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13250655 No.13250655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The true mark of a brainlet is someone incapable of discussing pedophilia, the most taboo of taboos, without frothing at the mouth and calling for the castration of anyone who even questions it.
They are the very definition of NPC. They're incapable of thinking for themselves and just follow whatever society's notions of right and wrong are.
But pedophilia is just one among many other topics that we can't even talk about in modern society. Anti-intellectualism has become the norm.

>> No.13250660

fuck off pedo

>> No.13250664

Never before have I felt as strong of a love for a girl, than when I became infatuated with a certain 8 year old a few months ago. I didn’t understand what was happening. I was not sexually aroused in any way, but my heart swelled and I felt light and airy. I wanted to be with her. She was beautiful and intelligent—I could tell by her speech and her expressions. Was I supposed to suppress these feelings? Is it wrong to admire a girl of that age, to see her value even before she can conceive? I firmly believe it is wrong to have sex with anyone who hasn’t developed, but what is so wrong about perhaps arranging a marriage with young girls through parental consent? I would wait until she is ready to have a child, and only then, will we have sex. I see nothing wrong with such a relationship. In fact I think it purer than any other form of relationship, especially in modern times, when a man has no way of knowing if his new girlfriend is a virgin, and He is likely to lust after her before he loves her. Is there something wrong with me, or the world?

>> No.13250665

Found the NPC.

>> No.13250680
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We've become so degenerate that people can't even imagine real love, I weep for the poor souls of people twisted up inside against themselves. Ego and the meme of adulthood which people fail to overcome is the source of all kinds of evil and it makes love impossible, because it's such a delicate thing, like gossamer. It's only possible when the world isn't against you and when you overcome your adulthood and history and regain your innocence, and then be with another innocent person. What woman can be innocent but a little girl? What woman can be expected to regain her innocence? It's the man's work to be hardened by the world. How can there be love when the very society we live in is set against it?

>> No.13250687

The true mark of the brainlet is to reactively respond to things without actually thinking first about the issue, and about what reason there is to believe what you believe.

There are many very plausible reasons to believe that pedophilia is bad. I'm sure you disagree with them, but the idea that it is harmful to children is not ridiculous, and there is evidence for it. You have a vested interest in it not being bad because you want to be allowed to do it, if you're not a brainlet you should be able to recognize that that makes you biased.

>> No.13250690
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>> No.13250695
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>> No.13250746

Not a single political group actually wants absolute eradication of all dogmas

Even the most "deconstructed", postmodern, secular crowd will still subscribe to a few notions they deem indisputable

Zizek talks about this...

>> No.13250748

good and bad are the most obvious and real things that exist apart from consciousness itself