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13291081 No.13291081 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that women are totally incapable of philosophical thought or genuine self reflection (including admitting to ones own shortcomings)?

>> No.13291092

They lack will aka connection with the Logos

>> No.13291105

it's a feature of their psychology that allows them to deceive people more effectively since they're deceiving themselves. It's extremely useful for them

>> No.13291119

>Totally incapable
No need to take it to the extreme
>Genuine self reflection
This is hard for anyone.
Best answer

>> No.13291128

Some women are. You would be happier not meeting them. They will make every other girl you meet feel like a dog and you will forever miss them like an orphan

>> No.13291148

Why is it that all of womanhood boils down to deception in the end? I mean what's the determing reason?

>> No.13291157

For the love of God, have sex

>> No.13291171

Genetics and evolutionary psychology

>> No.13291177

Because they're smaller and weaker than men so they can't compete physically. They also have enormous evolutionary incentives to deceive men about the paternity of their children, which is probably why humans have concealed ovulation

>> No.13291183

it is natural for men like you to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible, dutiful.
The best way for a man to cater his need for approval is to serve some woman (and some of her children) through emotional&financial support, which he sees as ''a childish useless submissive woman'' [or whore and he feels betrayed by her]
Men are pleased to contribute to someone else life, to support their family.

Why women are a good way to feel relevant? Because women love to be provided for and each woman will always find a man ready to please her.
[for most men, the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy, or for the most impotent, their tongue in the pussy]

THe problem for men is that they are disposable in the eyes of each woman, since all men wish to serve the few women who talk to them.
Men must thus invent several ways to please women, invention and creativity which strengthen their feeling of being worthy, relevant, in touch with reality.
Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Once that the a woman replaces a man by another provider, the man gets very upset and depressed.
THis leads men to think that they are better than women, stronger, smarter and that they must built a life outside women. Some men manage to indeed built an empire, but they will always loose it for some women.
Women give meaning to men and betas, no matter how successful outside women, will always give up everything for some relationship with some woman who claim to fancy them.

>> No.13291188

I feel like you are all talking out of your asses but I don't socialise with women so I can't say you're wrong. Do you have any psychological data which proves these outlandish assertions?

>> No.13291189

universal mimetic desire

>> No.13291215

Me too. I'm 26 and managed to go through university, building a fit body, and all the stages of socialisation without evr getting a gf.

Sometimes I feel worthless like this cunt says >>13291183
Not giving a fuck only helps to some degree. My mind craves wimins

>> No.13291216

Why would psychologists (mostly women) perform research into a topic that would lead to genuine self reflection? Start thinking, dummy

>> No.13291228

As a man I can admit to this. Now if you were to tell and discuss this with a woman, she would desperately deny all of it and try to make you feel guilty by being offended and hurt to validate her need of superiority stemming from inferiority.

>> No.13291245

What would women change after genuine self reflection?

>> No.13291258

I don't know, probably stop being vacuous whores

>> No.13291259

Because their field of expertise is studying the human mind. It's like asking why a Mcdonald's worker would serve me burgers.
Either way, just from crime statistics alone it seems to me that men are the impulsive, non-thinking, and immoral ones, so it's weird to hear you attribute these epithets to women. You have basically admitted you have no evidence for what you believe so I guess it's just mindless misogyny.

>> No.13291266

Mindless vs anecdotal. In either case, women have one purpose (to be bred) and are not worthy of any more respect or hate than any other average person

>> No.13291306

Total non-sequitur. Like saying men have only one purpose (to be used for semen), therefore they can't think philosophically.

>> No.13291320

This is why the solution is not to be that disposable man. Women will respect you more if you have your own goals and aren’t overly reliant on her.

Also, stop thinking of sex as the end goal for female interaction. Everyone who’s actually had sex will tell you it’s not as good as it’s hyped up to be. Just interact with women like you would anyone else— Some will be friends, some will be bitches, and some will be relationship material. Just stop letting your dick control you. You should be the master of your own sexual urges.

>> No.13291367
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A woman understands nothing until she learns to successfully raise a child. Also they want to please men more than men want to please them.

>> No.13291409

You can hold that position if you'd like, but it's obviously not the case. Not the same for women kek

>> No.13291432

The point is that the conclusion doesn't follow from the premises. Women's biological purpose is child-rearing and men's biological purpose is sperm-production but this says nothing about their ability to philosophise or introspect. So I ask you again to show me the psychological data which proves your assertions.

>> No.13291456

What is my assertion? I never mad one. I hinted at them never engaging in self reflection which isn't something you can prove with data, unless you trust self reported surveys which probably don't exist on the subject anyhow

>> No.13291458


>> No.13291461

Before you point out my spelling

>> No.13291466
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>connection with the Logos

I like it, better than making will epiphenomenal to feeling or understanding

>> No.13291472

Thanks. I'm going to incorporate that idea into my future work. I started to but then scrapped the first draft

>> No.13291490

That women are "totally incapable" of philosophy and introspection.
>I dunno of any studies brah I was just talking about my fee fees
Oh alright

>> No.13291493

Listen man i don't know about all this toxicity on the internet i have been seeing but women are humans just like men are. Female is just a social construct we made so we could abuse those kind and loving creatures and it is time we finally stop that and accept them for what they really are: empathetic, wise, smart, teachers, mothers, optimistic, and most importantly the only creatures who you can talk to about the deepest stuff :D I talked with girls about so many deep stuff like Jung and Freud and even learned that we are all connected deeply down and through them i even learned just how wrong most philosophers are because they are brute patriotic monsters who only want power.

That girl who told me all of that is my crush :DDD she's been my crush for the last 12 years and i've been her evevrytime she broke with her boyfriends and i hope she will one day realize that me and her are meant to be together and that i love her so much i would do anything for her. I gave her so many gift (but she didn't gift me anything :X she is sometimes rude :D) and even let her stay at my apartment which was the happiest moment in my life! We shared the shame place and we were almost like a family although we didn't sleep together she slept on my bedroom while I on the couch and I had to leave every now and then cause she wanted some privacy (in the morning especially since she is so insecure about her looks in the morning but she is perfect in every single moment (which i told her) but she doesn't listen :/) anyways i was really sad when she told me she needed the entire apartment for the entirety of the month since she made amdents with her ex (Who beat her really bad when they broke up and was in prison for that) and needed to show him that she was an independent woman. I had to rent a hotel but it was a bit expensive so i slept on the sstreets the entire month. I don't have a job or am I in any education so it was no problem if i looked like shit, my parents paid my rents and gave me some money for food but everything went to her for a while so i had to beg a little but it was np cause i believe in the future and you know what they say: "the future is of the female gender" so I hope one day she will realize that her bf is an abusive dick and that what she told me about philosophers is true for that monkey as well but I respect her opinion and will love her always and whatever she needs from me she can get it. I even promised her if she ever has children and her guy leaves her, that i would take care of it with all I have.

You just need to be yourself and believei n what is good and life will reward you in time. Don't trust those guys from /fit/ or any of this whitemen philosophy crap there is no point they are just oppressive men who destroyed the lives of countless women. Women don't care about your looks or "power" they only care if you are good as a person. I hope one day she will finally realize that i am a good man for her.

>> No.13291513

Where did I state this? But it's not "muh fee fees." It's more akin to accepting that the earth is round without having seen it myself. There's no use denying it

>> No.13291528
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>> No.13291561

They are and you are missing on a lot of things by keep being a child who thinks that people don't have an inner world just because it's not as filled with angsty thoughts and anime

>> No.13291590

Soph is unironically capable of all of those. Why is she an exception?

>> No.13291598
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>cries about not getting more Instagram likes

>> No.13291647

Most of these descriptions of women describe your average person in general. I hear the same type of retarded shit from men at work who just watch Netflix and like "manly" stuff to appear interesting but have three failed marriages and estranged children because they have no direction in life. They see nothing wrong with this and believe that one day they will become famous but have no goals so they just buy a couple of lottery tickets a month.

>> No.13291662

It's not a problem with women, you see it in trans men too. It's a problem with becoming obsessed with sensual desire, the craving for pleasant things. It is clearly evident that the Buddha was correct, one's mind becomes literally clouded by beauty when one does not contemplate it mindfully.

>> No.13291682
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That /pol/tard that gets all her talking points from her older brother?

>> No.13291817


>> No.13291828
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>> No.13291843

Why are women incapable of having an opinion on dualism?

>> No.13291856

I tried to talk to a female process philosopher once and she wouldn't justify her metaphysics. I asked her several questions because I am curious about process philosophy and she couldn't respond to any of them. She clearly had not read Process and Philosophy. I was disappointed and we didn't go on any more dates.

>> No.13291900

This is a masterpiece, modern Proust.

>> No.13291942
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>being so desperate for recognition you put the title of the book you wrote on your gravestone
Is Mary Wollstonecraft the forerunner of modern self-published authors?

>> No.13291951
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>we were almost like a family although we didn't sleep together

>> No.13291967

Now in audiobook format, featuring a voice that corresponds in quality with the writing.

>> No.13291970

Kek, this