim? It is now YOU who has made the claim, so where is your proof?

>> No.13293070

It's a bad question. Prove to me that there's not a Dodge Ram floating around in some part of the universe. Or do you just "not believe in" the floating car?

>> No.13293076

I can’t prove it and I would never make the claim

>> No.13293081

That depends. Is the Dodge Ram God?

>> No.13293090
File: 152 KB, 500x709, hermes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When asked my his disciples why the world was created, Hermes simply pressed his lips together.

>> No.13293102
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>simply pressed his lips together

>> No.13293136

well dodge rams exist so no

>> No.13293160

If the Dodge Ram is not God, then what is it doing in space?

>> No.13293203

so god is in space?

>> No.13293209

I make no claim as to that. But if the Dodge Ram is not God, then how did it get up there?

>> No.13293250

you're going off-topic
this has nothing to do with the original question

>> No.13293259

>Prove to me that there's not a Dodge Ram floating around in some part of the universe. Or do you just "not believe in" the floating car?

>> No.13293267

yes. you claim I can't disprove god, so I ask you to disprove another absurd thought

>> No.13293275

Read The Holy Bible

>> No.13293297

I am attempting to disprove your absurd thought by asking you how the Dodge Ram got into space. How did the Dodge Ram get into space?

>> No.13293306

this has NOTHING to do with what I'm trying to convey

>> No.13293324

I already answered you>>13293076

>> No.13293331

You posit that a Dodge Ram may/may not exist in space. I am asking you how it got up there. You refuse to even engage with the question. What am I to think of this Dodge Ram? The single proponent of it's existence probably wouldn't even dare speculate as to its colour. It's existence is growing unlikelier by the minute.

>> No.13293338

Why even bother asking questions that cannot in any way be answered because we lack both the necessary knowledge and the observation capacity? That is the real question.

>> No.13293378

ITT: sterile debates

>> No.13293387

>t ex nihilo retard.

>> No.13293394

what created god?

>> No.13293458

Me. This guy.

>> No.13293506

t r a n s c e n d e n t a l .

>> No.13293978

Always existed

>> No.13294001

god's mother

>> No.13294725
