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File: 69 KB, 718x581, Adobe_20190611_181408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13280346 No.13280346 [Reply] [Original]

Kondo's book is life changing

>> No.13280350

maybe for capitalism afflicted hoarders.

>> No.13280381

Hmm idk. What I find interesting (or what I remember) about Kondo is her panpsychism, this is how and why she expresses gratitude. She's fundamentally a pagan due to her japanese cultural background. Pretty cool.

>> No.13280387

so americans then

>> No.13280399

eh? attacking americans to help you pretend your country isn't going to shit too?

>> No.13280566

>get rid of stuff that you don't use.

>> No.13280575

panpsychism is only for fags, no wonder you give a pass to this normie shit

>> No.13280588

>Kondo's book is life changing
This truth is so trivial as the book itself. Every book you read changes your life one way or the other.

>> No.13280590
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>> No.13280597

>Kondo's book is life changing
My kondolences

>> No.13280602


>> No.13280615

wow this changed my life

>> No.13280674

And my dick changed your mums´

>> No.13280778

Bros I wanna split her tight little oriental pussy with my magnum 9 inch cock. Books for this feel?

>> No.13280809

is there anything more to take away from this other than "clean your room"?

>> No.13280821

Wash your penis

>> No.13280828
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>Onii-chan, clean your room! ^_^

>> No.13281076

Only keep 30 books on your bookshelf, which is poetically ironic, because this is one of the books that won't be making the cut on my list

>> No.13281095

of all the things that are making my home a mess, books aren't one of them

>> No.13281116

Kondo advocates for Minimalism, which is based and redpilled and why people make such a big deal out of her. NPCs are so accustomed to consumerism and hoarding that telling them that owning LESS things is convenient legit blows their fucking minds

>> No.13281120


bong bong you're absolutely right mate

no joke it's popular in america because they can't stop being retarded and buying shit they don't need because it's marketed to them and americans are absolute retards

>> No.13281357

my sides

>> No.13281363

the best hoarders series were in europe

>> No.13281378
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i dontu speaku the ranguage of whitu piggu

>> No.13281991

she gives me joy

>> No.13282002

Fold things nice. Don't keep stuff that doesn't "spark joy". Put all your stuff that is of one type together in neat, organized piles or displays.

>> No.13282014
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>> No.13282262

give me chuckle

>> No.13282279
File: 17 KB, 220x309, William Morris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.

>> No.13282324

I wonder how I would react to this post were it not made by this tripfag. I know who she is. In the sense that I've been posting here for a while and knew of butterfly before her unexplained albeit welcome absence. If the current butterfly tripfag is not the same poster as the O.G. namefag, who posted regularly between 2012 and 2015 or so, then they are at any rate an excellent imposter. The same tastes. The same fumbling persona. On principle I don't reply to butterfly. I don't hate her, but I do dislike her. But I am making an exception here, only to point out how a mediocre, basically unfunny screencap is made despicable, a cause for rage, solely by her name being attached to it. A cap from Twitter that is itself a cap from Netflix--there's something poignant in it. Because I can imagine newfags and (You)whores who would post this cynically, just looking for a reaction. And in some respects I think butterfly's motives are similar. But she actually probably also thinks this is funny and worth sharing. It is like when my grandmother shows me image macros, and expects a positive reaction. I think, "is this how dementia starts?" Because she is no fool. She has a certain nobility. But this insipid shit she is showing me is retard fodder.

>> No.13282414

>a cause for rage
How overly dramatically absurd. Did you post the image I linked to?
They’re both amusing memes of Kondo in an amusing Kondo thread. So why in the hell would such a pretentious prig such as yourself find himself clicking pictures ITT? Bugger off before your IBS kicks in

>> No.13282434

I like how it convinces people to sell their stuff, so I can buy it at a low price... stranger.

>> No.13282640

>overly dramatically
Learn how to speak English, fucking tranny.

>> No.13282729

>commie fag
ok loser

>> No.13283042

my diary desu

>> No.13283897

>Overly dramitc absurd
Learn to read, dipstick

>> No.13284287

>How overly dramatic and absurd.
I knew you were fucking retarded, but I didn't think it was this bad. Attempt to learn the language you speak.

>> No.13284295

Ah yes capitalism is the cause of hoarding belongings

>> No.13284398

Can somebody hook me up with Kondo parody porn?

>> No.13284406

>my magnum 9 inch cock
you misspelled cm

>> No.13284412
File: 76 KB, 497x728, kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she will never declutter the petrified spermy from your mummified prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the carbonized spermae from the permafrost of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the dead greenland shark-like spermea from the arctic circle seabed of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the shipwrecked sperma from the sheol of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the bog body-like sperma from the odessa catacombs of your prostate
>tfw she will never declutter the megalith of sperma from the atlantis of your prostate

>> No.13284534
File: 368 KB, 587x556, hmmm so desu ne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the MAGIC of tidying up
Bros, I'm repeating myself but there's so many signs Marie Kondo is in fact practicing pagan witchcraft that she has learnt from her shinto background.

>> No.13284596


>> No.13284759
File: 1.02 MB, 1080x798, 43666346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kondo is a right wing pagan traditionalist here to restore order and the natural hierarchy. among her 30 books are mishima and evola.

>> No.13284845
File: 79 KB, 600x681, merry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just looked up the book on amazon out of curiosity, I thought it was going to just be some cute little nip lady's quaint take on cleaning your house mixed with a bit of exotic east asian flavor, but instead the intro reads like a sleezy used car salesman ghostwriter, complete with "people from my paid courses say" etc., and assuring you over and over again that this WILL WORK. ugh, that's a nah for me dawg.

>> No.13284864

>2 kids

How didn't she die in childbirth

>> No.13284876
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they're absolute units as well

>> No.13284880
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>> No.13284889

>Capitalism afflicted
I think you meant to write consumerism afflicted, I understand you wanted to sound smart but at least use the right word

>> No.13285041

Shinto magic

>> No.13285108

It's called Onmyoudo

>> No.13285117

The Japanese know how to declutter too?

>> No.13285129
File: 167 KB, 865x1072, Zoffani,_Johann_-_Charles_Towneley_in_his_Sculpture_Gallery_-_1782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck minimalism
She is just another paid agent of the digital distribution industry

>> No.13285189

Minimalism isn't based and redpilled, she encourages owning less physical goods while promoting paying for literally nothing in return for your money such as digital distribution, her show is on Netflix.

>> No.13285444

While you're right in the sense that she is making bank on dolling out advice you could get for free, owning shit you don't even like or use will not make you happy

>> No.13285448

It's a good entry point for Shinto ultra-nationalism.

>> No.13285515
File: 231 KB, 416x300, these guys TOTALLY have sex regularly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be born 100% ethnic Yamato
>you will never become convert to Shintoism
>you will never become an unyoke dantai
>you will never deny japanese war crimes in your native Nippon
>your ancestors will never have raped chinamen in Nanking and made use of comfort women
>you will never call a Korean immigrant Zainichi to their face
>you will never demand schools teach using textbooks that cover up Japanese war crimes
>your ancestors will never have tortured chinamen in Unit 731
>your ancestors will never have a nuke dropped on them
Feels bad man

>> No.13286550

>implying that consumerism isn´t symtomatic for a capitalist society in a developed society
>implying that capitalism isn´t required for consumerism
>assuming someone who understands that capitalism has various socioeconomic effects and that some of those can be negative must be a commie or socialist.
That is pleb-tier

This shit only apears "life changing" for middle aged normie women. Or other crazy women. That book is a red-flag. Imagine a person that actually mistakes this for good life advice. If you dont have some kind hoarding issue or have a neurotic attachment for useless shit which is piling up in your house it might be somewhat helpfull. Not a petersonfag but:
clean your room>throw it away if it does not kindle joy

>> No.13286600


>> No.13286652
File: 117 KB, 500x375, lrdqs2E6ba1r1qcm5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow. Imagine the birthing!

>> No.13286697
File: 508 KB, 750x743, C545715C-9651-47CF-8A45-5E21C0AF0AFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know the actual list of the 30 books she owns

>> No.13286910

I love Marie Kondo. I read the manga and watched the tv show, too. I fold all my clothes that way now and it really works. It compressed the contents of a test area by like 30% and keeps my clothes nicer. I'm pretty damned minimalist now. I have like, one plate. I like it a lot. My studio is mostly empty and I'm moving into a microstudio soon to save money on rent. I don't buy anything except for groceries and replenishing self-care items or other things that wear out. It's a nice feel. I'm very content and have no further material desires.
shit, that baby weigh more than she does.

>> No.13286923

not that anon, just want to remind you to kill yourself

>> No.13286955

Yeah, Shinto is a Japanese flavour of Pagan nature-worship (don't forget Pagan literally just means non-Christian though).

>> No.13286957

>this entire picture

>> No.13287276

I want to ejaculate inside Marie!

>> No.13287292

she's a married Japanese woman in her 30s, wtf man?

>> No.13287300

everybody has their fetishes

>> No.13287404

what happens if i read both kondo's and peterson's book?

>> No.13287688

t. Zizek

>> No.13287714

I didn’t use “and” on purpose. Get over it.

>> No.13287722

It's not possible to read both Kondo and Peterson. You either choose the motherly (Left-hand, tantric) or fatherly (Right-hand, dvaita) path. You can't be both light and dark at least not at the same time.

>> No.13287911

I wish Marie Kondo who help bring joy back to my life

>> No.13288169
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fundamentally wrong in response to anon question
remember when you throw something away in her method you say to the object "thank you for your service" or "thank you, you have served your purpose."
also it is not about getting rid of things you dont want either, but rather about finding which things you want to keep (and why).
and that process, that act, that process, and it is a process you have to go through, will make your eniverment more spiritually uplifting just to be in. If you dont go through the spirtual parts of her method it wont work