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/lit/ - Literature

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13243764 No.13243764 [Reply] [Original]

Have you pre-ordered your copy yet /lit/?

>Who better than that unjustifiably overconfident guy in your MFA to mansplain the most important (aka white male) writers of western literature? You can’t miss him: riding the L, writing furiously in his Moleskine notebook, or defying the wind by hand-rolling a cigarette outside a Williamsburg coffeeshop. He’s read Infinite Jest 9 1/2 times—have you?

>From Shakespeare’s greatest mystery (how could a working-class man without access to an MFA program be so prolific?) to the true meaning of Kafkaesque (you know you’ve made it when you have an adjective named for you) to an appropriately minimalist dissertation on Raymond Carver that segues effortlessly into a devastating critique of a New Yorker rejection letter (”serious believability issues”), this guide is at once profound and practical.

>Use a Venn diagram to test your knowledge of which Jonathan—Franzen, Lethem, or Safran Foer—hates Twitter and lives in Brooklyn. (Trick question: all 3!) Practice slyly responding to an invitation to discuss Bartleby the Scrivener with “I would prefer not to.” Sneer at chick-lit and drink Mojitos like Hemingway (not like middle-aged divorcées!). And as did Nabokov (originator of the emoticon), find the Pale Fire within.

>So instead of politely nodding next time you encounter said person at a housewarming party in Brooklyn, you can hand them this book and tell them to roll up their sleeves and cigarettes, and get to writing the next great American novel.


>> No.13243791

>Dana Schwartz
>Jason Adam Katzenstein

is this some kind of /pol/ parody?

>> No.13243794

as someone with Jewish ancestry: Of course a fucking Jew wrote that garbage.

>> No.13243798

As a black man...

>> No.13243804

What's your point?

>> No.13243808

One time I did mushrooms and took a shower and had this whole short story planned about a woman and a man going to college, where the man's brain was relatively normal although subject to various pitfalls, but the woman's brain was like a sparking sputtering electronic machine overloading and rattling apart at the seams as she tried to reduce every experience in the human condition and everything a house of learning has to offer to petty social whims and her own narcissism

>> No.13243819

>needing a guide for this
How's high school, anon?

>> No.13243820

It's merely reality.

>> No.13243826 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13243828

Why do J_wish women have such an obsession with guys like this? "How dare you attempt to appreciate universally acclaimed classics??"
I know a few art hoe types and they tweet this kind of shit nonstop.
I'd love to know a guy I could discuss Nabokov with- what's their damage?
>author advertises the handle of their butthurt twitter gimmick account

>> No.13243830

This whole thing stinks of ressentiment

>> No.13243833

desu jews can be funny at times

but in the current era it's too easy to make money by simply being a twitter troll

>> No.13243838

Western cannon is a deeply problematic phrase. In some contexts it can be seen as a dog whistle for white supremacy.

>> No.13243842
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>> No.13243849

I'm getting sick of these pompous fucks who think it makes them seem like they have a more "refined," and worldly taste than others, by covertly mocking things that a lot of people hold dear to their heart, but to capitalize on the current trends of ridiculous outrage.
I'm Native American, and it makes me absolutely sick to see the crap that is flung at writers like Wallace and Pynchon for merely being white.
It's the lowest common denomination of "satire," or criticism... or whatever the fuck it is.

Lately I've been seeing more of those "Oh, he read Infinite Jest, HE'S THAT GUY" sort of memes being posted by normies that I know, full well knowing that they haVE NEVER READ THE FUCKING THING.
It's a lazy attempt to cast themselves as superior without putting any goddamn effort into it. Ooop! Just post a meme, and BOOM, you're a part of that cool club that relates to English major chicks who have had a bad experience with a guy, and lack the self-discipline and respect to MOVE ON from that. Sure, there are pompous jerks out there, but that's not just relegated to the literary world.
I've never really read an intelligent critique of DFW and his work... all it is is bitter idiots who complain about a perceived character flaw within that writer's fan base, acting like any over-zealous fan base isn't completely annoying.

Western literature is fucking dying. I won't stand-by and let these idiots ruin it with their half-assed attempts at being clever.

>> No.13243851

Genocide twitter personalities already

>> No.13243854

basically I'm saying jewish talent gets wasted

and it's the fault of easily triggered /pol/tards and dumb goyim in general

>> No.13243856

so go live in a society not made by white people

you know the real rise of white supremacy is a response to antiwhite rhetoric though right? you know you're causing this like a self fulfilling prophecy?

>> No.13243858

The funny thing is I've never actually met anyone outside the internet like she's lambasting. Most MFA's are giant pussies that agree with everything their female colleagues say, so I don't know what she's mad about. She probably wants Nabokov to come back to life and fuck the Jew out of her, like he did to Vera

>> No.13243863

Marx, Freud, Montaigne, Kafka, Hannah Arendt were all Jewish and all of them would be disgusted by contemporary liberal Jews. Even Einstein and Feynman didn't think much of being Jewish. The Jewish identity has only been amplified by WW2. Thanks Hitler.

>> No.13243864

Do I need twatter if I'm ever going to be read?

>> No.13243867

In others, it can be seen as a rallying cry for the white experience and a form of solidarity. In yet others, it can be seen as a symbol of solidarity or a gesture of rejection. In the case of Derrida's The Dialectic, that expression is the rejection of what he calls 'dialectical supremacy'.

A reader who reads Derrida's work for the first time, and to him, might think: "Derrida just did that, and I like it." Maybe the reader is a Derridaian himself, that is not all! But we read him for his dialectic, and those words have symbolic weight. They cannot simply be seen as a word for the book or a word for Derrida. They represent precisely something quite far from the book itself – something that happens when one talks of Derrida, because he writes something about himself in the language of language. In particular, he writes his critical, political work in a particular way, within the constraints and limitations of his own particular reading. To say that the criticism of Derrida is the work of a 'Derridelic' would then imply that it is in some sense 'racist', in a way that it is not at all.

>> No.13243883

Dear Dana,
When we need you to critique the canon we created, or tell us how to appreciate it, we will let you know.
White men.

>> No.13243885
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And yet white men are still the best writers.

>> No.13243886

The only people who would get the jokes hang out here and there’s only about 2 dozen of us
I’m predicting a lot of remainders

>> No.13243888


>> No.13243893

Western merely means in English.
You translate a work that was written in a post-industrial society from places like South America or Japan, it's now a part of the Western Canon. Read some Saramago, amigo.

>> No.13243896

Nope, a majority published today are women.

Now that they aren't oppressed they are surpassing men in every field.

>> No.13243898
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Image from the book.

>> No.13243899

George Eliot is rolling in her grave right now.
IF she could only see the self-parody some women have made of themselves.

>> No.13243912

>Western merely means in English
Anon is a brainlet. Brainlet!

>> No.13243924

You made a post talking about Derrida and how a reader's experience is dictated by what they already know from their own experience... like it wasn't already COMPLETELY SELF-EVIDENT.
Why do you pretend to understand Derrida?

Care to explain what Western is then?

>> No.13243930

Inferiority complex, no one likes being reminded that their plebeian skill set is inferior. In the modern age these people are given the platform to screech until people criticizing Rupi Kaur and similar are cowed into silence, so that they can wallow peacefully in their pretentious strain of anti-intellectualism.
And to get a bit more tinfoil, there's an ideological component to it. Classic literature often features beauty, virtue, and interesting thought. Do you think any of these harpies are interested in continuing the tradition of authors like O'Connor or Woolf? Or is it simply a matter of thirsting for easy money over their masturbatory "never improve" garbage?

>> No.13243931

>they are surpassing men in every field.

>> No.13243934

redditor detected

>> No.13243935

You're delusional if you think affirmative action publications are anywhere near as good as the classics that came before. Just think of all the complete PAP that had to be filtered out by decades of time going by.

>> No.13243939


If you haven't noticed already you belong over on /tv/ or some shit

>> No.13243945

The 'Western Canon', as I've gathered from Derrida and Dilleuze, is a world which, like all cultures and languages in the world, has an identity that goes beyond the national identity and that is defined by a complex set of symbolic traditions. Thus the cultural-historical dimension of the 'Western Canon' is intimately connected to that and is, therefore, a part of the 'Western Tradition'. The Western Canon is neither static, monochoric nor pre-modern (and this latter is problematic because it implies what is essentially an anti-Western concept): there is no 'Western Tradition' from which to draw. The Western Tradition, for example, has been constructed by people such as Jean-Luc Godard or Robert Altman, and, on the other hand, a 'Western Tradition' does not necessarily mean a specific period of time. On the contrary, Western Civilization has emerged from its European past and has been defined as 'modern' (if not 'scientific' or 'technological' or all three as this kind of thing are often defined). For instance, Marx does not consider himself to be a 'Western Hegel', but it is clear from the fact that his philosophical system is based on 'idealism' that Marx's political ideology, even from a Marxist point of view, derives from Marx's idealistically profane polemics.

>> No.13243946

he was only like 1/16th Jewish or something

>Hannah Arendt
Yes, how could one forget those shining beacons of morality

>> No.13243948

Did the Greeks write in English, anon?

>> No.13243949

But anon if you like things that arent mainstream top 40 pop, woke NYT best sellers, and my woke blog post you're a white supremacist.

>> No.13243958

No, what they mean is "American" or "Western".

>> No.13243959

Was your second paragraph made by a postmodernism generator?

>> No.13243961

I don't get it. Just a bunch of writing tropes?

>> No.13243964
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pick one

>> No.13243972

You're not saying anything of value other than name dropping BIG BOYS.
You're telling me that symbols are the OLDEST AND MOST SUCCINCT set of cultural parataxis that governs a chosen people's experience? Whoa! It's like you have no idea what art truly is.
Anyone can make the argument that a "western" tradition is inherently "European," but that completely ignores the Indo-European Vedic influence on all of culture as it stands.

You're not proving any point. Lemme guess, 19 year old first year philosophy girl who makes long posts like this to impress normies on social media?

>> No.13243975
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>> No.13243983
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>another great literature thread

>> No.13243984

How many people read the classics? Hardly anyone because they're not that good.

Rupi Kaur sold near 10 million last year alone. Meanwhile male poets are laughed out of the cafes.

>> No.13243985

The worst thing is that this is such a CLICHÉ. You think your smug superior white male writer is still spewing this generic mfa-hipster crap? Well, maybe that's just America, where even the intellectual types are normies (more a question of taste than pseudery). Why not go for something more esoteric?

>> No.13243992

Nice b8, discord trannie. Heres your (you)

>> No.13244005

You need to understand that when I name-drop these men I am substituting ˈlakədā/, which isn't used in the original language, for ˈlakədān. The word comes from the Japanese 金 , which comes from the Arabic كزير . You are probably thinking, oh my god I don't use ʕaŋʣ ʔiːlān, but I love it. So when I say "Derrida ʕaŋʣ" I am saying, "These dudes are my friends, I am using əaŋʣ" in order to show you that these men truly are friends and are really really into me. It's not so much that I use əaŋʣ to mean "that's not me." Rather, əaŋʣ means that these guys are people who really understand what I am saying, so I'll say əaŋʣ.

We are both aware of what we need to get through here, but we have been struggling with the words, what they mean and why we need to use them. We both look at each other. They are the only words that I have in my vocabulary to indicate what I mean when I say WESTERN CANON or WESTERN TRADITION etc.

>> No.13244008
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>> No.13244016

Ah, yes. The brave and noble Rupi! The one who forgoes any and all meter and structure to capture the fake deep Twilight audience of 14 year old girls.

>> No.13244078

Ill be honest,i fucking hate (((em)))

>> No.13244095

>liberal Jews
>Jewish identity
Wat. The latter is pushed by the conservative types.

>> No.13244102

So you're a mawkish Jew then?

>> No.13244109

>Meanwhile male poets are laughed out of the cafes.
Male poets do damn fine as rappers. Poetry without music is so 19th century.

>> No.13244113

Yeah kind of, but they're more so economic Americans IMO. In an ideal world, they'd go back to Israel ahahaha.

>> No.13244118

Whereas the Liberal Jews have created a new Jewish Identity derivative of mawkishness and secularism that isn't quite akin to Israel. Send them back too, but I think they're loathsome and despicable.

>> No.13244119

Roasties hate to see men pay attention to anything other than them.

>> No.13244151

/pol/ is literally never wrong

>> No.13244155

>economic Americans
Sounds like a very Jewish thing to be.

>Liberal Jews have created a new Jewish Identity derivative of mawkishness and secularism that isn't quite akin to Israel
You mean the twitter types with Jewish flags who bitch about antisemitism everywhere but aren't actually practicing Judaism?

>> No.13244181

Please tell me that that is real.

>> No.13244194

What book is the guy on the cover holding? It looks cool.

>> No.13244200

Agreed. I hate this new fashionable vein of criticism, where people in the literature community make fun of other people in the literature community for the horrible crime of reading literature. It's elitist, smug, anti intellectual, and reduces the greatest books of all time to a mere fashion statement. Harold bloom was right about the school of resentment: Fake leftism to disguise a dislike of intellectual work

>> No.13244213

If he was white I'd read it ironically but I'm not going to support another (((white man))) parody

>> No.13244221

The Jewish identity has mostly been amplified by Zionism, Hitler is just a convenient excuse.

>> No.13244240

Infinite Jest
I don't know why she hates it so much

>> No.13244292

Most people can't comprehend giving seven years of their life to working on something as far-reaching as a big novel desu.

>> No.13244304

That’s disappointing.

>> No.13244320

IJ is a fucking joke though.

t. guy who worked for 8 year on his novel

>> No.13244333

>IJ is a fucking joke though.
as advertised

>> No.13244356

>IJ is a fucking joke though.

Again, I've never read an intelligent critique of IJ. In fact, some of the smartest people I've known have gushed over the book.
Harold Bloom through a tantrum over DFW because David called his work "turgid," in a quasi-ironic lampooning of how modern intellectual works compare to easily-consumed mass media of the modern age.

What don't you like about it?

>> No.13244364


flipping phone posting

>> No.13244381

Can anyone tell me what section of the book that is? I wouldn’t mind reading it.

>> No.13244388

every fucking time

>> No.13244390

my feet are so fucking big that I have to buy whatever I can find in the shoe store as soon as I see it. 9 times out of 10 that's sneakers. I literally have to repair my own fucking shoes. fuck paying 150+ for a size 14 S T Y L I S H dress shoe to impress Anna with bangs and a plath tattoo from Advanced Fiction, jesus

>> No.13244400

It's in a tiny end note somewhere IIRC.
Can't remember. Been years since I've read IJ.

>> No.13244413

Here's a solid Wallace critique: DFW cannot write female characters well. His men have complex and contradictory inner lives; his women are primarily beautiful or motherly, but not really much else -- and the one woman in his work that DOES have a complex inner life (the main character of The Depressed Person) is pathetic, narcissistic, and a thorough caricature instead of a feeling human

>> No.13244419

>is pathetic, narcissistic

>> No.13244427

That’s only a legitimate critique if you think books should not be true to life.

>> No.13244434

Most male writers can't write authentic female characters, anon. It's why you read both males and females.
Seems a pretty trivial thing to disregard someone's point of view though. Beauty of the canon is that it's a big, long comparative conversation that influences other aspects of art and philosophy.
He did get better with writing about his own self-inserted narcissistic and depressed qualities with a female character in The Pale King later.

>> No.13244446


>we are better because we get published

Next you're gonna tell me 50 Shades of Grey is the greatest work of literature ever written

>> No.13244452

Yes to both

>> No.13244456

>Western merely means in English.
The absolute state of /lit/. Commit suicide, whoever wrote this.

>> No.13244460

Zionism became stronger after the Civil Rights movement

>> No.13244467

Name one good male author currently being published.

>> No.13244469


I don't understand how people's brains get this fucked up.

>> No.13244478

Certainly better than anything men are writing.

>> No.13244483

Good assessment. It's pretty sad.

>> No.13244484

>western society's predominate language that evolved from latin/greek that have been the main operating system for the past 500 or so years
>not understanding the basic fundamentals of language

Yikes! What an angry response to a completely fair assessment.
Learn to code, my dude.

>> No.13244500

>majority published today are women
Does that have to do with the quality of the literature? No, it doesn't.

>> No.13244519

Based Mel

>> No.13244529

Maybe it's cause I'm a woman or maybe it's cause I'm literally in love with a dead poet (his highness' dog at Kew), but the more I look into the books written by men, the more I find female characters less interesting and less interesting and less interesting. Because of this, I feel disappointed to read a book about a man who writes poems and is a poet, in any genre. It's not a real book and I just feel really bad about it (and in fact I feel kinda bad for both male and female readers of all genders, which is also not a personal problem – I know it's horrible but I feel disappointed about how it's been represented, and I'm just mad that no other man in the world writes anything but fiction…).

>> No.13244536

Wouldn’t be surprise if the rise of fundies as a political bloc helped.

>> No.13244539

It unironically reads like "rambling of mediocre white middle class male"; and don't get me wrong the writing at parts is fucking great as is the humour (at least when it's not going too try hard with the build up) but the content itself is hardly worth the words it took to write it. Shit is so painfully empty, lacking any hint of insight or fresh perspective, it's almost impressive how someone clearly intelligent with great command of the language couldn't say a thing in thousand fucking pages.

Also fuck the excessive footnotes.

And obviously the fanboys are extra obnoxious, though it's unfair to use the fanbase against the work, so let's not go there.

Bullshit. Writing authentic female characters as a male is nothing special; there are thousands of examples who did it. An author struggling with something so basic has issues beyond writing.

>> No.13244546

What the hell are you talking about? You sound hysterical.

>> No.13244558


>> No.13244614

Improve your reading comprehension. I was talking about how the Western Canon is in and of itself a truly vernacular system: in the early 20th century, it was the "old canon". It was the canon established by the English language's pre-Enlightenment authors, who had been writing for hundreds of years, but with some important differences from the English translation. Here are some of the major points:

It is now written, in English (in the modern British Isles, and, as I have shown above) in the language you know as English;

It is based on the "old Canon" in the 16th and 17th century that began in 1260, when the first true English translation was published and written by Robert Cotton. It is not a copy of an earlier translation, but has been made up from many fragments.

The source for the original canon, which originated in Latin, was, I will argue in Chapter 3, John's Gospel. The only evidence that the canon began in either Latin or Hebrew was in John's Gospel, which had, in itself, a large corpus of sources: books written by John's contemporaries, some of which are extant. The earliest text is from the first century A.D., from the first century, probably from around A.D. 565, and it is called the Gospel of Jude.

>> No.13244615

Keep in mind he was on a powerful dose of anti-depressants through most of his life.

I seem to get the feeling that this book will hold a new place within the coming decades as mass media begins to really corrode people's connections between each other.
You've got matter-of-fact running through the gears prose of characters daily lives, interspersed with sections of genuine beauty and emotion, that seemingly get diminished by yet another endnote that is introduced.
Seems like a good structure to convey the nature of how people are living now. I know my life, and the lives of everyone I know, seem to follow this new, mundane and data-drenched world we're in.
That's where I feel the real power of the novel lies. It conveys a desperate disconnection in a very eerie and believable way.

>> No.13244649

What is your fucking point, imbecile.

>> No.13244659

The Western Canon is not just English literature but all literature of Europe.

>> No.13244664

When did I say it wasn't? Why would I exclude French, Russian, German, the Bible, Ancient Greek, and Roman literature? What are you going on about?

>> No.13244666


>> No.13244671

You gotta be shitting me lmao. What a twist.

>> No.13244672
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>he thinks European Culture is a real thing

>> No.13244694

Here >>13243893
Never claimed that

>> No.13244700

First of all retard Europe and Europeans are a social construct, secondly there's no such thing as good or bad literature.

>> No.13244703
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Whatever do you mean, fellow white man?

>> No.13244713

>Keep in mind he was on a powerful dose of anti-depressants through most of his life.
That sure explains why the thing feels so lifeless overall.

>It conveys a desperate disconnection in a very eerie and believable way.
I don't disagree and the structure does indeed a good job to get the point across ... it's just the whole idea feels too mundane and obvious to bother conveying. It's the type of thoughts I had as a moody teen. Seeing someone so much smarter and better at writing wasting their talents for that, is awkward as fuck.

>> No.13244731

>I've never really read an intelligent critique of DFW and his work

All one needs to critique DFW is to listen to the retard speak.


>> No.13244748

Yeah, in a free market women are winning.

>> No.13244757

Not a fan of him but the nigga is a writer and being a good speaker and a good writer are different fucking things.

>> No.13244761


>> No.13244772

>Occident/Europe no real
Is this the latest chapo trope?

>> No.13244776

Keep in mind you were probably a teen during the time where these thoughts of technological progress diminishing human interaction were taking shape and gestating in the culture.
IJ came out before the big dotcom boom that was looming, after the flash and pan of the 80s where corporatism was marketed as so shiny and amazing; people were getting fed stories of success and triumph daily, so much so to the point where it began to really negatively affect the lives of people. Take a look at how we live now, where so many fantasize about being special, having glory, gaining influence, getting into "The Show" as David put it. Strikes me that this book came out before the whole Columbine phenomena... you got two young men frustrated with their placement in the world, who wanted to "leave a lasting impression," as Eric Harris put it. It's no secret that mass killers are narcissists chasing media fame nowadays, where as a century ago it was a sick need to slaughter in silence for their own sake. Eric Harris even fantasized about Tarantino directing the movie about the killings... and now we see movies like Elephant and Zero Day.
This whole system of corporate self-perfection and branding just doesn't seem to end in a happy way. I feel like that is the biggest lesson in David's work, and life, seeing how it ended.
IJ is just a reflection of the time. That's why it's so good. It captures that feeling into a form of art.

>> No.13244790


I've read Infinite Jest, a handful of his short stories, endured a few of his awful essays, and half of Pale King. He writes as he speaks, which some would say is what you're supposed to do as a writer (it isn't), and conveys the same ballooned statements that spin around mundane idea ultimately saying nothing. Infinite Jest is fun and utterly hallow. He's a talented writer. That a country responsible for Melville, Hawthorne, Whitman and The Lost Generation should at this point champion David fucking Foster Wallace as one of its titans is disappointing. What the literary canon needs at this moment is less weed-addicted nerds raised in academia and more homegrown talents, ala Hemingway and Faulkner, or raging drunkards, ala Bukowski and Mailer, to trounce these fucking dweebs. Academia killed literature and produced the sort of dumb cunts responsible for the book in OP's image.

>> No.13244799

Well, shit.

ideas* and hollow* before /lit/ jumps my dick.

>> No.13244819

The entire world is a /pol/ parody by this point.

>> No.13244822

europe is literally a bug on asia's ass. we don't call india a separate continent but a subcontinent. there's no reason why europe shouldn't be a subcontinent

>> No.13244825

I feel like this whole criticizing people for living privileged lives is outdated and silly. Don't confuse someone's pain and lower social standing as authenticity.
They're American for heck's sake. Modern Americans can live like the kings of the 12th century with the amount of food and jesters they intake.

>> No.13244829


>> No.13244831

Fuck of E.U. defense force

>> No.13244861

again, what?

>> No.13244862

> I feel like this whole criticizing people for living privileged lives is outdated and silly
Who's criticizing anybody for a privileged life? Hemingway was privileged. He was a "homegrown" talent in that he developed his writing while living in the world, versus Wallace, Franzen, Diaz and other similar big names who were trained in MFA programs. Tolstoy was privileged; lived a life; taught himself to write; and took a giant steaming shit upon the idea of trained writers in What is Art. This isn't a lambast against privileged lives but the ruination of literature at the hands of those who come from the same mill and produce the same celebrated mediocrity.

>Don't confuse someone's pain and lower social standing as authenticity.
Nowhere in my post did I suggest that a lower class lifestyle creates "authenticity."

>> No.13244871
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>people thinking a novel has to ENTIRELY UNIQUE and a fucking philosophical/self-help doctrine

You're all a part of the DFW was criticizing so hard in IJ, and you lack the self-awareness to even know it. Keep demanding these perfect things all your life, and see what addictions/coping mechanisms you'll gather.

>> No.13244873

>thoughts of technological progress diminishing human interaction were taking shape and gestating in the culture.
Weren't they there with introduction of any kind of new medium, back to the times of Gutenberg press? Alarmism about technology and technological progress seem to run hand in hand. And sure, the predictions appear a lot more realistic now but overall humanity has a crappy record at predicting how everything will go to shit.

>Take a look at how we live now, where so many fantasize about being special, having glory, gaining influence, getting into "The Show"
Sounds like a logical evolution of muh American dream.

>It's no secret that mass killers are narcissists chasing media fame nowadays, where as a century ago it was a sick need to slaughter in silence for their own sake.
Chasing fame and attention feels pretty much given for most people, it just got a lot easier in the recent decades. There are different types of sick fucks, and it's not like the killers who kill for their own sake stopped and became all wannabe celebs.

>IJ is just a reflection of the time. It captures that feeling into a form of art
Can't argue against that and there is obvious value in works like that ... just for me it's not enough to make something good.

Pretty much muh thoughts on him. It's still unfair to have a go at him for being a shitty speaker.

>> No.13244880

>What the literary canon needs at this moment is less weed-addicted nerds raised in academia and more homegrown talents

You most certainly implied it. Damn, Russian bots really do a good job at sowing classist disdain in the west, don't they?


>> No.13244884

>people thinking a novel has to ENTIRELY UNIQUE and a fucking philosophical/self-help doctrine
Absolutely fucking not. And perfection is a dumb, unreachable meme.

A novel still has to say something new and offer some fresh insights, otherwise what's even the point?

>> No.13244890

A good story about other people's lives?

>> No.13244891

i just want to read the books i like and talk about them, why are girls so mean?

>> No.13244894

Sounds more like criticism against cookie cutter MFA program graduates.

>> No.13244903

There are too fucking many of these either way. A good story about other people's lives, that gives me some at least slightly adjusted perspective is hardly that big of an ask.

>> No.13244910

/pol/ is always right

>> No.13244923


i was thinking this was william gibson lol

>> No.13244931

Whoa, so this is the power of female thought

>> No.13244932

You're right. I deliberately used Hemingway and Tolstoy, two authors born into wealth, as examples of talent as a means of hiding my true aim of "sowing classist disdain" in a thread dedicated to discussing literature and its present fall. Oust yourself sooner as a fucking retard and I won't have to waste my time responding, moron.

>> No.13244949
File: 23 KB, 574x433, thats not funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then one day, for no reason at all, people elected Hitler.

>> No.13244951

How am I a moron? You misused language, not paying enough attention to the tone of your words. You created a clear distinction between the Academic literati, and "homegrown" talents.

It's not my fault you suck at the English language, idiot.

>> No.13244961

For real, you sound like a little bitch boy.
Maybe think a little, and one day you'll be published! Good boy!

>> No.13244965

>How am I a moron?
>and "homegrown" talents
Hemingway. Faulkner. Americans. Literary Canon. Theme of thread. Follow? No? I'll use simple sentences. Get you there. Step by step.

>> No.13244968


>> No.13244981

You still created a classist distinction between "homegrown," ala natural, without finesse, amateurish, and "Academia," which conveys images of slaved-over and, in modern American usage, completely Industrial and lacking any real substance.
I can follow the thread just fine, but I can't follow your dumbass, entry-level perception of literature based on irrelevant distinctions between echelons of writers.

>> No.13244992

And also you fail to comprehend just how extensive language was taught in school to people younger in the times of those writers.

>> No.13244994

I read it like gibbons

>> No.13245027

>a humor book about white americans by a white american
Wow, the peak of social justice.

>> No.13245047

Looks like meme magic desu

>> No.13245325
File: 247 KB, 683x957, 29d815ed277ca41d5f3908dc95838946--contemporary-art-paintings-turkish-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest irony of all is that the kind of women who buy this book are the same ones who constantly date the guy on the cover. You'll notice the fixation with particular authors and article of clothing - its all the signifiers of being "literary". But despite mocking this, their fixation betrays the fact that they see the world in this way, where everything (hobbies, interests, how you present yourself, the authors you read) is a form of consumption, an extension of fashion. Social media works this way and cultivates this mindset. It's no wonder this book is based off of a twitter. So when a woman who thinks herself snarky and cultured goes out to date, they're not interested in someone who is knowledgeable about literature but looks like a slob. Even their dating choices are extensions of consumption - they want a man who looks literary, who wears tweed jackets and sweaters with elbow patches. Or someone who is "artsy", in that they have an apartment with instagram-worthy house plants and dress the part. The reason why this twitter account and book get attention is a sort of masochism, a way to make themselves feel aloof from the same strata of society that they belong to, only they've replaced the canon with a handful of NYT bestseller sob stories and painfully mediocre pseudo-feminist poetry. It's true that some men fall into a pattern of reading (Hemingway, Nabakov, Franzen) that is stagnant and boring. But the type of woman who buys this book is also a part of a homogeneous cultural malaise, one that is slightly more contemporary but just as boring, lifeless, and unoriginal.

>> No.13245349

legitimately a redditor

>> No.13245359

Middle class white people were a mistake.

>> No.13245382

t. reddit

>> No.13245393

Modern urbanites are some of the most shallow people around

>> No.13245515

>The reason why this twitter account and book get attention is a sort of masochism, a way to make themselves feel aloof from the same strata of society that they belong to
DFW makes a similar point in E Unibus Pluram

>> No.13245545

This reeks of jealous passive-aggression.

>> No.13245581
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>> No.13245710

Possibly the most based thing I've ever seen

>> No.13245730

>"Professor H Bloom's turgid studies of artistic influenza"
>David Foster Wallace
Canonjew forever and truly BTFO

>> No.13246041

Could you give me your number or some sort of contact information so we could talk, I'd like to be your friend.

>> No.13246221

this book is just some twitter asshole profiting off her antipathy toward her ex-boyfriends by parroting dull, half a decade out of style cliches about American MFA fiction writers and their readers. utterly fucking boring

>> No.13246238

>utterly fucking boring
Just like
>American MFA fiction writers and their readers

>> No.13246324

Totally undecided politically but I'd vote for whoever shot this guy. I guess that just makes me American.

>> No.13246385

What the fuck the guy who wrote Neuromancer is this much of a conser-


>> No.13246445

the virgin author

>> No.13246492


>> No.13246501
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 2F7B682B-2FE3-43C0-8708-62749AAF224A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fucking realized this whole
Book is a tongue and cheek joke and not some diatribe against white men ( it is ) but it’s really more about cream puff college bro’s. That’s amazin.

>> No.13246534


>> No.13246559

he is fucking wrong about prior and posterior if he means before as in temporally prior.

>> No.13246678

I can't help but notice now but I want to go back

>> No.13246681

>asks for intelligent critiques
>gets "i don't like his female characters" and "he's a white male and that paper could be used on fresh perspectives"

>> No.13246718

>reee, you don't like what I like

>> No.13246740

>>i'm going to deflect from how i immediately demonstrated that guy's point by saying you're mad

>> No.13246827

Its reality and the world is finally waking up to this kike bullshit

>> No.13246841

So a liberal is pretending to know what the definition of "white" is, again?

>> No.13246861

>only $150
your shoes probably suck. look for something with good leather and a welted or stitched soles and they'll last years without discoloring too much. you'll also be able to maintain them more easily and take them to a cobbler when the soles wear through.

>> No.13246908

You do know that you can just say you're a kike, right?

>> No.13246914

>Nabokov (originator of the emoticon)
Umm... It was Louis Armstrong, sweetie. Jesus, get woke.

>> No.13247138

It had mostly to do with th economic situation.

>> No.13247160

This book needs a greek statue in a dark room as the cover and it would be certified based and redpilled.

>> No.13247212

so your critique is "i don't want to read white men"

>> No.13247270

This is slick advertising.....

the publisher hired an intern to write this and make it look like a reader post...

it is subtle but I can tell.

>> No.13247271

>He lit a cigarette. His glass of whiskey lit a cigarette.
That was the only thing remotely "funny" in this bit. The rest was cringing resentment.

Grats on trips anon

>> No.13247283

>cool woke white male writer shits on white male writers
>doesn't know there's an apostrophe in "three days' scruff"

>> No.13247338

Who would they advertise an anti white book to on 4chan, besides butterfly

>> No.13247350

I was anti-/pol/ too four years ago.

>> No.13247354

I understand amerimutt like to flaunt their 1/16th heritage but it doesn't work here. Montaigne is a goy even according to the experts (Nuremberg laws).

>> No.13247367

i liked the joke about circumcision

>> No.13247472

>unkempt hair
>three days scruff
omg this is literally me

>> No.13247651

haha same

>> No.13247714

>Dana Schwartz
>Man's Guide to White Male

why I am not surprised that the book about smart mans thing was written by a pathetic
90 iq woman.

>> No.13247718
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>> No.13247787

Pretty sure it rather boils down to: "He says nothing of interest to me but does it in an entertaining way at times."
And since reading doesn't appear to be your forte, let me empathise the ME. If you found his rambling insightful and valuable, all the power to you.

As for the "middle class white male" it's definitely a contributing factor that lowers the likelihood of him having to say something, but it's not like Proust and Pinecone couldn't overcome it.

>> No.13247798
File: 200 KB, 1024x817, 18AB7727-1259-47A0-BA73-D9A4D5F2F6F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t think this book is criticizing all white men, what they’re criticizing is you fedora lords. Normalfags hardly read so it’s clearly directed at (You)

>> No.13247819
File: 15 KB, 305x475, 22613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic makes me thing of this.

>> No.13247830

Stop noticing and pointing out things
Its just the 666666666th coincidence

>> No.13247831

I’ll give it a read sometime

>> No.13247834

lol at the bummy small country losers who keep freaking out over an interstate oasis

>> No.13247841

Based for loving Pope's poetry and thereby him. Time is an illusion, you live neither here nor there. My point being that perhaps one day you will find someone comparable for your affections; live no longer in love's antiquated slaughter house.

>> No.13247848

what the fuck are you even saying

you think jk rowling wrote good male characters?

>> No.13247855

It's okay to be BLVCK

>> No.13247859

ain't this bitch be a dude now?

>> No.13247861

This is clearly because we have a taste for escapism from our own ignorance, which whips upon our backs.

We have a fetish for forgetting all values. Naturally, this results in the death of taste, as Art is the most powerful articulation and recapitulation of our values, cultural forces and currents.

We are proud to reiterate empty sentiments, as long as they comfort us.

Fuck Rupi Kaur, literally, viciously, hopefully hard enough such that she can never write again, and barely bear to breathe.

>> No.13247877

and all other neoliberal domesticated scum.
I'd take anyone with genuine passions over those robots anyday

>> No.13247884

>it is bestseller so it has to be good

ad populum. fuck off.

>> No.13247972

Thank you. I love Alexander. I will never go anywhere without them.
Yes. In the early 1990s Harry was still an adolescent and was in the midst of becoming much worse at sex than he was at magic. He was in love with Miss Granger and was very attracted to Draco Malfoy. There was one other Harry Potter who did not want sex and that was Harry Potter in the first film (2007) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The story has been rewritten and rewritten and rewritten so he would eventually fall for Hermione Granger in 2007. However in the fourth film he does eventually find something sexual with Ginny Granger (Ginny Weasley in the film), and in the fifth film Harry still does not act like the Harry we knew would do such androgyny. I think that speaks volumes to our current (or past-current) issue.

>> No.13247998
File: 16 KB, 400x400, v3KHVC8B_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad populum. fuck off.

>> No.13248050

not even an argument. Stop evidenciating as the absolute moron you're.

Go to lie on the bed reading fucking rupi kaurs until your estrogenous levels are enough high for cutting your dick off.

>> No.13248071
File: 727 KB, 900x900, yQAwkHn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even an argument. Stop evidenciating as the absolute moron you're.
>Go to lie on the bed reading fucking rupi kaurs until your estrogenous levels are enough high for cutting your dick off.

>> No.13248092
File: 59 KB, 320x383, absolutelyboilingsoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ad populum fuck off!!

>> No.13248104

>Weren't they there with introduction of any kind of new medium, back to the times of Gutenberg press? Alarmism about technology and technological progress seem to run hand in hand.

Considering all the horror Gutenberg’s crew ion facilitated, they probably weren’t wrong. I’d wager that our track record is much better than your realize only because the negative flecks of one new technology have eventually been displaced by those of another.

>> No.13248106

kid, learn how logic works. You cannot imply something is good because everyone likes it or its a common habit. Coninuing with this argument, beating wives in middle east is as aceptable as anything else.

>> No.13248207
File: 39 KB, 596x415, 1559272456540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be more impressed if it was written by white men.

>> No.13248217

>talks about logic
>compares wife beating with art

>> No.13248238

Well, wife beating is the logical extension of Vox Populi, Vox Dei. Just because a majority thinks something is no proof of its validity, in fact it is usually the opposite in my experience.

>> No.13248336

>these yid creeps sincerely believe that people outside their ethnoreligious cult enjoy the literature of "Franzen, Lethem or Safran Foer."
A great example of the arrogant and self-congratulatory nature of the Jew. The mind of the kike is so demented and parochial that he honestly thinks we white male 'lit bros' deeply admire their talentless artists and trained pets.

The only fans of that NYT middlebrow Jew shit are upper middle class liberals i.e fellow Jews. Nobody else. But Jews honestly think that because they give themselves cushy teaching positions, degrees from prestigious universities, and fawning media coverage and awards, the goyim respect their "artistic achievement."

The entire culture industry is just an affirmative action program for mediocre kikes

>> No.13248377

Thank you Small Moosefoot. Please write a great Native American novel.

>> No.13248388

and they've managed to done it. while the wh*tes have done what..? cry that they can't say nigger anymore?

>> No.13248427

Apples and oranges, nigga. Context and reasons that make people think wife beating is acceptable are ... slightly fucking different from context and reasons why people do enjoy a certain work of art over another. It's laughable to even attempt comparing these, even for a shitpost discussion.

And as shitty as majority appeal is of a metric it's the most objective one we have.

>> No.13248450

That not a very inclusive title

>> No.13248522

Based Savage

>> No.13248540

There is no difference at all between the two, attempt to defend that there is

>> No.13248551

is called logics, and it is applicable for every example you can give because it works universally, fool. I beg you to stop posting in this board and go somewhere else to study logics before saying such stupidities

>> No.13248553

Anon this is merely a coincidence

>> No.13248555

Why do people on Twitter think everyone cares about Brooklyn? I've never even been to the US before. Fuck off and keep your squabbles amongst yourselves rather than publishing this inane shit.

>> No.13248585
File: 201 KB, 902x789, cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow somebody is waking up out of the cave!

>> No.13248607

How did they pass the fire lfmao Socrates a retard

>> No.13248695

T-this has to be irony-posting, r-right?

>> No.13248704

What this picture doesn’t show is the thousands of acres of forrest and private property that surround it. Meanwhile this is the norm for MILES in cities.

>> No.13248738

Man, what i hate the most of people like you is that never are ready for learning. Your disease i dare to say is ignorance of the own ignorance. I'll try better to reasoning with my dog

>> No.13248774

Not sure you're ready to handle the mental capacity of a dog. It's fucking painful to watch when someone is so blatantly unaware of their limitations.

>> No.13248780

sure is easier than try reasoning with this guy


>> No.13248848

What I hate the most after reading that post is the fact that, despite living in a different continent, I know exactly what "riding the L" means because brooklynites and people who hate them won't shut the fuck up about some subway line.

>> No.13248931
File: 79 KB, 820x385, green-escritor-820x385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ironic thing is that these type of people are the most likely to be sjw, he looks like john green btw

>> No.13248940
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>> No.13248957


This is the first post on 4chan that I truly believe was written by a woman. No man could write so much and yet say so little

>> No.13248971

I agree with like 90% of this. But to claim Melville wasn't a nerd? Did you read Moby-Dick? All of it??

>> No.13249024

He was a nerd in the sense of dedicating himself to a topic like some autist. Not this type of nerd >>13243898

>> No.13249070

based honorary white male

>> No.13249073


/pol/ parody is an oxymoron

>> No.13249084
File: 21 KB, 320x499, hanbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this joke was already made 20 years ago. Now it just seems cliche.

>> No.13249091


Brooklyn is pretty awesome, parts of it anyway. It's also swarming with hipsters so it's easy to make fun of.

>> No.13249104

>Jason Adam Katzenstein

google is cartoons. They're not even remotely funny. The guy is a bore.

>> No.13249116


>liberal jews

being a liberal jew means you're not very religious.
A conservative Jew is much more religious
An orthodox jews is bat shit insane religious

It has nothing to do with politics.

>> No.13249135

More like Hebrewsplain, amirite?

>> No.13249205

Yeah this

>> No.13249294

>If they’re not Jews they’re still Jews, my god, can’t you see how insidious these Zionistic Heebs are?

>> No.13249344
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>> No.13249358

Yikes OP. Get laid.

>> No.13249388


This picture is lit incarnate, no wonder you're all having a hissy fit about it.

>> No.13249400

“Dana” is a unisex name, retard.

>> No.13249719

>t. never read Woolf
They ARE continuing the tradition of Woolf by bitching and whining about men, male literature and tradition.

>> No.13249728

I'm not a kike though

>> No.13249738

based and redpilled
those were some cringe posts, they reeked of onions and low t
bluepilled npcs btfo

>> No.13249761

In Hebrew, it's a definite female name.

>> No.13249768

Your mockery doesn't prove you right.

>> No.13249922

desperation proves you wrong tho

>> No.13250162

Holy shit, just with this one post you've demonstrated that you dont even understand basic logic.

>> No.13250173
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>> No.13250185

Mark Zuckerberg's sister is another kook who does that

>> No.13250265

you should write it

>> No.13250391

Merely a coincidence, move along now...

>> No.13250454

/lit/ humour and memes is just making fun and hyperbolizing writers and Anons, this is the same, but its bad becuz WAMEN. Get a grip.

>> No.13250656

It just goes to show toxic and fragile the male ego is.
>inb4 a dozen (You)s proving my point

>> No.13250694

do you think men react more poorly to criticism than women on average?

>> No.13250696
File: 32 KB, 570x500, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong again, sweaty

>> No.13250700

where's the sequel to this book? you know, the one where women write shitty novels and short stories about vaginas and hating men, and write shitty poems about vaginas and hating men.
I can't wait for that one

>> No.13250713

that quote just blew my mind, not gonna lie

>> No.13250720

i was hoping it was

>> No.13250730

>L train
Yeah, fuck those white male New Yorkers. It is time for these white female New Yorkers to shine! Fucking hell.

>> No.13250768


>> No.13250777

Why do you hate white people so much?

>> No.13250785

redpill me on this thread
is it worth reading?

>> No.13250845


>> No.13250848

no. i'm only here because my ego is easily damaged.

>> No.13250867


>> No.13250907


>> No.13250994

>two white authors

ugh, wheres the PoC

>> No.13251018

They're literally lampooning those guys who agree with everything they say and are super feminist, but then stop short of "all white men should shut up and pay for queer POC to attend college/get published in their place."

>> No.13251029

Get laid poltard. Im sick and tired of the shit tier 0/8 bait we keep getting from the deranged rednecks over at pol.

>> No.13251042

Wait, you mean giving voices to POCs was not about crackers voicing their thoughts about darkies?

>> No.13251079

The thing that gets me is that the type of woman who would love this book - devour it, post about it, recommend it to her friends and orbiters, reference it incessantly, etc - either a. immediately falls/has fallen for a man exactly as described, or b. begs her tinder hookups to degrade and choke her in bed. Jesus, it really all comes down to sexual pathology, for everyone, every single time. The shittier we're treated the more we love. We have to justify why we're with the man or woman we're with, and we hamster that into adoration. Every single time. I've never, ever, ever met a #feminist who didn't love being choked and slapped.

>> No.13251093
File: 45 KB, 600x600, transparent cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using "hamster" unironically
>projecting your cumbrain worldview onto everyone else

>> No.13251106

>Meanwhile male poets are laughed out of the cafes

Take a break from the internet man

>> No.13251127
File: 8 KB, 168x300, heideigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you wouldn't have disagreed if he didn't use hamster

>> No.13251137

How the fuck is consensual choking and slapping against feminism?

>> No.13251177

>two white authors
What book are you talking about? Certainly not OP's that for sure.

>> No.13251262

>jews aren't white

>> No.13251268

i don't know

>> No.13251387

The fact that you had to include "consensual" is the reason why.

>> No.13251550

Fuck nvm, am I really so tired as to not read enough of that post to notice it's supposed to be "anti-SJW" bait?

Good night you wicked males. Shall we all try and treat each other kindly tomorrow?

>> No.13251654

Here's a criticism I wrote on /lit/ a few years ago that I still standby. I think the anon who mentioned how DFW is still in the same tradition of mediocrity that produced him is also correct.

When DFW mentions PoMo Irony I always felt he is talking about a very specific, niche problem limited to postwar middle-class America, and experienced only by people who have both the time and intelligence to consume that culture in vast amounts. In his essay on Dostoevsky, he sort of sums up his problem with irony in that in prevents authentic expression. Authentic expression and people, to DFW, was captured by the drama/philosophy in The Idiot, TBK, or Crime and Punishment; characters who developed honest schema based off their (unknowingly limited) information and experience, and tried to apply them to the "big questions", the one's concerning identity, metaphysics, ethics, etc.

But with irony, the authentic conflict between the individual and the world becomes diluted, and instead of the individual proposing an answer, the individual takes down answers other proposes. Or, the irony instead pushes the authentic conflict into the background, while a self-consciously less authentic conflict takes place in the foreground. DFW thought both types of irony had become too prominent in the literary world, with the likes of Pynchon or Gaddis who made (knowingly, he seems to imply at some points) Stephen Deadalus-esque books: esoteric, hyperintellectual, and with a 2smart4u attiude. That Dosto essay attempts to structurally reflects this writing, with Wallace stuffing in existential questions in-between his review on why Dosto is still interesting.

Now where Dave falls apart is that he tried to reconcile the supposed divide between hyperirony and authentic living. Unfortunately he never seemed to pull off either quite well, writing a 1,000 page doorstopper with over 400 footnotes, while at the same time making it a thoroughly easy-read and about the same ethical solutions of an Oprah book club. We see the worst of it in Hal Incadenza, whom DFW sought to make an intellectual but isolated as his own fault, but instead comes off as neither. His intellect barely comes off as being shocking (Kierkegaard influencing Camus is underrated?) and his isolation never feels quite as persuasive as K's, Ishmael's, or Stephen's, or the Bartlebly's narrator, or Pessoa's, or any really any canon author whose tackled authenticy vs. irony or intellect vs isolation or whatever. Nevermind the weakness of the adversting or consumer culture themes; Joyce covered the issue brilliantly in Bloom, what with personal hygiene being tied to a cultural imperialist force, which also ties to advertising being used to internalize and create personal anxieties, while also being tied to its inherent class implications. What Joyce could do in a couplet and offhand comments, pulling from a history of soap, DFW does in 300 pages, pulling from the hyperreality of middle-class America.

>> No.13251662

Have my scalp.

>> No.13251787

>riding the L

>> No.13251989

lol we're the bourgeois, we're not in MFA programs

>> No.13252342

this girl's been putting me on blast for years now... ngl it's pretty rich

>> No.13252499

Yes they are, they just act like they're the "good whites"

>> No.13252530

/tv/ wisened up to this years ago

>> No.13252546
File: 1.57 MB, 2988x2068, jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek that's why I clicked on this thread

>> No.13252643

Well played guys, and this is coming from a Bruins fan.

>> No.13252680

Life is a pol parody.

>> No.13252706

Can all of these faggots bitching about Jews go back to 2017 /pol/? It’s not interesting anymore.

>> No.13252713

t. Goldbergstein

>> No.13252727

if don't care about facts or history, /pol/ is very right all the time.

>> No.13252735

its jews fault I can't have sex because of uhh....cultural marxism and uhhh....feminism. youtube man told me so.

>> No.13252747

t. Somali-IQ 56%’er

>> No.13252760

Joke's on you I'm Argentinian so I'm 100$ white

>> No.13252814

Nice work, Anon. I like this.

>> No.13252860

Yea its great, a lot of informed, well thought posts here.

>> No.13253185

Honestly sounds like it could be a fun read

>> No.13253188

With jews you lose.
There, saved you a few precious minutes reading shitpost diatribes.

>> No.13253239

ie what 90% of people that guy's age wear most of the time.
Observational comedy brought to you buy people who don't observe things.

>> No.13254353

What do you mean anon ? Stop being anti semantic.